Stress Management

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Stress management consists of a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies
aimed at controlling a person's level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the
purpose of improving everyday functioning.

Exercise is obviously great for your physical health, but it can
also be a powerful and accessible tool for stress management.
When we engage in physical activity, our bodies release
endorphins, natural mood lifters that can promote well-being
and relaxation.
You can think of endorphins as your body’s natural stress
relievers! They make you feel good and help reduce anxiety and
ex: go for a walk, jog or do sports.

Social Support
Human connection is a fundamental need for
all people, which is why social support is so
important when it comes to managing stress.
Talking to people we trust about the things causing
us stress can help us understand our emotions and
get a better perspective on the situation. During
times of stress, we can also turn to others to gain the
validation, support, connection, and sometimes help
that we need.
Stress seems a lot less overwhelming when we feel
safe, secure, and supported.

Get plenty of sleep

Sleep is a powerful stress reducer. Following a
regular sleep routine calms and restores the
body, improves concentration, regulates
mood, and sharpens judgment and decision-
making. You are a better problem solver and
are better able to cope with stress when you're

Take time out for yourself/

Time Management
take time out for yourself so you can recharge
yourself and think peacefully and do everything
you want even just for a day
It helps you decide which things are urgent and
which can wait. Learning how to manage your
time, activities, and commitments can be hard.
But doing so can make your life easier, less
stressful, and more meaningful. When you
manage your time, you decide which tasks and
activities are most important to you.

Practice mindfulness and

Deep Breathing
Mindfulness can help you learn to recognize your stress
triggers and thought patterns that create anxiety. Once
you understand those triggers and thoughts, you can
take steps to deal with them. Once you do that, you can
develop healthier coping strategies.
Take a deep breath to make your body relax when you
are feeling an unuasual feeling or stress.

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