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Kristine P.

Abellada Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Reshaping Disaster Management: Lessons from Typhoon Ondoy

The consequences of Typhoon Ondoy, also referred to as Ketsana, in 2009 greatly
influenced the disaster management strategy of the Philippines. Ondoy's aftermath was
characterized by extensive destruction, loss of life, and damage to property, with 30 cities
submerged and thousands of people displaced.
The disaster prompted contemplation on climate change, preparedness for disasters,
and resilience within communities. Promptly, government agencies and organizations
mobilized efforts for rescue, relief, and rehabilitation. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
took the lead in restoration activities, and the education sector suspended classes to aid in
recovery and involve students in rebuilding endeavors.
The long-term implications were significant, resulting in the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act and enhancements in early warning systems, evacuation
strategies, and initiatives to build community resilience. Ondoy acted as a wake-up call
regarding the impact of climate change on extreme weather events, underscoring the
necessity for sustainable practices and proactive preparedness for disasters.
In conclusion, Typhoon Ondoy reshaped disaster management practices in the
Philippines, emphasizing climate resilience, community preparedness, and sustainable
development. Lessons learned continue to guide efforts toward building a more resilient
nation capable of mitigating future natural disasters.
1. "Remembering Typhoon Ondoy and Its Triggers: Climate Justice." Greenpeace
2. "Philippines: Ondoy Aftermath." ReliefWeb,
3. "Remembering Ondoy: 10 Years Later." GMA News,
4. "Typhoon Ondoy." StudyMode,
5. "Where Are We Years After Ondoy?" Rappler,

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