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International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics

ICEI 2017

Real Time Detection and Reporting of Vehicle


Parag Parmar Ashok M. Sapkal

Dept. of E & TC, Dept. of E & TC,
College of Engineering Pune (COEP) College of Engineering Pune (COEP)

Abstract— Road accidents is the major cause of deaths in and overtaking from the wrong side The Global New Car
India. India had been ranked number one in the number of Assessment Programme (GNCAP) had released its car crash
deaths due to accidents. This is some serious matter at hands and test results in May, 2016 which showed that most of the cars
measures need to be taken to save the lives of the victim. The in India are very low on safety features. Despite constant
victim's lives can be saved by providing proper medical aid on
efforts by governmental and non-governmental organizations
time. Statistics show that many of times when the accident is
severe, the witnesses to the accident or the passersby are to create awareness among people, reckless driving is still on a
reluctant to help because of the long procedures of reporting the rise. As per the NDTV report, 1214 road accidents occur every
accident to the police and the inquiry involved. This brings us to day in India in which 377 people die each day and 3490 are
design a system wherein we won’t have to depend on other people injured. India has recorded highest number of accident deaths
to come to the victim's rescue. Also, many a times the victim, if compared to other countries but this issue has not received as
conscious, is unable to inform the medical emergency providers much attention as it deserves. Road accidents have become a
about his/ her exact location details, nearby landmark etc. due to regular affair in India. The fatalities involved in a car accident
the trauma or because of not being familiar with the area. This is dependent on factors such as the intensity of the crash, the
makes it important that the accident location be automatically
safety features embedded in the vehicle and the availability of
sent to the emergency facility. This project aims at developing a
system that can detect the occurrence of the accident, inform the emergency medical services. 60% of these deaths are due
about the accident to the victim's family on the pre-defined to unavailability of proper emergency medical facilities within
numbers and locates the nearest hospital and inform them about one hour of occurrence of accident which is termed as the
the accident so they can immediately send medical help. This golden hour. Assisting the victims immediately after the crash
prototype makes use of gyroscope, accelerometer, GPS, GSM and is instrumental in saving their lives. There are three phases
auto dialer. The MPU6050 MEMS sensor detects the occurrence involved in the crash requiring different level of medical
of accident with the help of 3-axis gyroscope and 3-axis emergency services-
accelerometer. With the auto dialer feature, the family of the Phase 1: Involves casualties occurring during the first few
victim is informed. The GPS module reads the accurate location
seconds up to a minute after the crash. The accidents involved
of the accident spot and this information is sent to the emergency
providers. This system has helped in reducing the response time are intense and chances of survival are thin. This phase had
to the accident by reporting to the hospitals efficiently. This has 10% of all recorded deaths due to accident
been vital in saving the lives of the victims. Phase 2: This phase is the golden hour phase wherein life can
be saved if proper medical facility is made available. The
Keywords—vehicle collision; gyroscope; accelerometer; death rate is 75% in this phase.
MEMS; GPS; GSM; auto dialer; Phase 3: It is the phases where the victim suffers from trauma.
It can last up to weeks and requires proper treatment. It
I. INTRODUCTION involves in 15% of the total deaths.
The number of vehicles on Indian roads are rising
exponentially since a past few decades. Government statistics By providing proper medical aid in the second phase can save
suggest that the number of registered vehicles on Indian roads the victim’s life. The matter at hand is minimizing the
have increased by sumptuous 273% since 2000. The rising response time of emergency services to reach the victims. As
number of vehicles has resulted in increased vehicle density the time passes the chances of the victim to survive the crash
on roads and this in turn has resulted in the increased reduces if proper medical aid is not provided. Analysis have
requirement on the driver to be alert while driving. With such shown that, lessening the response time by just 1 minute rises
large number of vehicles on road the probability of meeting the chances of lives saved by 6%. The response time can be
with an accident also increases. India ranks first in the reduced by taking following measures
frequency of vehicle collisions across the world. The major x Detecting accident quickly and accurately.
causes of these accidents are over speeding, not following the x Reporting the accident to the nearby hospitals
traffic signals, drunken driving, not wearing helmet or seatbelt

978-1-5090-4257-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1029

International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics
ICEI 2017

x Immediate evacuation of the victims trapped in the III. PROPOSED SYSTEM

vehicle The idea being proposed is to automate the notification system
of road accidents that reduces the response time to aid the
An automated system that will accurately detect the
medical services to reach the people who meet with an
accident and its intensity and send the information to the
accident as this will help in reducing the number of human
nearby hospital will save a lot of rescue time. The time taken to
report the event to the authority is also reduced. This was deaths in road accidents. Current trend shows that all the
necessary measure because it has been observed that witness to major automobile companies focus is on how they can provide
the crash often hesitate to help the victim because of the police better and efficient safety systems in their vehicles as it will
reporting procedure involved. The automated system will be help in providing the medical treatment on time and save the
instrumental in increasing the chances of survival of the victim. life of their respective customers. The proposed system of
vehicle collision detection and reporting, can detect the
II. LITERATURE SURVEY occurrence of crash of vehicle may it be collision or a roll over
and as soon as accident happens it will report about the
Several methods have been applied in the past to detect the occurrence to the family members or relatives by using the
accidents and report them. The research analysis of these text message and to the nearby hospital as it will save the
methods has been done and the proposed system is based on response time to provide the medical aid to the injured
the best feature extracted from each one. passengers. This system has been pictorially depicted in fig.1.
Watthanawisuth N. had a black box consisting of MEMS The system is a microcontroller based which is interfaced with
accelerometer and a GPS module to monitor the vehicle. A the MEMS sensor consisting of accelerometer and gyroscope
threshold is set on the parameters which helps in detecting the along with Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)
accident. The black box, on recognizing the accident sends a and Global Positioning System (GPS). The key component
message containing the details of the location of the crash to behind detecting the collisions is the accelerometer and
the emergency hospital and family members. As against this gyroscope. The 3-axis accelerometer gives the G-forces along
method, Hoang Dat Pham had proposed a system wherein x, y and z axis. The direction in which crash happens produce
mobile network was used to track the vehicle. The location is a drastic variation in G-forces along that axis remarkably
obtained from the GPS and transmitted via the GSM module. along x- and y-axis. Howbeit, the rotation angles viz. roll,
Global operability was possible using this method. Salas K pitch and yaw along the x, y and z axis are computed from 3-
Jose proposed that the vehicle number be sent along with the axis gyroscope. For analyzing the rollover of vehicle roll and
location to further reduce the time for police complaint. Using pitch angles are sufficient as yaw isn’t affected by the rollover.
LPC2148 MCU, a higher sensitivity and accuracy is obtained,
says C. Prabha. C. Prabha also interfaced EEPROM with the
microcontroller to save the mobile numbers permanently. The
system is required to be easily accessible by the authorities
and have a global operation apart from being reasonable in
price. This is achieved by using the built-in APIs for GPS and
GSM on the android platform, as proposed by Vikram
Kushwaha. Another method to detect collision is to measure
the magnetic field using magneto resistive and sonar sensors
as proposed by Shih-Ken Chen. This enables us to determine
the relative position, speed and the vehicle orientation based
on the readings from the sensors. Another system that used Fig.1. System Block Diagram
fisheye lens camera was proposed by Md. Syedul Amin. S. Thus, the values combined from accelerometer and gyroscope
Taghvaeeyan captured the images of occurred accidents and provides an efficient way of determining the occurrence of
sent them along with text messages to predefined numbers. accident instead of using a single sensor.
This system uses Quad- Band GSM/GPRS module. All these
The different phases of the proposed system with
fore mentioned methods were to detect a head-on crash. It is
manifestation on data acquisition, filtration and its analysis has
also important to take into consideration other types of
been further discussed in the following sections, system flow
crashes, determine the intensity of crash and its type. For this
being depicted in fig.2.
Silvere Bonnabel proposed the use of sensor technology to
detect the roll over crash.

A. Data Acquisition
The MEMS sensor is interfaced with the ATmega328
Fig.2. System Flow microcontroller for acquisition of real time values. The
MPU6050 sensor integrates a 3-axis accelerometer and 3-axis
gyroscope in a single chip, together with digital motion
processor, to process complex algorithms. The 16-bits analog-

978-1-5090-4257-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1030

International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics
ICEI 2017

to-digital convertor in MPU6050 provides better accuracy and For a short term, the gyroscope data is used as it responds
it communicates using I2C protocol with other devices. It is quickly and is not influenced by external forces. For a long
designed to have precise slow and fast motions, provided by term, the accelerometer data don’t drift over time and is
accelerometer and gyroscope having user programmable range unstable for short term. The complimentary filter gives “best
of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g and ±250, ±500, ±1000 and ±2000 of both world” kind of thing. The complimentary filter takes
°/sec respectively. the angle calculated from accelerometer and rotation angle in
As the accident happens, the microcontroller processes the degree/second from gyroscope and applies digital high pass
proposed algorithm by acquiring the current sensor values and filter on gyroscope and digital low pass filter on accelerometer
according to that determines whether a collision or crash or as can be seen in below equation
both has happened.
The process of data acquisition can be described as follows: Angle α* (Angle Gyro * dt) (1 - α) * Angle Accl (1)
1. The algorithm starts with initialization of
microcontroller and configuration with MPU6050, where,
GPS and GSM module. α: floating point value ranging from 0.9 to almost 1,
2. The MPU6050 communicates over Inter-Integrated depending on the efficiency of gyroscope and accelerometer
Circuit (I2C) protocol with the microcontroller. This and the required fine tuning of filter
serial protocol is efficient, powerful and flexible as AngleGyro: Angle computed from gyroscope data
compared to Serial Peripheral Interface Protocol AngleAccl: Angle computed from accelerometer data
(SPI). It also supports multi-master system, which
allows more than one master to have control over the The decision whether a vehicle collision or rollover has
bus to communicate with other devices. The transfer occurred is taken depending on the angle measured using the
data rate supported by this bus is up to 400khz. The filter and the vehicle speed. Both the conditions are observed
MPU6050 sensors accelerometer and gyroscope are and a decision is taken which helps in gathering necessary
configured as: information for emergency service providers. These two cases
i. The accelerometer is initialized with a full-scale are described in brief below:
range of ±8g as the acceleration recorded for the
world’s fastest car Bugatti Veyron from 0 to 1. Vehicle Collision
100km/h in 2.4s is 1.55g. Also, the acceleration The collision of a vehicle leads to a drastic change in vehicle
force required for space shuttles during launch is speed and shows a direct impact on acceleration force along
under 8g only. that axis of crash. As the z-axis is oriented along the
ii. The gyroscope is configured with a full-scale range gravitational force direction, only x- and y-axis of
of ±500 degree/second which is sufficient for our accelerometer is required to determine the happening and
purpose, as there are less chances of vehicle going direction of vehicle collision. The change in acceleration force
above that level. is quite drastic during a severe collision as compared to the
3. The GPS and GSM module communicates with jerk produced during acceleration or deceleration of vehicle as
microcontroller using serial and software serial port it is quite a smooth process. Thus, the proposed system
enabling to use both the modules simultaneously computes the resultant of acceleration forces and takes the
difference of consecutive readings which is compared with a
B. Data Filteration and Analysis
threshold value. Furthermore, for efficiency the vehicle speed
A collision or rollover of vehicle is determined based on data is also checked using GPS whether there is degradation in
obtained from the accelerometer and gyroscope. In speed or not. Thus, both the threshold value and vehicle speed
accelerometers, for determining the orientation angle it is helps in accurate determination of collision. Henceforth, the
essential to know that there is a constant gravitational force of notification is activated by gathering the location from GPS
1g acting downwards on it. If z-axis is oriented along the and sends the emergency message to the family and nearby
gravitational axis, it is impossible to calculate rotation along z- hospital.
axis from accelerometer. However, it provides accurate
orientation angle if only gravitational force is acting on it. If
external force is applied when it is moving or rotating, there is 2. Vehicle Rollover
fluctuation in readings. Thus, readings are more reliable when The angle obtained from the complementary filter is used to
measured over a long span of time. determine the rollover of vehicle. Technically, an angle
In case of calculating orientation from gyroscope it is quite greater than 46 degrees and less than -46 degrees leads to
different as it measures angular velocity. We first calibrate the rollover of the vehicle. Other than the threshold of roll and
sensor values and then compute angular velocity at required pitch values, the weight and center of gravity of vehicle plays
time interval over x, y and z-axis. The product gives the an important role in rollover. Different threshold can also be
change in angle. The new orientation angle is the sum with used to warn about the possibility of rollover to the driver.
previous one. Thus, it is a kind of integration which produce Once the threshold is reached, the notification system will be
systematic errors over a period, leading to drift in values.

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International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics
ICEI 2017

activated informing the family and nearby hospital about the (3)
occurrence of vehicle rollover. (4)
C. Notification System where,
∆lat: difference of latitude
The aim of notification system is to notify about the incident
∆lon: difference of longitude
of vehicle accident to the family members and the nearest
a: square of half of the chord between the points
hospital in the vicinity so that quick emergency services can
c: angular distance in radians
be provided to the injured helping to save the precious human
d: distance between the points
life. Notification system gets activated once the threshold for
detection is reached. The GPS module computes the exact
By using this formula, shortest distance is calculated.
location of vehicle accident and then GSM module sends the
According to that, nearest hospital so obtained is reported
text message of accident to the family members and using
about the occurrence and location of accident. If hospital
GPRS of GSM module the latitude and longitude obtained
doesn’t respond, next nearest hospital is searched and that
from the GPS is sent to the server. The server then determines
hospital is notified about accident. After hospital responds to
the nearest hospital to that location by measuring the great
the notification, the victim is notified that the emergency
circle distance given by haversine formula. It provides better
service is on the way. All this information is also sent as a
accuracy and speed as compared with other algorithms like
message to family members so that they can take the
great circle distance, spheroidal model of earth and Vincenty’s
necessary steps to reach the person.
formula. The haversine formula calculates the shortest
distance between two points considering the spherical surface
of earth. The haversine formula is given as in equations (2), IV. FLOWCHART
( )
(3) and (4).
Fig.3. shows the logical flow of the proposed system. The
step by step description of the process has been given.

Fig.3. Flowchart


978-1-5090-4257-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1032

International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics
ICEI 2017

The System has been designed on the board and tested using regular turbulent driving to an accident. The sensor readings
different dummy car models. The results obtained have been of the orientation angle just before the accident, during the
showing high accuracy in terms of detecting an accident. The crash and after the crash has been plotted in fig.4.
system has also been intelligent enough to not mistake a

Fig.4. Plot of orientation angle against time

Fig.5. Plot of gyroscope, accelerometer and filtered readings of position sensor

The output of filter applied on the accelerometer and shows that filter plot is smooth as compared with the
gyroscope for smooth readings is plotted on fig.5. The plot disturbances present in sensor readings.

978-1-5090-4257-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE 1033

International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics
ICEI 2017

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