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There was an island by the name of Henrietta, this island was a very small island located
in the Caribbean, a very beautiful place where everyone would like to live, spent time
and past a very nice vacation.
This island was populated by English, so it was not surprising to see a black man with
green or blue eyes or simply very white or very black people who were descendants of
slaves that had been owned by the English.
Many things happened on this island. One of them was that this island had been the
hideout of Captain Morgan. So many treasure hunters haunted this island.
There is an immense and beautiful stone, which has the figure of the head of a man, to
which they have given the name of the head of the pirate Morgan. Just imagine? The
head of the pirate Morgan. What do you think is hidden in this stone?
This has led to thousands of people coming to search this cavern to see if they find the
famous pirate's treasure and many people have lost their lives looking for this treasure,
since this cavern is deep and the storytellers say that there is a mermaid who guards the
pirate's treasure and whoever sees this mermaid, she sings and her song brings death
to them.
I wonder, is this true? How much treasure would that pirate have kept in that cave?
Because he was a very bloodthirsty pirate and he robbed many ships that carried money
and goods to Spain and England.
I would like to find that treasure. But I would never enter that cave, since firstly I don't
know how to swim, my first limitation and secondly, a place like that must be very scary.
So finally, if there is such a hidden treasure in that cave and no one has managed to find
it to this day, perhaps it is because it is only a legend, a story that the inhabitants
invented to be more attractive to the island of Henrietta. I hope one day to know the


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