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RR324 SET A-3

Disaster Recovery services, such as healthcare, water supply, and

emergency response.
“Post-Disaster Recovery” – the restoration
and improvement where appropriate, of Economic Stability
facilities, livelihood and living conditions. Of
disaster affected communities, including efforts Critical infrastructure, often associated with key
to reduce disaster risk factors, in accordance economic sectors, plays a significant role in
maintaining economic stability. Efficient
with the principles of “build back better”. (RA
recovery of critical economic elements helps
minimize economic losses and facilitates the
Critical Infrastructure return to normalcy.

Critical infrastructure encompasses systems Risk Reduction

and assets vital for our society's well-being. In
Identifying critical infrastructure allows for
the Philippines, this includes sectors like
targeted measures to reduce risks and enhance
energy, transportation, and water supply. An
resilience. Recovery efforts can include
example is the transportation sector, which
ensures the movement of goods and people, improvements and adaptations to critical
contributing significantly to our economic systems, aligning with the principle of "build
back better."

Examples of “Non-critical infrastructure” Public Services

Critical infrastructure includes systems
✓ Recreational Facilities
✓ Entertainment Venues essential for providing public services.
✓ Shopping Centers Identifying and prioritizing recovery for critical
infrastructure ensures the timely restoration of
✓ Tourist Attractions
services like transportation, energy, and
✓ Non-Essential Industrial Facilities
✓ Non-Essential Transportation Routes
✓ Residential Areas National Security
In terms of Disaster Recovery: The Certain infrastructure is critical for national
importance to know if the infrastructure security. Identifying and securing the recovery
is critical or not of such infrastructure is vital to ensuring the
resilience and stability of a nation in the
Resource Allocation
aftermath of a disaster.
Critical infrastructure requires prioritized
Emergency Response Planning
attention during the recovery process.
Identifying critical infrastructure helps allocate Knowing which infrastructure is critical informs
resources, manpower, and funding where they emergency response planning. It helps
are most needed for the swift restoration of responders anticipate and address the most
essential services. pressing needs, facilitating a more effective and
coordinated response during and after
Community Well-Being disasters.
Critical infrastructure directly impacts public
Community Resilience
safety, health, and overall well-being. Focusing
on recovering critical elements ensures that Focusing on critical infrastructure contributes to
communities can quickly regain access to vital building community resilience. Identifying and
RR324 SET A-3

addressing vulnerabilities in critical systems -One significant risk the Philippines faces is the
enhances the ability of communities to vulnerability of coastal areas to typhoons.
withstand future disasters. These areas are more exposed to the impact of
strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surges
Interconnected Systems during typhoon events. Coastal zones often
-Understanding this interconnectedness is house critical infrastructure such as ports, water
crucial because it helps us see why certain supply facilities, and energy installations.
parts of our society are more critical than
others. If something essential is disrupted, it -Given the country's location along the Pacific
can have a cascading effect, impacting various Ring of Fire, earthquakes pose a considerable
areas and making the overall situation more risk. Critical infrastructure, including buildings,
challenging. bridges, and communication networks, is
vulnerable to seismic activities.
-The Philippines has several active volcanoes.
• A disruption in communication networks, An eruption can pose risks to critical
for example, can impact not just our infrastructure, especially if located in close
ability to make phone calls but also proximity. For example, volcanic ash fall can
emergency services, which heavily rely affect transportation systems and damage
on communication for coordination power generation facilities.
during crises.
• Interruptions in transportation systems -Beyond natural disasters, there are risks
can affect the delivery of goods, making stemming from human activities, such as cyber-
it challenging for essential supplies like attacks on information technology
food and medicine to reach areas that infrastructure, industrial accidents, or deliberate
need them. acts that could impact critical facilities. Climate
change brings additional risks, including rising
• If there's a problem with the water
sea levels, extreme weather events, and
supply system, it doesn't just affect our
changes in temperature patterns, all of which
ability to drink water. It can also impact
can affect the stability and functionality of
firefighting capabilities, making it harder
critical infrastructure.
to respond to and control fires.
• In today's digital age, disruptions in LAWS GOVERNING INFRASTRUCTURE
internet connectivity can affect not only DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES
our ability to browse websites but also
online banking, e-commerce, and ✓ Philippine Development Plan 2023-2028
remote work, which have become ✓ Republic Act No. 10752 (AN ACT
increasingly important aspects of our FACILITATING THE ACQUISITION OF
Risks to Critical Infrastructure INFRASTRUCTURE
Risks can come from various sources, and in ✓ PROJECTS)
the Philippines, being an archipelagic country, ✓ "Philippine Transportation Law"
(Republic Act No. 4136)
we face unique challenges. From natural
✓ "Electric Power Industry Reform Act"
disasters like typhoons and earthquakes to
human-induced threats, our critical (Republic Act No. 9136)
infrastructure is constantly exposed to potential ✓ Philippine Water Code" (Presidential
disruptions. Decree No. 1067)
RR324 SET A-3

✓ Republic Act No. 6541 or the National Among the priorities in the PDP 2023-2028
Building Code of the Philippines is to address one of the most binding
✓ Public Private Partnership Act of 2012 constraints to investment:
(Republic Act No. 6957, as amended by INFRASTRUCTURE
✓ No. 7718)
RR324 SET A-3

Foreign direct investments in the energy Opportunities in Growth Divers

sector will be pivotal to the country's
socioeconomic transformation. • Agribusiness
• Mining
By 2030, the Philippines will require 35% • Tourism
renewable energy (RE) share in its power • Manufacturing
generation mix and 50% by 2040 under the • Educations
Clean Energy Scenario of the Philippine • Creatives
Energy Plan 2020-2040. This requires a total
• Health
investment amount of about PHP 5.8 trillion or
• Information Technology and Business
USD 103.6 billion in RE power projects by
Process Management (IT-BPM)

Opening up the Energy Sector to RA 10752 establishes policies and guidelines

Investments: for infrastructure projects in the Philippines,
providing a clear legal framework to guide
• Amendments to the Implementing Rules stakeholders in infrastructure planning,
and Regulations of the Renewable prioritization, implementation, and
Energy Act of 2008, removing monitoring.
nationality restrictions on the
The law mandates the creation of a National
exploration, development, and utilization
Infrastructure Planning Committee (NIPC)
of renewable energy resources such as
responsible for formulating and updating a
solar, wind, biomass, ocean or tidal
national infrastructure plan.
• Leveraging preferred investment areas RA 10752 outlines criteria and procedures for
under the 2022 Strategic Investment the prioritization of infrastructure projects
Priority Plan. based on their economic, social, and
• Proposed amendments to the Electric environmental impact. It emphasizes the
Power Industry Reform Act to ensure importance of aligning infrastructure
lower power costs and 24/7 power investments with national development goals
supply in power generating provinces. and priorities.
RA 10752 encourages the use of public-
Opportunities in Infrastructure private partnerships (PPPs) as a mechanism
for financing, constructing, operating, and
• Energy maintaining infrastructure projects. It
• Water and Sanitation provides guidelines for the selection,
• Airports negotiation, and implementation of PPP
• Logistics projects, aiming to attract private sector
• Telecommunications investment and expertise in infrastructure
• Expressways development.
• Railways
The law emphasizes the importance of risk
• Hospital
management and mitigation in infrastructure
• Schools
projects, including measures to address
environmental, social, and financial risks. It
requires the incorporation of risk
RR324 SET A-3

assessments and mitigation strategies into materials, fire detection and alarm systems,
project planning and implementation to means of egress, fire exits, and firefighting
ensure project resilience and sustainability. equipment. It aims to reduce the risk of fire-
related incidents and facilitate emergency
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6541 response in buildings.
Republic Act No. 6541, also known as the RA 6541 promotes accessibility and barrier-
National Building Code of the Philippines, was free design in buildings to accommodate
enacted on June 25, 1972. It serves as the persons with disabilities (PWDs) and ensure
primary legislation governing the construction, their equal access to facilities and services. It
design, and occupancy of buildings and mandates the provision of ramps, handrails,
structures in the Philippines. elevators, and other features to enhance
RA 6541 establishes minimum standards and accessibility and inclusivity in building design.
requirements for building design, materials, The law assigns responsibilities to LGUs,
construction methods, structural integrity, fire building officials, architects, engineers,
safety, sanitation, accessibility, and energy contractors, and other stakeholders for
efficiency. It aims to ensure the safety, health, ensuring compliance with the National Building
and welfare of building occupants and the Code. It imposes penalties for violations, such
general public. as fines, suspension or revocation of permits,
The National Building Code applies to the and demolition of non-compliant structures, to
design, construction, alteration, repair, enforce compliance and deter non-compliance
conversion, use, occupancy, location, with building regulations.
maintenance, and demolition of buildings and DISASTER RISK REDUCTION IS AN
structures in the Philippines. It covers both INTEGRAL PART OF DEVELOPMENT. THE
public and private buildings, including IMPORTANCE OF A RISK-INFORMED AND
residential, commercial, industrial, RISK-RESILIENT ENVIRONMENT IS
institutional, and mixed-use structures. RECOGNIZED BY THREE (3) GLOBAL
RA 6541 requires the issuance of building POLICY FRAMEWORKS AND
permits by local government units (LGUs) INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS:
before the commencement of construction (A) THE SENDAI FRAMEWORK FOR
activities. It mandates inspections and approval DISASTER RISK REDUCTION 2015-2030;
of building plans and specifications by
authorized building officials to verify compliance (B) THE UNITED NATIONS (UN) AGENDA
with the building code and other applicable 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
regulations. GOALS; AND

The law provides guidelines for zoning and land (C) THE PARIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THE
use planning to regulate the location, height, UN FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON
density, and use of buildings and structures. It CLIMATE
seeks to promote orderly and sustainable
At the regional level, the Association of
urban development, mitigate environmental
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) community
impacts, and protect public health and
has ratified the Agreement on Disaster
Management and Emergency Response
The National Building Code incorporates (AADMER) in support of the global policy
provisions for fire safety and prevention, frameworks.
including requirements for fire-resistant
RR324 SET A-3

As signatory or party to these global policy • Promote the cooperation of diverse

frameworks and agreements, the Philippines is institutions, multiple authorities and
committed to minimizing the loss of life and related stakeholders at all levels,
resources due to disasters. It passed the including affected communities and
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and business, in view of the complex and
Management Act of 2010 (RA 10121) and costly nature of post-disaster
prepared the National Disaster Risk Reduction reconstruction, under the coordination of
and Management (NDRRM) Framework and national authorities;
Plan as among the concrete steps towards • Promote the incorporation of disaster
safer, adaptive, and disaster-resilient Filipino risk management into post-disaster
communities. recovery and rehabilitation processes,
facilitate the link between relief,
The Philippine Disaster Rehabilitation and
rehabilitation and development.
Recovery Framework also builds on these
global policy frameworks and integrates key • Use opportunities during the recovery
principles that will promote resilience and risk phase to develop capacities that
reduce disaster risk in the short,
reduction in Post-Disaster Rehabilitation and
medium, and long-term, including the
Recovery. The framework is also anchored on
development of measures such as land
the country’s national development goals to
ensure a holistic and coherent approach to use planning, structural standards
rehabilitation and recovery efforts. improvement and the sharing of
expertise, knowledge, post-disaster
A. The Global Policy Frameworks reviews, and lessons learned. Integrate
post-disaster reconstruction into the
The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk economic and social sustainable
Reduction 2015-2030. This was adopted by UN development of affected areas. This
member states, including the Philippines, in should also apply to temporary
March 2015. The Sendai Framework aims to settlements for persons displaced by
achieve the following outcome over the next 15 disaster;
years: • Develop guidance for disaster
“The substantial reduction of disaster risk reconstruction preparedness, by
and losses in lives, livelihoods and health learning from the recovery and
and in the economic, physical, social, reconstruction programs over the
cultural and environmental assets of decade since the adoption of the Hyogo
persons, business, communities and Framework for Action, and exchanging
countries.” experiences, knowledge, and lessons
learned; and
• Adopt public policies and actions that • Review and strengthen, as
support the role of public service appropriate, national laws and
workers to establish or strengthen procedures on international cooperation,
coordination, funding mechanisms and based on the Guidelines for the
procedures for relief assistance, and Domestic Facilitation and Regulation of
plan and prepare for post-disaster International Disaster Relief and Initial
recovery and reconstruction; Recovery Assistance.
• Ensure the continuity of operations and
planning, including social and economic
recovery, and the provision of basic
services in the post-disaster phase;
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The UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable region's policy backbone on disaster

Development Goals management by giving priority to disaster risk
reduction, thus enabling a more proactive
The Sendai Framework complements the regional framework for cooperation,
Sustainable Development Goals coordination, technical assistance, and
(SDGs)outlined in the 2030 Agenda for resource mobilization in all aspects of disaster
Sustainable Development. The SDGs embody a management. Article 17 ot AADMER specifically
universal call to action to end poverty, protect mandates member states to jointly or
the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy individually develop strategies and implement
peace and prosperity. The 2030 Agenda programs for rehabilitation and promote
contains 17 interconnected goals covering bilateral, regional, and international cooperation
areas initially included among the Millennium for rehabilitation in the aftermath of a disaster.
Development Goals - such as the fight against The key areas to move the implementation of
poverty and hunger - and also includes new AADMER forward are articulated in the ASEAN
areas such as climate change, economic Vision 2025 on Disaster Management, which
inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, charts the strategic direction for achieving a
and peace and justice, among other priorities. people-centered, people-oriented, financially
As such, disaster risk reduction is at the sustainable, and networked disaster
forefront of the SDGs. DRRM is incorporated management approach by 2025.
into ten (10) out of 17 SDGs, which firmly B. Philippine Disaster Risk
establishes it as a core development strategy in
Reduction and Management Act of
achieving sustainable development.
The Paris Agreement within the UN The Philippine DRRM Act of 2010 provides the
Framework Convention on Climate basic policies and coordination mechanism for
Change. DRRM through the Disaster Risk Reduction and
To address climate change. countries adopted Management Councils (DRRMC) at the
the Paris Agreement at the 2lst session of the national, regional, and local levels. Section 15
Conference of Parties to the UN Framework of the law specifically indicates the criteria for
Convention on Climate Change on December identifying the lead DRRMC in "preparing for,
12,2015 in Paris, France. The agreement was responding to, and recovering from the
to limit global temperature rise to below 20C effects of any disaster."
and to strive for 1.50C. The Paris Agreement The National DRRMC is designated with
represents an important step in international policymaking. coordination, integration,
efforts to combat climate change and supervision, and monitoring and evaluation
significantly reduce the risks and impacts of functions. It is headed by the Secretary of the
climate change, including extreme weather Department of National Defense (DND) as
events and slow onset events. Chairperson, with the Secretary of the
Department of the Interior and Local
ASEAN Agreement on Disaster
Government (DILG) as Vice-Chairperson for
Management and Emergency Response Disaster Preparedness, the Secretary of the
The ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Department of Social Welfare and
Management and Emergency Response Development (DSWD) as Vice-Chairperson
(AADMER) was ratified by all ten (10) ASEAN for Disaster Response, the Secretary of the
member states and entered into force on Department of Science and Technology
December 24, 2009. The AADMER fortifies the (DOST) as Vice-Chairperson for Disaster
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Prevention and Mitigation, and the Secretary partners, and timelines under each of the four
of the National Economic and Development (4) mutually reinforcing thematic areas of
Authority (NEDA) as the Vice-Chairperson
(1) Disaster Prevention and Mitigation;
for Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery.
(2) Disaster Preparedness;
(3) Disaster Response; and
NDRRM Framework provides a comprehensive,
all-hazards, multi-sectoral, inter-agency and (4) Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery.
community-based approach to DRRM, and
serves as the primary guide to the DRRM
efforts of the country. It is a shift towards a
proactive and preventive approach to DRRM
with the goal of increasing people's resilience
and decreasing vulnerability. The framework
lays down the broad DRRM goal of building
safer, adaptive, and disaster-resilient Filipino
communities working towards sustainable
development, as well as specific goals in the
four (4) thematic areas that comprise DRRM.
For the thematic area on disaster rehabilitation
and recovery, the main goals are to restore and
improve facilities, livelihood, living conditions,
and organizational capacities of affected
communities, and reduce disaster risk in
accordance with the "Build Back Better"


The PDP is the overall socioeconomic
development roadmap for the country over the
medium-term. It provides the strategic
interventions, implementing policies, and
priority programs for achieving national
D. NDRRM PLAN 2011-2028 development. The PDP integrates DRR into all
The NDRRM Plan 2011-2028 sets down the its sectors; hence, rehabilitation and recovery
expected outcomes, outputs, key activities, outcomes should likewise be aligned with PDP
indicators, lead agencies, implementing objectives to prevent disasters from derailing
the country's sustainable development.
RR324 SET A-3
RR324 SET A-3

The General Framework for Post-Disaster sources for households are created,
Rehabilitation and Recovery seeks to align stability of businesses restored.
sectoral or thematic outcomes with medium- • Agriculture and Fisheries - agricultural
term outcomes for DRR and the country's long- production restored or increased;
term goal of having safer, adaptive, and support services for farmers/ fisherfolk/
disaster-resilient Filipino communities. farm laborers are made accessible.
• Housing and Settlement - families
The framework may also provide a basis for
have access to affordable disaster-
designing the monitoring framework for the
resilient housing that is located in safe
Rehabilitation and Recovery Program,
zones and in areas where social
particularly on how program and project outputs
services and public facilities are
contribute towards the attainment of the goal of
available; or to financing assistance to
"Building Back Better" and fully restoring
build their houses.
economic and social conditions in disaster-
affected areas. Below are the components of • Social Services - education, health,
the General Framework: and social protection services are made
accessible or upgraded.
Long-term Goal • Physical Infrastructure - public and
privately-owned infrastructure facilities
Consistent with the NDRRM Framework, the
are reconstructed or rehabilitated
long-term goal for disaster rehabilitation and
according to improved disaster
recovery is to have safer, adaptive, and
resiliency standards.
disaster-resilient Filipino communities that are
protected from risks and can cope with and General Strategies
recover quickly from disaster events. This goal
incorporates the principle of "Build Back Better", The general strategies indicate the overall
where post-disaster reconstruction shall not approaches to achieve expected outcomes.
only be restoration to its pre-disaster condition From these, specific strategies will be crafted
but incorporate a higher level of resiliency for the areas and sectors affected by the
standards as well as climate change and disaster.
mitigation measures in all post-disaster Cross-cutting Issues and Concerns
rehabilitation and recovery interventions.
Several cross-cutting concerns can be
Outcomes considered in the framework to ensure inclusive
Outcomes are the desired results from the and coherent strategies that address specific
implementation of a Rehabilitation and sectoral concerns such as:
Recovery Program. These must be guided by • Support and Protection to Vulnerable
the relevant policies and strategies under the Groups and Individuals.
Philippine Development Plan: • Culture Sensitivity.
Overall Outcome: • Gender and Social Inclusivity.
• Environment Protection and
Economic and social conditions in disaster- Sustainability.
affected areas restored with higher levels of • Poverty Reduction.
resilience and reduced poverty. • Disaster Risk Reduction.
Sector Outcomes: • Local Governance.

• Livelihood and Business

Development - sustainable income
RR324 SET A-3

✓ This resilient structural design aims to
mainstream disaster risk reduction
and climate change adaptation into
local building design practices for
local government, to minimize current
and future risks by reducing vulnerability
and increasing capacity of local
government-built assets through
enhanced design. It is one of the
approaches for reducing damage and
indirect loss in the risk minimization.
✓ The resilience design also aims to offer
quantitative measurement for the
implementation of ‘Build Back Better’
principle. It provides additional
measures that align with the NSCP
requirements, which could potentially
support practices that enhance the
resilience of the built assets of local
government. It sits within the enforced
practices level in climate adaptation and
natural disaster risk reduction.

✓ In general, to fulfill all performance

requirements defined by the NSCP, a
building structure must have sufficient
reliability, which is in association with
the failure probability or capacity
exceedance probability. The lower the
RR324 SET A-3

failure probability, the higher the foundations is called the load path. The
reliability. load path may be different for different
✓ The performance requirements defined loads. For example, the load from the
by the NSCP will be enhanced by weight of people standing on the first
demanding designed structures that floor of a five-story building will not be
meet a higher degree of reliability for exactly the same as for those standing
resilience. This can be achieved by on the fourth floor.
increasing the basic design load
specified in the NSCP.
✓ The basic design load is normally
defined in terms of the minimum The structure transfers loads by forces that
severity of a hazard that the designed exist within each element in the load path and
structure should be able to by forces between the elements where they
withstand, for example, in terms of meet.
design wind speed and seismic peak
ground acceleration.


The most common answer to this question
would be to carry loads. Whilst there is truth in There is more than one way of regarding the
forces in structural elements, however, in the
this it needs to be extended to the concept of
majority of cases, the force in an element can
carrying loads from one place to another, which
be considered to be a combination of a force
is transferring loads.
along the element, a force across the element,
THE LOADS AND THE LOAD PATHS a force bending the element and, sometimes, a
force twisting the element.
The source of loads on buildings is a
combination of natural loads, that is those ➢ The idea of conceptual analysis is to
caused by nature -- snow, wind, gravity, etc. -- identify which of these forces are acting
and those caused by the specific use of the on any particular element of any
building, which are useful loads. structure for any load. The modern
approach finds numerical values for
• Each load on a building structure is these forces and from known data
eventually supported by the foundations checks if each element can support
of the building, which is where the these forces and so verify that a
building joins the "rest of the world". proposed structure is satisfactory.
• The sequence of structural elements
that join a specific load to the
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IS ANY ELEMENT TOO SLENDER? pattern will always cause a force on the
interrupting object.
If a column is short and fat, increasing the load
on it will eventually cause it to "squash" but if It is an intellectual feat to see the alteration of
the column is long and thin it will "buckle" at a the wind flow pattern around and over a
load lower than the "squash" load. For a building as a force or wind load. But this view
structure to be satisfactory, slender elements allows the action of the wind on a building to be
must be identified in any load path to ensure clear.
that they will not buckle in some way.
Although the pattern of wind flow around
The sources of loads can be divided into buildings is complex the resulting loads from
natural, useful and accidental loads. the alteration of wind flow are predominately at
right angles to the surfaces of the building.
1. Natural loads occur due to the
existence of the structure in the world. As far as buildings and their supporting
2. Useful loads are ones that occur from structures are concerned, gravity and wind
the purpose of the structure. loads are two types of natural loads they
3. Accidental loads occur from the always have to resist.
misuse of the structure.
There are other natural loads that the structure
NATURAL LOADS may have to resist. These are earth or water
pressure, earthquakes, temperature, and
All structures on the surface of the Earth have ground movement.
to resist the force of gravity. This force acts
through a body in a line joining the body with If the local shape of the Earth's surface is
the center of the Earth. However, at the local altered to site the building, as it often is, then
level these forces can be considered vertical. parts of the building and its structure may be
So, the first source of natural loads is the subject to loads from earth pressure. This is
gravity load. because the natural surface has found a shape
that is at rest. So, rather like the wind flow, an
Due to regular and continuous changes in alteration will cause forces. If dry sand is piled
atmospheric pressure from place to place on into a heap, there is a maximum slope for the
the Earth's surface air flows across the surface sides.
of the Earth, that is, wind. All structures built on
the Earth's surface have to resist forces from What is happening inside the heap is complex,
wind. Near to ground level the wind can be and is further complicated by the addition of
considered to blow along the surface. water (which is why sand castles can be made).
If, however, a heap with a vertical side is
If an obstruction is placed in the path of the required, forces are needed to keep the heap in
wind, it alters the pattern of the wind flow. This the unnatural shape.
is why kites and planes fly and boats sail. If the
object is fixed to the Earth's surface, like a This is usually done by building a (retaining)
building, the wind must flow around and wall. Because the heap wants to return to a
over it. natural shape, shown by the dotted line, the
wall must hold back all the sand above the
How the wind flows around and over an object dotted line.
depends both on the wind speed and the shape
of the object. These are the basic questions This causes loads on the wall. In buildings, this
considered by the complex subject known as occurs when the building has a basement, or is
aerodynamics. But the alteration in wind flow built into a sloping site.
RR324 SET A-3

Under the surface of the Earth, depending on caused by sudden internal movements within
the local geology and climate, there will be, at the Earth’s crust. This causes a shock to the
some level, water. The top level of this water is system and results in shaking the crust of the
called the water table. This level may be at the Earth over a certain area. The Earth’s surface
surface in swamps, bogs and beaches, or many will both bounce up and down and move
meters down in deserts. If the siting of the backwards and forwards.
building interrupts the natural water table, an
unnatural water table is created around and In general, the vertical movement is small
compared with the horizontal movement. A
under the building.
building, during an earthquake, undergoes an
experience similar to a person standing unaided
on a cakewalk.

Not only are the walls loaded by the water

pressure but it also causes upward loads on
the floor. The building is trying to float.
The structure has to resist natural loads due to
water pressure.
The general shape of the surface of the Earth is Again, it is not obvious where or what the load
the same over the life-span of most buildings, is but the effect, as far as the building or the
person is concerned, is the same as being
but may alter slightly due to climatic or
pushed horizontally to and fro with the
geological changes. As the building is attached
to the surface of the Earth, local changes will foundations (feet) kept still.
force a change in the shape of the structure, as So, earthquakes cause horizontal loads similar,
the building is hardly likely to prevent the Earth to some extent, to wind loads.
changing shape. In particular, load may be
caused if the local shape changes differentially. The last type of natural load is caused by
It is not obvious how this causes a load on the differential dimensional changes in the
structure, if indeed it does. For example, structure. All structural materials expand
suppose the plank bridge has a support in the when heated and contract when cooled. As
stream. structures are often exposed to the ambient
climate, their temperature may vary
If this central support were to sink into the considerably, from a hot summer day to a cold
stream bed, depending on the fixing, it may pull winter night, and in some cases, this may cause
the plank down (load it) or cease to be a loads. An example illustrates how this may
support at all. happen. Suppose a structure consists of two
parts firmly joined by a spanning structure.
So, ground movements can alter the load-
carrying behavior of a structure, and so can be As the temperature varies, the spanning
considered, in a rather roundabout way, to load structure will expand and contract. As it is firmly
the structure. joined to the supporting structures, it will push
Another form of ground movement that can load them and pull them causing loads.
a structure is an earthquake. Earthquakes are

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