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2nd QTR Science Quiz 1

_______________________1. It is an elastic bag-like organ of the digestive

_______________________2. It is the main food storage of the human body.
_______________________3. The first part of the small intestine where the food
and stomach acid mix with bile; located between the stomach and the middle
part of the small intestine.
_______________________4. Substances that help speed up processes inside the
_______________________5. Allow the stomach to stretch in order to hold large
meals and to help grip the food during digestion.
_______________________6. An acid that kills harmful bacteria found in food.
_______________________7. It breaks proteins into smaller molecules that can
be absorbed by the body.
_______________________8. It digests fats from the food that was eaten.
_______________________9. The mixing movement of the stomach, together with
the presence of gastric juices, produces a mixture of food called _____________.
_______________________10. A ring-shaped muscle surrounding a body opening
that can tighten or close it.
_______________________11. Also known as dyspepsia and happens when you
eat too much or too fast and your stomach does not have much space inside.
_______________________12. Its your body’s way of telling you that something is
wrong with your digestive system or food intake.
_______________________13. A bacteria that can cause ulcer.
_______________________14. It happens when you eat contaminated foods.
_______________________15. It occurs when the tissue lining the stomach gets
damaged or destroyed, usually by a bacterial infection.
_______________________16. It is the opposite of constipation that makes you
pass loose stool more than three times a day, lasting for several days.
_______________________17. It exist when too much production of acid in the
stomach causes irritation and burning sensation in the stomach.
_______________________18. Ulcers in the stomach are called_______________.
_______________________19. Ulcers that are found in duodenum are
_______________________20. It is a large organ located at the upper right side of
the abdomen, just below the diaphragm.
_______________________21. It is located under the liver, along with the
pancreas and the intestines.
_______________________22. The liver stores energy in the form of _________.
_______________________23. It is the simplest form of protein after digestion.
_______________________24. A substance made from the break down of proteins
and is excreted in the urine.
_______________________25. Food module that gives the body energy.
_______________________26. The inflammation of liver usually caused by
_______________________27. A long-term damage of the liver from different
causes leading to permanent scratching or scarring.
_______________________28. Refers to the growth and spread of unhealthy cells
in the liver.
_______________________29. One of the most common liver cancer in children.
_______________________30. It is another type of liver cancer that often spreads
to other places in the body.
_______________________31. It is where digestion is completed.
_______________________32. Produces fluids that break down the different types
of materials found in the food.
_______________________33. It produces bile that breaks down the fats.
_______________________34. It stores the bile and releases it to the small
intestine during digestion.
_______________________35. It prevents the food from the small intestine from
going back up into the stomach.
_______________________36. It is where the pancreas, liver and other glands
pour their secretions. One foot in length.
_______________________37. It absorbs bile, acids, and vitamin B12.
_______________________38. It has thicker walls than the duodenum and helps
absorb nutrients.
_______________________39. They are usually the first to be digested by the
stomach; thus, they are the first to move in the small intestine.
_______________________40. Its absorbs vitamins and minerals and are then
transported to the blood.
_______________________41. A hollow tube that is 4.9 feet in length and absorbs
all the water in the remaining food that has not been digested.
_______________________42. It is the longest section of the large intestine and it
lubricates waste products, absorbs remaining fluids and salts, and store
waste products until they are expelled from the body.
_______________________43. First part of the large intestine, directly connected
to small intestine and composed of thick mucus membranes that absorbs
fluids and salts.
_______________________44. It is a short muscular tube connected to the anus
and the pressure it produces expels the feces out of the body.
_______________________45. Five inch canal at the end of the digestive tract
through which waste materials are expelled and it opens only during
_______________________46. A kind of inherited disease commonly known as
allergy to gluten.
_______________________47. It causes the inflammation of the digestive system
and affects part of the small intestine.
_______________________48. Caused by eating high fat diet, having Crohn’s or
Celiac disease, or a history of tumors in the intestines.
_______________________49. The presence of polyps or lumps in the intestinal
tube can be an indication this cancer.
_______________________50. The process of converting food into substances
that can be easily absorbed by the body.
_______________________51. The color of a healthy liver.
_______________________52. A pair of organs that remove waste from the blood.
_______________________53. The outer layer of the kidney which provides
support and protection from injuries.
_______________________54. A tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the
urinary bladder.
_______________________55. It literally means “outer layer”.
_______________________56. From Latin word medulla which means “marrow”
or “middle portion”
_______________________57. The outer region of the kidney.
_______________________58. Hollow chamber that collects urine and passes it
on to the ureters.
_______________________59. The innermost part of the kidney subdivided into
small fan-shaped sections.
_______________________60. Fan-shaped sections made up of horizontal rows
of nephrons.
_______________________61. The basic functional units of the kidneys.
_______________________62. It produce a hormone that tells the body when to
make more red blood cells.
_______________________63. A blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood to the
_______________________64. A tiny tube-like structure where glomerulus travel.
_______________________65. Salts that accumulate in the kidneys.
_______________________66. It starts from a lump or mass in the abdomen or
possibly from the presence of blood in the urine hematuria.
_______________________67. Happens when the kidneys are no longer working
properly, causing waste build up in the bloodstream.
_______________________68. They are living organ and they provide support for
the body and protection for the organs.
_______________________69. A bone that enclose the heart and the lungs.
_______________________70. A bone that protects the spinal cord.
_______________________71. A bone that protects the brain.
_______________________72. It provides attachment sites for muscles, enabling
the muscles to pull on the bones and produce body movement.
_______________________73. It produces blood cells.
_______________________74. Parts of the body that support and hold together
the other parts of the body.
_______________________75. A band of tough connective tissue that connects a
bone to another bone.
_______________________76. Connects a bone to a muscle.
_______________________77. A tough but flexible tissue that covers and protects
the ends of long bones at the joints and serves as component of other body
_______________________78. It stores energy in the form of fat and help cushion
and insulate the body.
_______________________79. It is the hardest type of connective tissue.
_______________________80. It makes the bones rigid and hard.
_______________________81. Connective tissue that provides strength and
_______________________82. A bone that has tiny canals that contains blood
_______________________83. A bone that has many open space inside.
_______________________84. Areas of cartilages that makes new bone cells.
_______________________85. It happens when bone breaks or crack because of
forceful impact.
_______________________86. Also known as closed fracture, cuts the bone but
does not cut through the skin.
_______________________87. Also known as open fracture, breaks the bone
which causes the piercing of the skin.
_______________________88. It refers to the injury to the ligament caused by
stretching a joint too much.
_______________________89. A disease that causes the bone tissue to become
thin, making the bones so weak that they break easily. Calcium deficiency.
_______________________90. A disease that makes joints swollen, stiff and
painful. Also causes bones to misshapen.
_______________________91. Tissues that contract and relax, allowing the
different body parts to move. It gives shape to the body.
_______________________92. Muscles that can be controlled.
_______________________93. Muscles that cannot be controlled by an individual.
_______________________94. Muscle that are connected to the bones by tendons
and they allow body movements.
_______________________95. The uncontrolled movement is called_____________.
_______________________96. Involuntary muscle tissues that make up the
_______________________97. They produce energy for the cells, providing the
heart with a non-stop supply of energy for its continuous beating.
_______________________98. Involuntary muscles tissues that make up the
structure of internal organs and blood vessels.
_______________________99. These are made up of smooth muscles that
contract and relax, allowing blood to be distributed to the different parts of the
_______________________100. A condition where tendons become inflamed
because of muscle overuse.
_______________________101. It happens when the muscles are overstretched or
_______________________102. A kind of inherited disorder that affects the
production of muscle proteins.
_______________________103. This refer to areas where bones meet.
_______________________104. Involves the development of an organism from the
primary stage to maturity.
_______________________105. They spend their childhood underwater then
move into lands as they become adults.
_______________________106. Stage of human when the secondary sex
characteristics of males and females become evident.
_______________________107. Substance that helps your body do specific tasks.
__________1. The liver weighs approximately 1.36 kilograms.
__________2. The liver has two large sections called the right and the left lobes.
__________3. Keep it a secret from your parents when you are experiencing
stomach problems.
__________4. The liver is not protected by the ribcage.
__________5. Ulcer treatment includes taking antibiotics to destroy the bacteria
__________6. Ensure the cleanliness of your hands and utensils before and
after eating.
__________7. The main function of the liver is to filter the blood coming from
the digestive tract.
__________8. The right lobe of the liver is 5 times larger than the left lobe, while
the left lobe is the flatter of the two lobes.
__________9. The liver makes proteins that are important in preventing blood
__________10. The liver acts on excess amino acids in the blood by converting
them into urea.
__________11. To help break down fats, the liver produces bile which is very
important to the body.
__________12. The walls of small intestine are lined up with small parts called
villi and microvilli.
__________13. Disorders and ailments of the stomach can be prevented if one
follows a healthy lifestyle.
__________14. The digestion of starch, sugars, and fats takes place in the large
intestine, where digestion is completed.
__________15. Damaged kidneys can cause many problems in the body.
__________16. The body maintains internal balance through the removal of
__________17. New born Babies has 350 bones and some of which will fuse
together as the baby grows.
__________18. An adult human has around 260 bones.

I. Disorders of the Stomach
a. ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________
d. ___________________________
e. ___________________________
II. Common Diseases of the Liver
a. ____________________________
b. ___________________________
c. ___________________________
III. Common Disorders of the Intestines
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
IV. Diseases and Disorders of the Kidney
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
V. Symptoms of indigestion
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
VI. Organs that help the small intestine in digesting food and absorbing
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
VII. 3 regions of small intestine
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
VIII. 3 regions of large intestine
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
IX. 3 major parts of kidneys
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
X. Connective Tissues
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
e. _______________________
XI. Two types of bone marrow
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
XII. Injuries and disorders of the bone
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________
d. _______________________
XIII. Injuries and disorders of muscles
a. _______________________
b. _______________________
c. _______________________

Matching type:

1. Young male and female between 12-18 a. dilation

years old
2. A temporary organ that connects the b. fetus
mother to the child in her womb
3. Slow decline in the testosterone levels of c. placenta
aging men

4. An organism that has reached sexual d. toddler

5. A child who is less than two years old e. adolescent

6. The opening of the cervix to about the f. adult

diameter of the baby's head

7. Pushing the baby out of the woman's body g. andropause

8. The zygote with all the organs present h. expulsion

9. The fertilized egg cell that has attached i. menopause

itself to the wall of the uterus

10. Women slowly stop ovulating and j. embryo


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