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Digital Marketing Strategy

Definition of the approach by which applying digital technology platforms will support marketing
and business objectives

a. Defining the online opportunity

Set e-marketing objectives: Companies need to set specific numerical objectives for their online
channels and then resource to deliver these objectives
Evaluate e-marketing performance: Applying web analytics tools to measure the contribution of
sales and brand involvement currently delivered by online communications such as search
engine marketing, online advertising and email marketing in conjunction with the web site
Assess online marketplace: Situation analysis reviewing the micro-environment (customers,
competitors, intermediaries, suppliers and internal capabilities and resources) and the broader
macro-environment which influences strategy such as legal requirements and technology

B. Selecting the strategic approach

Define e-marketing strategy: Select appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives set at stage

Define customer value proposition: Define the value proposition available through the online
channel and how it relates to the core proposition delivered by the company

Define e-communications mix: Selecting the offline and online communications tools to encourage
usage of an organisation’s online services and to generate leads and sales

C. Delivering results online

Implement e-marketing plan: Build the web site and create the e-mail marketing communications

Execute e-communications: Managing the continuous online marketing communications such as search
engine marketing, partnerships, sponsorships and affiliate arrangements and campaign-based e-
marketing communications such as online advertising, e-mail marketing and microsites

Customer profiling: monitoring and improving online activities and maintaining the online activities:
Capturing profile and behavioural data on customer interactions with the company

Strategic directions

Market penetration. The Internet can be used to sell more existing products into existing markets

Market development. Here the Internet is used to sell into new geographical markets, taking advantage
of the low cost of advertising internationally without the necessity for a supporting sales infrastructure
in the customers’ countries.

Product development. New products or services are developed which can be delivered by the Internet.
These are typically digital products

Diversification. In this sector, the Internet supports selling new products which are developed and sold
into new markets.

Digital Transformations

A staged programme of business improvements to people, process and tools used for integrated digital
marketing to maximise the potential contribution of digital technology and media to business growth

Challenges of managing strategy

1- Unclear responsibilities

2- No objectives

3- Budget (insufficient – wasted)

4- Lack of measurements (results)

5- New value propositions are not developed

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