Mains Checklist 40 by Aashish Arora

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Quantity Based Questions

Q1. In the question, three quantities i.e. Quantity I, Quantity II and Quantity III are
given. Solve the given quantities to establish the correct relation between them
and choose the correct option.
There are 2400 students in a school and they have to choose only one out of
three activities i.e. Dancing, Singing and Swimming. Total number of girls was 60%
of total boys. Number of girls who choose Singing is 25% of number of boys who
choose Swimming. 50% of girls choose dancing, which is 75% of boys who choose
Swimming. Number of boys who choose Singing is 20% less than that of Dancing.

Quantity I: Find the total number of students who choose Singing.

Quantity II: Find the total number of students who choose Dancing.
Quantity III: Find the total number of students who choose Swimming.

प्रश्न में, तीन मात्राएँ अर्ाात् मात्रा I, मात्रा II और मात्रा III दी गई हैं । उनके बीच सही संबंध
स्र्ापित करने के पिए दी गई मात्राओं को हि करें और सही पिकल्प चुनें।

एक स्कूि में 2400 छात्र हैं और उन्हें तीन गपतपिपधयों अर्ाा त नृत्य, गायन और तैराकी में से
केिि एक को चुनना है । िड़पकयों की कुि संख्या कुि िड़कों की 60% र्ी। गायन चुनने
िािी िड़पकयों की संख्या तैराकी चुनने िािे िड़कों की संख्या का 25% है । 50%
िड़पकयाँ नृत्य चुनती हैं , जो पक 75% िड़के तैराकी चुनते हैं । गायन चुनने िािे िड़कों की
संख्या नृत्य की तुिना में 20% कम है ।

मात्रा I: गायन चुनने िािे छात्रों की कुि संख्या ज्ञात कीपजए।

मात्रा II: नृत्य चुनने िािे छात्रों की कुि संख्या ज्ञात कीपजए।

मात्रा III: तैराकी चुनने िािे छात्रों की कुि संख्या ज्ञात कीपजए।
A. Q1>Q2>Q3
B. Q1<Q2>Q3
C. Q1<Q2<Q3
D. Q1>Q3>Q2
E. Q1=Q2>Q3

Q2. A boat M started travelling from point X in downstream with speed in still
water 30 km/hr and after travelling for 2 hours another boat N starts from X
towards boat M and it meets with boat M after travelling for 2 hours. It takes 24
minutes to pass the message between them and at that time both the boats are
travelling with the same speed as boat M. After passing the message boat N
immediately started running towards point X with its original speed (speed of
stream not taken into consideration) and at the same time a third boat P starts
from X towards boat N and distance between both the boats becomes 31 km
after travelling for 1.5 hours and it is also given that speed of stream is 5 km/hr.
Calculate the 3 quantities (I), (II) and (III) given below.
Quantity I: Speed of boat P in still water.
Quantity II: Distance of boat M from point X when boat N reaches at point X after
delivering the message.
Quantity III: Distance of boat P from point X when it meets with boat M.

एक नाि M ने शांत िानी में 30 पकमी/घंटा की गपत के सार् पबंदु उनके बीच संदेश भे जने
में 24 पमनट िगते हैं और उस समय दोनों नािें नाि M के समान गपत से यात्रा कर रही हैं ।
संदेश िार करने के बाद नाि N तुरंत अिनी मूि गपत (धारा की गपत को शापमि नहीं पकया
गया) के सार् पबंदु X की ओर दौड़ना शुरू कर दे ती है पिचार) और उसी समय एक तीसरी
नाि P, नीचे दी गई 3 मात्राओं (I), (II) और (III) की गणना करें ।

मात्रा I: शां त िानी में नाि P की गपत।

मात्रा II: जब नाि N संदेश दे ने के बाद पबंदु X िर िहं चती है तो पबंदु X से नाि M की दू री।
मात्रा III: नाि P की पबंदु X से दू री जब यह नाि M से पमिती है ।

A. Only 1
B. Only 1 & 3
C. Only 2 & 3
D. All 1, 2 & 3
E. Only 1 & 2
Q3. In the question, three quantities i.e. Quantity I, Quantity II and Quantity III are
given. Solve the given quantities to establish the correct relation between them
and choose the correct option.

x2 - 23x + 62 = |6 - 5x|
Quantity I: Find the product of all positive roots of the given equation.
Quantity II: Find the square of sum of all real roots of the given equation.
Quantity III: If the largest root of the equation is 'a' and smallest root of the given
equation is 'b', then find the cube of the difference between the roots of the
equation x2 - 21x + ab = 0.
प्रश्न में, तीन मात्राएँ अर्ाात् मात्रा I, मात्रा II और मात्रा III दी गई हैं । उनके बीच सही संबंध
स्र्ापित करने के पिए दी गई मात्राओं को हि करें और सही पिकल्प चुनें।
x2 - 23x + 62 = |6 - 5x|
मात्रा I: पदए गए समीकरण के सभी धनात्मक मूिों का गुणनफि ज्ञात कीपजए।
मात्रा II: पदए गए समीकरण के सभी िास्तपिक मूिों के योग का िगा ज्ञात कीपजए।
मात्रा III: यपद समीकरण का सबसे बड़ा मूि 'a' है और पदए गए समीकरण का सबसे छोटा
मूि 'b' है , तो समीकरण x2 - 21x + ab = 0 के मूिों के बीच अंतर का घन ज्ञात करें ।
A. Q1>Q2>Q3
B. Q1=>Q2=>Q3
C. Q1<Q2<Q3
D. Q1<=Q2<=Q3
E. Q1=Q2=Q3

Q4. In the question, three quantities i.e. Quantity I, Quantity II and Quantity III are
given. Solve the given quantities to establish the correct relation between them
and choose the correct option.
Quantity I: The letters of the word BRIDGE are arranged in (x + 10) ways such that
the vowels are always together. Find the value of 7% of x.
Quantity II: An imaginary word is represented as 'PPQQQ'. How many words can
be formed using the letters of the given word?
Quantity III: Ankit's teacher asked him to pick two alphabets (without repetition)
at random from the English alphabets. If the probability that both alphabets are
distinct vowels is (y - 1), then find the value of (6.5y).
प्रश्न में, तीन मात्राएँ अर्ाात् मात्रा I, मात्रा II और मात्रा III दी गई हैं । उनके बीच सही संबंध
स्र्ापित करने के पिए दी गई मात्राओं को हि करें और सही पिकल्प चुनें।
मात्रा I: BRIDGE शब्द के अक्षरों को (x + 10) तरीके से व्यिस्स्र्त पकया गया है तापक स्वर
हमेशा एक सार् रहें । x का 7% का मान ज्ञात कीपजए।
मात्रा II: एक काल्पपनक शब्द को 'PPQQQ' के रूि में दशााया गया है । पदए गए शब्द के
अक्षरों का उियोग करके पकतने शब्द बनाए जा सकते हैं ?
मात्रा III: अंपकत के पशक्षक ने उसे अंग्रेजी िणामािा में से यादृस्िक रूि से दो अक्षर (पबना
दोहराि के) चुनने के पिए कहा। यपद दोनों अक्षरों के अिग-अिग स्वर होने की प्रापयकता
(y - 1) है , तो (6.5y) का मान ज्ञात कीपजए।
A. Q1>Q2>Q3
B. Q1=>Q2=>Q3
C. Q1<Q2<Q3
D. Q1<=Q2<=Q3
E. Q1=Q2=Q3

Q5. Jugs P & Q contain 270 liters of mixture of wine and water. Amount of
mixture in P is 25% more than Q. Ratio of wine and water in jug P & Q is 3:2 and
1:2 respectively. 40% of the mixture is taken out from P and poured in a 3rd jug R
[jug R is empty].
Quantity I: find the amount of wine in jugs P & Q.
Quantity II: find the amount of water in jugs Q & R.
जग P & Q में 270 िीटर िाइन और िानी का पमश्रण है । P में पमश्रण की मात्रा Q से 25%
अपधक है । जग P और Q में िाइन और िानी का अनुिात क्रमशः 3:2 और 1:2 है । पमश्रण
का 40% P से पनकािा जाता है और तीसरे जग R में डािा जाता है [जग R खािी है ]।
मात्रा I: जग P&Q में िाइन की मात्रा ज्ञात करें ।
मात्रा II: जग Q और R में िानी की मात्रा ज्ञात करें ।
A. Q1>Q2
B. Q2>Q1
C. Q1>=Q2
D. Q2>=Q1
E. Q1=Q2
Answer key:
1. B
2. E
3. C
4. A
5. A

Number of Boys = 2400/(1 + 0.6) = 2400/1.6 = 1500
Number of Girls = 1500 × 0.6 = 900
Girls choosing Dancing = 900 × 0.5 = 450
Boys choosing Swimming = 450/0.75 = 600
Girls choosing Singing = 600 × 0.25 = 150
Girls choosing Swimming = 900 - (450 + 150) = 900 - 600 = 300
Boys choosing Dancing = (1500 - 600)/(1 + 0.8) = 900/1.8 = 500
Boys choosing Singing = 500 × 0.8 = 400
Quantity I, Students choosing Singing = 400 + 150 = 550
Quantity II, Students choosing Dancing = 450 + 500 = 950
Quantity III, Students choosing Swimming = 600 + 300 = 900
Quantity I < Quantity II >Quantity III

Speed of Stream = 5 km/hr
Speed of Boat N in still water = s km/hr
2 × (s + 5) = 4 × (30 + 5)
s + 5 = 2 × 35 = 70
s = 65 km/hr
Distance between point X & Boat N when message given to Boat M
= (4 + 24/60) × (30 + 5) = (4 + 0.4) × 35 = 4.4 × 35 = 154 km (Quantity II)
Speed of Boat P in still water = (154 - 31)/1.5 – 65
= 123/1.5 - 65 = 82 - 65 = 17 km/hr (Quantity I)
Speed of P is less than Speed of M so both boats will never meet.
Only I and II
x2 - 23x + 62 = |6 - 5x|
Case I, If (6 - 5x) > 0
x < 1.2
x2 - 23x + 62 = 6 - 5x
x2 - 18x + 56 = 0
(x - 4)(x - 14) = 0
x = 4, 14
Here, x > 1.2, hence these roots are invalid.
Case II, If (6 - 5x) < 0
x > 1.2
x2 - 23x + 62 = - (6 - 5x)
x2 - 28x + 68 = 0
x = [28 ± √{(- 28)2 - 4 × 1 × 68}]/2 = 14 ± 1/2 × √(784 - 272)
x = 14 ± 1/2 × √512 = 14 ± 8√2
Here, x > 1.2, hence these roots are valid.
Quantity I,
Product of all positive roots = (14 - 8√2) × (14 + 8√2) = 196 - 128 = 68
Quantity II,
Square of all real roots = 142 = 196
Quantity III,
a = 14 + 8√2, b = 14 - 8√2
ab = 68
x2 - 21x + ab = 0
x2 - 21x + 68 = 0
(x - 4)(x - 17) = 0
x = 4, 17
(17 - 4)3 = 133 = 2197
Quantity I < Quantity II < Quantity III

Quantity I,
In word BRIDGE,
Consonant = 4, Vowel = 2
Number of arrangements keeping the Vowels together = 5! × 2! = 120 × 2
x + 10 = 240
x = 230
7% of x = 7% of 230 = 0.07 × 230 = 16.1
Quantity II,
Number of Arrangements = 5!/(2! × 3!) = 120/(2 × 6) = 10
Quantity III,
y - 1 = 5/26 × 4/25 = 2/65
y = 2/65 + 1 = 67/65
6.5y = 6.5 × 67/65 = 6.7
Quantity I > Quantity II > Quantity III

Total mixture in P & Q = 270L
Total mixture in P = 270*5/9= 150L
Total mixture in Q = 270-150 = 120L
Wine in P = 150*3/5 = 90L
Water in P = 150-90 = 60L
Wine in Q = 120*1/3 = 40L
Water in Q= 120-40 = 80L
40% of P is taken out and poured in R
So amount of wine taken out from P = Wine in R = 90*40/100= 36L
& amount of water taken out from P = Water in R = 60*40/100 = 24L
Q1 = 90 +40 = 130L
Q2 = 80+24 = 104L
So Q1>Q2

Data Interpretation [Time & Work+ Logical DI]

Directions: Read the data carefully and answer the following questions.
The line graph below shows the number of days taken by four people to complete
a piece of work individually. One table graph shows the efficiencies at which each
person works and another table shows the level of efficiency at which they work.

पनदे श: डे टा को ध्यानिूिाक िढें और पनम्नपिस्खत प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें ।

नीचे पदया गया रे खा ग्राफ चार िोगों द्वारा व्यस्िगत रूि से एक काया को िूरा करने में िगे
पदनों की संख्या को दशाा ता है । एक तापिका ग्राफ़ उन दक्षताओं को दशाा ता है पजस िर
प्रत्येक व्यस्ि काम करता है और दू सरी तापिका दक्षता के स्तर को दशाा ती है पजस िर िे
काम करते हैं।








Pranjal Anant Rohan Manoj
Range of Efficiencies for each
Person for Each Person
Efficiency P 80-100%
Efficiency Q 60-80%
Efficiency R 40-60%

Different Levels at which they work

Level 1 Take above range of

Level 2 Take mid range of
Level 3 Take lower range of

Q1. Pranjal and Anant start to work together with level 2 and level 1 of efficiency
P respectively and after X days Manoj replaced both and did remaining work with
level 3 of efficiency Z in (X-185/37) days. If Rohan works for 1(13/17)x days with
level 1 of efficiency R, then what portion of work shall be remaining after that?
प्रां जि और अनंत क्रमशः दक्षता िी के स्तर 2 और स्तर 1 के सार् एक सार् काम करना
शुरू करते हैं और एक्स पदनों के बाद मनोज ने दोनों को बदि पदया और शेष काया दक्षता
जेड के स्तर 3 के सार् (एक्स-185/37) पदनों में पकया। यपद रोहन दक्षता स्तर 1 के सार्
1(13/17)x पदनों तक काम करता है , तो उसके बाद काम का पकतना भाग शेष रहे गा?
A. 3/10
B. 7/10
C. 2/5
D. 3/5
E. None of these
Q2. Sahil and Manoj start working together with level 3 and level 1 of efficiency P
and efficiency respectively. After 21.6 days both left the work and remaining work
is completed by Pranjal with level 2 of efficiency R in 18 days. If Sahil and Rohan
work together with level 3 of efficiency p, then find what percentage of work is
done by both of them after 15 days?
सापहि और मनोज क्रमशः दक्षता िी और दक्षता के स्तर 3 और स्तर 1 के सार् एक सार्
काम करना शुरू करते हैं । 21.6 पदनों के बाद दोनों ने काम छोड़ पदया और शेष काया को
प्रां जि ने दक्षता स्तर 2 आर के सार् 18 पदनों में िूरा पकया। यपद सापहि और रोहन दक्षता
के स्तर p के सार् पमिकर काम करते हैं , तो 15 पदनों के बाद उन दोनों द्वारा पकतना
प्रपतशत काम पकया जाता है ?
A. 46.66%
B. 52.5%
C. 47.5%
D. 53.33%
E. None of these
Q3. Pranjal works for A days with level 2 of efficiency P and remaining work is
done by Rohan in B days with level 1 of efficiency P. If Anant works for A days
with level 3 of efficiency Q and remaining work is completed by Manoj in B days
with 66.66% more efficient then level 1 of efficiency R, then find in how many
days remaining work complete by Manoj with his actual efficiency, if Pranjal first
worked for (A+B) days with level 2 of efficiency R?
प्रां जि दक्षता स्तर 2 के सार् ए पदन काम करता है और शेष काया रोहन द्वारा दक्षता स्तर 1
िी के सार् बी पदनों में पकया जाता है । यपद अनंत दक्षता स्तर क्यू स्तर 3 के सार् ए पदन
काम करता है और शेष काम मनोज द्वारा बी पदनों में िूरा पकया जाता है दक्षता R के स्तर 1
से 66.66% अपधक कुशि के सार्, तो ज्ञात कीपजए पक मनोज ने अिनी िास्तपिक दक्षता
के सार् शेष काया पकतने पदनों में िूरा पकया, यपद प्रां जि ने िहिी बार दक्षता R के स्तर 2
के सार् (A+B) पदनों के पिए काम पकया र्ा?
A. 33(1/3) days
B. 36(2/3) days
C. 30(1/3) days
D. 32(3/5) days
E. None of these
Answer Key:
1. B
2. D
3. E

Number of days for which each work
Pranjal= 36 days
Anant = 40 days
Rohan = 60 days
Manoj = 48 days
Let the total work be 720u [LCM of 36, 40, 60, 48]
So efficiencies of each is
Pranjal = 20u/d, Anant = 18u/d, Rohan = 12u/d & Manoj = 15u/d

Now, the two tables represent the different levels of efficiencies they can work at
based on the case in question.
For e.g.: if a person is said to be working at level 2 of efficiency P then, he works
with [100+80/2] = 90% of his actual efficiency. Similarly,

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Efficiency P 100% 90% 80%
Efficiency Q 80% 70% 60%
Efficiency R 60% 50% 40%

Total work by in this case
Pranjal = 20*90%*x = 18x
Anant = 18*100%*x = 18x
Manoj = 15*60%*(x-185/37) = 9(x-5)
18x+18x+9x-45 = 720
45x = 765
So Rohan will do = 12*60%*(30/17)*17 = 216u
So remaining work = (720-216)/720 = 7/10

21.6 days = 21 + 3/5 = 108/5 days
Work done by
Manoj = 108/5*15*60% = 972/5u
Pranjal = 18*20*50% = 180u
Remaining work done by Sahil = 720-972/5-180 = 1728/5
Efficiency of Sahil = (1728/5)/(108/5) = 16u/d

In 15 days Sahil and Rohan will do = 15*[16+(48/5)] = 128/5*15 = 384

So require % = 384/720% = 8/15 = 53.33%
Total work done by Pranjal and Rohan = 20*90%*A + 12*100%*B=18A+12B
Now 18A+12B = 720
3A+2B = 120 --- I
Total work done by Anant & Manoj = 18*60%*A + 15*60%*5/3*B= 54/5A+15B
So, 54/5A+15B = 720
18A+25B = 1200 – II
Multiplying I with 10 we have 30A+20B = 1200
OR we can say
30A+20B = 18A+25B
12A = 5B
A/B = 5/12
Using these values,
3*5u +2*12u = 39u = 120
1u = 120/39 = 40/13
So 17u = A+B = 680/13 days
So Pranjal does = 680/13*50%*20 = 6800/13
Work left for Manoj = 720-(6800/13) = 2560/13
He will do in = 2560/13/15 = 512/39

Number Series Based Questions

Q1. What will come in place of F?

7 20 57 233 1161 6969 48781
A. 23613
B. 16333
C. 23333
D. 13666
E. None of these

Q2. What is the value of [C*D] from the newly formed series from Q1?
A. 73375
B. 75373
C. 73757
D. 73575
E. None of these

Q3. What is the value of [E-A]?

1100 1243 1438 1692 2016 2415
A. 930
B. 928
C. 916
D. 918
E. None of these

Q4. What should come in place of R?

66 67 74 102 166 291

A. 174
B. 186
C. 170
D. 116
E. None of these

Q5. What is the value of [R+S-P] from Q4?

A. 219
B. 218
C. 209
D. 208
E. None of these
Answer Key:
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. E
5. D

7*2+7 = 21
21*3 -6 =57
57*4 +5 = 233
1161*6+3 =6969
So A = 20
And new series will be
A= 20
B = 20*2+7 =47
C = 47*3-6 =135
D = 545, E = 2721 & F = 16333

Q2. Value of C*S = 135*545 =73575

1100+ [11*13] = 1243
1243+[13*15] = 1438
1438 + [15*17] = 1693
1693+[17*19] = 2016
2016+ [19*21] = 2415
So A = 1692
B= 1835 C = 2030 D = 2285 & E = 2608
So E-A = 2608-1692 =916
66+13 = 67
67+23 = 75
75 +33 = 102
102+43 = 166
166+53 = 291

Similarly A= 74
P= 75, Q= 83, R= 110, S= 174

Q5. Required answer =174+110-75 = 209



Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given below.

In an MNC, there are three departments [X, Y & Z]. Each of its employee gets at
least one of the two types of allowances offered by the company, i.e., Furniture
Allowance or Electronics Allowance.

The chart below shows the total number of employees in each department who
get electronics allowance only, difference between the number employees who
get furniture and electronic allowance and the number of employees who get
both the kinds of allowance.

Note: in each department, number of employees who get furniture allowance is

more than the number of employees who get electronic allowance.

दे श: नीचे दी गई जानकारी के आधार िर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीपजए।

एक बहराष्ट्रीय कंिनी में, तीन पिभाग होते हैं [X, Y और Z]। इसके प्रत्येक कमाचारी को
कंिनी द्वारा पदए जाने िािे दो प्रकार के भत्तों में से कम से कम एक पमिता है , यानी
फनीचर भत्ता या इिेक्ट्रॉपनक्स भत्ता।पकसी का िागत मूल्य 3200 रुिये से कम है। (िागत
मूल्य एक अपभन्न मूल्य है )

नीचे पदया गया चाटा प्रत्येक पिभाग में कमाचाररयों की कुि संख्या, फनीचर और
इिेक्ट्रॉपनक भत्ता िाने िािे कमाचाररयों की संख्या और दोनों प्रकार के भत्ते िाने िािे
कमाचाररयों की संख्या के बीच का अंतर दशााता है । नोट: प्रत्येक पिभाग में फनीचर भत्ता
िाने िािे कमाचाररयों की संख्या इिेक्ट्रॉपनक भत्ता िाने िािे कमाचाररयों की संख्या से
अपधक है ।
120 120 120

100 100 100

80 80 Total number of employees who get

80 80
electronics allowance only

60 Difference between employees who

40 get furniture and electronic
40 allowance
Number of employees who get both
20 kind of allowance


Q1. How many employees of department X get exactly one type of allowance?

पिभाग X के पकतने कमाचाररयों को पबल्कुि एक प्रकार का भत्ता पमिता है ?

A. 280
B. 250
C. 300
D. 270
E. None

Q2. How many percent of employees get only electronics allowance in

department Y?

पिभाग Y में पकतने प्रपतशत कमाचाररयों को इिेक्ट्रॉपनक्स भत्ता पमिता है ?

A. 50%
B. 20%
C. 10%
D. 40%
E. None of these

Q3. If 50% of the employees of department y who get only electronic allowance
also get rental allowance, then find the least number of employees who get all 3
kinds of allowances?

यपद पिभाग y के 50% कमाचारी पजन्हें इिेक्ट्रॉपनक भत्ता पमिता है , उन्हें पकराया भत्ता भी
पमिता है , तो सभी 3 प्रकार के भत्ते िाने िािे कमाचाररयों की न्यूनतम संख्या ज्ञात कीपजए?

A. 20
B. 100
C. 90
D. 140
E. None of these

Q4. What is the ratio between the employees who get only Furniture allowance in
X to the employees who get only Electronics allowance in Z?

X में केिि फनीचर भत्ता िाने िािे कमाचाररयों का Z में केिि इिेक्ट्रॉपनक्स भत्ता िाने िािे
कमाचाररयों से अनुिात क्या है ?

A. 6:5
B. 8:5
C. 4:25
D. 5:4
E. None of these

Q5. What is the total number of employees who get only furniture allowance?
केिि फनीचर भत्ता िाने िािे कमाचाररयों की कुि संख्या पकतनी है ?

A. 300
B. 640
C. 360
D. 440
E. None of these
Answer key

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. E


For Department X:

Sum of employees getting exactly one type of allowance =

Furniture + Electronics 360-80 = 280

Difference between employees getting exactly one type of allowance =

Furniture – Electronics = 40

So, only Furniture allowance is received by [(280+40)/2] = 160

And, only Electronics allowance is received = 280-160 = 120

Similarly calculate of Department Y and Z.

Total Furniture Electronics Both


X 360 160 120 80

Y 400 200 80 120

Z 380 180 100 100

Total 1140 540 300 300

Q1. Exactly one of type of allowance in X = 160+120 = 280

Q2. Required % = 80/400% = 20%

Q3. Number of employees who get electronic allowance in Y = 80

Number of employees who will get rental allowance in Y

= (120+80)*50% = 100

So, 100-80= 20 employees must get all three types of allowances.

Q4. Ratio = 160:100 = 8:5

Q5. Total employees who get only furniture allowance = 540


Data Interpretation

Directions: study the passage given below and answer the following questions.

There are 5 online delivery apps which have different number of employees who are
given daily targets based on the number of packages to be delivered. The number of
employees in these companies is equal to that of the speed of the bikes provided by
them to these employees for delivery.

In Company A, one of the employees delivered a package on his bike in 4 hours

covering a distance of 100 km. Whereas an employee in company C could cover only
96 km in the same time as the employee of company A and the ratio of time taken
by a bike of company C and D to cover similar distance is 2:3. The ratio of speed of B
and E is 23:18. The Speed of a bike of company E is 12.5% more than that of the
speed a bike of company D.

Total 5400 packages were delivered by these 5 companies in a day. Pie Chart shows
the percentage of packages delivered by an individual company on that day. You
have to assume that each employee of a particular office has similar efficiency.

पनदे श: नीचे पदए गए गद्ां श का अध्ययन करें और पनम्नपिस्खत प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें । 5 ऑनिाइन
पडिीिरी ऐि हैं पजनमें अिग-अिग संख्या में कमाचारी हैं पजन्हें पडिीिरी पकए जाने िािे
िैकेजों की संख्या के आधार िर दै पनक िक्ष्य पदए जाते हैं । इन कंिपनयों में कमाचाररयों की
संख्या उनके द्वारा इन कमाचाररयों को पडिीिरी के पिए उििब्ध कराई गई बाइक की गपत के
बराबर है ।
कंिनी A में, एक कमाचारी ने अिनी बाइक िर 4 घंटे में 100 पकमी की दू री तय करके एक
िैकेज िहं चाया। जबपक कंिनी C का एक कमाचारी कंिनी A के कमाचारी के समान समय में
केिि 96 पकमी की दू री तय कर सकता है और कंिनी C और D की बाइक द्वारा समान दू री
तय करने में िगने िािे समय का अनुिात 2:3 है । B और E की गपत का अनुिात 23:18 है ।
कंिनी E की बाइक की गपत कंिनी D की बाइक की गपत से 12.5% अपधक है ।

इन 5 कंिपनयों द्वारा एक पदन में कुि 5400 िैकेज पडिीिर पकए गए। िाई चाटा उस पदन
पकसी व्यस्िगत कंिनी द्वारा पितररत िैकेजों का प्रपतशत पदखाता है । आिको यह मानना
होगा पक पकसी पिशेष कायाा िय के प्रत्येक कमाचारी की कायाकुशिता समान है ।

% of packages delivered by individual


20% 25% A
22.22% 12.78% D

Q1. If Company F delivers 75% of packages delivered by Company D and E in a day

and efficiency of each employee is 33.33% of each employee of Company C, then
find the number of employees in office F.

यपद कंिनी F एक पदन में कंिनी D और E द्वारा पितररत िैकेजों का 75% पितररत करती है
और प्रत्येक कमाचारी की दक्षता कंिनी C के प्रत्येक कमाचारी की 33.33% है , तो कायाा िय F
में कमाचाररयों की संख्या ज्ञात करें ।
A. 114
B. 95
C. 107
D. 112
E. None of these

Q2. What will be the number of days taken by company C to deliver 1296
assignments, if 16.66% of the employees are left?

यपद 16.66% कमाचारी बचे हैं , तो कंिनी C द्वारा 1296 असाइनमेंट पितररत करने में पकतने
पदन िगेंगे?

A. 7.5
B. 6.20
C. 6.44
D. 7.2
E. Cannot be determined

Q3. If salary is given according to efficiency/output of each individual, then an

employee of which office gets the highest salary?

यपद प्रत्येक व्यस्ि की कायाकुशिता/उत्पादन के अनुसार िेतन पदया जाए तो पकस कायाा िय
के कमाचारी को सबसे अपधक िेतन पमिता है ?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E
Q4. If 10 employees from each of office E, D and C are taken, then in how many days
they would deliver 3600 packages?

यपद प्रत्येक कायाािय E, D और C से 10 कमाचाररयों को पिया जाए, तो िे पकतने पदनों में

3600 िैकेज पितररत करें गे ?

A. 1.4
B. 2.6
C. 2.5
D. 1.6
E. None of these
Answer Key

1. A
2. D
3. D
4. E



Number of employees in a company = Speed of bike in that company

Speed of Bike in A = 100/4 = 25km/hr

Speed of Bike in C = 96/4 = 24km/hr

Time taken by Bike in D = 4*3/2 = 6 hr

Speed of bike in D = 96/6 = 16km/hr

Speed of bike in E = 16*9/8 =18km/hr

Speed of bike in B = 18*23/18 = 23Km/hr

Now, Number of packages delivered by A = 5400*25% = 1350


Company Total Packages to be Number of employees Package delivered by one

delivered employee in a
A 1350 25 54 =(1350/25)
B 690 23 20
C 1080 24 45
D 1200 16 75
E 1080 18 60
Q1. Total packages by F = ¾*(1200+1080) = ¾*2280 = 1710

Efficiency of individual employee in F = 45*33.33% = 15

Employees in F = 1710/15 = 114

Q2. Number of employees available = 24-16.66% = 4

So number of days taken to deliver 1296 packages = 1296/(4*45) = 7.2

Q3. In D efficiency is highest, which is 75 packages per day

Q4. Number of days = 3600/ [10*(45+60+75)] = 3600/1800 = 2days

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