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19 Yes, This sample is written using block-style/ This is a good example of block style
Let me name some of the essential blocks
This style follows blockstyle
The Letterhead (the name of the company)
The addresse's name and address
The sender's reference
The date
An opening
The complimentary close
The Signature block
Well, 10 blocks all in all.
2) This sample is a formal business letter.
Here are some of the features of formal style as used in this sample
a salutation and a complementary close, core business terms, the 1 st person plural pronoun, formal
vocabulary items (interested in) + opening, binding and closing phrases
3) The sample under examination is British style letter writing. It follows the British standard (Sorry, I
got confused, let me try again). plc – Public Limited Company (a regionally marked abbreviation, a
typically British realia – llc limited liability cooperation in American English); the details of both
adresser’s (street names). The date: the second of February (instead of June, 1, 2010). The way it is
sequenced is typically British + Managing Director
4) This is an Enquiry
a) the salutation + the complementary close
b) in the next block the main message we see the key words which reflect the genre and explains
which type of company you are dealing with – a typical main boy a) the first paragraph introduces the
company b)
5) A typical closing phrase – we look forward


a) First of all, the salutation + complementary close have changed.
b) a typical opening – we are discussing the features of this or that genre. ВАЖНАЯ ФУНКЦИЯ
ЖАНРА - Confirms that they have received an enquiry.
c) a fairly typical main body: paragraph 2 (1 of the main body) addresses the enquiry and in paragraph
3 (2 of the main body) they add something of interest. It ends here: “demonstrate the exceptional
quality..”. Then the close: Please do not hesitate
Joanne Browning (Mrs) – мир бизнеса does not care that she is married!
Mr – определенная и простая ситуация
Miss - незамужняя
Mrs - замужняя
Ms – замещает и то, и другое.
стр. 61

Yes, This sample is written using block-style/ This is a good example of block style
Let me name some of the essential blocks
1) This style follows blockstyle
The Letterhead (the name of the company)
The date
The addressee’s name and address
An opening
The main body
The close
The complimentary close
The Signature block

Well, 9 blocks all in all.

It follows some rules:
a) All paragraphs start at the margin
b) There are line spaces between them
But! Punctuation marks are used after the letterhead, the addressee’s name and address. the salutation
and complementary close – contradicts the rule of block-style. It is OVERPUNCTUATION – typically

2) This sample is a formal business letter.

Here are some of the features of formal style as used in this sample
a salutation and a complementary close, core business terms, the 1 st person plural pronoun, formal
vocabulary items (interested in) + opening, binding and closing phrases
3) The sample under examination is American style letter writing. It follows the American standard
a) it is overpunctuated Ms – they put . ; Rd. which means that it is written using American style letter
b) Regionally marked terms : corporation; Vice-President
In American companies President heads the Board of Directors, instead of Chairperson
(председатель) (Chairman)
c) The way the date is sequenced is typically American (instead of the 1 st of July)
d) absolutely direct – их интересует не следование норме, а self-promotion. Несколько жанров,
смешанных в один.
e) sincerely – instead of sincerely yours (это американский вариант) + даже здесь это
сокращенный вариант!

4) Order Acknowledgement + Advise of Dispatch + элементы, связанные с E и пресс-рилизами

The order is being shipped and names the vessel and when it’s going to reach

QUESTIONS в следующий раз

и текст

6, p. 61 1) Yes, This sample is written using block-style/ This is a good example of block style
Let me name some of the essential blocks
The Letterhead (the name of the company)
The date (on the left)
The addresse's name and address
An opening
The main message
The close
The complimentary close
The Signature block
(or the signature + the writer’s name, title and department)
Well, 9 (or 10) blocks all in all.
It follows some rules:
a) All paragraphs start at the margin
b) There are line spaces between them
But A Punctuation mark is used after sincerely – contradicts the rule of block-style

2) This sample is a formal business letter. Neutral (because your sincerely is used instead of youth
faithfully) + formal style
Here are some of the features of formal style as used in this sample. a proper salutation and an
appropriate complementary close, core business terms, the 1 st person plural pronoun, formal vocabulary
items (at your service) + opening (we certainly appreciate), binding (we will be happy) and closing (we
look forward) phrases
3) The sample under examination is American style letter writing
The date - June 1, 2006
A Punctuation mark is used after sincerely – contradicts the rule of block-style. It is
OVERPUNCTUATION – typically American.
* The way it is sequenced is typically American.
4) The sample in question reflects the genre known as ce of Dispatch
In the opening he confirms that the order is being shipped and names the vessel and when it's going to
reach you
As part of the main message he adds something of interest to make sure that the customer gets more
and more interested (confirms the discount) and informs about the services that the company provides (an
industry leader in promoting a safety poster)

6. p. 62 1) Yes, This sample is written using semi-block-style / This is a good example of semi-block
Let me name some of the essential blocks
An opening
The main message
The close
The complimentary close
The Signature block
6 blocks (does not show a date)
It follows some rules:
a) The indented line is used in every paragraph
But b) There are no line spaces between them
But c) A colon is used after the salutation, a punctuation mark is used after sincerely – contradicts the
rule of block-style (overpunctuation)

2) The sample follows formal style

Here are some of the features of formal style as used in this sample. a proper salutation and an
appropriate complementary close, core business terms, the 1st person plural pronoun, formal vocabulary
items () + opening (will be happy) phrase (no binding and closing phrases)
3) The sample under examination is American style letter writing
The date - June 1, 1993
A Punctuation mark is used after sincerely – contradicts the rule of block-style. It is
OVERPUNCTUATION – typically American.
4) Вроде бы, но вообще не уверена Reply to Enquiry

p. 66
Order of Acknowledgement
1) Yes, This sample is written using block-style
An opening
The main message
The complimentary close
The Signature block
2) 2) The sample follows formal style
core business terms, the 1st person plural pronoun, formal vocabulary items ()
Тут невозможно его разобрать, рили
. 67

1) This sample follows blockstyle

The Letterhead (the name of the company, the address)
An opening
The main message
The complimentary close
The Signature block

All the paragraphs start at the margin; there are line spaces between them; no punctuation marks, the
salutation, the complementary close

2) This sample is a semi-formal business letter.

Here are some of the features of formal style as used in this sample: a salutation, core business
terms,the1st person plural pronoun,
formal vocabulary items (interested in) + opening phrase
informal best wishes

3) The sample under examination is British style letter writing. It follows the British

68. The letter of complaint

69. Reply to complaint

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