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Task 1. Learn new words for the next time.

Topic: Saving or spending?

value of money – ценность денег/значение денег;
🔷pocket money – карманные деньги;
🔷to lend – одалживать кому-то;
🔷to borrow – одалживать у кого-то;
🔷to spend money wisely – тратить деньги с умом;
🔷to get into debt – влезть в долги;
🔷to split the cost – разделить стоимость;
🔷to withdraw cash – снять наличные;
🔷to count on sb – рассчитывать на кого-л.;
🔷expenses – расходы;
purchase – покупка;
🔷to afford – позволить себе;
🔷currency – валюта
🔷mean – скупой;
🔷lavish – щедрый;
🔷overpriced – с завышенной ценой;
🔷costly, pricey – дорогой;
🔷reasonable – обоснованный, приемлемый;
🔷prosperity – достаток;
🔷to provide with money – обеспечить деньгами;
🔷to set aside money – откладывать деньги;
🔷to save for a rainy day – откладывать на черный день, на крайний случай

Task 2. Learn the rules and do tasks below.


Usage Example

- to join two independent clauses that have similar ideas e.g. I like working outside; I also enjoy

- to join two independent clauses with a conjunctive e.g. I like working outside; however, I also
adverb (namely, however, therefore, that is) enjoy reading.

- to separate elements in a series if they contain internal e.g. The team traveled to Paris, France; Rome,
punctuation Italy; and Madrid, Spain.

Task 3. Insert any semicolons needed in the following sentences. Decide what rule
matches each sentence.
Example: He slept through his alarm; luckily his first class was cancelled. Rule 1
1. We practiced every day after school and all Saturday however we lost the
game. __________
2. We baked six dozen cookies knowing that they always sell out fast. _________
3. At Halloween we gave out Reese's, Snickers, and Crunch bars, gumballs,
caramels, and taffy, and apples and candy corn. _________
4. You'll need to turn left on Cedar it's the third house on the right. _________
5. The rent is expensive moreover the house is pretty small. _________
6. I didn't study for the test I didn't have my notes having left them in the
classroom. _________
7. Sam went skiing Terry however went snowboarding. _________
8. We didn't attend the play besides, we had heard that all the good seats were
taken. _________
9. We stayed in Baltimore, Maryland, Omaha, Nebraska, and Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. _________
10. The keys to the lower door were not however in their usual place. _________

Task 4. Insert semicolons where they are needed in the following sentences.
a) Dan was in a filthy mood it was Monday morning and the coffee machine was out
of order. ________
b) The video game was ludicrously expensive nevertheless, I bought it anyway.
c) I made some bad decisions yesterday I shouldn’t have had that seventh cream egg.
d) Zara came into school on crutches an owl had knocked her off her skateboard
again. ________
e) We haven’t won the league since 1927 despite this, I still buy a season ticket every
year. ________
f) Katie’s dad got up on stage and sang karaoke she was absolutely mortified.
g) South Sudan is the newest country in the world it gained independence in 2011.
m) Dylan didn’t get past the first audition they said he had a voice like a wounded
moose. ________
n) On my trip to Europe, I visited Vienna, Austria Prague, Czech Republic Berlin,
Germany and Copenhagen, Denmark. ________

Task 5. Match the pairs of independent clauses that could be joined by


Task 6. Why is a semi-colon inappropriate in each of the following sentences?

a. Marie had a great time at the cinema; prawns were her favourite food.
b. I’m going to Paris next summer; which is one of my favourite places.
c. My sandwich contained peanut butter; jam; and banana.

Task 7. Make up sentences with words below using your own ideas.
to break the habit to take up to make excuses grasping to get on nerves


🎧Task 8. Listen to three conversations between two friends, Keisha and Zara.
Who do you think earns or has the most money, Keisha, Zara, Jim or Matthew?

🎧Task 9. Listen again. Which of sentences 1 - 8 are true?

1. Jim never buys his own coffee. _______
2. Jim is poor. _______
3. Matthew from the Spanish class seems to be wealthy. _______
4. Matthew is married to someone who has a lot of money. _______
5. Matthew is definitely in debt. _______
6. The women get paid £15 an hour. _______
7. Jim wants to buy a place to live. _______
8. Keisha is generous. _______

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