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Mathematics in the Modern World

Problem Set no.1

Please answer the following questions:
1. In your own words, what is Mathematics?
- Mathematics, in a simple sense, is the study of numbers composed of different
formulas and equations used in solving problems. On a deeper scale, mathematics is
the fundamental language of many disciplines in science. It is said to be the purest
discipline where errors are least likely to be based on reasoning. Additionally,
mathematics is beautiful; it is full of ideas, structures, and patterns that allow us to
simultaneously make sense of the physical world and the abstract world at the same
time. Mathematics is never boring; it sparks curiosity with its own beauty and

2. Is Mathematics discovered? or invented? Elaborate your answer.

In my opinion, rules in mathematics are discovered, like how Isaac Newton
discovered gravity; they have always been there. Since the known beginning,
mathematics has always been existing. Patterns are everywhere; math can be applied to
anything. Take the Pyramid of Giza for example. There is no way that its builders would
have known what mathematics was, but they built it in a way that engineers today would.
They built it in a triangular shape, knowing that triangles can equalize the pressure of
each layer, thus building a more stable and sturdy structure. Additionally, the Pyramid of
Giza is deemed to be astronomically accurate, and astronomy involves a lot of
However, I also think that mathematics was invented. Its concept, name, symbols,
and equations are what I think were invented, like how we named the science gravity is
under, physics. We invented a science under all equations and symbols in a way that we
can all understand its concept, and that is when the name mathematics was invented.

3. Is Mathematics a science? Why or why not?

- Mathematics is a science. Science such as psychology, chemistry, and physics is
considered the law of science. The scientific matter under those disciplines is
discovered, and the name that we call it is invented. Even in this case, it is the law
that we follow in a way that we, as humans, can understand and grasp its concept.
Just like mathematics, it was discovered, its concept was invented, and it was widely
used as a tool for many disciplines and making sense of everything. Mathematics is
the science under sciences.
4. Observe your daily life. List at least 5 situations in your daily life which are applications
of Mathematics?
1. Using technology. Technology is full of binary number (1 and 0) that I utilize
everyday for studies and leisure time.
2. Padlocks and keys. Keys are a product of mathematical combinations where each of
them has a unique pattern.
3. The use of appliances. Appliances are products of complex mathematics including
statistics, calculus, etc.
4. Jeepney fare change. Knowing how much your change will be on your 20-peso bill
for your 13-peso fare is simple plus and minus math.
5. Color combination of clothes. It shows pattern that has been generally accepted and
used by many (e.g. white goes well with black)

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