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Chapter 22

Ray Optics and Optical Instruments


Objective Type Questions (One option is correct)

1. A concave mirror is placed on a horizontal table with its axis directed vertically upwards. Let O be the pole of
the mirror and C its centre of curvature. A point object is placed at C. It has a real image, also located at C. If
the mirror is now filled with water, the image will be
(1) Real, at C (2) Real, located beyond C
(3) Virtual, beyond C (4) Real and located before C
Sol. Answer (4)
Water in concave mirror will work as a convex lens. Since convex lens is converging, so it will bring the image
closer to pole. Image will be real and between C and O.

2. A short linear object of length b lies along the axis of a concave mirror or focal length f at a distance u from the
pole of the mirror. The size of the image is approximately equal to

1 1 2
⎛u – f ⎞ 2 ⎛ f ⎞2 ⎛u – f ⎞ ⎛ f ⎞
(1) b ⎜ ⎟ (2) b ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (3) b ⎜ ⎟ (4) b ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ f ⎠ ⎝u – f ⎠ ⎝ f ⎠ ⎝u – f ⎠
Sol. Answer (4)

1 1 1
 
v u f

dv du
  2
 =0
v u2

 dv = – du
 size of image = (m)2 [size of object]

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u u
From mirror formula,  1
v f
⎡ f ⎤
 m =– ⎢ ⎥
⎣u  f ⎦
⎡ f ⎤
so size of the image = ⎢ ⎥ [size of the object]
⎣u  f ⎦
⎛ f ⎞
= ⎜ b
⎝ u  f ⎟⎠

⎛ 4⎞
3. A plane mirror is placed horizontally inside water ⎜   ⎟ . A ray falls normally on it. The mirror is rotated by
⎝ 3⎠
angle  such that after reflection, the ray does not come out of water. The minimum value of  is


 ⎛3⎞ 1 ⎛3⎞ ⎛3⎞

(1) (2) sin 1⎜ ⎟ (3) sin 1⎜ ⎟ (4) 2 sin 1⎜ ⎟
4 ⎝4⎠ 2 ⎝4⎠ ⎝4⎠

Sol. Answer (3)

2 < c

 sin2 < sinc

1 2
 sin2  <

⎛ 3⎞
 2 < sin–1 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 4⎠

1 –1 ⎛ 3 ⎞
 < sin ⎜ ⎟ .
2 ⎝ 4⎠

4. Figure shows a torch sending a parallel beam of light fixed on a wall and a plane mirror which forms a spot on
the wall. As the mirror moves towards the wall, the spot on the wall moves
Torch Wall

(1) Towards the torch (2) Away from the torch

(3) First closer to torch then away (4) Nowhere

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Sol. Answer (1) y

Let the angle of incident is  then from figure

we can see that
4  
tan  =
So as x decreases then y will also decrease.

5. A lens forms a sharp image on a screen. When a glass slab of refractive index  is placed between the screen
and lens, the screen has to be moved away by a distance d, in order to form the sharp image again. If surrounding
medium is air, the thickness of slab is
d d d
(1) d (2) (3) (  1) (4)
   1
Sol. Answer (4)
Using relation Screen
n2 l
v= u
n1 O

For refraction at first surface of glass slab

v1 = x
Distance of this image from second face = x–t
( x  t ) l lI
Distance of final image from second face =

⎛ t ⎞ ⎛ 1⎞ O
Shift in image = ⎜⎜ x  ⎟⎟  x  t   t ⎜⎜1  ⎟⎟ l l
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
⎛ 1⎞ d x
Now d = t ⎜⎜ 1  ⎟⎟  t = v1
⎝ ⎠  1

6. For an eye kept at a depth h inside water of refractive index , and viewed outside, the radius of circle through
which the outer objects can be seen, will be
h h h ⎛ 2  1 ⎞
(1) (2) (3) (4) ⎜⎜ ⎟h
 1  2
 1 ⎜ 
⎝ ⎠
Sol. Answer (1)
A ray which comes at 90° incidence and other rays come to eye.
OA is the radius of circle through which the outer objects could be seen
From Snell’s law, 
sin r
1 A x O B
 sin r =

r2 1 h
 2 2
 2
r h 
r2 1
 2
 2 eye
h  1
 r=
2 1

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7. White light is incident on the interface of glass and air as shown in the figure. If green light is just totally internally
reflected then the emerging ray in air contains

Air Green

(1) Yellow, orange, red (2) Violet, indigo, blue

(3) All colours (4) All colours except green
Sol. Answer (1)

1 B C
SinC = and  = A + 
  2
Wavelengths for yellow, orange and red are greater than that of green light. So critical angle will be also greater
for yellow, orange and red colors. Violet, indigo and blue will suffer total internal reflection and other colors
will enter in air.

8. In a spherical paper weight (R = 10 cm) made of glass of refractive index   , an object is embedded at
a distance 5 cm from its centre. What is the apparent position of the object when seen from the opposite side
(see figure)?

O (air)
C =1
 = 3/2

(1) 10 cm behind centre (2) 10 cm behind P (3) 15 cm behind centre (4) 5 cm behind P
Sol. Answer (1)

n2 n1 n2  n1
 
v u R
1 1.5 0 . 5
  
v  15  10
1 1 1
  
v 10 20
 v = –20 cm
So the image is 10 cm behind the centre.

9. A tank contains a transparent liquid of refractive index . The bottom of the tank is a plane mirror as shown.
A person at P looks at an object O and its image in the mirror. The distance between the object and its image
in the mirror as perceived by the person is


2d 2(H  d ) (H  D )
(1) 2 d (2) (3) (4)
  

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Sol. Answer (2)
The apparent distance between object O and mirror is

The distance between object and its image as perceived by the person is .

Lens Formula
10. A convex lens A of focal length 20 cm and a concave lens B of focal length 5 cm are kept along the same axis
with a distance d between them. If a parallel beam of light falling on A leaves B as a parallel beam, then the
distance d in cm will be
(1) 25 (2) 15 (3) 20 (4) 40
Sol. Answer (2)
Equivalent focal length of combination for parallel beam of light
1 1 1 d
  
feq. f1 f2 f1f2

1 1 d
⇒ 0=   [Since emergent beam of light is parallel]
20 5 100
⇒ d = 15 cm

11. Focal length of an equiconvex lens is 20 cm. The refractive index of material of the lens is 1.5. Now one of the
curved surface is silvered. At what distance from the lens an object is to be placed, so that image coincides with
the object?
(1) 10 cm (2) 20 cm (3) 30 cm (4) 40 cm
Sol. Answer (1)
1 ⎛ 1 1⎞
 (  1) ⎜  ⎟
f ⎝ R R⎠
1 1 2
    R = 20 cm
20 2 R
1.5 1 1.5  1
  
20 x 20
3 1 1
    O
40 x 40
1 3 1 1
   
x 40 40 10
 x = – 10 cm

12. An object is placed 1.5 m in front of the curved surface of a plano-covex lens whose flat surface is silvered. A
real image is formed 300 cm in front of the lens. The focal length of the lens is
(1) 100 cm (2) 200 cm (3) 150 cm (4) 300 cm
Sol. Answer (2)
150 cm


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Let the focal length be f. If there were no silvered face and another similar plano concave lens is placed as
shown below, then image would be formed 300 cm on other side.

⎡ f⎤ 150 cm 300 cm
1 1 1
  ⎢∵ f   2 ⎥⎦
v u f ⎣

1 1 2 O I
  
300 150 f
Focal length =
 f = 200 cm 2

13. A thin lens has a focal length f and its aperture has a diameter d. It forms an image of intensity I. Now, the
outer part extending from to R is blackened. The focal length of the lens and intensity of image becomes/
remain (R = radius of aperture = )
f I 3f 3I I
(1) f, I (2) , (3) , (4) f ,
2 2 4 4 4
Sol. Answer (4)
When a part of lens surface is blackend, the refractive index and radius of curvatures remain  curve. So the
focal length of the lens remains, unchanged. While the energy transmitted remains one-fourth so the intensity
will also becomes times.

14. An equilateral triangular prism is made of glass ( = 1.5). A ray of light is incident normally on one of the faces.
The angle between the incident and emergent ray is
(1) 60° (2) 90° (3) 120° (4) 180°
Sol. Answer (1)
Critical angle, C = sin–1 ⎜ ⎟
Since, A > C


So the ray will suffer total internal reflection on second face and there will be no deviation at third face.
Net deviation = 180–2A = 60°

15. Two prisms of same glass (  2 ) are stuck together without gap as shown. Find the angle of incidence i on
the face AC such that the deviation produced by the combination is minimum

C 70°


60° 40°

(1) 60° (2) 15° (3) 30° (4) 45°

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Sol. Answer (4)
The combination will behave as a prism of refracting angle A = 60°
For minimum deviation r1 = r2 = 30°
sin i A
  2
sin r1

 sini = 20
2 °
60° 40°
i = 45°

16. A ray of light passes from vacuum into a medium of refractive index n. If the angle of incidence is twice the angle
of refraction, the angle of refraction is

1 ⎛ n ⎞ ⎛n⎞ ⎛n⎞ ⎛n⎞

(1) sin ⎜ ⎟ (2) 2 sin 1⎜ ⎟ (3) cos 1⎜ ⎟ (4) 2 cos 1⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
Sol. Answer (3)
Given that i = 2r
From Snell’s law
sin i
sin r
2 sin r cos r
 =n
sin r
n –1 ⎛ n ⎞
 cos r =  r = cos ⎜ ⎟ .
2 ⎝ 2⎠

17. In an experiment to determine the focal length (f) of a concave mirror by the u-v method, a student places the
object pin A on the principal axis at a distance x from the pole P. The student looks at the pin and its inverted
image from a distance keeping his/her eye in line with PA. When the student shifts his/her eye towards left, the
image appears to the right of the object pin. Then, [IIT-JEE 2007]
(1) x < f (2) f < x < 2f
(3) x = 2f (4) x > 2f
Sol. Answer (2)
On moving left, image moves towards right. It shows that image is closer to eye than object. Or distance of
image from mirror is more than the distance of object from mirror.

18. A ray of light traveling in water is incident on its surface open to air. The angle of incidence is , which is less
than the critical angle. Then there will be [IIT-JEE 2007]
(1) Only a reflected ray and no refracted ray
(2) Only a refracted ray and no reflected ray
(3) A reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between them would be less than 180°–2
(4) A reflected ray and a refracted ray and the angle between them would be greater than 180° – 2
Sol. Answer (3)

As ray goes from water to air, it bends away from the normal.

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19. Two beams of red and violet colours are made to pass separately through a prism (angle of the prism is 60°).
In the position of minimum deviation, the angle of refraction will be [IIT-JEE 2008]
(1) 30° for both the colours
(2) Greater for the violet colour
(3) Greater for the red colour
(4) Equal but not 30° for both the colours
Sol. Answer (1)
Angle of refraction at minimum deviation is .

20. A ball is dropped from a height of 20 m above the surface of water in a lake. The refractive index of water is
4/3. A fish inside the lake, in the line of fall of the ball, is looking at the ball. At an instant, when the ball is
12.8 m above the water surface, the fish sees the speed of ball as [Take g = 10 m/s2.] [IIT-JEE 2009]
(1) 9 m/s (2) 12 m/s
(3) 16 m/s (4) 21.33 m/s
Sol. Answer (3)
Speed of ball = 2  10  7.2  12 m/s
speed of ball as seen by fish = v =  12 = 16 m/s

21. A biconvex lens of focal length 15 cm is in front of a plane mirror. The distance between the lens and the mirror
is 10 cm. A small object is kept at a distance of 30 cm from the lens. The final image is [IIT-JEE 2010]

(1) Virtual and at a distance of 16 cm from the mirror

(2) Real and at a distance of 16 cm from the mirror
(3) Virtual and at a distance of 20 cm from the mirror
(4) Real and at a distance of 20 cm from the mirror
Sol. Answer (2)
Object is placed at O.
16 cm
First refraction through lens 15 cm
1 1 1
  O B I A
V 30 15
 V = +30 cm
 Real image is formed at A. 6 cm
This image acts as virtual object for plane 30 cm 10 cm 20 cm
mirror. Image is formed 20 cm before mirror
10 cm 30 cm
(B). This acts as virtual object for lens.
Second refraction through lens 20 cm
1 1 1
 
V 10 15
 V = + 6 : Real image
Distance from mirror is 16 cm.

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Solutions of Assignment Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 9
22. A light ray travelling in glass medium is incident on glass-air interface at an angle of indcidence . The reflected
(R) and transmitted (T) intensities, both as function of , are plotted. The correct sketch is [IIT-JEE 2011]

(1) 100% (2) 100%



0  90° 0  90°

(3) 100% (4) 100%



0  90° 0  90°
Sol. Answer (3)
When  < C partial transmission and reflection will occur. When  > C, only reflection takes place.

23. A bi-convex lens is formed with two thin plano convex lenses as shown in the figure. Refractive index n of the
first lens is 1.5 and that of the second lens is 1.2. Both the curved surfaces are of the same radius of curvature
R = 14 cm. For this bi-convex lens, for an object distance of 40 cm, the image distance will be
[IIT-JEE 2012]

n = 1.5
n = 1.2

R = 14 cm

(1) –280.0 cm (2) 40.0 cm

(3) 21.5 cm (4) 13.3 cm
Sol. Answer (2)

1 ⎛ 1 1⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
 1.5  1 ⎜   1.2  1 ⎜ 
f ⎝ 14  ⎟⎠ ⎝  14 ⎟⎠

 f = 20 cm
 As object distance = 40 cm
 Image distance = 40 cm

1 ˆ
24. A ray of light travelling in the direction (i  3 ˆj ) is incident on a plane mirror. After reflection, it travels along
1 ˆ
the direction (i – 3 ˆj ) . The angle of incidence is [JEE(Advanced)-2013]
(1) 30° (2) 45° (3) 60° (4) 75°

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Sol. Answer (1)

⎛ i  3 jˆ ⎞ ⎛ i – 3 jˆ ⎞ ^ ^
⎜ . i + 3j i – 3j
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 2 ⎟⎠
cos(180  2)  2 2
i  3 jˆ i – 3 jˆ
2 2  

(1  3) 180° – 2
 cos 2  4
 cos 2 
cos 2 
2  60º
 = 30°

25. The image of an object, formed by a plano-convex lens at a distance of 8 m behind the lens, is real is one-
third the size of the object. The wavelength of light inside the lens is times the wavelength in free space.
The radius of the curved surface of the lens is [JEE(Advanced)-2013]
(1) 1 m (2) 2 m (3) 3 m (4) 6 m
Sol. Answer (3)
c f  air 3
  
 f  med 2
1 
Now,  = + 8 m, m   ⇒ u  24 m
3 u
1 1 1
 
f  u
1 1 1 4
  
f 8 24 24
f 
 1
6 ⇒R 3m

26. A point source S is placed at the bottom of a transparent block of height 10 mm and refractive index 2.72.
It is immersed in a lower refractive index liquid as shown in the figure. It is found that the light emerging from
the block to the liquid forms a circular bright spot of diameter 11.54 mm on the top of the block. The refractive
index of the liquid is [JEE(Advanced)-2014]



(1) 1.21 (2) 1.30 (3) 1.36 (4) 1.42

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Sol. Answer (3)
sin  

10 mm
 10 mm
sin30   = 30°
2.72 S
1.36 = 

27. A parallel beam of light is incident from air at an angle  on the side PQ of a right-angled triangular prism of
refractive index n  2 . Light undergoes total internal reflection in the prism at the face PR when  has a
minimum value of 45°. The angle  of the prism is [JEE(Advanced)-2016]

n= 2
(1) 15° (2) 22.5° (3) 30° (4) 45°
Sol. Answer (1)
1 1
sin C   , C = 45° 
n 2

Also, 1 × sin45 =  sin  
2 C
  = 30°
  = 15°

Objective Type Questions (More than one options are correct)
1. Figure shows an object O kept at P. A plane mirror parallel to yz plane is moving with velocity 3iˆ m/s . Select
the correct alternative

P x
Object ‘O’

3i m/s
(1) The velocity of image is 6iˆ m/s (2) The velocity of image is  6iˆ m/s
(3) The velocity of image w.r.t. mirror is 3iˆ m/s (4) The velocity of image w.r.t. object is  6iˆ m/s
Sol. Answer (1, 3)
Velocity of image = 2 times the component of velocity of mirror along normal
= 6iˆ
V im = 6iˆ  3iˆ  3iˆ
V io  V i Vo  6iˆ

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2. A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium falls on a surface separating the medium from air at an angle
of incidence 45°. The ray undergoes total internal reflection. If n is the refractive index of the medium with respect
to air, select the possible value (s) of n from the following
(1) 1.3 (2) 1.4 (3) 1.5 (4) 1.6
Sol. Answer (3, 4)
sin C 
Total internal reflection will take place if C < 45°
 sinC < sin45°
1 1 n
 
n 2
 n> 2

3. Figure shows a container of width H. A telescope is fitted at a height H above the base on its side wall such that
it is focussed at the point A as shown. Now a liquid is poured slowly in the container. The refractive index of liquid
is   2 . Select the correct alternatives

⎛ 1 ⎞
(1) When level of liquid column is h, the point of focus is at a distance h⎜⎜1  ⎟ from A

⎝ 3⎠
(2) When level of liquid is h, the point of focus is at from A
(3) When level of liquid exceeds H, point of focus is always at from A
(4) When level of liquid exceeds H, point of focus is A
Sol. Answer (1, 4)
PM = H – (x + H –h ) = h – x
sin i
 
sin r
(h  x )
(h  x )2  h 2 1
 45°
1 2
N H–h H
(h  x ) 1 h
 
h 2  x 2  2hx  h 2 2
A x P M B
 4h2 + 4x2 –8hx = 2h2 + x2 –2hx H
 3x2 + 2h2 –6hx = 0

6h  36h 2  24h 2 6h  12h ⎛ 1 ⎞

 x = = = h⎜⎜1  ⎟⎟ ∵ x  h
6 6 ⎝ 3⎠
And if h > H there will be no refraction.
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4. A converging beam of light is incident on a concave lens. The beam converges behind the lens at
15 cm from its centre, in the absence of the lens. Select the correct alternative

(1) After passing through the lens, beam becomes diverging, what ever may be the focal length

(2) If focal length = 10 cm, the beam diverges away

(3) If focal length = 20 cm, the beam diverges away

(4) Focal length = 30 cm, beam converged at focal point of the lens

Sol. Answer (2, 4)

u = + 15 cm

f = – y ( say)
1 1 1 1 1
   
v f u  y 15
15 cm
15 y
 v=
y  15

After passing through lens beam becomes diverging if v < 0 i.e., y < 15

and it will remain conversing if v > 0, y > 15

and if y = 30, v = 30, so the beam will converge at focal point

5. When the space between two glass lenses in combination shown in figure is filled with water, then

(1) Focal length decreases (2) Power decreases

(3) Power increases (4) Focal length increases
Sol. Answer (2, 4)
Peq. = P1 + P2 + P3
Power of water lens formed between two lens will be negative, so the power of combination decreases but
⎡ 1⎤
⎢∵ P  f ⎥ focal length increases.
⎣ ⎦

6. Two objects O1 and O2 are placed in front of a lens of focal length f. The objects are placed on the principal axis
such that O1O2 = x and O2 is closer to the lens. The distance of O2 from lens is greater than its focal length.
If their images formed are I1 and I2 such that the distance between them is I1I2 = y, then
(1) If f > 0, y must be greater than x
(2) If f < 0, y must be less than x
(3) If f > 0, I2 may be farther from lens than I1
(4) If f < 0, I1 must be farther from lens than I2

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Sol. Answer (2, 3, 4)

If (f < 0) I1 and l2 will be formed between lens and focus and dv = m2 du

for concave lens (m <1) so, y < x

In case of concave lens as object is moved from infinity to f, the image moves from f to pole so farther the
object farther will be image

7. A point object is placed 30 cm in front of an equiconvex lens of radius of curvature 15 cm and made of glass of

refractive index . On placing a convex mirror of radius of curvature 15 cm behind the lens on image side, the
final image is found to coincide with the object. The possible distance between convex lens and convex mirror

(1) 15 cm (2) 30 cm (3) 7.5 cm (4) 45 cm

Sol. Answer (1, 2)

The final image will be formed on object itself in following two cases

(i) Image formed by lens is at centre of curvature of the mirror

(ii) Image formed by lens is at pole of the mirror

u = –30 cm

1 ⎛ 1 1⎞
 (  1) ⎜  ⎟ ⇒ f  15 cm
f ⎝ R1 R2 ⎠

1 1 1 1 1 1
     ⇒ v  30 cm
v f u 15 30 30

Cases :
x 15 cm

x = 30 –15
O = 15 cm

30 cm

x = 30 cm

30 cm

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Solutions of Assignment Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 15
8. A converging lens is used to form an image on a screen. When the upper half of the lens is covered by an opaque
(1) Half of the image will disappear (2) Complete image will be formed
(3) Intensity of the image will increase (4) Intensity of the image will decrease
Sol. Answer (2, 4)
Since focal length depends on  and curvature of two surfaces. So light rays in lower half of the lens will
form image at same point on screen but intensity will reduce.

9. A convex lens of focal length 20 cm is placed in front of a convex mirror of focal length 15 cm at a distance of
5 cm. An object of length 2 cm is placed perpendicular to the common axis at a distance of 20 cm from the
(1) The final image is formed at 163 cm from the lens
(2) The final image is formed at infinity
(3) The size of final image is 10.7 cm
(4) The size of final image is very large
Sol. Answer (2, 4)

f = 15 cm

2 cm

20 cm 5 cm

f = 20 cm
Assume simplest ray diagram

5 cm 15 cm Focus of
Focus of
lens mirror

I, will act as real object for lens.

1 1 1
  
20 V 20

 0
 V = .

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16 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

10. A prism with dispersive power 1 produces dispersion . It is combined with another prism of dispersive power
2 so that the combination does not produce deviation. Select the correct alternative
 
(1) Deviation produced by first prism is (2) Deviation produced by 2nd prism is
1 2
⎛  ⎞ ⎛  ⎞
(3) Dispersion of the combination is ⎜⎜1  2 ⎟⎟ (4) Dispersion of the combination is ⎜⎜1  2 ⎟⎟
⎝ 1 ⎠ ⎝ 1 ⎠
Sol. Answer (1, 3)
Dispersive power =

Deviation produced by first prism =
Deviation produce by second prism =
 
For no deviation,  0
1 2
2 ⎛  ⎞
Dispersion of the combination =    =    = ⎜1  2 ⎟ 
1 ⎝ 1 ⎠

11. A student performed the experiment of determination of focal length of a concave mirror by u-v method using an
optical bench of length 1.5 meter. The focal length of the mirror used is 24 cm. The maximum error in the
location of the image can be 0.2 cm. The 5 sets of (u, v) values recorded by the student (in cm) are: (42, 56),
(48, 48), (60, 40), (66, 33), (78, 39). The data set(s) that cannot come from experiment and is (are) incorrectly
recorded, is (are) [IIT-JEE 2009]
(1) (42, 56) (2) (48, 48) (3) (66, 33) (4) (78, 39)
Sol. Answer (3, 4)
For option (1) v   56 cm
u f
For option (2) v   48 cm
u f
For option (3) v   37.7 cm
u f
For option (4) v   34.66 cm
u f

12. A transparent thin film of uniform thickness and refractive index n1 = 1.4 is coated on the convex spherical
surface of radius R at one end of a long solid glass cylinder of refractive index n2 = 1.5, as shown in the figure.
Rays of light parallel to the axis of the cylinder traversing through the film from air to glass get focused at
distance f1 from the film, while rays of light traversing from glass to air get focused at distance f2 from the
film. Then [JEE(Advanced)-2014]

Air n2

(1) |f1| = 3R (2) |f1| = 2.8R (3) |f2| = 2R (4) |f2| = 1.4R

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Sol. Answer (1, 3)
As thickness of film is uniform, the effective power of the film is zero.
 We can find the answer just by considering glass-air interface.
 2 1  2  1
In case-1,  
v u R
1.5 1.5  1
Gives 0  ⇒ f1  3R
f1 R

 2 1  2  1 1.5
In case-2,  
v u R
1.4 R
1 1  1.5
Gives 0 
f2 R
 f2 = 2R

13. Two identical glass rods S1 and S2 (refractive index = 1.5) have one convex end of radius of curvature 10 cm.
They are placed with the curved surfaces at a distance d as shown in the figure, with their axes (shown by
the dashed line) aligned. When a point source of light P is placed inside rod S1 on its axis at a distance of
50 cm from the curved face, the light rays emanating from it are found to be parallel to the axis inside S2.
The distance d is [JEE(Advanced)-2015]
S1 S2

50 cm d

(1) 60 cm (2) 70 cm (3) 80 cm (4) 90 cm

Sol. Answer (2)

50 cm 20 cm
50 cm
For IInd rod,
1.5 1 1.5  1
 
 u ( 10)
1 1
 
u 20
 u = –20
For Ist rod,
1 1.5 1  1.5
 
v ( 50) 10
1 1 15 1 3 2
    
v 20 500 20 100 100
 v = 50 cm
 d = 70 cm

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18 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

14. A plano-convex lens is made of a material of refractive index n. When a small object is placed 30 cm away
in front of the curved surface of the lens, an image of double the size of the object is produced. Due to reflection
from the convex surface of the lens, another faint image is observed at a distance of 10 cm away from the
lens. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true? [JEE(Advanced)-2016]
(1) The refractive index of the lens is 2.5
(2) The radius of curvature of the convex surface is 45 cm
(3) The faint image is erect and real
(4) The focal length of the lens is 20 cm
Sol. Answer (1, 4)
As m = –2  v = 60 cm O
30 cm
1 1 1 1 1 1
  ⇒   ⇒ f  20 cm …(i)
v u f 60 30 f
For reflection from convex surface,
1 1 1
 
v u f
1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 2
  ⇒   ⇒  
10 30 R 10 30 R 30 30 R
 R = 30 cm ...(ii)
By lens maker's formula,
n 1 1 n 1 1 3
 ⇒  ⇒ n 1 ⇒ n  2.5
30 20 3 2 2

15. A transparent slab of thickness d has a refractive index n(z) that increases with z. Here z is the vertical distance
inside the slab, measured from the top. The slab is placed between two media with uniform refractive indices
n1 and n2 (> n1), as shown in the figure. A ray of light is incident with angle i from medium 1 and emerges
in medium 2 with refraction angle f with a lateral displacement l. [JEE(Advanced)-2016]

n1 = constant i
z n(z)

n2 = constant l f

Which of the following statement(s) is(are) true?

(1) l is dependent on n(z) (2) n1 sini = (n2 – n1) sinf
(3) n1 sini = n2 sinf (4) l is independent of n2
Sol. Answer (1, 3, 4) i

l f
Since refraction occurs at a set of parallel surfaces, n1 sini = n2 sinf
The lateral displacement will depend on how the n(z) varies in the medium. Clearly, l does not depend on n2.

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Solutions of Assignment Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 19
16. For an isosceles prism of angle A and refractive index , it is found that the angle of minimum deviation
m = A. Which of the following options is/are correct? [JEE(Advanced)-2017]
(1) For this prism, the emergent ray at the second surface will be tangential to the surface when the angle
⎡ A ⎤
of incidence at the first surface is i1  sin–1 ⎢sin A 4cos2 – 1 – cos A ⎥
⎣⎢ 2 ⎦⎥
(2) For the angle of incidence i1 = A, the ray inside the prism is parallel to the base of the prism
(3) At minimum deviation, the incident angle i1 and the refracting angle r1 at the first refracting surface are
related by r1 = (i1/2)
1 ⎛⎞
(4) For this prism, the refractive index  and the angle of prism A are related as A  cos–1 ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝2⎠
Sol. Answer (1, 2, 3)
m = (2i) – A
 2A = 2i Calculation of r for i = A
 i = A and r = A/2 (look solution at right side)

⎡A  A⎤
sin ⎢ ⎥
 ⎣ 2 ⎦ A A
⎡A⎤ A
sin ⎢ ⎥ r2 =A/2
⎣2⎦ r1 =A/2

A A i1
2sin cos c
 2 2 1sin A   sin r
sin sin A  2cos .sin r
2 2
  2cos 2sin cos
2 sin r  2 2  sin A
A 2
1sini1 =  × sin(A – C) 2cos
= 2cos sin A cos C – cos A sin C  ⇒ r 
A⎡ 1⎤
= 2cos ⎢ sin A 1– sin2 C – cos A ⎥
2⎣ ⎦

⎡ ⎤
A⎢ 1 cos A ⎥
= 2cos ⎢sin A 1– 2 – ⎥
2⎢  ⎛ A ⎞⎥
⎜ 2cos

⎣ ⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦

⎡ ⎤
A⎢ 1 cos A ⎥
= 2cos ⎢sin A 1– – ⎥
2⎢ A A
4cos2 2cos ⎥
⎣⎢ 2 2 ⎦⎥

⎡ ⎡ 2 A ⎤⎤
i1 = sin ⎢sin A ⎢ 4cos – 1 – cos A ⎥ ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎣⎢ 2 ⎦⎥ ⎦⎥
r1  for minimum deviation.
A ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
 cos–1 ⎢ ⎥  A  2cos–1 ⎢ ⎥
2 ⎣2⎦ ⎣2⎦
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20 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

17. A wire is bent in the shape of a right angled triangle and is placed in front of a concave mirror of focal length
f, as shown in the figure. Which of the figures shown in the four options qualitatively represent(s) the shape
of the image of the bent wire? (These figures are not to scale). [JEE(Advanced)-2018]

f f

(1)  > 45° (2)

(3) 0 <  < 45° (4)

Sol. Answer (4)

Image of point A


O A P x C

(f – x)

1 1 1
  ⇒v f
v ⎛ f ⎞ f
⎜ ⎟

I AB f
 ⇒ I AB  2 AB
 AB f

For Height of PQ

1 1 1 1 1 1 f (f  x )
  ⇒   ⇒v 
v (f  x ) f v (f  x ) f x

IPQ f (f  x ) ⎛f ⎞
  
PQ x {(f  x )} ⎜⎝ x ⎟⎠

f ⎛ f ⎞⎛ 2( AB )x ⎞ ⎡ 2( AB )x ⎤
 IPQ  PQ  ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ ⎢⎣∵ PQ  ⎥⎦
x ⎝ x ⎠⎝ f ⎠ f
(Size of image is independent of x. So, final image will be of same height terminating at infinity)

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Linked Comprehension Type Questions
An object O is placed in front of a convex lens such that the lens forms a sharp image on the screen. The distance
between the object and screen is 10 cm. The lens is made of glass at refractive index  g  . The surrounding
medium is air with refractive index 1.

10 cm

1. The focal length of the lens, used in the above experiment, satisfies the condition given by
(1) f > 5 cm (2) 5 cm < f < 10 cm (3) 0 < f  2.5 cm (4) 2.5  f  5 cm
Sol. Answer (3)
The minimum distance between real object and its real image formed by a convex lens is 4f i.e., D  4f
f = 2.5 cm
So, 0 < f 2.5 cm

⎛ 4⎞
2. If the surrounding air is replaced by water ⎜  w  ⎟ , and still a sharp image is formed on the screen, then the
⎝ 3 ⎠
focal length of convex lens (in air) f satisfies the condition
(1) f  2.5 cm (2) f  0.625 cm (3) f  1.25 cm (4) f  5 cm
Sol. Answer (2)

fl ( g  1)
 l
fa ( g  1)

2.5 ⎛ 1 .5  1 ⎞
 ⎜ ⎟8
fa ⎝ 98 ⎠

2 .5 2 .5
 fa = 4  fa = = 0.625 cm

So, f  0.625 cm

3. If focal length of convex lens in air is cm and surrounding medium is air, then magnification is
1 1 1
(1) Either –2 or  (2) Only –2 (3) Only  (4) Either 2 or
2 2 2

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Sol. Answer (1)

Let the distance of object from the lens be x, then

1 1 1
 
v u f

1 1 9
  
10  x x 20

10 9
 2
  9x2 –90x + 200 = 0
10 x  x 20

 9x2 – 60x – 30x + 200 = 0

 3x (3x –20) – 10 (3x –20) = 0

10 20
 x= + or
3 3

(10  x) 1
Linear magnification m = – = –2 or
x 2

Plane mirror (M1) and a concave mirror (M2) of focal length 10 cm are arranged as shown in figure. An object is
kept at origin. Answer the following questions. (Consider image formed by single reflection in all cases).

20 cm
10 cm
O x

1. The co-ordinates of image formed by plane mirror are

(1) –20 cm, 0 cm (2) 10 cm, –60 cm (3) 10 cm, –10 cm (4) 10 cm, 10 cm
Sol. Answer (3)

2. The co-ordinates of image formed by concave mirror are

(1) 10 cm, –40 cm (2) 10 cm, –60 cm (3) 10 cm, 8 cm (4) None of these
Sol. Answer (4)

3. If concave mirror is replaced by convex mirror of same focal length, then co-ordinates of image formed by M2 will
(1) 10 cm, 12 cm (2) 10 cm, 22 cm (3) 10 cm, 8 cm (4) None of these
Sol. Answer (4)
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Solutions of Assignment Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 23
A plano-convex lens L1 and a concavo convex lens L2 in contact as shown in figure. The refractive index of material
9 6
of the lens L1 and L2 are and respectively. The radius of curvature of the concave surface of the lens L2
5 5
is double the radius of curvature of the convex surface. The convex surface of L2 is silvered


1. An object is placed on the principal axis at a distance 10 cm from the plane surface. The image is formed at
a distance 40 cm from the plane surface on the same side. The focal length of the system is
40 40
(1) –8 cm (2) 8 cm (3)  cm (4) cm
3 3
Sol. Answer (1)

2. The radius of curvature of common surface is

(1) 48 cm (2) 24 cm (3) 12 cm (4) 8 cm
Sol. Answer (1)

3. If the plane surface of L1 is silvered as shown in figure, the system acts as



(1) Convex mirror of focal length 24 cm (2) Concave mirror of focal length 8 cm
(3) Concave mirror of focal length 24 cm (4) Convex mirror of focal length 8 cm
Sol. Answer (3)

The figure shows a simple arrangement which works as an astronomical telescope. The arrangement consists
of two convex lenses placed coaxially. The lens which faces a distant object is called the objective. It has a
large aperture and a large focal length also. The second lens is closed to the observers eyes. It is called the
eyepiece. It has a smaller aperture as compared to the objective. Its focal length is also small in comparison
to objective.
From la
distanc e
 A A
 

The objective forms a real image of a distant object. This image acts as the object for the eyepiece. The eye-
piece may form its image at a large distance () or at least distance of distinct vision (D = 25 cm). The
magnifying power of the telescope is the ratio .

Maximum angular magnification is produced when the final image is at the least distance of distinct vision.

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24 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

1. The angular magnification produced by the telescope m  , let focal length of objective lens is fo and that

of eye-piece lens fe. The angular magnification produced, when image formed by the eye-piece is at large
distance away, is

fo ⎛ fo ⎞ fe ⎛ fe ⎞
(1) fe (2)  ⎜ 1  f ⎟ (3) fo (4)  ⎜ 1  f ⎟
⎝ e ⎠ ⎝ o ⎠

Sol. Answer (1)

m = –f .

2. The length of telescope is the distance between objective lens and eye-piece lens. When the telescope is
adjusted to give maximum angular magnification for a distant object the length L of the telescope is
(1) L = f0 + fe (2) L < f0 + fe (3) L > f0 + fe (4) L = f0 – fe
Sol. Answer (2)
L < (f0 + fe)

3. A telescope has an objective of focal length 50 cm and an eye-piece of focal length 5 cm. The least distance
of distinct vision is 25 cm. The telescope is adjusted for distinct vision and it is focussed
on an object 200 cm away. The length of the telescope is

(1) cm (2) 55 cm (3) 53 cm (4) 45 cm
Sol. Answer (1)
1 1 1
Equations: u  v  f …(i)

1 1 1
  …(ii)
 – v v  fe
From (i), u = 200 cm, f0 = 50 cm 
1 1 1  V
   K–4 V
200 v 50
1 1 1 3
  – 
v 50 200 200
 v=
From (ii)
1 1 1
 
– 200 –25 5
1 1 1 6
  
  – 200 5 25 25
 6 – 400 = 25
 6 = 425
= cm.
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Most materials have the refractive index, n > 1. So, when a light ray from air enters a naturally occurring

sin 1 n2
material, then by Snell’s law,  , it is understood that the refracted ray bends towards the normal.
sin 2 n1

But it never emerges on the same side of the normal as the incident ray. According to electromagnetism, the

refractive index of the medium is given by the relation, n  ⎜ ⎟   r r , where c is the speed of
electromagnetic waves in vacuum, v its speed in the medium, r and r are the relative permittivity and
permeability of the medium respectively.
In normal materials, both r and r are positive, implying positive n for the medium. When both r and r are
negative, one must choose the negative root of n. Such negative refractive index materials can now be artificially
prepared and are called meta-materials. They exhibit significantly different optical behavior, without violating any
physical laws. Since n is negative, it results in a change in the direction of propagation of the refracted light.
However, similar to normal materials, the frequency of light remains unchanged upon refraction even in meta-
materials. [IIT-JEE 2012]

1. Choose the correct statement.

(1) The speed of light in the meta-material is v = c|n|
(2) The speed of light in the meta-material is v 
(3) The speed of light in the meta-material is v = c
(4) The wavelength of the light in the meta-material (m) is given by m = air|n|, where air is the wavelength
of the light in air
Sol. Answer (2)

Speed is given by n

2. For light incident from air on a meta-material, the appropriate ray diagram is [IIT-JEE 2012]

Air 1 Air 1

(1) (2)
Meta-material Meta-material

Air 1 Air 1

(3) (4)
Meta-material 2

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Sol. Answer (3)



1sin1 = –nsin2
sin2 =  sin 1

Light guidance in an optical fiber can be understood by considering a structure comprising of thin solid glass
cylinder of refractive index n1 surrounded by a medium of lower refractive index n2. The light guidance in the
structure takes place due to successive total internal reflections at the interface of the media n1 and n2 as
shown in the figure. All rays with the angle of incidence i less than a particular value im are confined in the
medium of refractive index n1. The numerical aperture (NA) of the structure is defined as sin im.
n1 < n2

Air Cladding n2

 Core
i n1


1. For two structure namely S1 with n1  45 / 4 and n2 = 3/2, and S2 with n1 = 8/5 and n2 = 7/5 and taking
the refractive index of water to be 4/3 and that of air to be 1, the correct option(s) is(are)
(1) NA of S1 immersed in water is the same as that of S2 immersed in a liquid of refractive index
3 15
(2) NA of S1 immersed in liquid of refractive index is the same as that of S2 immersed in water
(3) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2 immersed in liquid of refractive index
(4) NA of S1 placed in air is the same as that of S2 placed in water
Sol. Answer (1, 3)

n0 sin i m  n1 sin   n1 cos C  n1 1  sin2 C  n1 1 

 sin i m  n12  n22
n0 n1
45 3 im 
Now, for S1, n1  , n2 
4 2 n0

1 45 9 1 9
(NA)1   
n0 16 4 n0 16

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 (NA1 ) 
1 64 49 1 15 3 1
For S2, (NA2) =    
n0 25 25 n0 25 5 n0

3 9 3 3 15 9
Choice 1 : (NA)1  3  ; (NA)2   
44 16 5 16 16

3 15 15 3 3 3 3
Choice 2 : (NA)1   ; (NA)2   
46 8 5 4 4 5

3 3 15 3
Choice 3 : (NA)1  ; (NA)2   
4 5 4 4
3 4 3
Choice 4 : (NA)1  ; (NA)2 
4 3 5

2. If two structure of same cross-sectional area, but different numerical apertures NA1 and NA2(NA2 < NA1) are
joined longitudinally, the numerical aperture of the combined structure is

(1) NA  NA (2) NA1 + NA2 (3) NA1 (4) NA2
1 2

Sol. Answer (4)

The angle of incident ‘i’ will remain same.
So, small NA will dominate (NA 1) ( NA1)

As (NA2) < NA1, answer is (4)

Assertion-Reason Type Questions
1. STATEMENT-1 : The white light incident on a prism, after emerging from the prism will form a spectrum of rays.
STATEMENT-2 : For different colours, a prism has different refractive indices.
Sol. Answer (1)
Deviation produced by prism depends on refractive index of material of the prism and

b c
 a 2

 4
The red colour has less refractive index as compared to blue colour.
red > blue
red < blue
Dred < Dblue

2. STATEMENT-1 : A single lens produces a coloured image of an object illuminated by white light.
STATEMENT-2 : The refractive index of the material is often different for different wavelengths of light.

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Sol. Answer (1)

Focal length depend on 

1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞
 (   1)⎜⎜  ⎟

f ⎝ R1 R2 ⎠

b c
and  = a + 2

 4
So focal length for different colours will be different.

3. STATEMENT-1 : A convex lens suffers from chromatic aberration.


STATEMENT-2 : All parallel rays passing through a convex lens do not come to a focus at the same point.

Sol. Answer (2)

Different focal length for different colours is called chromatic aberration.


 red > Blue

f Blue red < Blue
f red > f Blue
f red

4. STATEMENT-1 : If reflected or refracted ray diverge from a point, the image will be virtual.


STATEMENT-2 : After reflection or refraction the refracted or reflected rays appear to meet at a point on principle
axis. They do not actually meet at a point.

Sol. Answer (1)

The point of intersection of reflected or refracted rays is called image. If reflected or refracted rays appear
to diverge from a point, they will appear to come from a point called virtual image.

5. STATEMENT-1 : The critical angle is defined when light goes from denser medium to the rarer medium.


STATEMENT-2 : In total internal reflection, intensity of light remains same.

Sol. Answer (2)

Using Snell’s law,

sin c n n1
 2
sin 90 n1 90° n2

Since sinc < l  n2 < n1

In total internal reflection, no part of incident beam is refracted.

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6. STATEMENT-1 : When a light ray is incident normally on a plane refracting surface, it does not deviate from it’s
STATEMENT-2 : The angle of incidence and angle of refraction will be same and equal to zero.
Sol. Answer (1)
In refraction, deviation = |i –r|
If i = 0 then r = 0  D = 0

7. STATEMENT-1 : The colour of light depends on its wavelength.

STATEMENT-2 : On passing through, from one medium to other medium, its frequency does not change.
Sol. Answer (4)

8. STATEMENT-1 : The images of an object placed between two plane mirror inclined at an angle  are symmetrically
STATEMENT-2 : The images of an object by inclined plane mirrors lie on a circle.
Sol. Answer (1)
Distances of different images from the intersection of two plane mirror are equal.

9. STATEMENT-1 : An object is placed inside a liquid and seen through air perpendicularly, look at shorter depth
than its actual depth.
STATEMENT-2 : When light passes from denser medium to rarer medium it deviates away from normal.
Sol. Answer (1)


10. STATEMENT-1 : When an object moves towards a plane mirror with a certain velocity, its image will also move
with the same velocity.
STATEMENT-2 : The distance from mirror to image is equal to distance of object from mirror.
Sol. Answer (4)
When an object moves towards a plane mirror with a certain velocity, its image will move with same speed
in opposite direction. So the velocity of object and image are not equal.

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30 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

11. STATEMENT-1 : A light ray passing though a prism it suffers minimum deviation, if after refraction the refracted
ray becomes parallel to the base of the prism.


STATEMENT-2 : In the case of minimum deviation angle of incidence is equal to angle of emergence.

Sol. Answer (4)

In case of minimum deviation angle of incident is equal to angle of emergence. When prism is isosceles and
light ray passing in prism is parallel to the base of prism, then light ray will always suffer minimum deviation.


i r

 

12. STATEMENT-1 : The formula connecting u, v and f for a spherical mirror is valid only for mirrors whose sizes are
very small compared to their radii of curvature.


STATEMENT-2 : Laws of reflection are strictly valid for plane surfaces, but not large spherical surfaces.
[IIT-JEE 2007]

Sol. Answer (3)

Laws of reflection are valid for all surfaces. But the formula for u, v and f are derived assuming small angles
of incidence. So, they are not applicable for large sized mirrors.

Matrix-Match Type Questions

1. A convex lens L1 and a concave lens L2 have refractive index . Match the following two columns.
Column-I Column-II
(A) L1 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (p) Lens will behave as convex lens
(B) L1 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (q) Lens will behave as concave lens
(C) L2 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (r) Magnitude of power of lens will increase
(D) L2 is immersed in a liquid of refractive (s) Magnitude of power of lens will decrease
Sol. Answer A(p, s), B(q, s), C(q, s), D(p, s)

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2. For real object match the following two columns corresponding to linear magnification m given in Column-I
Column-I Column-II
(A) m = – 2 (p) Convex mirror
(B) m = – 0.5 (q) Concave mirror
(C) m = + 2 (r) Real image
(D) m = + 0.5 (s) Virtual image
Sol. Answer A(q, r), B(q, r), C(q, s), D(p, s)

3. Match the following two column for a convex lens corresponding to object position shown in Column-I
(Note: O - Optical centre, F1 - First focus, F2 - Second focus)
Column-I Column-II
(A) Between O and F1 (p) Real
(B) Between F1 and 2F1 (q) Virtual
(C) Between O and F2 (r) Erect
(D) Between F2 and 2F2 (s) Inverted
Sol. Answer A(q, r), B(p, s), C(p, r), D(p, r)

4. Focal length before operation on lens is f, some operations are performed (given in Column-II) on glass lens having
refractive index 1.5, with reference to operation new focal length is given in Column-I.
Column-I Column-II
(A) F  (p) An equiconvex glass lens is cut into two symmetrical
halves and recombined as shown

(B) f =  (q) An equiconvex glass lens is cut into two symmetrical

halves and recombined as shown

(C) f (r) An equiconvex glass lens is cut into two symmetrical

halves and recombined as shown

(D) (s) Planoconvex lens when silvered at convex surface

(t) Planoconvex lens, when silvered at its plane surface

Sol. Answer A(t), B(r), C(p, q), D(s)

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32 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

5. Consider a linear extended object that could be real or virtual with its length at right angles to the optical axes
of a lens. With regard to image formation by lenses
Column-I Column-II
(A) Image of the same size as the object (p) Concave lens in case of real object
(B) Virtual image of a size greater than the (q) Convex lens in case of real object
(C) Real image of a size smaller than the (r) Concave lens in case of virtual object
(D) Real and magnified image (s) Convex lens in case of virtual object
Sol. Answer A(q, r), B(q, r), C(q, r), D(q, r)

6. A convex lens having focal length f in air is kept in a liquid. The lens is made of a material having refractive
index 1.5 and liquid has refractive index . The Column-I represents the nature of image formed by it for an
object placed inside liquid at a distance x from lens. Column-II gives the required condition for the type of image
specified by Column I. Match the nature of image in I with all possible combination from Column II. Match the
following :
Column-I Column-II

(A) Real image (p) 

(B) Virtual image (q) 2

(C) Magnified image (r) f < x < 4f
(D) Diminished image (s) x > 4f
Sol. Answer A(p, s), B(p, q, r, s), C(p, r, s), D(p, q, r, s)
Focal length of convex lens in air  = 1.5
1  – 1 1– 
 
f R1 – R2 F
R1 R2 Air

1 ⎛ 1 1⎞ ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 1⎛ 1 1⎞
  ( – 1) ⎜  ⎟  (1.5 – 1) ⎜   ⎜ 
⎝ R1 R2 ⎠ 2 ⎝ R1 R2 ⎟⎠

f …(1)
⎝ R1 R2 ⎠

Now lens is kept in a liquid

  1.5 –   – 1.5
 = 
f v R1 – R2

⎛ 1 1⎞  2
= (1.5 –  ) ⎜  ⎟   (1.5 –  ) [From (1)]
⎝ R1 R2 ⎠ v f

1 ⎛ 1.5 ⎞ 2 1
  – 1⎟ –
v ⎜⎝  ⎠f x

If  = 4/3, then

1 0.25 1 O
  –
v f x V Liquid
x 
1 1 1
  –
v 4f x

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1 1
For real image, 
4f x

x > 4f

1 1
If image is virtual, 
4f x

n < 4f
If  = 2,

1 ⎛ 1.5 ⎞ 2 1
Then ⎜ – 1⎟ –
v ⎝ 2 ⎠f x

1 1 1
– –
v 2f x

The image is virtual for all values of x.

Checking magnification and diminishing

Real image Virtual image

n  4f x  4f
 = 1.5 v  4f | v |  4f
m  1, v  8f |m|1
m  1, v  8f

Only vertical image

m 1

7. An optical component and an object S placed along its optic axis are given in Column-I. The distance between
the object and the component can be varied. The properties of images are given in Column-II. Match all the
properties of images from Column-II with the appropriate components given in Column-I. [IIT-JEE 2008]
Column-I Column-II

(A) (p) Real Image

(B) (q) Virtual image

(C) S (r) Magnified image

(D) S (s) Image at infinity

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Sol. Answer A(p, q, r, s), B(q), C(p, q, r, s), D(p, q, r, s)

In all cases, u is negative
(A)  p, q, r, s

Magnification for mirror, m 
f u

f is negative. Depending on valve of u, m can be positive or negative and | m | can be > 1 or < 1.
(B)  q

f u
f is positive 0 < m < 1, for any value of u
(C)  p, q, r, s

f u
f is positive m can be positive or negative and | m | can be > 1 or < 1 depending on u.
(D)  p, q, r, s

f u

f is positive m can be positive or negative and |m| can be > 1 or < 1 depending on u.

8. Two transparent media of refractive indices 1 and 3 have a solid lens shaped transparent material of refractive
index 2 between them as shown in figures in Column-II. A ray traversing these media is also shown in figures.
In Column-I different relationships between 1, 2 and 3 are given. Match them to the ray diagrams shown in
Column-II. [IIT-JEE 2010]
Column-I Column-II

(A) 1 < 2 (p) 3 2 1

2 1
(B) 1 > 2 (q) 3

(C) 2 = 3 (r) 3  1

(D) 2 > 3 (s)  2 1


(t)  2 1

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Sol. Answer A(p, r), B(q, s, t), C(p, r, t), D(q, s)
(p) 2 = 3, as there is no deviation
1 < 2, as ray bends towards normal.
(q) 1 > 2, as ray bends away from normal
2 > 3, for similar reasons
(r) Similar to (p)
(s) Similar to (q)
(t) 1 > 2, as ray bends away from normal
2 = 3, as there is no deviation

9. A right angled prism of refractive index 1 is placed in a rectangular block of refractive index 2, which is surrounded
by a medium of refractive index 3, as shown in the figure. A ray of light e enters the rectangular block at normal
incidence. Depending upon the relationships between 1, 2 and 3, it takes one of the four possible paths 'ef ',
'eg', 'eh' or 'ei'.

e g

1 h

2 3

Match the paths in Column-I with conditions of refractive indices in Column-II. [JEE(Advanced)2013]
Column-I Column-II

(A) e  f (p) 1  2 2

(B) e  g (q) 2  1 and 2  3

(C) e  h (r) 1  2

(D) e  i (s) 2  1  2 2 and 2  3

Sol. Answer A(q), B(r), C(s), D(p)

For path e  f, 2 > 1; 3 < 2.
For path e  g, 1 = 2 (No bending)

For e  h, 2 < 1, 3 < 2. Also 1 < 2 2 (No Total internal Reflection)

For e  i, Total internal Reflection occurs. i.e.,

sin 45   1  2 2

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10. Four combinations of two thin lenses are given in Column-I. The radius of curvature of all curved surfaces is
r and the refractive index of all the lenses is 1.5. Match lens combinations in Column-I with their focal length
in Column-II. [JEE(Advanced)-2014]

Column-I Column-II

(A) (p) 2r

(B) (q)

(C) (r) –r

(D) (s) r

Sol. Answer A(q), B(s), C(r), D(p)


1 ⎛ 1 1⎞ ⎛2⎞ 1
 (u  1) ⎜  ⎟  (1.5  1) ⎜ ⎟  ⇒ f  r
f ⎝r r ⎠ ⎝r ⎠ r

1 1 1 r
  ⇒ f'
f ' f1 f2 2


1 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 0.5
 (1.5  1) ⎜  ⎟ 
f1 ⎝ r ⎠ r ⇒ f1  2r  f2

1 1 1 1 1 1
  ⇒   ⇒f r
f f1 f2 f 2r 2r

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1 ⎛ 1 1⎞ 0.5
 (1.5  1) ⎜  ⎟   ⇒ f1  2r
f1 ⎝ r ⎠ r
1 ⎛ 1 1⎞ 0.5
 1.5  1 ⎜   ⎟   ⇒ f2  2r
f2 ⎝ r  ⎠ r
1 1 1 1 1
   
f f1 f2 2r 2r
f  r


1 ⎛1 1 ⎞ 2 1
 (1.5  1) ⎜  ⎟  0.5  r  r ⇒ f1  r
f1 ⎝ r r ⎠
1 ⎛ 1 1⎞ 1 0.5
 (1.5  1) ⎜  ⎟ ⇒   ⇒ f2  2r
f2 ⎝  r ⎠ f2 r
1 1 1 1 1 1
    
f f1 f2 r 2r 2r ⇒ f  2r

Integer Answer Type Questions
1. A narrow beam of light AB is aimed (as shown), on a spherical ball of transparent material having refractive index
. Find the value of refractive index, so that light is focused at the point C on the opposite end of the diameter
from where the light enters, given that x < < R.

A i

Sol. Answer (2)
180 – i + 2r = 180
 r 
A i
1 sin i = 2 sin r
⎛i⎞ B
 1 sin i =  sin ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ R
⎛i⎞ i
If x < < R sin i = i , sin ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 
2 2
 i
 =2

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38 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

2. A fish is moving up vertically with speed 4 cm/s inside a pond. A bird is moving vertically downward (see figure).
Velocity of the bird w.r.t. fish is 16 cm/s downward. Find out the actual velocity of the bird (in cm/s). Given refractive
4 Bird
index of water is .

Sol. Answer (9)
v BF  v BG  F FG
 2 1
  0
v u
 3 10
v u
4 1 4u 4u dv 4 du
⇒  ⇒v  ⇒v  ⇒ 
3v u 3 3 dt 3 dt
4u 4u
16   4 ⇒ 12  ⇒ u  9 cm/s
3 3

3. An object is placed 12 cm to the left of a diverging lens of focal length 6.0 cm. A converging lens with a focal
length of 12.0 cm is placed at a distance ‘d’ to the right of the diverging lens. Find the distance ‘d’ (in cm) that
corresponds to a final image at infinity.
f = –6.0cm f = 12 cm

12.0cm d
Sol. Answer (8)
1 1 1
  …(i)
v1 12 6

1 1 1
  …(ii)
 (v1  d ) 12
From (i) and (ii), d = 8 cm

4. The focal length of a thin biconvex lens is 20 cm. When an object is moved from a distance of 25 cm in front
of it to 50 cm, the magnification of its image changes from m25 to m50. The ratio is [IIT-JEE 2010]
Sol. Answer (6)

f u
m25   4
20  25
20 2
m50  
20  50 3
m25 12
 6
m50 2

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5. Image of an object approaching a convex mirror of radius of curvature 20 m along its optical axis is observed to
25 50
move from m to m in 30 seconds. What is the speed of the object in km per hour? [IIT-JEE 2010]
3 7
Sol. Answer (3)
Convex mirror forms virtual image of object behind the mirror.
By Mirror formula

1 1 1
 
v u f
For first object

1 1 1 O I
  
 25 / 3 u 10

 u = – 50 m 10 cm
For second object

1 1 1
  
 50 / 7 u 10

 u = – 25 m
25 25 36
Speed = m/s   km/h = 3km/h
30 30 10

6. Consider a concave mirror and a convex lens (refractive index = 1.5) of focal length 10 cm each, separated
by a distance of 50 cm in air (refractive index = 1) as shown in the figure. An object is placed at a distance
of 15 cm from the mirror. Its erect image formed by this combination has magnification M1. When the set-up
7 M2
is kept in a medium of refractive index , the magnification becomes M2. The magnitude is
6 M1

15 cm

50 cm
Sol. Answer (7)
There is no effect on magnification of mirror due to change in medium.

1 1 1
For mirror,  
v u f
1 1 1 1 1
    
v f u 10 15
 v = –30 cm
So image due to mirror will form at a distance of 30 cm from the mirror in front of it.
So distance of object from the lens = 50 – 30 = 20 cm.
In first case, the object is at a distance of 2f from lens. So magnification will be 1.
In second case,  ('  1)x

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But  (  1)x

⎛   1⎞ 70
 f  ⎜ ⎟ f  cm
⎝  '  1⎠ 4

So magnification =  7

M2 7  Magnification of mirror
So ratio M  1  Magnification of mirror  7

7. The monochromatic beam of light is incident at 60° on one face of an equilateral prism of refractive index n
and emerges from the opposite face making an angle (n) with the normal (see the figure). For n = 3 the
value of  is 60° and = m. The value of m is [JEE(Advanced)-2015]


Sol. Answer (2)

sin = nsinr1
 0  n cos r1  sin r1
dr1 sin r1
 
dn n cos r1
Also, r2 + r1 = A

dr2 dr
  1
dA dA
Also, nsinr2 = sin
dr2 d
1  sin r2  n cos r2  cos 
dn dn
⎛ sin r1 ⎞ d
 sin r2  n cos r2  ⎜ ⎟  cos 
⎝ n cos r1⎠ dn

⎛ 1 1⎞ 1 d 
 ⎜⎝  ⎟⎠ 
2 2 2 dn
8. A monochromatic light is travelling in a medium of refractive index n = 1.6. It enters a stack of glass layers
from the bottom side at an angle  = 30º. The interfaces of the glass layers are parallel to each other. The
refractive indices of different glass layers are monotonically decreasing as nm = n – mn, where nm is the
refractive index of the mth slab and n = 0.1 (see the figure). The ray is refracted out parallel to the interface
between the (m – 1)th and mth slabs from the right side of the stack. What is the value of m?

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m n – mn
m–1 n – (m – 1)n

3 n – 3n
2 n – 2n
1 n – n

Sol. Answer (8)

Considering Snell's law between first layer and mth layer.

n sin    n  mn  sin90º

1.6   1.6  m  0.1  1

m 8
9. Sunlight of intensity 1.3 kW m–2 is incident normally on a thin convex lens of focal length 20 cm. Ignore the
energy loss of light due to the lens and assume that the lens aperture size is much smaller than its focal
length. The average intensity of light, kW m–2, at a distance 22 cm from the lens on the other side
is _________. [JEE(Advanced)-2018]
Sol. Answer (130.00)

Power incident, P = I.(A1)


20 cm 2 cm

P ⎛ IA1 ⎞ ⎛ 20 ⎞
Intensity on screen = = ⎜ A ⎟ = I  ⎜ ⎟ = 130 kw/m2
A2 ⎝ 2⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠

Multiple True-False Type Questions

1. STATEMENT-1 : Image formed by a convex mirror is always virtual, erect and diminished.
STATEMENT-2 : In case of a concave mirror the image is erect and virtual, when the object is placed between
focus and pole.
STATEMENT-3 : In case of a concave mirror the image is real, when the object is placed between focus and
centre of curvature.
(1) F T T (2) TTT (3) TFF (4) TTF
Sol. Answer (1)
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2. STATEMENT-1 : Deviation produced by prism for yellow light is more that for red light.
STATEMENT-2 : Angle of deviation  varies with the angle of incidence.
STATEMENT-3 : At angle of minimum deviation the ray passes symmetrically through the prism, i.e. the angle
of emergence of the ray from the second face is equal to the angle of incidence of the ray on the first face.
(1) T T T (2) TTF (3) FTT (4) FFT
Sol. Answer (1)

3. STATEMENT-1 : When a lens is placed in a medium for which  is less than that of the lens, its focal length is
more than focal length in air.
STATEMENT-2 : When the lens is placed in a medium for which  is greater than that of the lens. The nature
of the lens remains unchanged.
STATEMENT-3 : When a lens of focal length f is placed in a medium for which  is same as that of the lens
then the power of the lens becomes zero
(1) F F F (2) TFT (3) FFT (4) FTF
Sol. Answer (2)

Aakash Challengers Questions

1. A small air bubble O (as shown in figure) is formed inside the solid glass sphere of radius 10 cm. The refractive
index of glass   . The position of air bubble is at distance 5 cm from centre. If one half of sphere is polished.
Then find the distance between images seen by observer on the left side of sphere. Assume  = 1.5.

Air 10

Sol. The observer will see two images. One only due to refraction. Second due to reflection and refraction both.

First image (Due to refraction only)

n2 n1 n2  n1
Using   /////
v u R ///

1 1 .5 1  1 .5 o
   I1
v  15  10 C

// /
1 1 1 / //
  
v 10 20

1 1 1 1
   
v 20 10 20

 v = – 20 cm

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Second image (Due to reflection and refraction)
As O is the focus of spherical concave surface.
/ ////
After reflection this incident ray will become ////

// /
/ ///
Parallel to the principal axis.

// ///// // ////////
n2 n1 n2  n1 I2 C O
 
v u R

// /
//// /
1 1 .5 0 . 5 //
  
v   10

1 1
 
v 20
 u = 20 cm
So the distance between object and image, is 40 cm.

2. A small fish, 0.4 m below the surface of a lake, is viewed through a simple converging lens of focal length
3 m. The lens is kept at 0.2 m above the water surface such that the fish lies on the optical axis of the lens.
Find the image of the fish as seen by the observer. The refractive index of water is 4/3.



O I2

For first refraction at water surface

n2 n1

v u

1 4/3
 =  v = 0.3
v 0 .4

Distance of l1 from lens

u = – 0.5 m
In lens formula

1 1 1
 
v u f

1 2 5
 v=  =  v = – 0.6 m
3 1 3
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44 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

3. A convex lens focuses a distant object on a screen placed 10 cm away from it. A glass plate ( = 1.5) of thickness
1.5 cm is inserted between the lens and the screen where should the object be placed so that its image is again
focussed on the screen.


The object distant and image is 10 cm away

After placing a glass plate,

⎛ 1⎞
Shifting of image = t ⎜ 1– ⎟ away from the lens.
⎝ ⎠

⎛ 1⎞
So, to get the image again on screen, image from lens must form at distance 10 – t ⎜ 1– ⎟ from lens.
⎝ ⎠

⎛ 1 ⎞
 v = 10 – 1.5 ⎜ 1– = 9.5 cm
⎝ 1.5 ⎟⎠

1 1 1
  
v u f

1 1 1
  
9.5 u 10

1 10 – 9.5
  .
v 95

1 1
  ⇒ u  190 cm
u 190

4. A parallel beam falls on a solid glass sphere at nearly normal incidence. Prove that the image distance from the
R (2   )
second surface in terms of the index of refraction  and R, is given by , where R is radius of sphere.
2 (  1)
Sol. 

 2 1  2 – 1
Applying –  for first surface, 2 = ; 1 = 1 u = –, R = R
v u R

  –1 R
  ⇒v 
v R  –1

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For second surface

⎛ R ⎞
u= ⎜ – 2R ⎟ ,  = 1;  = 
⎝ –1 ⎠ 2 1

R(2 –  )
 R = –R
 –1

1 ( – 1) 1– 
 – 
v R(2 –  ) –R

1 (2 –  ) ( – 1)  (  2 –  )
 
v (2R – R  )

1 2( – 1)
 
v R(2 –  )

R(2 – )
 v
2( – 1)

5. Light enters a prism of angle A at a grazing incidence to emerge at an angle  with the normal. Show that,
⎡ ⎛ sin   cos A ⎞ 2 ⎤ 2
 for the material of a prism is given by   ⎢1  ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ sin A ⎠ ⎥⎦

r1 r2


Sol. Since r1+r2 =A

r 2 = A – r1
sinr2 = sin A cosr1 – cos A. sinr2
Using Snells law at two surfaces

1 sin
sinr1 = ; sinr2 =
 

sin  2  1 sin
 sin A – cos A
  2 

⎡ ⎛ sin   cos A ⎞ 2 ⎤ 2
  = ⎢1  ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎝ sin A ⎠ ⎦⎥

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46 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

6. A rod made of glass, ( = 1.5) and of square cross-section is bent into the shape shown in figure. A parallel
beam of light falls perpendicularly on the plane flat surface A. Referring to the diagram, d is the width of a side
⎛d ⎞
and R the radius of inner semi-circle. Find the maximum value of ratio ⎜ ⎟ so that all light entering the glass
⎝R ⎠
through surface A emerge from the glass through B.

i R


Sol. Q


For light ray to suffer total internal reflection,

 PQO < critical angle
For limiting case,

1 R
SinC = 
 Rd

 1 d
 
1 R

  0 .5

7. A plane mirror is inclined at angle ( > ) with horizontal surface. A particle is projected from point P at
t = 0 with a velocity V at an angle  with horizontal. The image of the particle is observed from the frame of the
particle projected. Assuming the particle does not collide with the mirror, find

 
(i) The time when image will come momentarily at rest with respect to the particle.
(ii) Path of image as seen by the particle.

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Sol. (i) The image will come momentarily at rest with respect to the particle when the velocity of the particle
becomes parallel to the mirror

vy v sin   gt
tan = 
vx v cos 

v sin   gt v
v cos   
gt = v(sin – tancos)

v cos (tan   tan  )

 t=

(ii) Components of velocities of object and image parallel to the mirror are same.

8. A ball is kept at a height h above the surface of a heavy transparent sphere of radius R made of a material of
a refractive index , kept in air at t = 0, the ball is dropped so as to fall normally on the sphere. Find the speed

of image formed as a function of time for t  . Consider only the image by single refraction.

n2 n1 n2  n1
Sol.  
v u R
Differentiating w.r.t. time

n2 dv n1 du
 0
v 2 dt u 2 dt O gt

2 2
n1 ⎛ v ⎞ 1 ⎛v ⎞
 Velocity of the image = ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜ ⎟
n2 ⎝ u ⎠  ⎝u ⎠

Now using

 1 ⎛   1⎞
  ⎜ ⎟
v u ⎝ R ⎠

u ⎛   1⎞
  1 ⎜ ⎟u
v ⎝ R ⎠

v R
  
u ( (   1)u  R )

⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
1 ⎜  2R 2 ⎟
So the velocity of image =  ⎜ ⎟ gt
 2
⎜ ⎡   1 ⎛ h  1 gt 2 ⎞  R ⎤ ⎟
⎜⎢ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ⎥ ⎟
⎝⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦ ⎠

R 2 gt
= 2
⎡ ⎛ 1 2⎞ ⎤
⎢   1 ⎜ h  2 gt ⎟  R ⎥
⎣ ⎝ ⎠ ⎦

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48 Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Solutions of Assignment

9. A ray of light travelling in air is incident at grazing angle (incident angle = 90°) on a long rectangular slab of a
transparent medium of thickness t = 1.0 m. The point of incidence is the origin A (0, 0). The medium has a variable
index of refraction n(y) is given by n(y) = [ky3/2 +1]1/2. Where K = 1.0 m–3/2. The refractive index of air is 1.0.

y-axis Air
P(x1, y1)

t = 1.0 m B(x, y)

A(0, 0) x-axis

(a) Obtain the relation between the slope of the trajectory of the ray at a point B(x, y) in the medium and
y coordinate.
(b) Obtain an equation for the trajectory y(x) of the ray in the medium.
(c) Determine the co-ordinates (x1, y1) of the point P, where the ray intersects the upper surface of the slab air
Sol.  sin = constant
3 1
1 (sin90°) = (ky 2
 1) 2 sin
3 y - axis
 cosec2 = (ky 2
 1)
 1+ cot2 = ky 2
1 
3 3
1m 
since, k = 1 m 
 cot = ky 4 = y 4 2

 tan= cot = y 4
x - axis
dy 3 3
  y 4 ⇒ y 4 .dy  dx
  y 4 = x + c since at x = 0, y = 0 so, C = 0

 y=
(a) Slope = tan = y 4

(b) Curve 4 y 4 =x
(c) At y = 1, x =4 so the ray will emerge from (4, 1)

10. A hollow sphere made of a transparent material of refractive index 1.5 has a small mark on its surface as shown.
The mark is observed from the farther side. Find the distance of the image of mark from the centre of the sphere.


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 2 1  2  1
Sol. At surface ABC, applying   (1 = 1, 2 = 1.5)
v u R

1.5 1 .5
 
v1 2R – R

1.5 –1
  A
v1 R
–3R Q
 v1 =
2 B B
I2 P I1 O
Now, at surface ABC, (1 = 1.5, 2 = 1) V1

⎛ 3R ⎞ 5R
u = – ⎜⎝  R⎟  –
2 ⎠ 2 C

1 (1.5) –.5
 2 
v2 5R 2R

–20R 20R 6R
 v2  ;  distance from centre = – 2R  .
7 7 7

11. A particle executes a simple harmonic motion of amplitude 1.0 cm along the principle axis of a convex lens of
focal length 12 cm. The mean position of oscillation is at 20 cm from the lens. Find the amplitude of oscillation
of image of the particle. Does the image also execute simple harmonic motion?
f = 12 cm

mean positive

E2 E1

1 cm
20 cm

E1 and E2 are Extreme positions

 T at any time instant, the distance of object from lens

u = –20 + a sin t, (according to sign convention)

 u = – (20 – sin t) a = 1.

1 1 1 1 1 1
 –  ⇒   .
v u f v 20 – sin t 12

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1 1 1
  –
v 12 (20 – sin t )

1 8 – sin t
 
v 12(20 – sin t )

12(20 – sin t )
 v= …(i)
8 – sin t

Now, the extremes for image will come, when sin t = 1; and when sint = –1

 = 32.57

= 28

32.57 – 28 4.57
 Difference between extremes = 2a  a = =  2.3 cm
2 2

Equation (i) does not represent oscillatory motion.

12. The refractive index of the crown glass for violet and red lights are 1.51 and 1.49 respectively and those of flint
glass are 1.77 and 1.73 respectively. A narrow beam of white light is incident at a small angle of incident on shown
combination of thin prism. Find values of  for which mean deviation of beam is zero. Also calculate net dispersion.

Flint glass

4° 2°

Crown glass
Sol. Mean deviation
= A1(1 – 1) – A2 = (2 – 1) + A3(3 – 1) Flint glass
 Mean deviation
4° 1.49 2°
⎛ 1.51  1.49 ⎞ ⎛ 1.51  1.49 ⎞
4⎜ – 1⎟  2 ⎜ – 1⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝
0 = 2 ⎠

For crown glass prisms 1.51  1.77

⎛ 1.77  1.73 ⎞
 ⎜  1⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠

 = 4.
And, mean dispersion is A(r – n)
Dispersion = 4(1.51 – 1.49) – 4(1.77 – 1.73) + 2(1.51 – 1.49) = 0.04.

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13. A portion of a straight glass rod of diameter 2 cm and refractive index 1.5 is bent into an arc of a circle of
radius R cm and a parallel beam of light is incident on it as shown in figure. Find the smallest R which permits
all the light to pass around the arc.



Ray with least angle of incidence should get internally reflected

R D 1
sin   sin c ⇒ 
R 

d 3 2
R    2  6 cm
 1 2 1


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