2023 Location

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● Blood: contained in the heart and in the blood vessels of the circulatory system
● Tissue Fluid (Intracellular Fluid): occupying spaces between cells in the organs
● Lymph: contained within lymph vessels and lymphatic organs
● Antigens: present on the surface of red blood cells
● Heart: in the centre of the chest, between the lungs and above the diaphragm
● Pulmonary Artery: arises from the right ventricle
● Aorta: arises from the left ventricle
● Coronary Arteries: arise from the base of the aorta
● Atrio-ventricular valves: between the auricles and ventricles of the left (mitral) and right (tricuspid)
● Pulmonary semilunar valve: aperture between right ventricle and pulmonary artery
● Aortic semilunar valve: aperture between left ventricle and aorta
● Papillary Muscles: muscular projections of ventricular wall attached to cusps of atrioventricular valves via
chordae tendinae
● Chordae Tendinae: tendinous strands arising from the papillary muscles attached to apices of
atrioventricular valves
● Tonsils: located on the sides of the neck
● Spleen: situated in the abdomen, behind the stomach and above the left kidney


● Kidneys: located on either side of the backbone in the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm,
protected by the last two ribs
● Ureter: arises from the hilum in the median surface of each kidney and connects behind with the urinary
● Pelvis: the front end of the ureter is somehow expanded into the kidney
● Sphincter Muscle: it guards the opening of the bladder into the urethra
● Papilla: it is the apex of each pyramid in the medulla which projects into the pelvis of the kidney
● Renal Column: portions of conical tissue extend in between adjacent renal pyramids
● Glomerulus: lodged in the outer concavity of the bowman’s capsule
● Bowman’s Capsule: located in the cortex of the kidney
● Malpighian Capsule (Renal Capsule): located in the cortex of the kidney
(The bowman’s capsule with the renal capsule gives the cortex its dotted appearance)
● Loop of Henle: it runs through the medulla to turn back and re-enter the cortex to continue into the next
convoluted tubule


● Dendrites: they are branched cytoplasmic projections of the cell body
● Axon: it is a long process from the cell body
● Synaptic Cleft: it is the gap between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron
● Myelin Sheath: it is a white insulating sheath surrounding the axon
● Brain: protected inside the cranium of the skull
● Dura Mater: outermost membrane of the brain
● Arachnoid: middle membrane of the brain
● Pia Mater: innermost membrane of the brain
● Cerebrospinal Fluid: fills the central spaces (ventricles) of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord
● Corpus Callosum: sheet of fibres connecting the two hemispheres of the cerebrum
● Cerebellum: located just at the base of the brain and under the large cerebrum
● Medulla Oblongata: lowest portion of the brain located at the base of the skull
● Hypothalamus: located below the thalamus
● Pons: located in the centre of the brain below the cerebellum
● The Spinal Cord: extends from the medulla of the brain down almost the whole length of the backbone to
end at the second lumbar vertebra and lies within the neural canal of the vertebrae
● Nerves of the Sympathetic System: they arise from the spinal cord between the neck and waist region
● Nerves of Parasympathetic System: located anteriorly in the head and neck and the other posteriorly in the
sacral region

● Orbits: two eyes are located in deep sockets or orbits on the front side of the head
● Tear glands: located the upper sideward portion of the orbit
● Conjunctiva: thin membrane covering the entire front part of the eye
● Iris: it is an extension of the choroid, partially covering the lens and leaving a circular opening in the
● Pupil: the circular opening in the centre of the lens
● Rod cells: distributed almost throughout the retina
● Cones: mostly confined to the yellow spot
● Yellow Spot: it lies at the back of the eye, almost at the centre on the horizontal axis of the eyeball
● Blind Spot: it lies lateral to the yellow spot on the nasal side
● Lens: located just behind the pupil
● Suspensory Ligament: is attached to the lens
● Ciliary Body: located at the junction of the iris and choroid
● Aqueous Chamber: it is the front chamber between the lens and cornea
● Vitreous Chamber: it is the larger cavity of the eyeball behind the lens
● Malleus: it is attached to the inner surface of the eardrum
● Incus: it is in between the malleus and the stapes, in the middle ear
● Stapes: it is connected to the incus and the flat part is connected to the anvil
● Oval Window: membrane covered opening leading to inner ear
● Round Window: connects middle and inner ear
● Endolymph: located in median cochlear canal
● Perilymph: located in vestibular and tympanic canal of the cochlea
● Semicircular Canals: they are the other part of the inner ear, arranged at right angles to each other so that
one is horizontal and the other is vertical
● Organ of Corti: the median cochlear canal
● Eustachian Tube: it connects the cavity of the middle ear with throat
● Auditory Sensory Cells: Located on the basilar membrane
● Ampulla: It is the widened base of the semicircular canals


● Adrenal Glands: they are caps on top of each kidney
● Pancreas: It lies along the lower margin of the stomach in the loop of duodenum
● Thyroid: situated in front of the neck just below the larynx joined by a narrow isthmus
● Pituitary: it is small projection which hangs from the base of the midbrain below the hypothalamus
● Insulin: secreted by beta cells
● Glucagon: secreted by alpha cells


● Testes: contained in a thin-walled sac of skin called scrotum
● Seminiferous Tubules: located in the lobules of testis
● Interstitial Cells: they are packing tissues between the coils of seminiferous tubules
● Epididymis: it is a cap on the upper pole of the testis and is continued by the side of the testis upto its back
● Sperm Duct: arises from the epididymis and travels upward into the abdomen passing through an
inguinal canal, the two sperm ducts loop over the ureters of their side and join the urethra at the back of
the urinary bladder
● Seminal Vesicles: located between the posterior surface of the urinary bladder and the rectum
● Prostate Gland: it surrounds the urethra close to its origin from the bladder
● Bulbo-urethral Gland: they open into the urethra just before it enters the penis
● Penis: it lies in front of the scrotum
● Ovaries: they lie in the lower portion of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the vertebrae
● Oviducal Funnels: they open into the uterus
● Uterus: it is situated in the pelvic cavity between the urinary bladder and the rectum
● Vagina: it starts from the lower end of the uterus upto the outside
● Vulva: it is the external female genitalia
● Clitoris: it is located in the uppermost angle of the vulva in front of the urethral opening
● Acrosome: it is at the top of the head of the sperm
● Amnion: It is a sac which develops around the embryo before the formation of allantois
● Amniotic Fluid: it fills the space between the amnion and the embryo
● Placenta: it is attached to the uterine wall
● Allantois: it is an extension from the embryo

● Centrioles: located near the nuclear membrane
● Nucleus: located in the cytoplasm of the cell
● Stomata: they are minute openings in the epidermal layer of leaves
● Guard Cells: they are bean shaped cells surrounding the stomata
● Cuticle: it is a waxy layer secreted by the epidermis on the two surfaces of the leaf
● Lenticels: they are special openings that develop on the bark of older stems
● Hydathodes: they are located on the margins of leaves
● Chlorophyll: it is contained in chloroplasts, in the walls of thylakoids
● Chloroplasts: they are contained in the mesophyll cells of leaves, guard cells of stomata and epidermis of
young green stems
● Stroma: it is the living matrix or ground substance of chloroplast
● Thylakoids: they are located in the chloroplast connected by frets and stacked like coins
● Auxins: they are produced in apical meristems of root and shoot, young flower buds, young leaves and
developing seeds
● Gibberellins: it is located in meristematic regions like root apex, stem apex, buds and seeds
● Cytokinins: it is synthesised in cells of endosperm and roots and are largely distributed among
germinating seeds, developing fruits, embryos
● Ethylene: it is a gaseous plant hormone produced in fruits
● Abscisic Acid (ABA): it is found in the chloroplasts of some leaves, angiosperms, gymnosperms,
pteridophytes and some mosses

IAA: Indole-3 Acetic Acid
MTP: Medical Termination of Pregnancy
TSH: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
ACTH: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
LH: Luteinizing Hormone
FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone
GH: Growth Hormone
DDT: Dichlorodiphenyl trichloroethane
IUD: Intrauterine Device
SAN: Sino-atrial node
AVN: Atrio-ventricular node
NADP: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
ATP: Adenosine Triphosphate
ADH: Antidiuretic Hormone

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