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Dialogue on Story of Crying Stone

Mother : "My dear, would you accompany me to the market today?"

Girl : "No, I don't want to. I have better things to do."

Mother : "But we need to buy some food, and perhaps we can find you a new dress."

Girl : "Fine, I'll go with you, but you must walk behind me."

(At the market)

Stranger : "Hello, beautiful lady. Who is the woman behind you?"

Girl : "She's my servant." Mother: (silently saddened)

(Encountering more people)

Stranger 2 : "Hello, beauty. Who is the woman behind you?"

Girl : "She's just my servant."

(Mother's prayers)

Mother : (praying silently) "God, please teach my daughter a lesson."

(After the daughter's transformation)

Girl : "Mother, please forgive me! I didn't know what I was doing." Mother: (heartbroken) "It's
too late, my dear. You should have been kinder to me."

(The stone's tears)

People : "Look at the stone! It's crying!"

Legend: (It became known as the crying stone or "batu menangis")

Dialog of story

Jaka Tarub and Nawang Wulan

Jaka Tarub : (excitedly) Look at that! A group of girls playing by the lake. How enchanting!

Nawang Wulan : (desperately searching) Where is my shawl? I can't find it anywhere!

Jaka Tarub : (watching Nawang Wulan) She seems distressed. Maybe I should help.

Nawang Wulan : (tearfully) My sisters have left without me. What will I do now?

Jaka Tarub : (kindly) Don't worry, dear. You can stay with me. I'll take care of you.

Nawang Wulan : (gratefully) Thank you, kind hunter. You have a good heart.

(time passes, love blossoms)

Jaka Tarub : (joyfully) Nawang Wulan, will you marry me?

Nawang Wulan : (happily) Yes, Jaka. I will be your wife.

(they welcome their daughter Nawangsih into the world)

Nawangsih : (giggling) Mama, Papa, look what I can do!

Nawang Wulan : (proudly) Our daughter has inherited my powers, Jaka.

Jaka Tarub : (contentedly) Our life is blessed, Nawang Wulan.

(but darkness looms)

Jaka Tarub : (guiltily) I couldn't resist the temptation. I peeked into your cooking pot, Nawang Wulan.

Nawang Wulan : (sadly) Jaka, trust is fragile. You have broken mine.

Jaka Tarub : (regretfully) I'm sorry, Nawang Wulan. I didn't realize the consequences.

(time passes, repentance weighs heavy)

Jaka Tarub : (discovering the hidden shawl) The missing shawl! How could I have been so blind?

Nawang Wulan : (tenderly) It's alright, Jaka. We all make mistakes.

Jaka Tarub : (longingly) Please don't leave me, Nawang Wulan.

Nawang Wulan : (resolutely) My place is among the stars, Jaka. But I'll watch over you and Nawangsih.

(Jaka watches as Nawang Wulan ascends to the heavens)

Jaka Tarub : (tearfully) Farewell, my love. I will cherish our memories forever.
The Legend of Lutung Kasarung
A Folklore from West Java, Indonesia


Prabu Tapa Agung : (announcing) My daughters, it is time for me to step down from the throne. Purbasari, you
shall be the next queen of our kingdom.

Purbararang : (fuming) Father, how can you choose her over me? I am your eldest daughter!

Prabu Tapa Agung : Purbasari has the qualities needed to lead our people. She shall be queen.

Purbararang : (plotting) If Father won't see reason, then I'll make sure Purbasari's reign is short-lived.

Indrajaya : (whispering) Let's seek the witch's help, Purbararang. We'll put a curse on Purbasari.

Purbararang : (smirking) Yes, together we'll rid the kingdom of this threat.

Witch : (chanting) With this curse, Purbasari's beauty shall wither and her fate shall be sealed.

Purbasari : (in despair) What has happened to me? Why am I afflicted with this curse?

Lutung Kasarung : (comforting) Fear not, Purbasari. I'll help you.

Purbasari : (grateful) Thank you, kind Lutung Kasarung.

Lutung Kasarung : (using his powers) Bathe in this enchanted lake, and your beauty shall return.

Purbasari : (amazed) My skin, it's restored! Oh, how can I repay you?

Lutung Kasarung : (smiling) Let us return to the palace. The truth will prevail.

Purbararang : (frustrated) If beauty won't decide, then I'll challenge her with another condition.

Prabu Tapa Agung : (measuring hair) Purbasari's hair is longer, as the prophecy foretold.

Purbararang : (desperate) A queen must have a handsome husband! Compare Indrajaya to my fiancé.

Purbasari : (worried) I have no fiancé to present.

Purbararang : (mocking) Look at her, Father. She's left empty-handed.

Lutung Kasarung : (revealing his true form) I am her fiancé.

Purbararang : (astonished) A monkey? Ridiculous!

Lutung Kasarung : (transforming into a handsome man) Beauty is but a veil. True love and virtue lie within.

Purbasari : (embracing her destiny) Purbararang, let us put grievances aside. You are welcome in our

Purbararang : (humbled) I see now, sister. May your reign be just and prosperous.

Prabu Tapa Agung : (proudly) Purbasari, you have shown wisdom and compassion. Our kingdom is blessed to
have you as queen.

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