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Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

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Structural design optimization through finite element analysis of additive

manufactured bioresorbable polymeric stents
Ana M. Sousa , Ana M. Amaro , Ana P. Piedade *
University of Coimbra, CEMMPRE, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 3030-788, Coimbra, Portugal


Keywords: Coronary stents help to treat coronary artery disease. Polymeric-based stents are considered the next generation
Coronary stents of these medical devices since the materials are more compatible with human cells. Developing a polymeric
Polymers bioresorbable stent with a different and optimized design can improve the mechanical performance of polymeric
Additive manufacturing
additively manufactured coronary stents. In this study, two different polymers were processed by additive
Stent design
Finite element analysis
manufacturing, and their mechanical properties were analyzed: poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(ε-caprolactone)
(PCL). Five different designs (A, B, C, D, and E) were then conceptualized with three different thicknesses. Finite
element analysis (FEA) of a stent implantation process, using the mechanical properties of the additively man­
ufactured materials, was used to evaluate the influence of the design, after the stent expansion, on the radial
recoil ratio (RRR) and foreshortening. The in-silico results demonstrated that reducing strut thickness originates
more plastic deformation, which reduces the RRR and increases the absolute value of foreshortening. PLA-based
stents presented less RRR but, simultaneously, more risk of fracture. In the case of PCL-based devices, only
designs A, B, and C presented acceptable recoil ratios. Design A is the chosen design as it reduces the RRR for
lower thicknesses without risk of fracture during the stent deployment.

1. Introduction polymeric stents show lower stiffness and radial strength, which leads to
radial elastic recoil. As well, polymeric-based stents require thicker
Cardiovascular diseases are considered the leading cause of death struts which result in a reduced luminal area, causing disruption in
globally, with coronary artery disease being the most prevalent disorder. blood flow [4,5]. The ABSORB™ stent is the most commercial polymeric
This disease results from the accumulation of atherosclerosis plaque stent on the market that already demonstrated long-term safety and
inside the arteries [1]. Currently, percutaneous coronary intervention efficiency. Nevertheless, some clinical trials showed that the
(PCI) and vascular stenting are the central therapy used to re-open cross-section area is too high and the loss of properties during the
narrow arteries [2]. There are three main types of coronary stents different stages of the implant could affect the performance and integrity
available on the market: bioresorbable stents (BRSs), drug-eluting stents of ABSORB™. The literature described that the design influences the
(DESs), and bare-metal stents (BMSs) being constructed with metallic clinical performance of polymeric stents during those stages [6].
and/or polymeric materials [2]. The metallic-based stents have a higher So, in the last few years, several scientists have been trying to opti­
radial strength and a reduced elastic recoil when compared with poly­ mize the design parameters of coronary stents to increase the mechan­
mers. Also, it is known from the open literature that metallic stents have ical performance of polymeric stents. An ideal geometry allows robust
thinner struts than polymeric devices due to their better radial strength mechanical support while maintaining radial strength throughout the
[3]. However, it became evident that some biological events after the healing phase without triggering adverse biological effects. Some re­
implantation, such as neointimal hyperplasia or thrombosis, lead to the searchers have studied and demonstrated that the stent geometry could
rejection of the stent. To overcome these biological effects and to influence the stent flexibility, radial strength, scaffolding, and blood
improve the long-term efficiency of coronary stents, polymeric BRSs flow dynamics [7,8]. An appropriate design is suggested as the key so­
arose, having more compatibility with the human body and providing lution to reducing the thickness of polymeric stents’ struts and
temporary scaffolding to the artery. Despite their many advantages, cross-sectional profile, thereby enhancing their performance [9].

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A.P. Piedade).
Received 26 September 2023; Received in revised form 4 January 2024; Accepted 16 February 2024
Available online 24 February 2024
2468-5194/© 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

Considering the advances in smart engineering, the importance of 2.3. Thermal characterization of the materials
designs, and the cost associated with the methodologies of producing
prototypes, one possible solution to overcome some problems is to use To determine the thermal events and the crystallinity percentage of
numerical simulation by finite element analysis (FEA) [10]. In the case the printed materials, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) tests were
of cardiovascular stents, this type of tool is worthwhile before the performed. The measurements were made on a DSC Q100 V9.9 equip­
fabrication of the prototype and its experimental tests and the stent ment from TA instruments, with a scan rate of 10 ◦ C/min, from − 80 to
placement inside the human artery. FEA is applied to investigate and 300 ◦ C, under a nitrogen flow of 50 mL/min. The degree of crystalli­
estimate the behavior of stents inside the human artery, being the results zation (Xc) was determined from the first heating curve according to the
useful for optimization and improvement of the stent design and per­ methods described in previous works that followed Equation I [16] ΔHm
formance, reducing time and costs [11]. The Food and Drug Adminis­ is defined as the melting enthalpy, ΔHcc is the cold crystallization
tration (FDA) recommends the experimental evaluation of several enthalpy and ΔH∞ is the reference enthalpy for the melting of a theo­
characteristics and properties and the application of FEA to evaluate retical 100% crystalline polymer. The ΔH∞ was assumed to be 93.1 J.
some critical clinical attributes needed as a function of the stent design g− 1 and 142 J. g− 1 for PLA and PCL, respectively [17,18]. The results
parameters. FDA mentioned that with FEA and its results, a modified were analyzed using the TA Instruments Universal Analysis 2000
stent drawing could be produced quickly, and the ideal stent design (version 4.5 A) software.
parameters could be accomplished more easily than using only tradi­
ΔHm − ΔHcc
tional approaches [12]. Xc = × 100 (1)
Despite the number of studies regarding the design of stents, there
remains a lack of an ideal geometry for coronary stents. The influence of
different designs and strut thickness of coronary stents throughout FEA 2.4. Mechanical characterization of the materials
was evaluated, considering the properties of the PLA and PCL processed
by Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) technology, which is starting to be The tensile specimens were printed according to ISO 527-2 [19] with
applied in the stents industry [13,14]. In the in-silico investigation of a total length of 170 mm, a width at the narrow portion of 20 mm, and a
coronary stents, using polymeric property values from tables in the thickness of 4 mm. The main goal was to determine the properties of the
literature that list pure polymers is no longer considered a reliable printed materials, such as ultimate tensile strength (σTS), yield strength
approach. Instead, the authors have taken a novel approach by char­ (σy), or Young modulus (E). Furthermore, the acquired data was intro­
acterizing the materials and utilizing the results to simulate the stent duced in the simulation software, providing more accurate outcomes
expansion with a balloon, thus achieving a level of accuracy that is based on experimental work. The tensile tests were conducted using a
crucial in the medical field. In particular, this approach can aid in pre­ Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X universal tensile testing machine equipped
venting unwanted mechanical and biological reactions, making it an with a 5 kN load cell with a strain rate of 1 mm min− 1 at room tem­
essential tool for developing coronary stents. The elastic recoil and perature (23 ◦ C), as also described in ISO standard. For each polymeric
foreshortening ratio and the stresses on the different stent designs were material, at least five samples were tested. The data was collected in
evaluated after the plastic deformation. Trapezium X software and the results were analyzed in OriginPro 2018
2. Materials and methods The three-point bending (3 PB) tests were performed according to
the ASTM D790 [20] recommendations, with the following dimensions
2.1. Materials 60 × 10 × 2 mm. At least five specimens of each material were tested
using a Shimadzu Autograph AGS-X equipped with a 5 kN load cell with
The PLA pellets (3D870) were purchased from Smartfill®, Spain. The a strain rate of 2 mm min− 1. The flexural strength (σf) and the flexural
PLA filament (1.75 ± 0.05 mm) was made using the filament extruder modulus (Ef) were calculated according to previously described equa­
3Devo Composer 450 (Utrecht, Netherlands). The PCL filament with a tions [17].
diameter of 1.75 ± 0.02 mm was acquired from 3D4Makers®, the
Netherlands. 2.5. Design of stents - geometric models

2.2. Processing technology The three-dimensional devices and the different designs of coronary
stents were created using the software Solidworks® 2020 (Dassault
3D printing technologies allow the use of several imaging techniques Systèmes SOLIDWORKS Corporation, Waltham, MA, USA). All designs
to construct realistic and accurate 3D models that consider the arteries’ were formed considering three different strut thicknesses (0.10, 0.15,
morphology and properties [15]. Therefore, the FFF technology will be and 0.20 mm) to evaluate their influence on the mechanical properties.
used to analyze the developed designs of coronary stents experimentally.
Consequently, instead of using literature values from standard tables of 2.6. Numerical simulation
polymeric materials, the mechanical properties were determined in test
specimens that were printed using a 3D printer Robo R2 with a closed 2.6.1. Structural design
chamber and a nozzle with 0.4 mm of diameter. Table 1 presents the Each stent model was converted into a Parasolid model, and the
main printing parameters used in this work. The lines infill pattern was obtained file was imported into the ANSYS Workbench 2021 R2 soft­
selected considering that it is the pattern for use when stents are ware. As there is symmetry in the model and to minimize computational
experimentally produced in future works. time, only a part of the 3D model was analyzed. Therefore, a frictionless
support boundary condition was applied on every plane of symmetricity.
To simulate the behavior of the stent, a balloon model was built inside of

Table 1
Printing parameters for the test samples.
Material Tprinting (◦ C) Tbed (◦ C) Vprinting (mm.s− 1) Layer Height (mm) Shell Infill Density (%) Infill Pattern

PLA 200 60 60 0.1 1 100 Lines

PCL 130 30 10 0.1 1 100 Lines

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

each model using the Design Modeler in ANSYS (Fig. 1). The balloon was Table 2
designed with a thin surface of 0.10 mm, as recommended by the Properties considered for PLA and PCL.
literature [21]. Material Young σTS a σy a Poisson’s Theoretical
Modulus (MPa) (MPa) Ratio Density (− 3)
2.6.2. Materials and mesh (MPa)
A multilinear isotropic hardening elastic-plastic model was selected PLA 1335 19 15 0.3 1.240
for the thermoplastic materials processed by additive manufacturing. PCL 383 16 7 0.3 1.100
According to the literature, this model is suitable for large strain ap­ a
The values used were chosen from the representative stress-strain curve used
plications and to detect residual strain [22–24]. So, an intermediate in the multilinear isotropic hardening.
stress strain acquired from the tensile tests was chosen for data analysis
and around 26–28 points were entered in the ANSYS software to
construct the material model for each polymer as recommended by Table 3
Arriaga et al. [24]. Also, the material model included the value of the Mooney-Rivlin 2 coefficients for the balloon model [16].
Young modulus, σTS, and σy of the chosen representative stress-strain Material C10 (MPa) C01 (MPa) D1 (MPa)
curves, Poisson’s coefficient and the density of the polymeric mate­
Balloon 1.07 0.71 0
rials (Table 2).
The balloon was modelled under a Mooney-Rivlin 2 hyperplastic
model in which W is the strain potential energy, C10, C01, and D1 are the higher the radial strength, the less the probability of stent recoil. The
coefficients of the model, J is the volumetric stretch, and λi (i = 1,2,3) is percentage of elastic recoil can be calculated according to Equation (III)
the elongation ratio [Equation (II)] [25]. Table 3 lists the values of the provided by ASTM F2079-09 [26]:
coefficients of the balloon material, according to the literature [21].
d0 − d1
RRR(%) = × 100 (2)
1 d0
W = C10 (I1 − 3) + C01 (I2 − 3) + ( J − 3)2 (2)
where d0 is the diameter right after the balloon deflation and d1 is the
I1 = λ21 + λ22 + λ23 diameter after a particular time after implantation [27]. During the
expansion of the stent, the precise placement inside the damaged artery
I2 = λ21 + λ22 λ23 + λ21 λ23 is essential, and, consequently, the device must have a minimum fore­
shortening (FR). The FR describes the variation in the length of the stent
The balloon and all the 3D stent parts were meshed using Solid186 during the deployment of the stent. This index is defined by Equation
elements with an element size of 0.035 mm for the stent part and 0.05 (IV), where Linitial and Lexpanded are the lengths before and after the
mm for the balloon part. An automatic frictionless contact algorithm, balloon expansion [28]:
chosen from tha available ANSYS options, was applied between the
inner surface of the stent (contact) and the outer surface of the balloon FR(%) =
Linitial − Lexpanded
× 100 (4)
(target) to simplify the expansion procedure, according to previous Linital
literature [21]. The target and contact elements were selected as Conta
174 and Targe 170, respectively. 3. Results and discussion

2.6.3. Simulation and stent expansion 3.1. Characterization of the materials

To evaluate the deformation of the stent after the expansion of the
balloon, a displacement of 0.5 mm was uniformly applied on the inner 3.1.1. Thermal characterization
surface of the balloon to mimic the placement of the stent. In the second The DSC was used to analyze the thermal events of the polymeric
step, the displacement of the balloon was reduced to zero, simulating the materials and the percentage of crystallinity. Table 4 displays the tem­
deflation of the balloon. The overall expansion of the balloon setup and peratures of the main thermal events of the polymeric materials. The
curve is shown in Fig. 2. DSC curves are in the supplementary information section (Figure S1).
As previously described, the computational simulation can identify The range of temperatures of the thermal events of PLA and PCL are in
some of the mechanical characteristics of coronary stents that are more accordance with the literature [29]. Also, it is possible to notice that the
difficult to acquire with experimental tests. Because of that, the FDA materials won’t be affected by the temperature of the human body
recommends computational tests as a validation tool by calculating (37 ◦ C) since thermal events occur at higher temperatures.
radial recoil ratio or critical locations with stresses caused by the plastic The percentage of crystallinity is a critical parameter that requires
deformation. Radial recoil ratio is defined as the reduction of the stent careful consideration in polymeric-based stents, because it significantly
diameter after implantation directly related to radial strength, as the impacts the mechanical performance and the biodegradation rate of
stents. Higher percentages of crystallinity typically correspond to slower
degradation rates [2]. Consequently, stents made from PCL, which has a
higher crystallinity percentage than PLA-based samples, will gradually
degrade. The literature also suggests that PCL-based stents take longer to
fully degrade in an environment like the human artery than PLA-based
stents [2]. Given the implications of these findings, it is crucial to
consider the percentage of crystallinity when selecting materials for
stent fabrication.
Following the printing process, the variance in the percentage of
crystallinity exhibited by PCL is inconsequential. Conversely, PLA ex­
periences a slight elevation, which could signify not only a potential
enhancement in the mechanical attributes of the printed object but also
a decrease in the degradation rate [30].
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration depicting a part of a 3D stent model equipped
onto a balloon (green). This scheme provides a clear visual representation of the
assembly used to place a stent in a narrowed artery.

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

Fig. 2. Assembly of the balloon and stent during (a) and after (b) expansion. a) the stent is being expanded with a balloon, which is inflated to compress the plaque
against the artery wall and improve blood flow. The balloon is then deflated (b) and then removed, leaving the stent in place to keep the artery open.

Table 4 Table 6
Characteristic temperatures determined by DSC, where Tg is the glass transition Flexural mechanical properties of the printed samples presented as average and
temperature; Tm is the melting temperature; Tcc is the cold crystallization tem­ standard deviation values, where σf is the maximum flexural Strength and Ef is
perature; ΔHm is the melting enthalpy; ΔHcc is the cold crystallization enthalpy, the Flexural Modulus.
and Xc is the percentage of crystallinity. Polymer σf (MPa) Ef (MPa)
Sample Tg Tm ΔHm Tcc ΔHcc Xc
PLA 33.4 ± 2.9 1100 ± 200
(◦ C) (◦ C) (J.g− 1 ) (◦ C) (J.g− 1 ) (%)
PCL 25.9 ± 4.6a 450 ± 10
PLA 63.9 178.2 44.3 94.3 22.5 23.4
Filament a
Value of average flexural strength calculated at the maximum load (Y).
Printed PLA 66.6 177.7 45.9 90.2 19.2 28.7
PCL − 71.5 62.3 75.7 – – 53.3
Filament the higher the flexibility, meaning that it is easier to bend the material
Printed PCL − 63.9 65.1 75.5 – – 53.2 [35,36].
The acquired data indicates that PCL has higher flexibility than PLA,
3.1.2. Tensile test according to the results from the tensile tests. Therefore, there is more
Some mechanical properties of the printed polymers were studied probability of the stent passing through the arteries without impairing
through stress-strain curves, aiming to study the mechanical perfor­ the shape of the stent. There is no damage on the surface of the PCL
mance of the printed polymers. In the case of PCL, the tests were specimens, demonstrating the flexibility of this material. On the other
interrupted at a maximum displacement of 140 mm due to their extreme hand, PLA specimens showed small damage on the outer surface after
deformation. Table 5 summarizes some of the properties of printed PLA the bending test (Figure S2 - Supplementary Information).
and PCL.
The results demonstrated that PLA has a higher tensile strength than 3.2. Design of stents
PCL and, meaningfully, a superior Young Modulus coherent with pre­
vious studies [2]. Some studies use the tensile test and properties to One of the main challenges of polymeric-based stents is enhancing
predict radial strength by relating it with tensile strength [31]. the radial strength and reducing the radial recoil ratio [37]. The present
Al-Mangour et al. [32] explained that higher tensile strength leads to study includes two types: closed and open cells. Designs A, B, C, and D
superior radial strength that will support the artery wall. So, the out­ were designed as an open cell style. Design E was projected as a
comes from this study indicate that the PLA-based stent will have a closed-cell style. In the case of Design B, the connectors were interca­
higher radial strength than PCL-based stents, allowing better support to lated with straight-rod and C-shaped bridges. Designs C and D were
the artery wall and a lower radial elastic recoil ratio. Moreover, a ma­ projected with a strut crown defined as a curved area that facilitates
terial with greater tensile strength is described for tolerating stents with stent deformation during the deployment. The chosen thicknesses in this
thinner struts, reducing the blood flow disruptions [33,34]. work were based on previous studies that investigated metallic and
polymeric stents [3,38]. The 3D stent models, and the design parameters
3.1.3. Flexibility characterization used in this study are displayed in Table 7.
The bending properties of the materials should be studied to predict
the deformation of the material during the placement of the stent. Also,
3.3. Numerical simulation
the stent material should bend to pass inside the arteries, maintaining
the shape and the stent design. The bending properties of PLA and PCL
In this work, it was simulated the expansion of the stents to evaluate
are summarized in Table 6. In the case of PCL, there are no breaks on the
the mechanical deformation, radial recoil ratio, and foreshortening. The
outer surface of the specimen (Figure S2 – Supplementary Information).
researchers compared the five strut geometries, three different strut
So, the test was stopped, and the flexural strength was calculated using
thicknesses, and two bioresorbable polymeric materials. The study
the load acquired at the end of the test, as recommended by the
outcomes were compared with previous studies that used designs and
materials that are already a benchmark in the market.
For this study, only the flexural modulus, which measures the ca­
pacity of the material to bend under a specific load, was considered.
3.3.1. Evaluation of stent expansion and mechanical deformation
According to the standard and literature, the lower the flexural modulus,
The in-silico results were presented regarding equivalent von Mises
stress and equivalent plastic strain. According to Toong et al. [39], to
Table 5 guarantee that the stent will expand without the risk of failure, the von
Mechanical properties from the tensile tests of the printed samples. Mises stress values should be in the middle of the values of yield strength
(YS) and ultimate tensile strength (TS). Thus, the von Mises stress must
Polymer σTS (MPa) σy (MPa) E (MPa)
be between 7 and 16 MPa for PCL-based stents and 15 and 19 MPa for
PLA 18.6 ± 2.4 15.0 ± 1.6 1340 ± 140 PLA-based stents (Table 2). The plastic strain occurs in areas where the
PCL 15.5 ± 0.2 7.4 ± 0.8 380 ± 20
stress exceeds the yield limit of the materials. Table 8 presents the

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

Table 7
The proposed 3D stent models with different geometries and dimensions.
Stent Stent Planar Strut Stent Inner Stent Outer Nº of Nº of Stent Volume Weight (mg) Stent Form
Name Model Thickness Diameter Diameter Struts Connectors Length (mm3) (Rolled Form)
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)

Design 0.10 2.8 3 8 24 13.1 3.02 3.74 3.32

A 0.15 2.7 4.46 5.53 4.91
0.20 2.6 5.84 7.24 6.42

Design 0.10 2.8 3 8 21 13.8 2.48 3.08 2.72

B 0.15 2.7 3.66 4.54 4.03
0.20 2.6 4.79 5.94 5.27

Design 0.10 2.8 3 13 36 12.6 3.49 4.33 3.84

C 0.15 2.7 5.14 6.37 5.65
0.20 2.6 6.74 8.38 7.41

Design 0.10 2.8 3 14 39 13.8 4.38 5.43 4.82

D 0.15 2.7 6.46 8.01 7.11
0.20 2.6 8.46 10.49 9.31

Design 0.10 2.8 3 5 24 15.0 5.73 7.11 6.30

E 0.15 2.7 8.45 10.48 9.30
0.20 2.6 11.08 13.74 12.19

Table 8
Mechanical properties of the materials and FEA results.
Design Thickness PLA PCL
YS UTS Peak Stress Residual Stress Plastic Strain YS UTS Peak Stress Residual Stress Plastic Strain
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (a.u.) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (a.u.)

A 0,2 15 19 19.00 19.00 0.89 7 16 15.65 15.57 0.76

0,15 19.00 19.00 0.91 15.65 15.55 0.77
0,1 19.00 18.99 0.84 15.65 14.68 0.74
B 0,2 19.00 19.00 0.89 15.65 15.65 0.55
0,15 19.65 18.98 1.00 15.65 15.64 0.59
0,1 19.18 18.98 1.08 15.65 15.59 0.69
C 0,2 19.00 19.13 1.91 15.65 15.54 1.20
0,15 19.00 18.99 1.90 15.65 15.49 1.30
0,1 19.00 18.99 2.20 15.64 15.64 1.37
D 0,2 20.95 18.97 0.56 15.65 13.81 0.32
0,15 19.00 18.95 0.61 15.65 13.35 0.33
0,1 19.00 18.95 0.76 15.65 13.16 0.36
E 0,2 21.38 18.98 1.44 15.65 15.61 1.09
0,15 20.85 18.98 1.82 15.65 15.62 1.08
0,1 19.04 18.98 2.32 15.65 15.58 1.08

maximum von Mises stress at maximum expansion (peak stress) and also described as weak points that can induce fracture [33]. Another
after recoiling (residual stress) and the plastic strain experienced after example is Design C, in which the stent is increasingly straightened,
the recoil process for all design formulations. All the data images during changing the curved shape to a linear shape, concentrating most of the
the different stages of stent placement in the computational simulation stresses in that area (Figure S7 in the supplementary information). Ac­
are summarized in the supplementary information section cording to Table 8, Design D is less deformed, followed by Design B and
(Figures S3-S12). A.
Based on the representative von Mises stress contour images at A similar tendency was proved in previous studies by different au­
maximum expansion (Fig. 3), it was noticed that the higher stress was thors. Qiu et al. [6] studied the expansion of several PLA-based stents
found mainly in the curved regions and near bends and connectors. For with the designs of commercially available devices, demonstrating that
instance, design A (Fig. 4) shows a higher percentage of von Mises stress all geometries experienced the highest stress values on the strut con­
at maximum expansion in rounded zones compared to the flat zones for nections and curved regions. More recently, Amnieh et al. [40] and
both materials and thicknesses that vary between 55 and 99%. Toong et al. [31] demonstrated the same events in the U-shaped and
Regarding the plastic strain, it is possible to notice that the equivalent bent zones.
plastic strain of the devices appears in the same regions where the von Considering the materials, the distribution of the stresses is more
Mises stresses are more concentrated (Fig. 4). In those areas of the de­ marked for PLA than for PCL (Fig. 3). The designs with PLA as a base
vice, the stress exceeds the yield strength value, resulting in permanent material have more regions under higher stress values, exhibiting some
plastic deformation. According to the literature, the curved areas are areas that overcome the maximum stress allowed, leading to a possible
more prone to plastic deformation during the deployment, being fracture risk. Except for Design A, the data indicates that all PLA-based
labelled as indispensable for stent expansion. However, those areas are stents own specific thicknesses with areas that overcome the TS value at

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

Fig. 3. Representative images of the von Mises stress generated during the expansion step (peak stress) for different materials and thickness of design A. This figure
shows that the higher percentage of von Mises stress occurs at maximum expansion, mostly in rounded zones for both materials. Within these regions, the stress
surpasses the yield strength value, resulting in plastic deformation.

Fig. 4. Representative images of the plastic strain (bellow) generated during the expansion step (peak stress) and the correspondent images of the von Mises stress
(above) for the different thicknesses of the PCL-based Design A. It is possible to notice that the equivalent plastic strain appears in the same regions where the von
Mises stresses are more concentrated and with a higher percentage.

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

some moment during the expansion process, which can lead to the 3.3.2. Radial recoil ratio
collapse of the structure. The data also indicates that, after the expan­ The RRR was calculated after the deflation of the balloon. It is known
sion, some of these designs are highly deformed in the ends, compro­ that this is an important parameter to characterize the stent since an
mising the safety of the stent, for instance, design C (Fig. 5). Design E extreme RRR leads to a significant expansion that conducts to a massive
(Fig. 6) was also highly deformed in the middle of the cell during the risk of mechanical failure of the device and artery injury. Additionally,
expansion. devices with higher values of elastic recoil are known for having lower
On the other hand, the PCL-based stents demonstrated more areas radial strength, and thus, it is more challenging to provide sufficient
that do not suffer permanent deformation, implying that the stents can support to the artery wall. Also, if there is a high level of elastic recoil,
recover from elastic deformation caused by the expansion (Fig. 6). Bear several unfavorable effects can occur, such as blood flow disruption
in mind the flexural modulus (Table 6), PCL has shown higher flexibility and/or the displacement of the device to another location [2]. Fig. 7
without visible damage, meaning that PCL-based stents withstand better displays the radial recoil ratio of the analyzed stents.
deformation without failure, justifying the behavior observed during the The recoiling effect is triggered by the recovery of the elastic
simulation. deformation after the deflation of the balloon [6]. The radial recoil effect
In general, it is possible to conclude that the thicker struts (0.20 mm) is determined not only by the base material but also by the stent design
experienced higher levels of von Mises stresses and plastic strain [44].
(Table 8), mainly around bends and strut connections, indicated by the As shown in Fig. 7, all the configurations made with PCL have the
warmer colors in all design configurations (Supplementary Informa­ highest percentage of radial recoil compared to PLA, being 29%–69%
tion). Comparing the PLA-based stents’ different configurations, the best superior in some cases. For instance, the PCL-based Design A with a strut
design is Design A with 0.10 mm of strut thickness because it enters thickness of 0.10 mm has a recoil percentage that is 69.9% higher than
plastic deformation without overcoming the failure limits during all the same configuration with PLA. In the case of Design D with the same
phases of the stent deployment. In the case of PCL, all the designs have a thickness, the percentage o recoiling of PCL is 29.2% higher than in the
positive response during the stent placement, meaning there is no risk of PLA-based configuration. Independently of the design outlines, the su­
stent fracture. perior values of RRR on PCL-based devices happen because they have
Since PLA and PCL are responsive to temperature changes, further more areas where the peak stress and residual stress do not exceed the
research should investigate the mechanical performance of 4D-printed yield limit of the materials and, thus, have more spots that only expe­
stents. With 4D printing approach, it is possible to design and create rienced elastic deformation. The same tendency was observed in a recent
coronary stents capable of altering their structure in response to a spe­ study by Donik et al. [44] that compares PLA, PCL, and PLA-PCL stents,
cific signal. Consequently, there is the dual benefit of reducing assembly proving that PCL suffers less permanent deformation and, consequently,
costs and minimizing the risk of failure associated with balloon expan­ experiences higher levels of elastic recoil. Guerra and colleagues [45]
sion [41,42]. To comprehensively understand the mechanical behaviour studied experimentally the recoil effect of 3D-printed PCL and PLA
of each design during self-shrinking and self-expansion triggered by stents and proved that, after expansion, PLA has less elastic recoil than
body temperature, in-silico characterization must be performed [43]. PCL. Furthermore, materials with superior bending flexibility are more
This approach will open a new avenue of possibilities for efficient and prone to have higher levels of radial recoil due to the lower stiffness,
effective placement of stents. which is supported by the results of the bending test previously analyzed
in this study (Table 6) [9].
Comparing the different stent configurations, Design C has the best

Fig. 5. Representative images of the von Mises stress generated during the expansion step (peak stress) for PLA-based Design C stent at different thicknesses. The
illustration indicates that after the expansion of Design C, the stent became significantly deformed. This deformation can result in the failure of the stent function
after placement.

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

Fig. 6. Representative images of the von Mises stress generated during the expansion step (peak stress) for PLA-based (left) and PCL-based (right) Design E stents at
different thicknesses. The illustration indicates that after the expansion of Design E, the PLA-based stent became significantly distorted in the middle of the struts.
This deformation can result in the failure of the stent function after placement. On the other hand, PCL-based stent does not suffer distortion after the placement.

results regarding the recoil effect, as it presents lower values. Some that the design can influence the final properties of the stents. In the case
authors stated that the minor the crown curvature radius the higher will of PCL, designs A, B, C and demonstrate better results of recoil than the
be the deformation and, consequently, the lower will be the recoil effect design used for the commercially polymeric stent that used PLA as a base
[34]. As seen in the planar configuration presented in Table 7, Design C material (S1). Qui et al. [6] also compared different designs of stents that
is the one with fewer curved regions. Also, this design suffers from exist on the market, namely, ABSORB™ and Elixir™ (Elixir Medical
higher levels of plastic deformation (Table 8) which means that there Corp.) with 0.15 mm of strut thickness and RevaMedical™ (REVA
was less recovery after the deflation of the balloon. Nevertheless, the Medical Inc.) with 0.17 mm. All of them are made up of PLA as base
thinner struts (0.15 and 0.10 mm) on the PLA-based stents demonstrated material. The study demonstrated that ABSORB™ and Elixir™ have a
an abnormal level of deformation on the ends of geometry which is not recoil percentage of around 17% and RevaMedical™ experienced a
desired (Fig. 6). In contrast, Design A and B have fewer deformation recoil effect of 23%. Once again, the designs evaluated in this research
rates and the recoiling results are closer to those of Design C. Further­ showed improvements regarding the recoiling effect when compared
more, as explained in the previous section, Design A is the one with the with the designs of the polymeric stents that are already on the market.
lower risk of fracture during expansion for both materials. Other researchers tried to create new designs to improve the me­
The chosen designs have better results, for both PLA and PCL than chanical performance of polymeric stents. For instance, Donik and col­
the design ABSORB™ (Abbott Laboratories, Inc.) which is the leagues [44] create a new design with 0.20 mm of strut thickness that
commercially available polymeric stent [4]. Comparing the findings demonstrates a recoil ratio of 17% and 32% for PLA and PCL, respec­
from this study with the literature, the outcomes seem to be promising. tively. For the same thickness, the results acquired in this study
Pauck et al. [46] tested different designs with 0.10 mm of strut thick­ demonstrate that all the designs have better results for PLA and designs
ness, using PLA as the base material. One of the designs was based on an A, B, C and E have superior outcomes for PCL. A lower recoil diminishes
already commercialized polymeric BRS stent (S1) and the second one will reduce the probability of stent displacement after the implantation.
was based on a design of a metallic stent (S2), also on the market. Furthermore, a decreased recoiling effect means that the mechanical
Considering the PLA with a Young modulus of 1.8 GPa, the elastic recoil strength of the stent will be sufficient to support loads exerted by the
percentage was 15.1% and 24.3% for the S1 and S2 designs, respec­ artery wall. There are a lot of studies using FEA and PLA-based stents but
tively. Reflecting on the results of the present study for the strut with only a few studies used PCL as a base material to study the influence of
0.10 mm of thickness, our designs not only have lower Young modulus the design on the mechanical properties of stents. So, this research has a
but also have lower elastic recoil ratios, which proves our hypothesis very innovative character, as it not only helps to understand the

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

stent must not significantly contract. Fig. 8 displays the foreshortening

percentage of the analyzed stents that were calculated after the
After the expansion, the stent length for the different designs was
changed. In the case of designs A, B, and E, the foreshortening ratio is
negative, which means that the stent length became shorter after the
expansion. On the other hand, the foreshortening rate for designs C and
D is positive, with the final length higher than the initial length of the
stent. This increase occurs because the curved area on the strut helps
change the curved shape to a linear shape, increasing the stent length.
The absolute values acquired from the simulation indicate that PLA
has higher percentages of foreshortening than PCL-based stents, varying
from 3 to 47% depending on the design and strut thickness. In general,
the increase in the thickness leads to a lower percentage of fore­
shortening. Overall, the results follow the RRR results because the
samples with a higher level of foreshortening have smaller recoil.
According to the literature, commercial stents have a foreshortening
percentage inferior to 5% [47,48]. However, in their study, Soong et al.
[25] referred that the ABSORB™ stent has a foreshortening rate between
6.3 and 6.9%. So, the present study demonstrates that designs B, D, and
E have a better foreshortening rate than the polymeric stent already on
Fig. 7. RRR of the different analyzed stents (Color black: 0.10 mm of thickness; the market. Once again, this study provides outcomes for PCL-based
colour red: 0.15 mm of thickness; color blue: 0.20 mm of thickness). The graphs stents, introducing a new alternative for polymeric stents mostly made
display the percentage of recoil resulting from stent diameter reduction, up of PLA.
demonstrating the lower recoiling effect of PLA-based stent compared to PCL- Nevertheless, the mentioned designs have a higher risk of failure
based counterparts. Furthermore, the findings indicate that the RRR percent­
after the expansion, especially in PLA-based stents. Design A has the best
ages are lower for Design A and C.
results since it combines the best recoil ratio without risk of failure for
both materials and all thicknesses studied. However, the absolute fore­
difference between our design and the ones presented in previous shortening ratio for the mentioned design is too high compared to the
studies but also gives more knowledge about PCL-based stents. commercial stent, indicating that the maximum length reduction is 2.24
A strut thickness of 0.10 mm minimizes the recoil of the stent after mm (PCL) and 1.68 mm (PLA). Changing the scaffold length by adding
the expansion. As demonstrated in the previous section, the reduction of more struts to the design is one possible solution. As described in the
the thickness makes the stent structure more prone to suffer plastic FDA approval for ABSORB™, the device size selection can be made
deformation. These results subscribe to the equivalent plastic strain according to the target lesion length and the physician’s opinion [49].
outcomes because the stents with higher values of plastic strain have So, in many cases, the therapy comes from the combination of several
lower recoil percentages. This is important data since it is necessary to stent sizes, which can make design A suitable to be applied as coronary
decrease the thickness of commercialized polymeric stents to minimize stents.
some of their drawbacks on clinical performance. For instance, thicker
struts lead to a lower luminal area that disrupts the bloodstream and
higher shear stress. Additionally, thicker struts imply a greater amount
of material in contact with the organism, which can initiate a cascade of
biological events that increase the risk of restenosis or thrombosis [7]. In
this study, Design A allowed the reduction of the strut thickness without
originating the collapse of the device which will reduce or avoid also the
described biological events. The best material appears to be PLA, how­
ever, there is a higher risk of fracture according to the von Mises stress
analysis of the different designs.
One possible solution to reduce the risk of damage in PLA-based
stents, while maintaining the recoil percentage and radial strength, is
to combine PLA with PCL. Previous studies demonstrate that the recoil
percentage doesn’t increase substantially when PCL is added to PLA-
based stents and reduces the stress on areas more susceptible to frac­
ture [44]. Additionally, future research should include the artery model
to analyze the damage caused by the expansion of the balloon along with
the influence of the vessel on the recoiling effect.

3.3.3. Foreshortening ratio

The foreshortening is a result of the expansion and is related to the
recoiling effect since greater percentages of foreshortening indicate to
lower radial recoil ratio. According to previous studies, this is a conse­
quence of the amount of plastic deformation suffered by the stent after
the expansion of the balloon and consequent deflation [44]. To analyze Fig. 8. Foreshortening of the different analyzed stents (Color black: 0.10 mm of
the foreshortening of the stent the length variation was calculated. It is thickness; color red: 0.15 mm of thickness; color blue: 0.20 mm of thickness).
The graphs display the percentage of foreshortening resulting from the stent
important to analyze this index because a large percentage of fore­
length variation after the expansion. As expected, the findings indicate that
shortening can provoke damage to the artery during employment.
PCL-based designs have lower percentages since they have a higher recoil­
Additionally, to ensure that all atherosclerotic damage is treated, the ing effect.

A.M. Sousa et al. Materials Today Chemistry 36 (2024) 101972

4. Conclusion (FCT), Portugal for the support of the Research Center CEMMPRE -
The main goal of this research was to study the influence of two
different bioresorbable polymeric materials processed by FFF and the Appendix A. Supplementary data
influence of different stent designs on the mechanical performance of
implantable devices. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
Regarding the mechanical tests post-printing, it was proved that PCL org/10.1016/j.mtchem.2024.101972.
has higher flexibility than PLA, favoring the stents’ deformation during
the placement. On the other hand, the tensile test indicates that PLA
provides better radial strength than PCL.
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