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TOPIC: Wearing the Right Clothes Makes a Man

Clothes can tell a lot about a person. Some people like very colorful clothes. They want
everyone to look at them. They want to be the center of this world. Other people like to wear
nice clothes. But their clothes are not colorful or fancy. They do not like people to look at
them. They do not care if anyone looks at them. They do not care what anyone thinks about

What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

What is your favorite color while choosing your clothes?

Do you agree with an old German saying which says "the clothes you wear will tell who you

Are you like some people we know in the United States, especially, the black people who
like to wear loud colors?

Do you care about your appearance?

Do you like to wear attractive colors? Why or why not?

Are you particular with the clothes you wear?

Which one do you prefer, Eastern clothing or Western clothing?

Are you trendy or traditional?

person : 사람
look at : ∼을 보다
fancy : 화려한
especially : 특별히
loud colors : 불쾌한 색
attractive : 매력적인
particular : 특별한
trendy : 유행의
traditional : 전통적인

KEY SENTENCE: They do not care what anyone thinks about them.

TOPIC: Is There a Ticket to Chicago?

[상황 : 차표 사기]

A: Excuse me.
B: Yes, may I help you?
A: Is there a ticket to Chicago?
B: Yes. Do you want a round-trip ticket or a one-way ticket?
A: Round-trip, please.
B: A Round-trip ticket to Chicago is $45. 00.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you. Please take the left portion and hand it over to the bus driver.
A: Alright. Where do I ride the bus?
B: It's at gate 7.
A: Thank you.

KEY SENTENCE: Do you want a round-trip ticket or a one-way ticket?

How do you book a plane ticket?

What expenses will you incur if you will go on a tour to a foreign country?

When you go out of town which transportation do you use?

What is the best way to travel from the city to the province?

Which one do you prefer, traveling by plane or by ship?

When was the last time you traveled out of town?

Here is a five-dollar bill. | 여기 5달러 지폐야.

Here is a map of Canada. | 캐나다 지도가 여기 있어.

Here it is, sir. | 여기 있습니다, 선생님.

I want to borrow some books, too. | 나도 책을 좀 빌리고 싶어.

I want to bring you to a nice restaurant. | 나는 너를 좋은 레스토랑에 데려가고


I want to give you a special present. | 나는 네게 특별한 선물을 하고싶어.

I want to appreciate you of what you did. | 네가 해준 것에 대하여 감사를 표하고 싶어.

TOPIC: The Crab And the Fox

A crab does not like to live at the seashore, anymore. He thinks that it is better to live on the
land. The crab goes to the land. While the crab is on the land, a fox sees him. The fox is so
hungry and eats the crab. But before the fox eats up the crab, the crab says, "This is all my
mistake. If I had just stayed in the sea and be contented with my life there, this would not
have happened."

Why does the crab not want to stay at the seashore anymore?

Do we have to be happy with the things that we have? Why or why not?

What did the crab do?

What happened to the crab?

Would the fox have eaten the crab if he had not gone to the land?
What is the moral lesson that you can get in this story?

Are you contented with your life now? Why or why not?

seashore : 해변
anymore : 더 이상(부정어와 함께 사용되어 ‘더 이상 ~ 않다’ 란 뜻으로 사용됨)
better : 더 좋은
crab : 게
mistake : 실수
land : 육지
contented : 만족한

KEY SENTENCE: The fox is so hungry and eats the crab.

TOPIC: How Would You Like Them?

[상황 : Harry's Restaurant ]

A: Welcome to Harry's Restaurant, may I take your order?

B: Yes, please. We'll have two steaks.
A: How would you like them?
B: One medium and one well-done.
A: Would you like a salad with your steak?
B: Yes, one green salad, please.
A: How about something cold to drink?
B: An orange juice and a coke, please.
A: OK, your order is two steaks, one medium and one well-done, a green salad, one coke
and one orange juice. Anything else?
B: No, that will be fine, thanks.
How much is that?
A: That's 49 dollars.

KEY SENTENCE: Would you like a salad with your steak?

How often do you visit a restaurant?

Do you go at fancy restaurant?

What do you usually order when you eat out?

Which one do you like better, steak or hamburger?

Do you like to try some exotic food?

What kind of food do you like?

Tell me about Korean food.

What is your favorite food?

It looks delicious. | 맛있어 보이네요.
It tastes good! | 맛있어요.

It makes my tongue water. | 그거 군침이 도네요.

How do you like dinner? | 저녁 식사 어때요?

Have you tasted my menu? |내 메뉴 먹어 보셨어요?

Do you want some more? | 더 드실래요?

Would you like a taste? | 좀 먹어 볼래?

Try this food. | 이 음식 먹어보세요.

TOPIC: Feelings

Carla was disappointed when her best friend did not come for her graduation in college. She
wanted to share her happiness not only with her family but also with her best friend. She told
her best friend Angela that she was so excited about her graduation and that she wanted her
to be there, when she graduated. Now Carla was so sad because her friend didn't make it.
The following day she received a call from Angela's mom telling her that Angela had an
accident on her way to Carla's home but good news was that she was not badly hurt. This
shocked Carla and her feelings were all mixed up. She was feeling angry at herself because
she was blaming her best friend about missing her graduation last night. On the other hand,
she was glad that Angela was fine.

What was Carla's feeling when Angela did not come to her graduation?

Why did she want her best friend to be there when she graduated?

What would make you happy?

What would make you sad?

What makes you angry?

When this thing happened to you, would you be angry to your best friend?

How do you feel when you graduated from high school?

Are you proud of yourself because of this achievement? What about to your parents?

How did you thank your parents with this event in your life?

disappoint : 실망하다
graduation : 졸업
accident : 사고
on one's way : 도중에
badly : 심하게
angry : 화난
proud : 자랑스러운
achievement : 성취, 업적

KEY SENTENCE: Carla was disappointed when her best friend did not come.

TOPIC: Her Grades Have Fallen This Semester

[상황 : 의견교환하기 ]

A: Leonard, did you see Jennifer's report card?

B: No. Have you seen it?
A: Yes. Her grades have fallen this semester.
B: Hmm. I assume that she is not interested in her major.
A: Yes, I agree with you.
B: Perhaps she should change her major.
A: That's what I think, too.
B: She always wanted to study Japanese.
A: Yeah, I think it was a mistake to make her take up economics.
B: If she really wants to study Japanese, she can still do that.
A: Yes, I agree. I think it's best to let her do what she wants.
B: Why don't we talk to her about it?
A: Let's do that. It's late tonight. So, let's do it tomorrow.

KEY SENTENCE: I think it's best to let her do what she wants.

What major would you like to take up in college and why?

What if your parents let you study their choice than yours, what will you do? Do you
disagree? Why or why not?

What is the best thing you can do to succeed in college and enjoy it as well?

Have you ever thought of studying abroad?

Where would you like to study?

Why do you study English?

Why do we need to pursue our education?

How important education in one’s life?

That's what I said. | 내가 그렇게 말했어.

The idea is to try it. | 그것을 한번 시도해 보겠다는 거지.

You'll find some use for it. | 그게 쓸모가 있을 때가 있을 거야.

I can't tell you how sorry I am. | 정말 안됐군.

That is what I want to have. | 그것이 내가 갖기를 원하는 것입니다.

That’s what I told you. | 그것이 내가 네게 말했던거야.

TOPIC: UFOs in Our Skies

My brother and I were driving west when he saw some objects coming toward us from
behind. At first, I thought the objects might be large birds. As they came nearer, I could see
no wings. They did not seem to act like birds, either. They were in a close group. We
wondered what they were. So we parked our car to look at them, closer. We both got out
and looked for a while. There were six objects, all egg-shaped, and they did not make any
sound. They were moving in various ways and close to each other. Then we thought it might
be the UFO`s we had seen on TV.

Do you believe UFOs exist? Why or why not?

When you watch a UFO movie, how do you feel?

Why do people believe in UFOs even though we cannot see a UFO clearly?

If UFOs exist, do you believe they come from a different planet in our universe?

Why do you think UFOs keep coming to our planet?

What do you think should we do if UFO’s really exist and they fight with human?

Do they have power to conquer our universe?

What might happen if they will live here on the earth? Do you think they’re dangerous to

west : 서쪽
object : 물체
wonder : ∼아닐까 생각하다
park : 주차하다
planet : 행성
universe : 우주
exist : 존재하다
dangerous : 위험한
conquer : 정복자

KEY SENTENCE: I thought the objects might be large birds.

TOPIC: Why Didn't You Come to School Yesterday?

[상황 : 권유하기]

A: Hello, may I speak to Betty, please?

B: Speaking. Who is this?
A: It's me, Anthony. I called to find out if you are ok.
B: Oh, hi, Anthony. I'm fine now.
A: So, why didn't you come to school yesterday?
B: I had a very bad cold, and the doctor told me to stay in bed.
A: You sound okay now. Will you come to school tomorrow, then?
B: Yes, I have fully recovered, now.
A: Well, I'll see you in school, then.
B: Yeah, thanks for calling.
A: Sure, take care of yourself.
B: Bye.

KEY SENTENCE: Will you come to school tomorrow then?

What happens if we would always miss class?

Have you ever been absent from class? What was the result of it?

What should you do to cope up with school works if you were absent from school?

How many times have you been absent from your class?

What would you do if you’re sick and you can’t go to school?

Are you interested in your class at school?

Have you tried to feel sleepy in your class?

What did you do?

Have some more bread. | 빵 좀 더 먹어.

Have some of these cookies. | 쿠키좀 먹어.

Keep the change. | 잔돈은 가져.

Make yourself at home. | 편히 지내.

Make yourself comfortable | 편히 쉬어.

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