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MÔN 2: ĐỌC HIỂU (32 câu/ 60’)

Part 2: Câu 9-22: The world is in the midst of a chocolate shortage, and chocolate makers say it could get worse.
9. Chocolate makers said the cocoa deficit would be likely to in the future. get worse
10. The Cocoa deficit can increase by_ tons from 2020 to 2030. 1.000.000
11. What affects cacao crops seriously? High temperature
12. What is a negative effect from the effort of growing more cacao trees? It destroys animals’habitats.
13. What leads to the reduction in the cocoa world production? Frosty pod
14. Which is the closest meaning to the word “fermented” in Paragraph B? Provoked
15. Chocolate products could be developed with … conserve cocoa. The same cocoa content and smaller bars.
16. What might help to increase cocoa production? New strains of cacao
17. What is special about new cacao strains from Central American research organization?
They can be grown in different places.
18. New strains of cacao from farmers can produce more cocoa.
19. What kind of climate can be appropriated with cacao trees? Warm
20. ICCO believes that chocolate lovers should not worry too much about the shortage.
21. Which is closest meaning to the word “strain” in Paragraph B? seed
22. In which space (marked A, B, C, and D in the passage) will the following sentence fit? D
India's chocolate consumption is projected to rise from 25,000 tons in 2010 to 40,000 this year.
A. (A) B. (B) C. (C ) D. (D)
23. According to Paragrph A, which of the following statements is true?
Consumers are buying more chocolate than it is currently being produced.
24. The main cocoa –producing area is in …. Africa.
25. What are some ingredients that can be added to cocoa nibs? Sugar, milk and vanilla
25. Which factor that has led to the cocoa shortage does the writer mention?
The decline in Cocoa production and the increasing demands appear in some parts of the world.
26. What can be the best title for the reading passage? Chocolate Shortage
Part 1: Câu 1-8
Bài 1: Amber Lane, a college student and blogger
1. In this text Amber Lane is talking about how she uses blogs
2. How has Amber changed her personal blog? She focuses on particular themes.
3. What does Amber say about blogging before college? She had a blog but didn’t call it that.
4. What does Amber think of class blogs? They improve the learning experience.
5. Which of the following is the best description of Amber? A future web designer is the best blogging.
6. What is her intimal purpose to start blogging? To have a new meant of communication.
7. How many classes does she have? 5
8. What can be inferred about the writer’s current blog? It increasingly attracts more people
Bài 2: Working in Fashion Design
1. What is the writer trying to do in this text? describe how he succeeded as a fashion designer
2. The writer suggests going to your local shopping mall to meet others who are interested in studying fashion
3. Why is it useful to talk to someone who makes and sells their own clothes? You can ask them lots of questions.
4. How does Alex feel about working for another designer? It’s a good way to learn the small details of fashion design.
5. What might the writer say about his own career? My Education degree helped when I took the college job …..
6. What is James Wilson’s profession now? A teacher
7. Which organization does James Wilson work for? City College
8. Which major did James Wilson first get a degree in? Fashion
Bài 3: Sarah Forbes talks about how she gets a good night's sleep
1. When did Sarah's sleeping problems begin? after she finished at university
2. Writing a list of jobs to be done was the first thing Sarah did at bedtime.
3. What does Sarah say was the problem with her bedroom? She often left her laptop switched on.
4. Sarah says that now she keeps a record of how well she sleeps.
5. What would be a good introduction to this article? Sarah Forbes suddenly found herself having trouble
getting to sleep. But she took control of the situation.
6. How long has Sarah suffered from her sleeping problem before she did something about it? Some weeks
7. Which of the following is NOT her friends’ advice? Reading
8. How can a note of Sarah’s sleep patterns be useful for her? It shows her the reasons why she couldn’t sleep.
Bài 4: WAITER!
1. What is the writer trying to do? To explain someone’s problem.
2. What do we learn about Jane’s restaurant? It is very popular.
3. What did the director not tell Jane? That the restaurant in the film would be very bad.
4. What is Jane worried about? her current business
5. What does the writer think Jane ought to do? Write to the newspaper
6. What does “disgusting” mean? distasteful
7. According to the writer, what is the focus of the film? the waiter
8. What kind of film can be “The Waiter”? a comedy
Bài 5: When I injured my back……
1. What is the writer’s main aim in writing the text? To talk about women runners
2. Why did the writer have to stop her running for a short time? Because she injured her back
3. What would a reader find out from the text? The progress made by the women in the club.
4. How did the writer find runners for her club? She used posters
5. How many runners were there in her training club? 40 runners
6. What is the writer’s opinion of the runners she trained? They needed encouraging.
7. The women joined the running club to: Help them lose weight.
8. Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster? Discover the pleasures of running.
Bài 6: One to watch!
1. What is Jessica trying to do in her essay? Give a balanced view of a Bond film she has been.
2. What is Jessica’s favourite film? A film with the spy
3. What can a reader find out from Jessica’s essay? Whether she thinks ………James Bond.
4. What does Jessica tell us about Craig in the new Bond film? He performs some of the action scenes.
5. What does Jessica like about a main actress in the new Bond film? Her costumes
6. How long does the new Bond film last? Less than two hours
7. What is one problem with the film, according to Jessica? It’s sometimes hard …… happening.
8. Which of these might appear in a magazine review of the new Bond film? I’m not sure…. Bond movie.
Bài 7: The best age to start learning…..
1. What is the writer trying to do in the text? Describe a different way of learning the violin.
2. Why should someone read the text? To find out about Margaret’s teaching method.
3. What opinion does Margaret have about her best pupils? They ought to find another teacher.
4. Margaret’s family pupils were: Her children’s friends.
5. Which of the following would Margaret include in a advertisement for her classes? Watch your ….violin.
6. How many pupils are there in Margaret’s class? 12 pupils
7. How long does each lesson last? 60 minutes
8. Her pupils’ parents
Bài 8: Mickey Mouse
1. Which of the following is the main topic of the passage? The image of Mickey Mouse
2. What distinguished Steamboat Willie from earlier cartoons? A sound track
3. The word “pervasive” in line 20 could be best replaced by widespread
4. The word “appealing” in line 16 is closest in meaning to attractive
5. Those “those” in line 15 refers to cartoons
6. Where in the passage does the author relate how Mickey got his name? Line 6-7
7. What did Disney mean when he said ”There is a lot mouse in me”?
He created the mouse with many of his own qualities.
8. The first image of Mickey Mouse is described as all of the following EXCEPT He was wearing white gloves.
Bài 9: The day after Thanksgiving has…..
1. According to the text, the expression “sleepyhead” refers to shops that open later than others.
2. On these days some businesses make enough money for the rest of the year.
3. Which of these sentences is TRUE? just a few selected products have large discount
4. Reverend William Graham thinks shopping so much at this time of the year is not right
5. According to the text, Black Friday is the beginning of a shopping period
6. Why do many people patiently want in queue to buy things? to save money
7. What is one example of things that people can do in the Season of Giving? cleaning
8. What can be the best title for the reading passage? Black Friday
Part 3: Câu 23-32
Bài 1: Overpopulation, the situation of having large numbers of people…
23. Which of the following is a contributor to overpopulation in many developing countries? High birth rates
24. The word “infertile” in paragraph 4 probably means unproductive
25. The phrase “engage in” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to participate in
26. What will suffer when there are excessively high population high densities? Available resources
27. The phrase “that number” in paragraph 1 refers to the number of people
28 In certain countries, large areas of land can only yield small amounts of food because there is a lack of mechanizat
29. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage? In certain developed countries, mechanized …
30. Bangladesh is a country where the level of poverty depends greatly on both population density and agricultural
31. Which of the following is given a definition in paragraph 1? Overpopulation
32. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage? Overpopulation: A Cause of Poverty
Bài 2: Making Time for Science. (Chronobiology might sound a little….)
23. Chronobiology is the study of oldest living things around the world.
24. The rise and fall of sea levels affect how sea creatures behave.
25. A ‘night person’ still has a healthy circadian rhythm.
26. Vegetables have more nutritional value when they are naturally-produced
27. What did researchers identify as the ideal time to wake up in the morning? 7.22
28. In order to lose weight, we should exercise before breakfast
29. Which is NOT mentioned as a way to improve supplement absorption? taking supplements at breakfast
30. The best time to stop drinking coffee is mid-afternoon .
31. In the evening, we should eat a light meal
32. Which of the following phrases best describes the main aim of this passage? to introduce chronobiology and
describe some practical applications
Bài 3: Social networks
1. According to the text, social networks are being used by businesses for marketing.
2 Why do advertisers like social nework sites? Detailed information on each user allows targeted ads
3 What does the expression 'sprung up' in paragraph 4 mean? there has been rapid development of social ….
4 What does the word 'Few' at the beginning of paragraph 6 mean? Hardly any
5 What should users not do on social networks? be too free with their personal information
6 What does the word 'deeper' in paragraph 6 mean? more detailed
7 Personal information on social network sites can be used in court
8 Social networking is great for groups of people separated over wide areas
Bài 4: Getting the best out of our children
23. What does the writer mean when he ……………model? You would expect larger ………….do not
24. British secondary school students enjoy better classroom conditions
25. What does the writer suggest might make lessons in Korean schools more successful than in Britain? better discipline
26. What does the writer mean when …“perhaps the number of ….themselves”? the way teachers conduct
27. The traditional family unit is more common in Korea than in Britain
28. It seems that the teachers in Britain have less power
29. According to the writer, Asian students don't allow themselves much time to relax and have fun
30. What is ONE the “two extremes” mentioned in the last paragraph? good discipline and indiscipline
31. What does the writer say the student’s average…. math? Asian students get better result ….. in Britain
32. Based on what you have read, what do you think ……discussed? Both systems are ……..reasons
Bài 5: A lot can happen in a year abroad.
23. One reason Sarah became a student at Edinburgh University was that she could do part of her studies at a
suitable university abroad.
24. How did Sarah feel when she went to Berkeley? She knew she wanted to make the most of her stay there.
25. What does Sarah feel she achieved at Berkeley? She formed a clearer idea of what her long-term aims were.
26. What does Sarah say about the cost of an international university exchange? It can be cheaper overall than
studying in your own country.
27. What does ‘one’ refer to in the last paragraph (underlined)? an international exchange as part of a university course
28. What does Helen Leitch suggest in the final paragraph? Most students who’ve done an international exchange
believe it was highly worthwhile.
29. What is Sarah’s university major? Literature
30. What is the main purpose of the text? To describe her experience of international student exchange.
31. According the text, it is now easy to take part in an international exchange because most universities offer this
opportunity in their education programs.
32. What does the word “staring” mean in the first paragraph? looking
Bài 6. The craft of perfumery ……
1. The purpose of the text is to….describe the history of perfume making
2. Which of the following is NOT true about perfume making in Islamic countries? They created perfume…..
3. Why does the writer include …. in paragraph 2? During the Black Death….. such as cinnamon. To give an…
4. Why did the perfume industry develop in Paris? Because of the introduction of new trade laws
5. What does putrid (Paragraph 3) mean? Bad-smelling
6. Which of the following people most influenced the decline of perfumes as medicine? Napoleon
7. In Paragraph 4, it is implied that …. The Royal Court only bought perfume from masters
8. How did the French Revolution affect the Parisian perfume industry? The industry declined then rose again
9. London came to lead the industry because…the French were unable to explore perfumes for a period wars.
10. Which of the following is NOT true of Rimmel? He was one of the first people to utilize trademarks.
Bài 7: Owning a Dog
1. The dog's name is Tip
2. Which of the following have a positive effect on a child's development? all of the above
3. A child learns how to be responsible for a dog by taking care of the dog's daily needs.
4. The word “express” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to show.
5. Learning how to care for a dog can help children to take responsibility for of themselves.
6. Children can learn how to understand the dog's needs.
7. The dog's owner must interpret which of the following from their dog's behaviour? all of the above
8. Which of the following is a positive result of learning how to interpret a dog's behavior? becoming empathetic
9. What kind of love does a dog provide? Unconditional
10. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of a child owning a dog? Neglect
Bài 8: The ancient city of Cahokia
1. What can be the best title for the reading passage? The location Cahokia
2. In paragraph 1, each of the following is mentioned as a feature of the city of Cahokia between A.D 1100 to
1200 EXCEPT: Several large temples
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 2 as a factor in the development of Cahokia?
An exchange of agricultural tools with Mesoamerica
4. The word “ingenuity” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to: cleverness
5. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 about agricultural methods used in Cahokia in 1100?
They were sometimes unable to supply enough food for the city.
6. The phrase “this problem” in paragraph 3 refers to: An unhealthy environment
7. Which of the following “bolstered the population of the city”? A highly-visible and attractive religious structure
8. According to paragraph 5, what has recent research on chert tools found at the Silvernail settlement site revealed?
Some of the tools used by people at the Silvernail settlement were made of materials from the area near Cahokia.
9. According to the information in the scholars’ theories, one possible reason that made the population of Cahokia
decrease is polluted enviroment
10. In paragraph 6, why does the author mention the location of the city’s defensive structures?
To suggest that the city was not abandoned due to warfare.
Bài 9: There is a strange paradox to the success of the Asian model.
1. The word “They” in paragraph 4 refers to Asian students
2. British secondary school students fails at school more than they succeed
3. Based on what you have read, what do you think is the writer …...discussed? Neither system is perfect.
4. The traditional family unit is more in Korean than Britain.
5. What does the writer mean when he says there is a “paradox” in the Asian education model? You would expect
larger classes to get poorer results but they do not.
6. What does the writer suggest might make lessons in Korean schools more successful than in Britain? Better discipline.
7. The word “unstable” in paragraph 3 can be best replaced by unsteady
8. According to the writer, Asian students don’t allow themselves much time to relax and have fun.
9. According to the writer, Asian teachers have a close relationship with better understanding their students.
10. What are the two factors mentions in the text that may affect students’ academic performance?
Effective classroom management with strong discipline and family background.
11. What are the “two extremes” mentioned in the last paragraph? success and failure
12. What does the writer mean when …..they conduct themselves? The way teachers conduct …performance.
Bài 10: Personality and health
1. Who is the article most likely aimed at? health workers outside psychology
2. What is the main idea of the article? Research into the link between Health and Personality
can be practically applied to improve public health.
3. Which of these is NOT a reason why clinicians do not ……healthcare? They lack sufficient training in psychology
4. The phrase “focused on” in line 10 refers to concentrated on
5. What can be concluded from the text about neurotic patients?
There is no consistent link between a patient’s level of neurosis and their health.
6. It can be inferred that the campaign SENTAR used drama and energy in its design
7. The writer believes that improving computer technology can help health workers deliver appropriate messages
to different types of people
8. In line 24, the word “which” refers to campaign SENTAR
9. In paragraph 4, the writer refers to a study that found that adapting letter-writing …… goals to participate
10. In the final paragraph, what does the writer advise researchers in health/personality to do?
Give more practical suggestions to health workers.
Bài 11: Recently, campaigners have encouraged us to buy local food.
1. The importance of buying locally produced food. The reasons why food miles campaigns are too simple.
2. According to a study in the USA, 11% is the percentage of energy in food production used for …..transport.
3. What is the writer’s opinion in paragraph 3? Imported food has a lower carbon footprint.
4. Seafood is given as an example of food which is expensive and goes bad quickly.
5. According to paragraph 4, transporting food by planes has about 50 times more emissions than by ships.
6. According to the text, how are Spanish tomatoes and Kenyan beans similar? They are both grown outdoors.
7. Which is the closest meaning to the word “negate” in paragraph 5? Invalidate
8. What happens to the farmers if they cannot export their products? They will have less income.
9. The writer thinks that labelling food which has been transported by air does not tell a full, accurate story.
10. Which is NOT mentioned as a source of carbon footprint? food labelling
11. Labeled food is expected to raise customers’ awareness of environmental protection
12. The best title for the text is Food miles and the misconceptions
13. Which of these does the writer NOT support? Making a long journey to buy food produced locally
Bài 12: In this age of texts and tweets, it is easy to send messages.
1. Which happened first? Settlers rushed to California to find gold.
2. Which best explains why Pony Express riders had to weigh less than 125 pounds?
Horses could move quicker with lighter men.
3. How fast could the Pony Express take a letter from California to Missouri? ten days
4. Why were the Pony Express stations about ten miles apart? This was as far as a horse could run without getting tired.
5. Which was probably not a requirement to be a rider for the Pony Express? You had to be able to read and write.
6. Which best describes that main idea of the fifth paragraph? It is about how the Pony Express carried mail so quickly.
7. Which of these ended the Pony Express? The telegraph
8. About how far did Pony Express riders travel on a usual day? 100 miles
9. How many mail pouches did the Pony Express lose? One
10. Which title best describes the author's purpose …this? The Pony Express: About the 1860's Fastest Mail Service
Bài 13: Did you know that some people don't do their reading assignments?
1. Which best expresses the main idea of the second paragraph? Reading strengthens your mind.
2. Why does the author think that you should read books that are boring? You will learn new words.
3. Which best expresses the main idea of the third paragraph? You can learn amazing things and become ….reading.
4. Which is not a reason given by the author why students fail to complete Reading assignments? Students may be tired.
5. Which best expresses the author's main ….text? He is trying to persuade students to do their reading work.
6. Which best describes the author's tone in the first three sentences? Sarcastic
7. Which of the following is not one of the author's main points? Reading helps you perform …. selective schools.
8. Which is not one of the author's arguments in the fifth paragraph? Reading helps prepare ….in the real world.
9. Why does the author believe that reading is good for your mind state? All of these
10. Which title best expresses the main idea of this text? Reading: Good for the Mind in Many Ways
Bài 14: The human criterion for perfect vision 20/20 for…
23. What does the passage mainly discuss? eye variation among different species
24. Why would a frog sitting in a field of dead bugs starve according to the information in the passage?It cannot see
25. The phrase “without a hitch” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning in without glasses
26. What is special about human’s eyes? They can enjoy
27. According to the passage, “ bug detectors” are useful for seeing moving objects
28. According to the passage, why might birds and animals consider ….handicapped? Human eyes can’t do what..
29. The word “ that” in Paragraph 1 refers to foveae
30. According to the reading passage, which of the following is NOT true? Hawks eyes consist mostly of..
31. The phrase “ paling into insignificance” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to being reduced to little importance
32. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage? eyes have developed differently in each species
Bài 15: Would you give up some of your favourite foods if …..
23. What is the main idea of the passage? Why some people only eat local food.
24. Which best defines the words “carbon footprint” as used in paragraph 3? The amount of carbon energy that a
person uses
25. What does the underlined word “Others” in paragraph 3 refer to? People
26. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason that people become locavores? They want to reduce the
amount of food they eat.
27. According to paragraph 4, what are food miles? The distance that food travels from producer to consumer.
28. According to paragraph 4, how long does it take for most locally grown and purchased food to be sold once it
leaves a farm? Less than a day
29. What is the meaning of the underlined word “cut down” in paragraph 4? reduce
30. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is probably give readers information about the locavore movement
31. According to the passage, most locavores prefer to buy food within 100 miles of the farm it comes from.
32. What is the best title of the passage? Eating Locally
Bài 16: Plants and animals will find it difficult to escape……
1. Scientists have observed that warmer temperatures in the spring cause flowers to bloom earlier.
2. According to paragraph 2, when their habitats grow warmer, animals tend to move toward the poles and up
mountainsides toward higher elevations.
3. The pronoun “those” in paragraph 2 refers to species.
4. The phrase “dwindling sea ice” in paragraph 2 refers to the melting ice in the Arctic
5. It is mentioned in the passage that if the global ….degrees, 20 to 50 percent of species could become extinct.
6. According to the passage, if some species are not able to adjust quickly to warmer temperatures, they may be endangered.
7. The word “fragile” in paragraph 4 most probably means easily damaged.
8. The bleaching of coral reefs as mentioned in paragraph 4 indicates the slow death of coral reefs
9. The level of acidity in the ocean is increased by the rising amount of carbon dioxide entering the ocean
10. What does the passage mainly discuss? Effects of global warming on animals and plants
Bài 17: The Culture of the 1950s
1. In the first paragraph, what is NOT the meaning of the word "pervaded"? contaminated
2. In the first and second paragaphs, what is NOT the meaning of the word "norms"?exceptions to standards of behavior
3. What was NOT an American cultural norm during the 1950s? women as breadwinners
4. What can be inferred from the third paragraph? People could buy Ginsburg's poem after the court's decision.
5. What was one effect of television? It helped solidify uniformity in American society.
6. In the third paragraph, what does the word "their" refer to? writers who were beats
7. In the last sentence of the third paragraph, what does the word "it" refers to? the poem, "Howl"
8. Where does the sentence -- "Musicians and artists rebelled as well." -- best belong? at the beginning of the last paragraph
9. In the last paragraph, what is the meaning of the word "staid"? dignified
10. What does the passage imply? The beat generation of the 1950s made possible the social revolution, … 1960s.
Bài 18: Televisions show sounds and pictures.
1. When did Color TVs come out? 1953
2. Which was NOT true about the first TV? It did not have sound
3. The first TV is made in 1925
4. What can be inferred from paragraph 3 It was a trial in TV program performance
5. TVs are less popular before 1948 because World War II was happening
6. Why do TVs show clear images? They have more lines on them
7. Why did many families switch to color TVs in 1965? Many shows were only shown in color.
8. How many lines does a 4K TV have? 30
9. Which happened first? The 1939 World's Fair
10. Why did the first TV station only show Felix the Cat for two hours a day? They were running tests.
11. What is the author's main purpose in writing this? He is describing the history of the TV.
12. Why was 1939 an important year for TV? Many Americans were introduced to TV.
13. When did networks start showing programs in color? 1953
14. Which of these events slowed the spread of TVs? World War II
15. Which is not true for high-definition TVs? people can’t watch in 3-D
Bài 19: Chess is called the game of kings.
1. What is the author's purpose in writing the second paragraph? To explain the rules of chess
2. Which is not a reason that chess is a good workout for the mind according to the text?
Good chess players take a lot of risks.
3. How long have people been playing chess? Over 500 years
4. Where did the game that chess is based on come from? India
5. Which best describes the main idea in the fourth paragraph? This paragraph explains how blitz chess is
6. How does a game of chess end according to the text? One player loses his or her king.
7. Which happened first? Computers did not play chess well.
8. How is blitz chess different from regular chess? Players only have ten minutes to play.
9. If it's your turn in blitz chess, what happens when you hit the clock?
Your clock stops running and the other person's clock begins.
10. When did a computer first beat a strong human player in chess? 1997
11. The pronoun “it” in paragraph 1 refers to chess
12. What is the best title for this reading passage? Chess
Bài 20: The Coliseum is an ancient stadium in the center of Rome.
1. Which happened first? The Coliseum was struck by lightning.
2. When did the Romans finish building the Coliseum? The year 80
3. What caused the fire that damaged the upper levels of the Coliseum? A bolt of lightning
4. For which purpose was the Coliseum NOT used? It was a meeting place for the government.
5. Which caused the most damage to the Coliseum? Earthquakes
6. What did the people do with the stones that they took from the Coliseum? They repaired buildings.
7. Which best defines the word gruesome as it is used in the second paragraph? Horrifying
8. Which best describes the main idea in the last paragraph? This is about how the Coliseum is used today.
9. Which was NOT a way in which the Coliseum was damaged over the years? Tornado
10. Which statement would the author most likely agree with? The Coliseum is very old and has been used
for many purposes.
11. Where is the Coliseum located? Italy
12. The word “dreadful” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to terrible
Bài 21: Money is one of the most important inventions in human history.
1. Which main point about money is the author trying to make in this text?
Money allows people who don't know or trust each other to trade.
2. According to the text, how did people mainly transact before the invention ofmoney?
They lent and borrowed from each other.
3. Why would the author lend to Joshua but not the tribe across the sea?
Joshua is a person who is known and trusted.
4. What is the author's main purpose in writing the THIRD paragraph?
He is describing the weaknesses of the credit and debt system.
5. Why did Roman army camps need to use money to facilitate trade? All of these reasons.
6. Which technologies enable modern societies to use credit systems?
Computers and government identification
7. The word “repay” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to pay back
8. Which is TRUE based on information from the text?
Roman army camps were much larger than ancient tribes.
9. With which statement would the author most likely AGREE?
Money allows civilizations to grow very large.
10. Which event happened LAST in history?
Credit and debt systems became widespread again due to technology.
11. With which statement would the author most likely DISAGREE?
People can easily maintain good relationships with thousands of other people.
12. What is the best title for this reading passage? Money

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