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Camarines Sur National High School

sy 2020-2021
Health-LAS no. 1 (Week 2)
4th quarter
Health Career Pathways Health Career
Dental Health Dentist
Nutrition Dietitian
Emergency Medical Services Medical Doctor

B. Based on act. 1, answer these questions: (Answers)

1. The most common health careers in the country are dentist, registered nurses, and medical doctors. However, with the
condition of our country, the medical doctors and registered nurses will be increasing as to they are an essential today.
2. It is the medical doctor that we needed in our country especially that this country is slowly running out of doctors due to
the pandemic.
3. Medical Doctor, Nursing, Medical Technologist, Midwife, and Dentist.
4. It is important to understand the different career pathways in health to avoid confusion.

B. Time to Decide
Health care that interests me What are the PROS? What are the CONS?
Registered Nurses You care about a person and get to It is tiring especially with current
help the doctors in their job. situation. High chance of infection
with the disease of the patient that
you are taking care of.
Dentist You can help a person show their best It involves a lot of focus and tiring.
Anesthesiology You can control the pain of a patient. One wrong move and it can be
dangerous for the patient.

Answer these questions: (Answers)

1. Registered Nurse. There are risks like being infected with the disease of the patient that you are taking care of. I think I am
willing to take the risk,because the doctor and the patient relies on someone like me so I ought to do my best.
2. Registered Nurse
3. Registered Nurse

TASK 2: Reflect on how you see yourself…

…today …after Senior High School …after college
I am a student and I see myself I will continue my aspirations in a I am a graduate of a Medical School. I
aspiring to help other people by being Medical School I have chosen. will start by finding a job that suits
a nurse. me. After I gain experience, I will be a
DH overseas to gain more experience.

Career plan I am interested to do Personal qualities that describe me School subjects that I like
I don’t have a career lan at this * I am optimistic and thrive to do the Unfortunately, I only like ESP and
moment and I can’t think of any. activities in one scoop. have no current interest in
* I like it when I learn something new Science.
that is easy to understand.

1. It is Registered Nurse.
2. I think, yes.
3. I think yes, but I am not really interested in other subjects. I am learning a bit from internet and what I read on social
4. No. My strength is that I am willing to do something as long as it needs me. My weakness is that I tend to think negative at
times and slack off.

Chosen activity: Act. 4
Medical And Allied Professionals
Why do we need them?

10-Pollux Grace S. Delos Santos

Today, the Filipinos are swept up in this chaos. The

COVID-19 virus has reached us and continues to pester us. The
normal life we once had had felt like a dream.

In a year that our country has fought, it showed no

results. Some may say that it was a helpless struggle, but
others continued to hope. Do we need to stay this way?

Our new heroes, the frontliners, are mainly composed of

people who continue their desired path. These heroes continued
to battle with the pandemonium. In this prolonged fight, can
our heroes still last?

In this time, we need to use our minds. The heroes,

especially our medical care workers, are suffering the most. All
of our health care workers are moving according to the needs
and benefits of the Country. However, they aren’t in sync. One
reason being is that their efforts aren’t acknowledged properly,
especially by the government. The government may be doing its
best to be of some help to our health care workers, but it
doesn’t bring any change to their situation. Can our heroes still

It is the more reason to need the medical and allied

professionals in our country. In this alliance, both sides can do
their roles in providing the best care for patients and the best
solution possible given the situation. They also help one
another in creating policies and improve the system to run
efficiently. In achieving this, we could create a much more
peaceful environment for the citizens to live.

One may think that they are our only hope, however, such
thinking shouldn’t be nourished. It is because we ourselves can
help to create a better future. Even the smallest action can
create a deck of domino effect when used properly. Be a start.

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