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A Detailed

Lesson Plan in
English 3


Student Intern

__Marilyn D. Cabangon__
Classroom Teacher

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At the end of the 40-minute lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify words with long a, i, o, u (Sounds ending in e);
b. appreciate that understanding one’s feelings brings joy by reading the story Two
Friends, One World; and
c. read words with long a, i, o, u (Sounds ending in e).


Topic: Read Words with Long a, i, o, u (sounds ending in e)
References: Bautista, L. et. al., 2015. Let’s Get Better in English 3 Learner’s Material,
Department of Education, Pasig City, Philippines: Lexicon Press
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation and other visual aids
Values Integration:


A. Preliminary Activities

a. Greetings

(The teacher will greet the pupils with enthusiasm)

Good morning, class! (The pupils will greet the teacher and
their classmates)

All: Good morning teacher!

All: Good morning classmates!

Are you ready to learn something new today?
All: Yes, teacher!

b. Prayer

Everyone, kindly stand up and we will pray.

(Pupils stand and bow their heads to
Heavenly Father,

Thank you for this wonderful day. Guide us in All: Heavenly Father,
everything we do and keep us all safe and secure.
Thank you for this wonderful day. Guide
Amen. us in everything we do and keep us all
safe and secure.


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You may now take your seats, class!

c. Checking of Attendance

Now, I have to check your attendance. What you’re

going to do is when I call your name, kindly stand
up and say present.

Did you understand, class?

All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s start.

Gian Denver Acurin

(Gian will stand up and say present)
Charles Emmanuel Aquino
(Charles will stand up and say present)
Zachary Enzo Cabangon
(Zachary will stand up and say present)
Skyller Calderon
(Skyller will stand up and say present)

(The teacher will continue saying the names of the

pupils who are in the attendance list)

Very good! Everybody, give yourselves a “perfect

attendance” clap since everyone is here!

The “perfect attendance” clap goes like this,

One, two, three,

(Pupils will listen to the teacher)
One, two, three,

Perfect Attendance!

Altogether, class. Stand up.

(Pupils will stand up and do the clap)

All: One, two, three,

One, two, three,

Perfect Attendance!
Very good, class. You may now take your seats.

d. Setting of the Classroom Rules

Before we begin our lesson today, you must

always remember our classroom rules and

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Listen carefully.

What’s our first rule again, class?

All: Listen carefully, teacher!


You raise your hands if you want to speak.

What’s our second rule again, class?

All: You raise your hands if you want to
speak, teacher!


Pick up the pieces of paper under your tables

and chairs.

What’s our last rule again, class?

All: Pick up the pieces of paper under

Have I stated our rules clearly, class? your tables and chairs, teacher!

What’s our first rule again, class? All: Yes, teacher!

All: Listen carefully, teacher!

What about our second rule?

All: You raise your hands if you want to

speak, teacher!

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What about the last rule?

All: Pick up the pieces of paper under

your tables and chairs, teacher.
Very good, class!

e. Drill

Now, I have here a chart. This chart contains

words with short vowel sounds. What you’re going
to do is you’re going to read it aloud. When you
read it correctly, I will put a ( ) sign on the line
before the word and (X) sign if not. If you want to
recite, just raise your hands, okay? Did you
understand, class?
All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s start!

(The teacher will start with number one)

_____1. van (Enzo will raise his hand and read the
word aloud)
Very good, Enzo!
(Samantha will raise her hand and read
_____2. bed the word aloud)
Very good, Samantha!

_____3. sit (Moira will raise her hand and read the
word aloud)
Very good, Moira!
(Charles will raise his hand and read the
_____4. dog
word aloud)
Very good, Charles!
(Kobe will raise his hand and read the
_____5. sun word aloud)

Very good, Kobe!

(The teacher will make the teacher repeat the

words with short vowel sounds)

Excellent, class! Give yourselves a round of

applause because all your answers are correct.
(The pupils will give themselves a round
of applause)
f. Review

Who can remember our topic yesterday?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite.)

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Aljeah: It’s all about the short vowel
sounds, teacher.

Will anyone give me an example of a word with

short vowel sounds?

(Pupils will raise their hands to recite.)

Rendell: Car, teacher!

Princess: Rat, teacher!

Jhamela: Rug, teacher!

Great job, class!

g. Unlocking of Difficulties

At this moment, I have here a chart containing (Pupils will listen carefully to the
words that will give you an idea about our next teacher)

I will first read the word and its definition, and you
will repeat it after me. Is that okay, class?
All: Yes, teacher.

(The pupils will look on the chart)


it comes from animals that can be use as food.

What’s our first word again, class?

All: Meat!
Very good!


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(The pupils will look on the chart)
a sweet food that is baked and often decorated.

What’s our second word again, class?

All: Cake!

Very good!
B. Development of the Lesson

a. Motivation

Now class, I have here many bubbles. I will group

you into two and you will put a sign on the words
with long vowel sounds. Again, class you will put the
sign on the space provided before the word. The
group who will finish first will have a reward from
me. Did you understand class?
All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s start!

Kite Hat Mate

(Pupils will start putting a heart to the

space provided before the words)
Run Bite

Great work, class! You may now take your seats!

(Pupils will take their seats)

b. Presentation

Before we start our lesson today, did you enjoy

what we did, class?
All: Yes, teacher!

That’s good to hear!

Okay, class do you now have an idea what would be

our next lesson?
All: Yes, teacher!
What would be our next lesson then?
Charles: It’s all about the words with
long vowel sounds, teacher!

It seems like you’re now ready for our new lesson

for today.

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c. Lesson Proper

Class, we will now start our discussion.

Our topic for today is all about Reading the Words (The pupils will listen to the teacher)
with Long a, i, o, u (sounds ending with e).

It’s all about long vowel sounds.

Again, class what’s our topic all about?

All: It’s all about long vowel sounds,


Now, you will read the story that I have written on

the board. I will first read and you will repeat it after
me. Is it okay, class?
All: Yes, teacher!

Let’s begin.

(The teacher will begin to read the story on the


The Mole

By: Lorrie L. Birchall

The mole went down the little hole. And didn’t

make a sound. She chose to be there alone. At
home under the ground.
(The pupils will begin to read the story on
the board)

The Mole

By: Lorrie L. Birchall

The mole went down the little hole. And

didn’t make a sound. She chose to be
there alone. At home under the ground.
Okay, class what did you notice on the underlined

(Moira will raise her hand)

Moira: The words have a long vowel

sound, teacher!
Very good, Moira!

Long vowel sounds are where a vowel makes the

same sound as the way its name is pronounced.

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What is it again, class?

All: Long vowel sounds, teacher!

Very Good!

By adding /e/ at the end of a short vowel word, such (The pupils will listen to the teacher)
word will pronounce a long vowel word with its new

Did you understand, class?

All: Yes, teacher!

Very good!

These are long ‘a’ words because the ‘a’ is sounded

as /ey/.

All: Cake!

All: Nape!


All: Gate!
Will anyone give me another example of long ‘a’
(Ysteven will raise his hand)

Ysteven: Tape, teacher!

Very good, Ysteven!

These are long ‘i’ words because the ‘a’ is sounded

as /ay/.

Page 9

All: Rice!


All: Fire!

All: Line!
Will anyone give me another example of long ‘i’
(Rhianne will raise his hand)

Rhianne: Vine, teacher!

Very good, Rhianne!

These are long ‘o’ words because the ‘o’ is sounded

as /ow/.

All: Pole!


All: Nose!

Rose All: Rose!

Will anyone give me another example of long ‘o’

Page 10

(Jhana will raise his hand)

Jhana: Hope, teacher!

Very good, Jhana!

These are long ‘u’ words because the ‘u’ is sounded

as /yu/.

All: Cube!

All: Muse!

All: Fuse!
Will anyone give me another example of long ‘u’
words? (Gian will raise his hand)

Gian: Juice, teacher!

Very good, Gian!

Again, class what do you call these vowel sounds?

All: Long vowel sounds, teacher!

Very good!

d. Generalization

Did you understand our topic today?

All: Yes, teacher!

Page 11
What is our topic all about again?

All: It’s about the long vowel sounds,

What are the examples of long ‘a’ words, again?
All: Cake, nape, gate, teacher!
How about the examples of long ‘i’ words?
All: Rice, fire, line, teacher!
What about the examples of long ‘o’ words?
All: Pole, nose, rose, teacher!
How about the examples of long ‘u’ words?
All: Cube, muse, fuse, teacher!
Good job, class!

e. Application

Now class, I want you to find a partner. Your

partner will help you on this activity.


(Pupils will listen to the teacher)





You’re going fill in the blanks with the correct

vowel to complete the long vowel sound words in
each item.

Did you understand, class?

All: Yes, teacher!

You may now start.

(The pupils will pass their papers)

Excellent, class.

f. Values Integration

Did you enjoy our lesson today, children?

All: Yes, teacher!

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Now, do you want me to read you another story?

All: Yes, teacher!

Wow, you’re full of energy today!

Our story is all about the Two Friends, One World (The pupils will listen to the teacher)
(Francisca’s Story) by Ramon C. Sunico and Joanne
de Leon.

(The teacher will now start telling the pupils a

story) (The pupils will listen carefully to the

Okay, class what did you learn about the story?

(Pupils will raise their hands)

Moira: I’ve learned that you will feel joy

if you understand your friend, teacher!

Charles: I’ve learned that friends should

understand each other even if their
minds are world apart.
Very good, children. It seems like you really
understand the story.


Direction: Put a ( ) sign on the line before the word if it’s a long vowel sound word and an
(X) sign if not.

__________1. Rope __________6. Rake

__________2. Map __________7. Tide

__________3. Ride __________8. Code

__________4. Gum __________9. Ran

__________5. Sake __________10. Hide

Page 13

Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct long vowel sound words to complete the sentence.
Choose your answer from the box.

kite name bake lake muse

1. Anna knows how to _________ a cake.

2. Flying ________ is Allan’s favorite hobby.

3. Elsa is the ________ in her class.

4. We went fishing on the ________.

5. Pochi is the ________ of our new pet.


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