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Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Table of Tables .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Project Establishment ........................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Types of Intelligent Transportation System ........................................................................................ 4
2.1.1 Highways ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Urbans .......................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Reasons for applying ITS in Egypt ......................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Main goals ........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.1 On the Government Side ............................................................................................................. 6
3.1.2 On the Citizen Side ....................................................................................................................... 6
4. Study Basis ............................................................................................................................................ 6
4.1 Traffic Study ........................................................................................................................................ 6
5. Design.................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1 RSL (Roadside Level) ........................................................................................................................... 7
5.1.1 TMS (Traffic Management System) ............................................................................................. 7
Gantry ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Devices / Lane ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Devices / Gantry .................................................................................................................................... 8
Devices / Road ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Pole ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 TCS (Tolling Control System) ...................................................................................................... 10
Devices ................................................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 RCL (Road Control Level) ................................................................................................................... 10
5.2.1 TMP (Traffic Monitoring Point) .................................................................................................. 10
5.2.2 RCP (Road Control Point) ........................................................................................................... 11
5.3 CCL (Central Control Level) ............................................................................................................... 11
6. Project Expected Results ..................................................................................................................... 11
7. Reflection on the Project .................................................................................................................... 11
8. References .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Table of Figures

Figure 1. SDG 11 ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Figure 2. Global ITS market overview ........................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3. President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the Smart transport exhibition and conference for the
Middle East and Africa in its fourth session under the slogan “Road to 2030”. ........................................... 4
Figure 4. ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC has signed a new EPC contract with the Egyptian Government worth USD
90 Million highway intelligent transportation system. ................................................................................. 4
Figure 5. Giza Systems bags deal to develop smart transportation and traffic systems for Egypt’s NAC. ... 5
Figure 6. Traffic Jam. ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 7. Number of total deaths due to accidents. ..................................................................................... 5
Figure 8. Rate of car numbers increase. ....................................................................................................... 5
Figure 9. Roadway intersections and Interface with other modes maps. .................................................... 6
Figure 10. ITS Architecture ............................................................................................................................ 7
Figure 11. A real picture of an applied gantry in Shoubra Banha El Hor Road. ............................................ 8
Figure 12. Pole. ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 13. Toll Plaza. ................................................................................................................................... 10

Table of Tables

Table 1. Gantry: Devices/Lane ..................................................................................................................... 8

Table 2. Gantry: Devices/Gantry ................................................................................................................... 9
Table 3. Gantry: Devices/Road...................................................................................................................... 9
Table 4. Numbers of Expected Results of ITS.............................................................................................. 11
1. Introduction
In any country Road Transport Industry is the backbone of strong economy and dynamic society,
it also reflects economic growth and the development of this country. However, even with all these
benefits, road transport suffers from many problems in Egypt. The poor infrastructure and the
increasing rate of vehicles both have a subsequent effect on the traffic congestion and safety, which
led to an increase in the rate of accidents and death, especially on highways.
Recently, new solutions have emerged that helps in solving these problems by applying Intelligent
Transport Systems (ITS). ITS has several broad fields of different services for the users seen
through applications such as Travel and Traffic Management, Public Transportation Operations,
Emergency Management, Electronic Payment, Commercial Vehicles Operations, Automated
Highways and Advanced Vehicles Control and Safety Systems, Information Management, and
Maintenance and Construction Management.
ITS plays an important role in the improvement of the travel speed, safety, traffic flow, reliability,
and many other problems as the Commission for Global Road Safety has reported that the global
road death was about 1.25 million per year, so the ITS saves the world from this threatens.

From the 11th SDG we aim to make cities and human

settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable
and that can be achieved by applying ITS in the
Figure 1. SDG 11
The UN Secretary-General, as part of his Five-Year Action Agenda,
identified transport as a major component of sustainable development and this includes all modes
of transport including road, rail, aviation, marine, ferry, and urban public transport providers.
Therefore, ITS it is very important to have an intelligent and a smart solution to help us solving all
the traffic problems and make peoples life easier, safer, and faster. i ii
The ITS was implemented in several countries and made a huge success.

Figure 2. Global ITS

market overview

Figure 3. Global ITS

market overview
2. Project Establishment
The transportation sector is a major priority for President Abdel
Fattah El - Sisi, which appeared by the huge projects in the
transportation sector that were established for the first time in
Egypt, he directed to start a smart transportation system that meets
the highest international standards, with the aim of managing
Egypt’s road network, improving transportation between cities and
commercial ports on the Mediterranean and Red seas, and
increasing overall safety.
The ITS project was established under the supervision of the
Figure 3. President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the Smart
government within the framework of the Sustainable Development transport exhibition and conference for the Middle
Plan for the 2030, implementing a comprehensive plan to renew, East and Africa in its fourth session under the slogan
“Road to 2030”.
develop and update the elements of the transportation system. iii

Figure 19 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the

2.1 Types of Intelligent Transportation System Smart transport exhibition and conference for the
Middle East and Africa in its fourth session under the
• ITS highway: is responsible for monitoring and controlling the road in addition to adding
slogan “Road to 2030”.
a tolling system.

• ITS for Urban Roads: is different concept due to containing of intersections, bus stops
Figure 20 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the
stations, pedestrians, and U turns that all needs to cover and Smart
transport Also, Urban
exhibition and use
conference for the
traffic lights to control the road. Middle East and Africa in its fourth session under the
slogan “Road to 2030”.

2.1.1 Highways Figure 21 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the

Elsewedy Electric is implementing the Intelligent Smart transport exhibition and conference for the
Transportation System with the Egyptian government for 7 Middle East and Africa in its fourth session under the
slogan “Road to 2030”.
Highways with a total of 1187-Km smart highway information
traffic system including all supplying and implementations
required. Figure 22 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the
Smart transport exhibition and conference for the
The Phase One of the project includes 6 highway roads Middle East and Africa in its fourth session under the
running 1,079 km long covering the Shoubra Banha freeway slogan “Road to 2030”.
Figure 4. ELSEWEDY ELECTRIC has signed a new EPC
(40 km); Cairo –Ismailia – Port said (195 km); Cairo Alexandria contract with the Egyptian Government worth USD 90
(220 km) Cairo Suez Desert Road (134 km); Cairo Ain Sokhna Million highway intelligent transportation system.
Figure 23 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the
Road (110 km) and Cairo Regional Road (380 km). Smart transport exhibition and conference for the
Middle East and Africa in its fourth session under the
As per the agreement, Elsewedy Electric for Transmission & Distribution
Figure will complete
35 ELSEWEDYto 2030”.
signed a new EPC
contract with the Egyptian Government
within 18 months for the ITS highway roads in Egypt including traffic management system (TMS) worth USD 90
Million highway intelligent transportation system.
and toll collection system (TCS) in addition to the main control rooms in the ACUD (The
Administrative Capital Company for Urban Development). iv Figure 24 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the
Smart transport exhibition and conference for the
Figure East and ELECTRIC
36 ELSEWEDY Africa in its
a new under
EPC the
contract “Road
with to 2030”.Government worth USD 90
the Egyptian
Million highway intelligent transportation system.

Figure 25 President Abdel Fattah El Sisi opens the

2.1.2 Urbans
Giza Systems signed a contract to apply in the Administrative
Capital an integrated model for transportation systems and smart
traffic for urban communities, which is being implemented for the
first time in Egypt, to become a model that can be generalized in
new cities to contribute to the development of society, the economy
and the environment within the framework of the Egypt’s plan to
achieve sustainable development. v
Figure 5. Giza Systems bags deal to develop
smart transportation and traffic systems for
Egypt’s NAC.

3. Reasons for applying ITS in Egypt

The main objectives of ITS are safety, mobility, efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.
The Implementation of this project is not just limited to
traffic congestion control and collecting information, but also
its significant potential to enhance the overall operation of the
transportation system. Moreover, they improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement, and it
applies latest advanced and communication technologies in
improving safety and making the most effective use of
existing roads.
Figure 6. Traffic Jam.

The number of cars and number of deaths due to accidents are increasing highly.
Moreover, road expansion requires a control system that includes monitoring
and tracking systems for all types of vehicles on the road, to ensure
comprehensive control of the road, as well as providing drivers with information
on weather and road conditions and providing emergency relief points. vi
Figure 7. Number of total
deaths due to accidents.

Figure 8. Rate of car

numbers increase.
3.1 Main goals
3.1.1 On the Government Side
• Road Guidance and management
• Road monitoring and planning
• Law enforcement
• Increase efficiency of existing infrastructure
• Emergency response
• Truck supervision and management

3.1.2 On the Citizen Side

• Safety
• Comfort
• Avoid traffic problems
• Knowing prior information about traffic

4. Study Basis
4.1 Traffic Study

• Road study consideration.

• Traffic count details.
• Traffic big picture.
• ITS equipment distribution.
• Multimodal integration (Interfacing with other modes). vii

Figure 9. Roadway intersections and Interface with other modes maps.

5. Design
The designing stages of the Intelligent transportation system can be simplified in the following

Figure 10. ITS Architecture.

5.1 RSL (Roadside Level)

It requires the designing of the devices that collect the data on the road. Every road has its own
technical design which depends on many aspects such as number of lanes, traffic details, length,
weather, etc.
It is divided into 2 main parts the Toll Collecting System stage (TCS) which has beneath it the
designing of the toll plaza and the Traffic Management System stage (TMS) which is composed
of the designing of the gantries and poles that are on the road.

5.1.1 TMS (Traffic Management System)

It is composed of 2 main parts which are the Gantry and the Pole.
Gantry is used for violation detection which is any breaking of the law in the form of exceeding
the speed limit or unfastening the seatbelt or having a phone call while driving, simply anything
that breaks the regulations. Moreover, it is used also for incident detection on the road, and this
may occur due to strange incidents that are causing traffic like a car that is moving with low speed
and causing a traffic jam or a car that parks on the road for no real reason or also could be a huge
accident that happens on the road and needs the authorities to interfere in the situation.
While the Pole is used only for incident detection, and it does not record any violations.
There are devices that are implemented for each lane and
other devices that are placed for the whole gantry.
Moreover, there are also some devices that could be used
on only one or two gantries throughout the whole road
and do not require adding them to all the gantries on the
Figure 11. A real picture of an applied
gantry in Shoubra Banha El Hor Road.

Devices / Lane
Device Function Image
LPR Camera Reads the vehicle’s license
(License Plate Recognition) plate number.

RFID Reader Reads the RFID Tag on the

(Radio-Frequency- vehicle.
Identification Reader)

RADAR Determine the vehicle type

(Radio Detection and and detects its speed.
LCS Displays the allowed lane
(Lane Control Sign) speed or the state of the lane.

Table 1. Gantry: Devices/Lane

Devices / Gantry
Device Function Image

VMS Reads the vehicle’s license

plate number.
(Variable Message Sign)

AID Camera It is programmed to detect any

(Automatic Incident incident automatically and can
Detection) controls the PTZ camera to
zoom in for a clearer view if
there is an accident.
PTZ Camera It is a surveillance camera that
records a video for everything
(Pan-tilt-zoom Camera)
that is happening since it can
rotate 360 degrees.

Tracking Camera Responsible for collecting all

the data from different devices
like the plate number, tag
reading and radar reading for
each car to avoid information

Catwalk Camera Monitoring the gantry passage

and maintenance work.

Head point emergency If there is an emergency on the

road the caller can contact an
operator to provide him with
the desired help through out
this point on the gantry.
Table 2. Gantry: Devices/Gantry

Devices / Road

Device Function Image

Weather Station Detects the weather temperature,

visibility, road temperature and
the soil temperature.
WIM Measures the weight of the truck
(Weigh in Motion) while moving even in high
OHVD Measures the height of the truck
(Over Head Vehicle while moving even in high
Detection) speeds.
Table 3. Gantry: Devices/Road
It has also an AID camera, a PTZ camera and a radar but it is used
to classify and count the vehicles.

5.1.2 TCS (Tolling Control System) Figure 12. Pole.

Toll Plaza is composed of:
• Private car lane
• ETC (Electronic Tolling Control) car lane
• Reversible lane
• Truck lane
• Truck WIM Lane
• Military car lane

• Entry traffic light and Exit light
• Optical barrier to classify the vehicle
• RFID reader
• ANPR (Automatic Number Plate recognition) camera
• QR reader for paying fares with the app Figure 13. Toll Plaza.
• Fare Display
• Exit barrier
• CCTV camera for surveillance
• Toll booth: Technological rack, Indoor CCTV, Panic button, Screen, Keyboard, Printer,

5.2 RCL (Road Control Level)

It is represented with two separate physical locations: RCP (Road Control Point) and TMP
(Traffic Monitoring Point).

5.2.1 TMP (Traffic Monitoring Point)

The TMP is a physical location located in the road and it acts as a management location for the
ITS along the road.
5.2.2 RCP (Road Control Point)

It contains the network, controllers, servers, storage, and all-related service modules. There are
two separate ones on each road and are considered as replicas for each other in case of any failure
because the data is stored in it for 5-7 days and then it is transferred to the CCL.

5.3 CCL (Central Control Level)

It is responsible for storing all the data from the RCL for years later. It is considered the archive
of all data. viii

6. Project Expected Results

Problem Expected Result

Number of accidents Decrease by 22% - 48%

Traffic Violations Decrease by 45%

Operating Speeds Increase by 35%

Fuel Consumption Decrease by 13%

Response time to accidents Decrease which results in economic return of

900 million annually
Table 4. Numbers of Expected Results of ITS


7. Reflection on the Project

This Intelligent Transportation System applies the latest innovations in information and
communication technology to your vehicles and transport infrastructure, improving reliability,
safety, efficiency, and quality.
In addition, ITS helps in centralizing the data collected from all roads and in computerizing all
road services in the aim of increasing the roads’ infrastructure, decreasing the number of accidents,
enhancing the traffic management, and monitoring the roads efficiently and as a result we could
reach a sustainable development of transport in Egypt.
We are proud that for the first time in Egypt this massive project is applied by the hands of Egyptian
companies, and we are looking forward to applying it all over Egypt in the aim of competing in
the digital world.
8. References










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