Unban Guide

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Banned from Habbo Hotel?


Note: This guide is for those using Windows XP. If you're using Linux, then you must be 1337
enough to know how to unban yourself. You figure it out.

Guide written by Anonymous for Anonymous.

If you fuck something up from following this guide, it's not my fault Learn computers.

Types of bans:

1) Shockwave ID Ban
2) IP Address Ban
3) MAC Address Ban

Type you most likely have:

If you're a nigra, then they've gotten fed up with you and as such, have decided that all nigras
must be permanently eliminated. They believe that banning your machine will keep you
banned forever.

“But I cleared my Shockwave ID and I'm using a proxy! I'm still banned!”

This is because your MAC address is banned. This cannot be circumvented; Only spoofed.

How do I check what type of ban I've got?

First connect to Habbo's client. If you're from the US, you know it to be:


If you could load the page, good. That means you're not banned from their site altogether.

Shockwave ID Ban

At this point, you want to clear your Shockwave ID. It doesn't do anything but maybe get you
unbanned, so don't fret about doing it.

Make sure you have Shockwave Player 8 installed. If you do, skip the following section.

If you're using 10, or if you don't know which one you're using and you think it's the latest version, go to:

Start > Control Panel > Add & Remove Programs

Click on Macromedia Shockwave Player, then click the Change/Remove button. Select Automatic, next, next,
etc. until it's gone.
Next install Shockwave Player 8. It is included in this pack as “Shockwave_Installer_Full.exe”

Once you have installed it, load up your browser, and cancel any dialogs that come up.

Now you're going to clear your ID.

Use the program included in this pack, called “Habbit.exe” Load it up, and click “Unban me!”

You should get a message indicating your ID has been changed. If not, then there is no ID to

Next, create an account. Call it a bunch of gibberish, just make sure that you use different
stuff than the account you got banned on.

If when you click “Done” it says you're still banned, then they banned you by IP or MAC
address. Things are going to get a little more complicated.

IP Address Ban

Go to this address:


Around page 16 of this site are United States proxy addresses. Pick one. It doesn't matter
which one. Copy that IP, and go into your Firefox Tools, then Options...

Under the 'General' tab, go to the “Connection Settings...” button.

Select the “Manual proxy configuration” bullet. Where it says “HTTP Proxy:” paste the IP that
you retrieved from the site above. The last four numbers after the colon (lol colon) are the
port number. Replace the 'Port Number' in Firefox's proxy settings with the numbers following
the colon in the address you found.

Click Ok, Ok. Go to Habbo. It will be slow.

Create a junk account, and see if you're still banned. If you are, then we're going to have to
change your MAC address. (Shit.)

MAC Address Ban

First, figure this out. Are you connected through a router, or are you directly connected to
your modem / phone line?

If you're connected to a router, follow these steps:

(If you're connected to a modem, skip this section and go to the next.)

Look on the bottom of your router. It should have an IP address, a username, and a
password for remote administration. If it doesn't, go to your router manufacturer's website
and find a manual, or find your own manual for it.
Go into Firefox and type in that address, then the username and password when it asks for it.

Each router is very different. I can't give you specific steps here. What you're looking for
though, is a place to change your router's MAC address. It looks somewhat like this:


If you have a section in your options where you can change it, congratulations, all you have to
do is change one digit and apply your changes, then wait for the router to apply its new
settings and you're unbanned. You shouldn't even have to use a proxy.

(Note, this method will knock out your internets for about 20-30 seconds while your router
does its thing.)

If you are directly connected to your modem, follow these steps:

Open the file included in this pack called “smac12_setup.exe”

This will take you through installing a program used to spoof your MAC address. Hit next,
next, etc. until it's installed, then run it. Get to the main window.

You should see your main network adapter in the list. Click on it. In the section that gives
you some input boxes (6 of them) change a few digits in the Active MAC Address and type it
in there.

Click Update MAC.

You will get a message saying you need to restart. Don't. Goto:

Start > Control Panel > Network Connections

You should see “Local Area Connection” or if you're connected through wireless, something


Right click on that icon, hit properties. In the window that comes up, click “Configure...” and in
the drop box in the new window that says “Device usage: “, change it to “Do not use this
device (disable).”

The window will close. Follow the above paragraph to get back to that dialog and change it
back to “Use this device (enable).”

In SMAC, click the Refresh button. The new MAC address should be your MAC address.

You're unbanned from Habbo. If you're not, you fail at internets.

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