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SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1 115

Using information technology governance,

risk management and compliance (grc) as a creator
of business values – a case study

Osden Jokonya and Sam Lubbe

School of Computing, UNISA

The relationship between information technology (IT) governance, risk management and
compliance (GRC) and organisation business values continues to interest academics and practitioners
(IT Governance Institute, 2003). Like governance, risk management and compliance generally,
IT GRC is about the decision rights and accountabilities that encourage desirable behaviour in
the use of IT (IT Governance Institute, 2003). A case study approach was used in an organisation
with many business units. The organisation selected is a mining company, RioZim, situated in
Zimbabwe. Data was collected from business units on IT issues and business values. The interviews
centred on the IT GRC practices based on responsibility and authority for IT decision-making.
The results suggest that IT GRC does not adequately support business values. The study revealed
that business values should drive IT GRC and IT GRC should be the responsibility of executives
and all business units.
JEL L20, L86

1 great as expected. In order to address the

Background to the study concerns of business and IT executives about
IT expenditure, IT GRC management should
Corporate executives and boards of directors enable the business and IT to understand how
look at IT as they would any other business unit, IT contributes to the achievement of business
and they expect the same level of efficiency, values (Weill, 2004).
reliability and economic return from IT as they
do from other parts of their organisations. The 2
main reason for this is that the IT Department Background to the literature
has moved from being a commodity service
provider to a strategic partner where IT is IT is a broad subject concerned with technology
viewed as a tool for increasing business growth and other aspects of managing and processing
rather than just an expense (Weill, 2004). information, especially in large organisations.
According to Ward and Peppard (2003), the IT deals with the use of electronic computers
position of IT resources in the organisational and computer software to store, process and
structure has been problematic since computing transmit information. In the competitive market,
began. Peterson, O’Callaghan and Ribbers IT-based real-time systems, which provide
(2000) add that, as the business environment real-time access to information or data, are
changes, technologies evolve to ensure that IT essential. McKenna (1997) claims that life in
helps to sustain innovation (IT Governance the high-tech information age is a real-time
Institute, 2005b). Investments in IT are growing, experience – events occur in real time. In
and business managers often worry that the highly technological industries, IT technical
benefits of IT investments might not be as standards are established by dominant firms,
116 SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1

thus giving them the monopoly. Silk (1991) IT Department is forced to make decisions
classifies the generic IT impact, which he regarding priorities and investments. IT GRC
refers to as “benefit classes”. These classes provides a structure for ensuring that decisions
are efficiency, effectiveness and competitive about IT support business values. It ensures
advantage. An efficiency impact is felt where IT that the right projects get the funding they need
has made savings on other resources. A strategic to address competitive threats or pursue new
advantage impact can be detected where IT has opportunities. It ensures that the IT organisation
changed some aspect of what a business does, by and the lines of business share accountability for
improving that business. This results in growth, IT investments and it provides a framework for
defined as an increase in revenue, throughput measuring IT effectiveness. According to Weill
or profit or whatever the relevant indicator is (2004), in deciding on the organisation of IT
for the given organisation. resources, the key questions are: what aspects
of IT are best managed centrally and which
3 are best devolved; and should IT activities be
IT GRC managed by specialist IT functions or should
they be managed by business management? In
Ross and Weill (2004) argue that IT GRC is a addressing these questions organisations need
decision rights and accountability framework for to define the authority, responsibilities, policies,
encouraging desirable behaviour in the use of mechanisms and procedures surrounding IT.
IT. IT GRC is seen as a framework that ensures Organisations make major IT decisions on five
that IT decisions consider the business goals and IT management domains: principle, architecture,
values. In the same way that compliance aids infrastructure, application and investment
an organisation in ensuring that key decisions (Weill, 2004). According to Broadbent and Weill
are consistent with the corporate vision, values (1997) IT principles are high level statements
and strategy, IT GRC ensures that IT-related about how IT is used in a business. Agarwal
decisions match companywide values. IT is and Sambamurthy (2002) maintain that the
a major component of large organisations’ strategic role of IT is to facilitate innovative
capital spending. IT GRC should, therefore, business strategies and processes. Peppard
be one of management’s significant concerns. and Ward (1999) indicate that, where an IT
The discipline of IT GRC is derived from function is perceived as providing a value-added
corporate governance and deals primarily with contribution to a business, IT has an impact on
the connection between the business focus and that business’s performance. It is advantageous
the IT management of an organisation. for a business to have an objective view of the
The IT Governance Institute (2003) adds current role and contribution of its IT – the
that much of the complexity of IT GRC arises role and contribution of the IT function itself,
from the conflicting pressures of dealing with and of the perception of this from the rest of
the different stakeholder groups, business the business.
executives, IT executives and users who all utilise Return on investment analysis is often
and thus have legitimate and often vital interests not meaningful in evaluating infrastructure
in the IT systems within their companies. All investment since it does not measure the
the groups have conflicting goals, interests and unquantifiable benefits of strategic systems.
incentives. The need for better management of New methods for justifying IT investment which
IT is one of several reasons organisations around identify and quantify the intangible benefits
the world are taking a new look at IT GRC. IT are needed. Organisations need to understand
has become a support and strategy tool, and the context in which an evaluation is taking
few business processes can function without place and then apply the appropriate technique
its support. According to the IT Governance (Brynjolfsson, 1993; Haynes & Thompson,
Institute (2003) study, most organisations have 2000). According to Weill and Vitale (2002), the
not been very effective at IT GRC because many term IT architecture lacks a universally accepted
executives do not make decisions about IT – the definition. More often than not IT architecture
SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1 117

refers to an organisation’s list of technology profitability. A key element in any business

standards. According to Sauer and Willcocks planning process is to set business values.
(2002), the power of IT architecture lies in These are usually described by reference
synergy – aligning business goals (established to profitability, growth, market share and
and anticipated) and IT needs and resources. social responsibility. Business values must
They highlight that the role of IT architecture reflect the values held by the organisation, its
is to bring order to the otherwise chaotic world management and major shareholders. In order
of IT by defining guidelines and standards and to achieve their business values, organisations
then ensuring adherence to these. must measure the performance of their IT
Organisations recognise that short-term activities. According to Weill (2004), the best
profit maximisation is rarely the best approach IT GRC is the one that is linked to corporate
to achieving sustained corporate growth and business values.

Figure 1
Maturity levels of IT deployment

(Source: Morton, 1991)

Organisations first set those business values and measure performance. The role of IT GRC
which are aligned with IT. Some of the should therefore be to support business values
organisation’s business values include the use (IT Governance, 2003).
of IT to enable the organisation to exploit
business opportunities and maximise IT 3.1 Research questions
benefits. These values can be achieved through Although in theory IT GRC can assist an
using IT resources responsibly and managing IT- organisation to achieve business values, this
related risks appropriately. IT activities increase is not the case for many organisations. The
automation, decrease cost and manage risk. main aim of this study was to determine if an
The organisation will need to compare the set organisation can benefit from IT GRC. The
of values and IT activities to provide direction study objectives have been excluded from this
118 SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1

report because of the limitation on the length Quantitative data used in the research were
of the publication; the objectives, of course, obtained from primary document sources
support the research questions. This study such as company accounts and a variety of
also aimed to answer the following research secondary documentary sources including
questions: official reports. The case site was selected based
1. Are IT contributions the same for various on a combination of accessibility (to business
business units and departments in the same executives and business managers), interest (in
organisation? the issues of IT GRC) and diversity (diversity
of business units in size and operation). The
2. Are business units’ users aware of their
sampling frame was the current population
business values and the importance of IT
of executives, business unit managers and
in achieving them?
functional heads within the organisation’s four
3. Do business units know the value of IT strategic business units. The research collected
committees for achieving their business the primary data from 30 respondents who
values? represented the total population of heads of
4. Are the business units within an organisation departments and sections from RioZim’s four
able to identify areas in which IT can help strategic business units. Accessibility was made
to achieve their business values? easier since the researcher had previously
worked for RioZim.
3.2 Summary Apart from structured interviews, data were
also gathered from a variety of sources (primary
Despite increasing recognition that IT and
and secondary) including internal company
business are indivisibly linked, consolidating
reports, minutes from meetings and official
across-business IT processes and applications
reports. The researchers opened a research
remains an on-going challenge for many
day-book in which notes, ideas and questions
organisations. The resulting IT complexity
were recorded (Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill,
not only drives up redundancy and cost,
2003). Pattern matching was used to analyse
but is also detrimental to the organisation’s
qualitative data (Yin, 1994) and this involved
competitive advantage. In order to address this
reading respondents’ comments (questionnaires
challenge, since business and IT are increasingly
and interview transcripts). SPSS was used to
interdependent environments, important
analyse quantitative data. The summarised
responsibilities should fall within both camps.
data were then subjected to a variety of
Business management cannot realistically
statistical measures to identify patterns or
formulate strategies without sufficient knowledge
trends (descriptive statistics) and assessed
of the underlying IT issues and then expect the
to determine what inferences could be made
technology to deliver differentiation. In other
from the data about the general population
words, business management cannot afford not
(inferential statistics) (Ghauri, Gronhang &
to involve IT in business planning.
Kristianslund, 1995).
3.3 Research approach 3.4 Demographics
The case study approach was found to be more This section presents the frequencies of the
appropriate for the study of a single organisation demographic variables of the respondents
with many business units. This study used both in terms of age, sex, level of education and
qualitative and quantitative research approaches. occupation. Thirty respondents participated as
The qualitative approach was particularly part of the census in the research. The majority
concerned with the context in which events (29) of the respondents were more than 30
were taking place (Robson, 2002). Although the years old. The number of respondents above 30
research adopted a mainly qualitative approach years is attributed to the fact that the research
to data collection this does not mean that targeted the heads of the departments and
quantitative data were excluded. sections in the organisation. The majority (27)
SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1 119

of the respondents were male. The gender to discuss IT issues within the organisation (also
imbalance can be explained by the fact that confirmed by ITGovernance, 2005c). However,
most mining environments are dominated by there were no minutes to indicate that IT issues
males. Few women are attracted to working in were being discussed as per their claims. All the
the mining environment. The majority (25) of respondents said they were not members of an
the respondents have a bachelor’s degree or IT committee. While the organisation does not
higher. Five of the respondents have college have an IT committee, 17 of the respondents were
diplomas. Education and experience are often members of other committees in the organisation.
prerequisites for being a head of department Ten respondents said that they discuss IT issues in
or section. Seven of the respondents were their meetings. The remainder did not belong to
engineers, either mechanical or electrical any committees and was not therefore applicable.
engineers. Four accountants, four personnel Most of the respondents (27) noted that IT
officers and four metallurgists also responded. committees are of benefit to organisations. The
Four IT administrators and three purchasing respondents argued that IT committees can help
officers participated in the study. The remaining by discussing IT issues involving users and raising
respondents were one geologist, one safety awareness of the capability of IT. The respondents
officer, one surveyor and one miner. (17) stated that their IT needs were not being
met by the IT Department, particularly in the
hardware, software and training areas (Peppard
3.5 Data discussion
& Ward, 1999).
The research collected the primary data from 30 Many respondents (22) stated that they were
respondents who represented the total population not consulted regarding decisions made on IT
of heads of departments and sections. A third (see McKenna, 1997). Of those who felt they
of the respondents were from administration were consulted, their opinions were usually only
and two-thirds of the respondents were from sought on specialised systems such as SCADA
technical departments. This was found to be and PLC systems. The respondents (11) from
the case after the data were regrouped based on the technical departments noted that they
technical and non-technical employment. The want to be consulted on applications, hardware
distribution was based on the research design and training. The majority of the respondents
which had the objective of being representative of (28) stated that users should be involved in IT
all departments and sections in the organisation issues within the organisation. About half of
(see Broadbent & Weill, 1997). Most respondents those who said users should be involved in IT
(24) argued that they were aware of their business issues highlighted that user involvement would
values. Although the responses on values were benefit the organisation by ensuring systems
evenly distributed, most of the respondents that met users’ needs and thus improved IT
mentioned increasing production as their main delivery. When users were asked to rank five
business objective. Most of the respondents (29) important areas where IT could assist their
noted that they considered IT to be important business units, 11 respondents argued that IT
in achieving business values. When asked to could assist in improving inventory and cost
explain the importance of IT in achieving their tracking and 13 respondents said IT could help
business values, eight said it was essential for to improve cost control in their departments.
communication, nine said IT was important for Many respondents (18) noted that IT could help
information availability and decision-making to improve productivity. Half of the respondents
and six mentioned that IT helped in improving indicated that IT is important in improving
productivity. process controls within an organisation.
More than half of the respondents (18) were
not sure if an IT committee existed. Interviews 3.6 Cross-tabulation
conducted with the directors revealed that the This section shows the results though cross-
organisation does not have an IT committee tabulation of the respondents’ answers by
but that the directors meet from time to time business units. It was crucial to establish whether
120 SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1

the respondents’ answers were affected by their respondents (13 per cent) who said IT could
being in their individual business units. Sixty- improve inventory and cost tracking followed by
seven per cent of the Head Office respondents the ENR respondents (33 per cent). Many of the
knew their business values compared to 88 Head Office respondents (67 per cent) said IT
per cent for Msasa respondents, 89 per cent could improve cost control compared to 57 per
respondents for Empress Nickel Refinery cent of the Renco respondents, 38 per cent of the
(ENR) and 71 per cent respondents for the Msasa respondents and 22 per cent of the ENR
Renco Mine. ENR and Msasa had the highest respondents. Some of Head Office respondents
percentage of respondents who knew their (67 per cent) said IT could help improve
business unit values. The results of the cross- productivity in their business unit compared to
tabulation of departments and the importance 63 per cent of the Msasa respondents, 56 per
of IT in achieving business values are as follows: cent of the ENR respondents and 57 per cent
100 per cent of Head Office respondents, 100 of the Renco respondents.
per cent of the Msasa and Renco respondents, Only 33 per cent of the Head Office respon-
and 89 per cent of the ENR respondents stated dents said IT could help improve process controls
that IT was important in achieving their business compared to half of the Msasa respondents.
values. The results also show that most of the Most of the ENR respondents (56 per cent) and
respondents thought that an IT committee 57 per cent of the Renco respondents stated that
would be of benefit to the organisation. IT could improve process controls. Only Head
Fifty per cent of the Head Office respondents Office had less than half (33 per cent) of its
said their IT needs were being met by the respondents who thought IT could help improve
IT Department compared to 13 per cent for process controls. Most (57 per cent) of the Renco
Msasa, 44 per cent for ENR and 71 per cent respondents stated that IT could help improve
for Renco. Renco had the highest percentage business processes compared to 50 per cent of
of respondents whose IT needs were being the Msasa respondents, 22 per cent of the ENR
met by the IT Department and Msasa had the respondents and 17 per cent of the Head Office
lowest. One third of Head Office respondents respondents. Most of the ENR respondents (67
had been consulted on IT decision-making issues per cent) said IT could help in early detection
compared to none for Msasa. Only 22 per cent of potential production problems compared to
of ENR respondents said they were consulted 13 per cent of the Msasa respondents, 17 per
on IT decision-making issues whilst 57 per cent cent of Head Office respondents and none of
of Renco respondents said they were consulted. the Renco respondents. The reason why ENR
Renco had the highest percentage of respondents has the highest percentage is that it is the only
who were consulted on IT decision issues whilst location with an automated manufacturing
Msasa had no respondents who were consulted. plant, hence the importance of early detection
All of the Head Office and Renco respondents of potential problems. 56 per cent of the ENR
argued that user departments should be involved respondents argued that IT could improve
in IT issues, while 88 per cent and 89 per cent equipment utilisation compared to 38 per cent of
of the Msasa and ENR respondents respectively the Msasa respondents, 33 per cent of the Head
said users should be involved in IT issues in the Office respondents and 29 per cent of the Renco
organisation. respondents. The higher percentage for ENR is
attributed to the fact that IT is used for running
their plant and maintenance systems.
3.7 Areas IT can help improve per
Many of the respondents (60 per cent) from the
business unit
administration departments said they know their
The results are categorised by business unit. business values. The majority (90 per cent) of
The majority (67 per cent) of the Head Office the respondents from the technical departments
respondents said IT could improve inventory said they know their business values. The results
and cost tracking compared to 43 per cent of show that, according to the respondent’s answers,
the Renco respondents. Msasa had the fewest a higher percentage of technical staff know their
SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1 121

business values. All of the respondents from IT could help improve process controls in the
the technical departments said they consider organisation. Forty per cent of the respondents
IT important in achieving their business values from the administration departments said IT
compared to 90 per cent of the respondents from could improve inefficient business processes
the administration departments. Only 30 per compared to 35 per cent of the respondents
cent of the respondents from the administration from the technical departments. Thirty-five
departments said they belong to a committee per cent of the respondents from the technical
compared to 80 per cent of the respondents from departments said IT could improve the detection
the technical departments. The results show that of production problems, while only 10 per cent
technical departments have more committee of the respondents from the administration
members than administration departments. departments confirmed this. Early detection
Most of the respondents (90 per cent) from of potential production problems is the
both the administration and technical departments responsibility of the technical departments.
agreed that IT committees could be of benefit to
the organisation. The results seem to support the
3.9 Correlation
literature review which indicates that committees
are important for IT decisions in organisations. There is a positive correlation between know-
Half of the respondents from the administration ledge of business unit values and those who
departments said that their IT needs were consider IT to be important in achieving business
being met by the IT Department compared values (0.392*1). This suggests that those who
to 40 per cent of the respondents from the know their business unit values believe that IT
technical departments. The results show that is important in achieving those values. There is
the administration departments have a higher a positive correlation (0.371*) between achieving
percentage of respondents whose IT needs are business unit values and improving quality levels
being met by the IT Department. All (100 per and reducing defects. The results show that
cent) of the respondents from the administration respondents consider IT important in achieving
departments said that the user departments should the business unit values of improving quality
be involved in IT issues compared to 90 per cent of levels and reducing defects.
the respondents from the technical departments. There is a positive correlation (0.467**2)
between knowledge of business unit values
and improving inefficient business processes.
3.8 Areas of IT contribution
The result shows that the improvement of
More than half (60 per cent) of the respondents inefficient business processes is achieved through
from the administration departments said knowledge of business unit values; in order to
IT could help in improving inventory and improve the inefficient business processes it is
cost tracking compared to 30 per cent of the necessary to know one’s business unit values.
respondents from the technical departments. There is a positive correlation (0.418*) between
Many of the respondents (60 per cent) from membership of the specific business units and
the administration departments said IT could the belief that IT can be used to improve the
help improve cost control compared to 35 per control of labour costs. The results suggest that
cent of the respondents from the technical some business units consider IT important in
departments. Half of the respondents from achieving the objective of improving the control
the administration departments said IT could of labour costs. The differences in the units’
help improve productivity compared to 65 per views can be attributed to the different natures
cent of the respondents from the technical of the individual business units. In operational
departments. The results show that productivity business units where employees are paid daily,
is important for the administration and the clocking systems can be important for the
technical departments. business units to control labour cost. Without
Half of the respondents from both the integrated systems and processes business units
administration and technical departments said will pay ghost workers.
122 SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1

There is a correlation (0.415*) between IT’s results suggest that members of committees are
importance in achieving business values and more aware of IT’s contribution to improving
improving the control of labour costs. The inefficient business processes than those who
results suggest that IT is considered important are not members of any committees.
in achieving business values since it assists in
improving the control of labour costs in the 3.10 Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
business units. The results suggest that those According to the results from Table 1 there is a
who consider IT important for the organisation difference between the administrative business
to achieve business values believe it can improve units and the operational business units in
control of labour costs. There is a positive terms of knowledge of business unit values,
correlation (0.411*) between those who think IT as shown by an F value of (0.003). In addition
can improve inefficient business processes and there were differences in the perceptions of the
those aware of their business unit values. Those contribution of IT in achieving business values
who know their business unit values believe on inventory control, as shown by an F value
that IT is important to improve inefficient of (0.010). The F value indicates that there is
business processes. The results suggest that a significant difference among three or more
IT is important in achieving business unit sample means. The degrees of freedom indicate
values through improving inefficient business the effective number of observations which
processes. contribute to the sum of squares in the analysis.
There is a strong positive correlation (0.541*) The large effect leads to significance as shown
between membership of committees in the by the F–test. The results suggest that there is a
organisation and a belief in IT improving variation in the awareness of business unit values
inefficient business processes. Most of the and of IT’s role in improving inventory control,
members of the various committees believe the variation is based on business unit function.
that IT is important in improving inefficient The result shows that IT contributes differently
business process within the organisation. The to different business units.

Table 1
ANOVA by business unit function
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square

Are you aware of your Between 5.952 1 5.952 .003 .958

business unit values? Groups

Can using IT improve Between 2.381 1 2.381 .010 .923

inventory and cost tracking? Groups

There are differences in the departments’ 4

perceptions of IT’s contribution to business Discussion
values for two variables. The differences are
in the perceptions of IT improving process Although the literature review indicated that
controls, shown by an F value of (0.049) and IT IT GRC can add more value in IT investments,
improving business processes, shown by an F whether business units in organisations agreed
value of (0.035). The results suggest that there is was another matter. The researchers addressed
variation in the perception of IT’s contribution this matter in several phases. Firstly, the
to improving process controls and inefficient researchers analysed the importance of IT
business processes based on department. This in the organisation to each business unit and
means that IT’s contribution is not the same for department. Variables that were used to indicate
all departments. the IT contribution to the organisation were
SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1 123

extracted from the literature analysis. However, IT decision making. The results agree with
there were some weaknesses in the research the literature that committees are important
caused by sample size. Some departments had for IT decision-making in organisations.
fewer respondents. This affected the statistical Ward and Peppard (2003) note that steering
results. Furthermore, based on the literature committees appear to be an obvious necessity
review of IT GRC, much attention was paid in managing IT resources. Marchand, Kettinger
to the nature of the mining industry and the and Rollins (2000) add that organisations must
different contributions that IT can make to emphasise the importance of a strong business/
organisations in this industry, as this may have IT relationship and instil appropriate behaviours
some effect on the level of IT contributions in and values regarding information and its use
RioZim. Secondly, a research methodology in the organisation. Gupta and Raghunathan
was designed. Thirdly, the data collected were (1989) conclude that steering committees are
analysed and interpreted. among the most effective ways of improving
an organisation’s IT planning, by assisting the
4.1 Research questions integration of the IT function with business and
by coordinating planning activities.
This section presents the findings obtained
regarding the research questions which formed 4.2 Areas IT can help improve per
the basis of this research project. business unit
Are business units’ users aware of their The results of the study showed that business
business values? units can identify areas in which IT can help
The results of the study have shown that achieve business values. Many respondents
respondents are aware of their business units’ indicated that productivity and cost control were
values. The majority of the respondents (24) areas where IT could help in achieving business
knew their business values. In addition 29 of values. Whilst respondents were able to identify
the respondents considered IT important in areas where IT could help, further analysis using
achieving their business values. Although the cross-tabulation revealed that these areas differ
results showed that respondents believe that by business unit and department. The results
IT can contribute to achieving their business show a positive correlation between business
values, the results varied by business unit and and the control of labour costs.
department. This is an indication that business This agrees with the literature which says
units and departments have different views that IT can help in achieving business values.
of IT’s contributions. This agrees with the According to the literature IT can be used to
literature review which indicated that IT is support organisational strategies such as low
viewed differently by different business units. cost strategies or differentiation strategies.
Ross and Beath (2002) argue that organisations This supports Guldentops’s (2003) view that
should distinguish IT investments from one IT can offer means of increasing productivity
another. Even though they may be simultaneous, besides supporting and shaping new strategies.
these investments will deliver different values to Applegate, McFarlan and McKenney (1999)
different parties. add that IT should be positioned with respect
to the importance it holds in the business under
Do business units know the value of IT review. They add that organisations must classify
committees? their IT needs.
Whilst the organisation does not have an IT
4.3 Managerial guidelines
committee the results show that the business
units view IT committees as important in For organisations to benefit from IT investment
achieving their business values. The respondents they must implement IT GRC structures.
mentioned that IT committees would help them The IT GRC structure will assist by clarifying
to discuss IT issues thereby involving users in decision rights in matters relating to IT within
124 SAJEMS NS 12 (2009) No 1

the organisation. In order to involve business information for decision-making. Furthermore,

in IT issues organisations should establish business units and departments have different
IT committees which will provide a platform perceptions about IT’s contribution to their
for discussing the organisation’s IT issues. IT business values. As observed from the study
committees will help in identifying users’ needs and literature, some departments or business
which may vary per business unit. units need IT more than others. Nevertheless,
The results of the study show that IT GRC the results of the data analysis show that all the
can help organisations to achieve their business business units agreed that IT GRC could make
values through user involvement. By involving a contribution to their business values.
business units in IT decisions, organisations The results of the data analysis show that there
can identify areas where IT investment can are significant differences between business
contribute more to achieving their business units regarding the contributions of IT GRC to
values. The findings of the study suggest that achieving their business values. The differences
organisations should invest in IT based on the are based on the nature of the core business of
contributions of IT to their business values. the strategic business’s operation. Organisations
This is supported by Agarwal and Sambamurthy should therefore address IT issues at different
(2002) who say that the strategic role of IT is levels if they are to realise high returns on IT
to facilitate innovative business strategies and investments. With IT providing a competitive
processes. The IT Governance Institute (2003) advantage to industries, organisations should
highlights that those organisations that actively address the needs of business units individually.
design top-level IT GRC structures make and This is more critical if the organisation has
implement better IT-related decisions. The diverse business units. Failure to do so may
Boston Consulting Group (2004) adds that result in missed opportunities in IT investment.
successful companies have established business In addition, organisations should involve users
and IT interfaces to help reach consensus. in IT decisions if they are to gain from IT
4.4 Managerial implications Endnotes
Although this research cannot claim to be fully
1 *correlation is significant at the 0.05 level
representative of all companies, given that it
2 ** correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
was based on only one organisation, its depth
of investigation into IT GRC’s contribution
to business values serves as testimony to the
relevance of the research project. From a
managerial perspective, business leaders need “Principles and models for organizing the IT function”,
to understand the value of the contribution MIS Quarterly Executive, 1: 1-16.
of IT GRC to achieving their business values. APPLEGATE, LM; MCFARLAN, FW &
Organisations should pay attention to how IT MCKENNEY, JL (1999) “Corporate Information
GRC can help them in achieving their business Systems Management: Text and Cases” (5th ed.)
values through business unit involvement. Homewood, IL: Irwin.
According to the literature review, IT GRC THE BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP (2004)
can add value to IT investments in organisations “From IT complexity to commonality: Making your
taking into account the different levels of business more nimble”, available online at: http://www. [accessed 22 September 2005].
contributions needed which are based on the
BROADBENT, M & WEILL, P (1997) “Management
natures of the individual business unit and
by maxim: How business and IT managers can create
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