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Research On Shopping Habits In Fashion Industries

Marketing Research
Group No.10

Group Members:
Naman Kumar Rouniyar (372)
Trilok Gupta (371)
Gurprit Singh (319)
Abir Biswas (302)
Manan Gupta(328)
Arkapal Sarkar(307)
Saurabh Singh (347)
Ojas Hanwat (334)

Research Objectives
1. The objective of the study is to identify the factors influencing consumers’
attitudes towards online shopping.
2. To find the various factors which motivate a consumer towards online

Literature Review
Ong, A. K. S., Cleofas, M. A., Prasetyo, Y. T., Chuenyindee, T., Young, M. N.,
Diaz, J. F., Nadlifatin, R., & Redi, A. a. N. P. (2021). Consumer Behavior in
Clothing Industry and Its Relationship with Open Innovation Dynamics during
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market,
and Complexity, 7(4), 211.
Daroch, B., Nagrath, G., & Gupta, A. (2021). A study on factors limiting online
shopping behaviour of consumers. Rajagiri Management Journal, 15(1), 39–

Shaw, N., Eschenbrenner, B., & Baier, D. (2022). Online shopping continuance
after COVID-19: A comparison of Canada, Germany and the United States.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 69, 103100.

Chhikara, S. (2010). Identification of variables and factors impacting
consumer behavior in on-line shopping in India: an empirical study. In
Communications in computer and information science (pp. 292–304).
Colasante, A., D’Adamo, I., Rosa, P., & Morone, P. (2023). How consumer
shopping habits affect willingness to embrace sustainable fashion. Applied
Economics Letters, 1–6.

6. Research on the Business Strategy and Deficiency of the Fast Fashion

Industry to Enhance Development - a Case Study of Shein
-Jiaye Liu

7. Online Forms for Data Collection and its Viability in Fashion and
Consumer Buying Behavior Survey – A Case Study
-Jain, Namrata and Karnad, Vishaka

8. The growth of e-commerce and its impact on the fast fashion retailers
-Hien Cao

9. Disruptions in Retail through Digital Transformation



-Chintankumar Vaghasiya, Janki Sitapara

Based on the literature, the following variables can be identified as factors

influencing consumers' attitudes towards online shopping in the fashion

- Perceived behavioral control: the extent to which consumers believe they

have the resources to purchase clothing apparel [1]
- Subjective norm: the influence of people around the consumer, including
family and friends, on their purchasing behavior [1]
- Brand image: the influence of brand image on purchase intention [2]
- Availability: the availability of products on online platforms [2]
- Low prices: the availability of low prices on online platforms [2]
- Promotions: the availability of promotions on online platforms [2]
- Comparisons: the ability to compare products on online platforms [2]
- Customer service: the quality of customer service on online platforms [2]
- User-friendly: the user-friendliness of online platforms [2]
- Time: the convenience of shopping online in terms of time [2]
- Variety: the availability of a variety of products on online platforms [2]
- Website design and features: the design and features of online platforms
that encourage shoppers to shop on a particular website [2]
- Security factor: the level of security provided by online retailers [4]
- Psychographics factor: the impact of psychographics on online shopping
behavior [4]
- Online shopping feature and policies: the impact of online shopping
features and policies on online shopping behavior [4]
- Technological factor: the impact of technology on online shopping behavior
[ 4]
- Need for touch: the importance of touch when purchasing clothes [1]
- Shopping preference: the preference of consumers for shopping in actual
stores or online [1]
- Brand endorser/s: the influence of brand endorsers on purchase intention
- Fast fashion: the impact of fast fashion on consumer shopping habits [5]

Ong, A. K. S., Cleofas, M. A., Prasetyo, Y. T., Chuenyindee, T., Young, M. N.,
Diaz, J. F., Nadlifatin, R., & Redi, A. a. N. P. (2021). Consumer Behavior in
Clothing Industry and Its Relationship with Open Innovation Dynamics during
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market,
and Complexity, 7(4), 211.

Questionnaire 1: Likert Scale

1. Perceived Behavioral Control
o To what extent do you believe you have the resources to purchase
clothing apparel online? (1-5 scale)
o How confident are you in your ability to make online purchases for
clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
2. Subjective Norm
o To what extent do your family and friends influence your purchasing
behavior for clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
3. Brand Image
o How much does the brand image influence your intention to purchase
clothing apparel online? (1-5 scale)
4. Availability
o How satisfied are you with the availability of products on online
platforms for clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
5. Low Prices
o How important are low prices to you when purchasing clothing apparel
online? (1-5 scale)
6. Promotions
o How much do promotions influence your decision to purchase clothing
apparel online? (1-5 scale)
7. Comparisons
o How important is the ability to compare products on online platforms
when purchasing clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
8. Customer Service
o How would you rate the quality of customer service on online
platforms for clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
9. User-Friendly
o How user-friendly do you find online platforms for purchasing clothing
apparel? (1-5 scale)
o How convenient do you find shopping online in terms of time when
purchasing clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
o How satisfied are you with the variety of products on online platforms
for clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
12.Website Design and Features
o How much do the design and features of online platforms encourage
you to shop on a particular website for clothing apparel? (1-5 scale)
Questionnaire 2: Multiple Choice Questions
1. Security Factor
o How much does the level of security provided by online retailers
influence your online purchase behavior for fashion apparel?
2. Psychographics Factor
o To what extent do your psychographics influence your online shopping
behavior for fashion apparel? (Significantly/Moderately/Slightly/Not
at all)
3. Online Shopping Feature and Policies
o How much do online shopping features and policies impact your online
shopping behavior for fashion apparel? (A great deal/Somewhat/Not
much/Not at all)
4. Technological Factor
o How does technology impact your online shopping behavior for
fashion apparel? (Significantly/Moderately/Slightly/Not at all)
5. Need for Touch
o How important is the need for touch when purchasing clothes for you?
(Very important/Somewhat important/Not very important/Not at all
6. Shopping Preference
o Do you prefer shopping in actual stores or online for fashion apparel?
(Actual stores/Online/No preference)
7. Brand Endorser/s
o How much does the influence of brand endorsers impact your
purchase intention for fashion apparel?
(Significantly/Moderately/Slightly/Not at all)
8. Fast Fashion
o How does fast fashion impact your shopping habits for fashion
apparel? (Significantly/Moderately/Slightly/Not at all)


1. Research Design:

● Objective: To understand and analyze the online shopping habits of

consumers in the fashion industry.

● Type of Research: A descriptive research design will be employed to

gather information about the current online shopping behaviours and
preferences of consumers.

● Approach: A cross-sectional study will be conducted to capture a

snapshot of online shopping habits at a particular point in time.

● Method: An online survey through Google Forms will be used to collect


2. Measurement/Scales:

● Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 will be used to measure respondents'

agreement or disagreement with statements related to their online
shopping habits. For example:
● Strongly Disagree (1)
● Disagree (2)
● Neutral (3)
● Agree (4)
● Strongly Agree (5)

3. Sampling:

● Population: The target population will be individuals who engage in

online shopping for fashion products.

● Sampling Frame: The sampling frame will consist of individuals aged

18 and above who have access to the Internet and have made at least
one online fashion purchase in the past year.

● Sampling Technique: A convenience sampling technique will be used

due to the accessibility of potential respondents online. Respondents
will be reached through social media platforms, email lists, and online
forums related to fashion.

● Sample Size: A sample size of at least 300 respondents is

recommended to ensure a representative sample and achieve
statistical reliability.
4. Data Collection:
● Instrument: An online survey questionnaire will be created using
Google Forms. The questionnaire will consist of multiple-choice
questions, Likert-scale questions, and open-ended questions to
gather both quantitative and qualitative data.

● Content: The questionnaire will cover various aspects of online

shopping habits in the fashion industry, including frequency of online
purchases, preferred fashion categories, factors influencing purchase
decisions, satisfaction with online shopping experiences, and future
shopping intentions.

● Anonymity: Respondents will be assured of anonymity, and no

personally identifiable information will be collected. The survey will
not request names or contact details to maintain confidentiality and
encourage honest responses.

● Distribution: The survey link will be distributed through various online

channels such as social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram),
fashion-related forums, email newsletters, and fashion blogs.
Participants will be encouraged to share the survey link with others to
reach a wider audience.

Proposed Framework and Hypothesis

1. Framework
● As the data follows likert scale for testing hypothesis we will be using
Independent T test
● As no of dataset is > 50 we will use Kolmogrov- Smirnov for normality
2. Hypothesis
● Null Hypothesis: Shopping Habits In Fashion Industries is independent
of customers age or gender
● Alternative Hypothesis: They are dependent

Data Analysis and Results

1. Descriptive Statistics

2. Normality test
3. Independent T-test
● For gender

● For age
Conclusion and Implications
● The data is normally distributed due to having higher statistic value
● Null Hypothesis is accepted in case of both age and gender
1. Which means People of any age will prefer item with better
brand value and better availability
2. It is same across any gender

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