Atlanta Broadcast 7.9.20 (Second Session)

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WGCL-TV Nightly News for Sunday Descending Wood 7 AU 20

Anchor: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. We have with us tonight a very special guest, Mr. Francis
Peacher, head of the eminent Peacher family and CEO of Aeon Investigations.

Francis: Good evening. It's a pleasure to be here.

Anchor: Mr. Peacher, we're here to talk about a pressing issue; the new street drug, Divinity. Can you
explain briefly what Divinity is?

Francis: Divinity, and its lethal variant, Chosen, are synthesized substances that create temporary
alterations in the human physique, bestowing users with uncanny abilities. It's like playing with a loaded
gun. Yes, you might feel invincible for a few hours, but in the end, it will destroy you from the inside.

Anchor: What effects does Divinity have on the user?

Francis: Initial effects can be intoxicating. Users gain heightened senses, strength, and in rare cases,
otherworldly abilities. But the aftermath is horrific. Once it wanes, users are left with a devastating
addiction that ravages the body and mind. Prolonged usage inflicts severe and often irreparable damage
to the nervous system.

Anchor: There's also a concerning rumor about a stronger strand called Chosen…

Francis: Yes, indeed. Chosen pushes beyond Divinity's limits, granting powers that last for up to 48 hours.
Its allure is irresistible, and its fatality near guaranteed. A mere 0.01% survive its cessation, but not
without a price. They become Deviants, human beings warped on a fundamental level.

Anchor: It sounds dangerously enticing…

Francis: It is. And as a society, we are worried about the young people who might be lured by the promise
of power and make a fatal mistake.

Anchor: What steps are Aeon Investigations taking to combat this issue?

Francis: We are actively collaborating with the authorities to uproot the supply chain of these drugs. We
also provide resources to rehabilitation centers, and promote awareness campaigns.

Anchor: I see. Can you discuss the public warning your firm recently issued?

Francis: Absolutely. We felt it was our responsibility to raise public awareness about the imminent threat
of Divinity and Chosen. These substances are not a pathway to power. They are a one-way ticket to
destruction. It's vital that anyone offered them — children, teens, adults — understand this.

Anchor: Mr. Peacher, thank you for joining us tonight and for everything your firm is doing to address
these urgent problems.

Francis: It's our duty. Thank you for having me.

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