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Student’s Name: Yesenia Susaya


Course: Time: 11 Date: 15/01 Unit: 7


Expected number of words according to Empower Level: B1: 120-150 wo

rds; B1+ 150-180 words; B2: 180-220 words; C1: 220-260 words.

Start writing below:

Dear Mr. Director

I am writing regarding the current situation of a student’s behavior at the school.who has
been bullying his classmates.

There is a great deal of concern among teachers, the kid’s behavior is rude. However, what
worries us most of all is the mental health of our students, some are influenced by the rude
child. We understand that before we have to teach them and lead them on the right path but
honestly we must expel him.
In the past few days he attacked and insulted his classmate because of his skin color, we
tried to contact his parents but they are not interested. I also visited his house to talk with his
mom but she is always busy, A teacher suggested writing an email to you.

I believe that as a director you should take drastic measures in the face of this fact. I would
formally request to expel the child and create new rules in the school which could be
discussed with other teachers and school staff.

If I don't hear from you within two days we will have to present the case to the media to be

I look forward to a prompt reply.

Yours faithfully,
Yesenia Susaya

For Teacher’s Use: Use grading from 0 to 4 based on the Official Rubric.
Content Organization Language in Style & Task
& Cohesion Use Register Achievement

Total: /20 Converted Grade: /4

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