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Name of Learner: ________ Grade & Section: _____________________

Subject: Health 8 Module No.: 1 Quarter No.: 1 Parent’s Signature:


Test I. Read the questions carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES.

1. What term defines a man, or a woman based on biological a. social self c. physical self
characteristics? b. emotional self d. mental self
a. sex b. gender 9. It’s how the way you feel about yourself and others.
c. sexuality d. androgyny a. social self c. physical self
2. Which of the following illustrates gender? b. emotional self d. mental self
a. Miguel loves to cook. 10. Maria values her relationships with her friends. What
b. Marco does not cry in public. dimension of sexuality is she showing?
c. Hazel has a positive body image. a. emotional self c. ethical self
d. Ahmed is attracted to Felicity. b. physical self d. physical self
3. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers 11. _______ is the quality if being male or female.
as appropriate for men and women? a. human sexuality c. gender
a. gender role c. gender equality b. sexuality d. sex
b. gender identity d. gender sensitivity 12. _______ is a social concept on how men and women
4. Why is it important to understand human sexuality? should think, feel, and act.
a. We will all be mature adults. a. human sexuality c. gender
b. We have similar sexuality issues. b. sexuality d. sex
c. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality. 13. ______ permits man and woman equal enjoyment of
d. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and human rights.
others. a. human sexuality c. gender equality
5. Which characterizes a good decision? b. sexuality d. gender
a. Easy to make. 14. ______ refers to set of roles, characteristics, and
b. Makes your friends happy expectations of how a man or woman should feel, think,
c. One that your teacher told you to make and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
d. Made after a thoughtful consideration of consequence/s a. human sexuality c. gender equality
6. It’s how the way you look as a man or a woman. b. gender role d. gender
a. social self c. physical self 15. _____ is an integral part of what we do and who we
b. emotional self d. mental self
are; it is the way in which we experience and express
7. It’s how the way you think as a man or a woman.
a. social self c. physical self
ourselves as sexual beings. It is the total expression of an
b. emotional self d. mental self individual’s self-concept.
8. It’s how the way you interact with other. a. sexuality c. gender equality
b. gender role d. gender

Test II. Fill in the blanks. Choose you answer from the box.
Self-love Self-knowledge
Self-respect Self-
16. _______________ your expression acceptance of yourself
17. _______________ your understanding of your feelings and your character
18. _______________ your awareness of the things that you can do well
19. _______________ your regard for yourself as a worthwhile person
20. _______________ your way of showing your individuality in expressing yourself as a man or as a woman

Assessing your health Making good decisions

Communicating effectively Refusal
Practicing wellness Setting goals
21. Evaluating media messages ______________________
means evaluating your well-being periodically. This includes your sexuality. Figure out what you can do to improve your
health if it is not as good as it can be.
22. ______________________ means making choices that are healthy and responsible. You must have the courage to
make difficult decisions and stick to them.
23. ______________________ helps you avoid misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a healthy ways. This
means if you listen to what people say, they will want to listen to you as well.
24. ______________________ can be accomplished through information about good sexuality.
25. ______________________ or aiming for something will give you a sense of accomplishment. Just be sure to be
realistic with your target goal.
26. ______________________ is a way to say no to something that you don’t want to do. This skill requires practice. But
first, you must feel strongly about what things you want to avoid.
27. ______________________ is being able to judge the worth of media messages. It is a big challenge knowing that
most media messages are very convincing.
Test III. Enumeration
28-31. Enumerate 4 attitudes and behaviors toward yourself.
32-35. Enumerate 4 attitudes and behaviors toward others.
36-38. Enumerate 3 healthy attitudes towards yourself.
39-41. Enumerate 3 healthy attitudes towards your family.
42-45. Enumerate 4 healthy attitudes towards your peers.
46-52. Enumerate 7 Life skills to improve sexual health.

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