You Are Unique

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You are Unique, You are Beautiful and You are present!

Take a minute for yourself, sit or lie down, close your eyes, and take a deep breath,
release that breath slowly. Let your thoughts come and go, acknowledge those
thoughts, good or bad and greet them with peace. Continue to be aware of your
breath and keep going!

When the time is up open your eyes and think about how that made you feel. Know
that everything comes and goes but you remain present. It's also okay if you felt

If you are struggling with stress, pain, weight gain/loss, addiction, or mental health
then know that you are not alone.

Follow these steps:

Eat Well - Exercise Well - Sleep Well - Reflect - Show Gratitude
More to follow!

Please reach out to a friend, a family member, a colleague and check on them today,
take them through the breathing exercise and give them 5 minutes to talk about
their feelings.

You can comment or DM me and I will aim to respond as soon as possible.

Remember it start with just 5 Minutes a day.

Have a lovely day!

#mentalhealth #sleep #wellbeing #peace #5minutestofit #unique #gratitude

#exercise #reflect #beautiful #present #youarenotalone

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