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1- Translate the dialog into Portuguese:

Good morning.


My name´s Mike.


What´s your name?


My name´s Kelly.


Nice to meet you Mike.


Nice to meet you Kelly.


Nice to meet you too.


2- Complete the sentences:

My first name is: _________________________________

My middle name is: ______________________________

My last name is: _________________________________

My nickname name is: ____________________________

3- Make sentences using the words below:

Bank: ________________________________________________________________________

Office: ______________________________________________________________________

Waiter: _______________________________________________________________________

Part –time: ____________________________________________________________________

Student: ______________________________________________________________________

4- Use the articles A or AN:

____office ____hospital ____English student ____waiter ____bank ____hour

____doctor ____ secretary ____salesclerk ____teller ____restaurant

5- Translate the sentences into English:

O que você quer beber?


Eu quero tomar um refrigerante.


Eu geralmente tomo refrigerante.


Eu gosto de massa, mas não gosto de carne.


6- Answer the questions (short answers):

Are you late for class?


Are you a waiter?


Do you work in a bank?


Do you work as a waiter?


7- Write a dialog:





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