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Hello, my name is Pedro, I'm 20 years old,

and I've been having difficulty sleeping
since I was around 17. Many people have
given me recommendations, but I never
know what I should do and what I
shouldn't. While on vacation at my
grandmother's house, she said I should
drink tea to relax, but it didn't work. On
another occasion, I should have resisted
taking pills recommended by friends on
the internet, which worked at first but
ended badly. My mother noticed and said
I should see a doctor for professional
advice on my health. Unfortunately, I
received a warning that I shouldn't
consume coffee or energy drinks, which
disappointed me as I love coffee.
However, my health should come first.
The doctor recommended something
unusual or rather new to me – I should
listen to relaxing music. Surprisingly, it
worked, and now I'm consistently in a
good mood, and my physical well-being
has improved. I'm grateful for the
guidance, even though some suggestions
didn't work out.

Rosa Maria Ascendra Puche

Daniela Causado Fuentes
Isabel Sofía De Moya Pérez
Nayda Alejandra Zamatta Padilla

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