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Free Time for 4th Grades

Read the text then choose the correct answer!
Sophie: "Hi, Tim! You look so happy today!"
Tim: "Yeah, I just went swimming this morning. I swim every Tuesday
and Thursday."
Sophie: "Wow, that's cool! Where do you swim?"
Tim: "I go to the pool near my house. You should come with me
Sophie: "I'd love to, but I have soccer practice on those days."
Tim: "Oh, okay. What about Saturday?"
Sophie: "Yeah, I'm free after my piano lesson in the morning."
Tim: "Great! Let's meet at the pool then!"
Sophie: "Yay! I can't wait!"
1. What does Tim do every Tuesday and Thursday?
a) Soccer practice
b) Piano recital
c) Swimming laps
d) Playing video games
2.Where does Tim swim?
a) At his friend's house b) At the community pool
c) At the beach d) In his bathtub
3.Why can't Sophie go swimming with Tim on Tuesdays and
a) She has soccer practice.
b) She has piano recital.
c) She doesn't like swimming.
d) She is too busy playing with her friends.
4.When do Tim and Sophie plan to go swimming together?
a) Tuesday c) Saturday
b) Thursday d) Sunday
Free Time for 4th Grades
Read the text then choose the correct answer!
Jenny: "Hey Max, you seem really happy!"
Max: "Yeah! My family and I are planning to have a picnic at the park
this Saturday."
Jenny: "Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! You're so excited about it.
Which park are you going to?"
Max: "It's the one with the big playground downtown. You can come
too if you want."
Jenny: "That sounds awesome! I'd love to come, but I have a painting
class on Saturday."
Max: "Oh, okay. What about Sunday?"
Jenny: "That sounds great! Let's meet in the afternoon, okay?"
Max: "Sure thing. See you then!" Jenny: "Can't wait!"
What is Max excited about?
a) Going to the beach
b) Having a picnic at the park
c) Going to a birthday party
d) Visiting the zoo
Where is the park Max is going to?
a) In the countryside c) In the mountains
b) Near the city center d) Near the beach
Why can't Jenny come to the park on Saturday?
a) Because she has a ballet class
b) Because she has a painting class
c) Because she has a soccer match
d) Because she has a piano lesson
When do Max and Jenny plan to meet?
a) Saturday morning
b) Saturday afternoon
c) Sunday morning
d) Sunday afternoon
Free Time for 4th Grades
Read the text then choose the correct answer!
Jenny: "Hey Max, you seem really happy!"
Max: "Yeah! My family and I are planning to have a picnic at the park
this Saturday."
Jenny: "Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! You're so excited about it.
Which park are you going to?"
Max: "It's the one with the big playground downtown. You can come
too if you want."
Jenny: "That sounds awesome! I'd love to come, but I have a painting
class on Saturday."
Max: "Oh, okay. What about Sunday?"
Jenny: "That sounds great! Let's meet in the afternoon, okay?"
Max: "Sure thing. See you then!" Jenny: "Can't wait!"
What is Max excited about?
a) Going to the beach
b) Having a picnic at the park
c) Going to a birthday party
d) Visiting the zoo
Where is the park Max is going to?
a) In the countryside c) In the mountains
b) Near the city center d) Near the beach
Why can't Jenny come to the park on Saturday?
a) Because she has a ballet class
b) Because she has a painting class
c) Because she has a soccer match
d) Because she has a piano lesson
When do Max and Jenny plan to meet?
a) Saturday morning
b) Saturday afternoon
c) Sunday morning
d) Sunday afternoon
Animals for 4th Grades

Read the text then choose the correct answer!

In Africa, there is a unique animal called a giraffe. Giraffes have long
necks that help them reach the tastiest leaves on the trees. Every
day, giraffes roam the grasslands with their friends, like zebras and
elephants. They play and search for delicious leaves to eat. Giraffes
are always careful and alert to predators like lions and hyenas. One
day, while a giraffe was enjoying its leaves, it suddenly heard a loud
noise. It was the sound of a lion roaring nearby! Quickly, the giraffe
and its friends ran away, using their long legs to escape. They found
a safe place near a tall acacia tree and waited until the lion left.
After the scary moment passed, the giraffe and its friends continued
their journey on the grasslands, grateful to be together and safe.
From that day on, the giraffe always remembers to stay alert and
cautious in the wild grasslands.

1. What is a unique feature of giraffes mentioned in the
2. Why do giraffes have long necks?
3. How do giraffes use their long legs to escape from
4. What sound did the giraffe hear that made it run away?
5. Why did the giraffe and its friends wait near the tall acacia
Animals for 4th Grades

Read the text then choose the correct answer!

In the desert, there's a unique creature called the rattlesnake. These
snakes have a special rattle on their tails that makes noise when they
feel threatened. Every day, they slither across the sand, searching for
food and basking in the sun. They're always cautious of predators like
hawks and coyotes. Once, while a rattlesnake was resting on a rock,
it heard a coyote howling nearby. Quickly, it slipped into a burrow to
hide until the danger passed. Afterward, the rattlesnake resumed its
activities, grateful to be safe. Since then, it's remained watchful,
ready to protect itself in the harsh desert.

1. What unique feature does a rattlesnake have that helps it
warn predators or threats?
2. Why do rattlesnakes bask in the sun every day?
3. How does a rattlesnake protect itself from predators like
hawks and coyotes?
4. What sound did the rattlesnake hear that made it hide in a
5. Why did the rattlesnake resume its activities after the
danger passed?

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