Bhs Inggris

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PENILAIAN AKHIR SEMESTER (PAS) MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH MA’ARIF KAB. WONOSOBO. TAHUN PELAJARAN 2022/2023 Mata Petajaran — : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal_: Senin, 4 Desember 2022 Kelas V (Lima) Waktu 07.80 ~ 09.00 ‘PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Berdo'alah sebelum mengerjakan soal ! 2. Tulislah nama dan nomor absen pada lembar jawaban | 3. Bacalah baik-baik setiap soal sebelum kamu mengerjakan | 4. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang kamu anggap mudah | 5. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum menyerahkan kepada pengawas ! PETUNJUK KHUSUS 1. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D! 1. Nurhayati puts the Math Book in the ... . A. basket 8. bag C. wallet D. wall 2 Nahti checks the class... ¥ A. clock ae B. schedule i ™ C. flag D. uniform » Read the dialogue! Tafta : May | borrow your Math Book ? Qodam : Sure A. Lam sorry B. No, you may not C. Here you are D. I still read the book 4. Putri <1 think Match is difficult. Yumna : ... English is more difficult. A. Subject B. Religion C. Monday D. Science PASIMIMA'22_28/Behasa inggrisiKis § | Hal. 1 10. 1 From twenty past nine to... we have break and Dhuha time. A. five o'clock B. nine o'clock C. six o'clock D. ten o'clock J have breakfast in the.... A. afternoon B. evening C. night D. morning Sekar 1 hope we can be friends. Anaya nid A. No thank you B. Thanks a lot C. No problem D. Ihope so Citra ... early in the morning. A. wakes up B. plays C. sleeps D. studies Ragil Hi! 'm Ragil, your new neighbour Zidan Hi. A. Nice and good by B Nice to meet you Ragil C. Nice to meet you Zidan D. Nice to see her! ‘Complete the sentences ! help me prepare the dinner ! Of course May you Could you Like you gom> Your hands are dirty . You A. comb your hair B. wash your hands C. drink plenty of water D. brush your teeth should 12. The doctor works in the... A. hotel f B. street / C. house D. hospital 7 13, Arda has gi | A. headache |B, stomachache ©. toothache D. influenza 14. At night Chelvinz goes to bed early to get enough ..;. A. sport B. food ©. drink D. sleep 15. Don't eat ... if you have got stomachache AL chil B. rice ©. candy D. vegetables 16. Ashif... atie, A. wear B. are wearing C. is wearing D. wore 17. Students have flag ceremony on ‘A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Monday D. Wednesday Text for number 18 to 19 ANNOUNCEMENT Please wear your tracitional uniform on Wednesday Headmaster 48. The announcement is about.... A. Telling time B, Announcement about traditional uniform C. Telling announcement D. About wearing traditional uniform on Wednesday PASIMIMA/22_28Bohasa inggrisiK's | Hal. 3 * 19. Who is the writer of the announcement? A. gardener B. headmaster C. teachers D. students 20. Nadia: Do you mind if | borrow your green shirt 7 Naila: No, Not at all, here you are Nadia: A. Thank you very much B. No, I don't C. Lam sory D. Wait a moment 4. Fill in the blanks with correct answer ! 21. “Information Technology” in mean Indonesia is.... 22. Naura_ : What subject do you like sofia ? Sofia: 1. Social Studies 23, Chamid always ... twice day Text for number 24 Read the dialogue! Khanza : What subject do you have on Tuesday and Wednesday? Aina: Ihave Social Studies and Art and Craft on Tuesday. {have English and Science on Wednesday 24, Aina has English and Science on .... .. Your nails every week. 26. Alifahisa.... 27. The Surgeon is doing operation in .... 28, Itisa PASIMIMAI22_23/Bahasa lnggis/Kis 5 | Hal. 29, To day is Monday every student in my school is wearing a ..: uniform. 30. Aisa: Do you mind if |... your black hat? Rara : Not at all. Wait a moment. | will take it for you. MM, Answer these questions and do these orders! 31. What time is it? 32. Rearrange these words into a good sentences ! a. Ara ~a— take —a ~ always ~ day ~ twice - bath b. Teeth —a— brush — twice - day 33. Translate into good Indonesia ! a. Nice to meet you! b. Could you help me mop the floor ! 34. Mentions 3 the names of diseases ! 35. Mention 3 kinds of student schoo! attributes | PASIMIMAI22_22/Bahasa InggrsiKls 5 | Hal. §

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