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Glenqi position and duties

Kain Avarice - Tiefling - Greed - Rogue mastermind prior to death, Warlock of the Undead
- Transportation and smuggling

Ti'la Ardor - Sun elf - Lust - Wild Magic barbarian

- Blackmail, distribution, in charge of a large swath of the red light district. Also
non-scouted recruitment and general negotiation

Lo-Kag Dudgeon - goliath - Rune knight Fighter

- Enforcement, leg-breaking, merc training, good ol fashion highway robbery and
protection collection

Maara Sageview - Human - Shadow Sorcerer

- Spymaster, info broker. Second-in-command

Gawain Languor - Half-orc - Sloth - Assassin Rogue

- Infiltration and assassination
- Works closely with Maara

McDowell the Voracious - Dwarf - Gluttony - Death Domain Cleric

- Fixer/cleaner. Extremely good at making entire situations (and even people, even from
all written record) disappear.

Vainglory (the one she really really really wants to kill) - ???????? - Pride -
- True mastermind behind the organization, only they and Maara know how far exactly
their ambitions will take them. And only they know the grand scheme of their plan.
Always seems to have people in place no matter where. Kain has never met or seen
them, that’s true of most of the organization.

Each arm of this organization can presumably function without the others, but it’s when they’re
together that they truly shine. Each arm of the organization had anywhere from 50-200 people
working under them.
Personality briefs and phys descriptions
Kain Avarice
- Will do almost anything for money, including some extremely horrible crimes against
- Has no issue spending money like it's worthless, its primary value for her is in the power
it affords her
- Extremely friendly at all times, even when inflicting Violence

Ti’la Ardor
- Though he's extremely pretty on the outside, he's an extremely bad person. Enjoys
hurting himself and others whenever possible.
- Has a close working relationship with Kain as she delivers any illegal substances to him
- Pale white hair, has a fondness for wearing bright colors and expensive fabrics

Lo-Kag Dudgeon
- Ironically she was initially training to be a healer in her clan, but she intentionally killed/let
one of her patients die because she hated them and was banished as a result.
- Absolutely believes in ruling by fear
- So so so many tattoos

Maara Sageview
- An unassuming looking woman with dull brown hair and green eyes, when Kain first met
her she was undercover as some servant in a govt official’s manor (the official died
shortly after, definitely not… the work of Gawain…)
- Kain doesn’t actually know how many agents she has, mundane or otherwise, and that
worries her. If she’s gonna get her revenge, Maara’s definitely obstacle #1 with her
- Personality-wise, Maara is perfectly civil and polite (on the surface at least), but she
does not show any signs of faintness when it comes to the behavior of her coworkers
- If Kain can hurt her but not kill her, her plan is to take her tongue and hands if possible

Gawain Languor
- A half-orc woman who is Very Short by half-orc standards. No facial scars, but plenty in
less visible places. She’s also an absolute master in disguise.
- She has the fewest members in her branch, but each one of them is a fucking nightmare
and a half to deal with and may as well be ten people.

McDowell the Voracious

- Cursed by a fae in his early life, he can eat literally anything but he is constantly starving.
He has at times even eaten rocks, wood, and people to dull his pain
- Back hair, keeps his beard relatively short for a dwarf, always has something he can
chew for a long time at hand
- Ideally Kain plans on starving him to death

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