The Chemical Pathology

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Malaysian J Path01 1983; 6:9-1 4


N . C H A N D R A S E K H A R A N , MBBS. MRCPath'

Chemical Pathology or clinical biochemistry Hospital, Kuala Lumpur (GHKL) was served
is the application of chemistry and its allied by the IMR since its founding in 1900. Around
techniques for the elucidation of disease, 1962, the GHKL began developing its own
diagnosis and often management in an indivi- laboratory facilities and during this process,
dual patient and to the screening of apparently personnel, equipment and supplies were drawn
healthy populations for pre-clinical disease.' mostly from the IMR. Today, the GHKL has
With the rapid advances in biochemical know- fairly well equipped clinical biochemistry
ledge, techniques and methodology, chemical laboratories.
pathology has been receiving increasing With the commissioning of the University
recognition (Fig. 1). The range and number of Hospital (UHKL) in 1967, the Clinical
biochemical investigations available is increasing Diagnostic Laboratories attached to it became
and with it the use of biochemical investigations one of the well equipped laboratories in
in clinical practice has become a routine Malaysia. The Chemical Pathology Section
practice. With improvements in socio-economic was able to offer the full range of biochemical
conditions, the public is also becoming more tests3 comparable to those available in the
conscious of the importance of health and developed countries at that time. In terms of
laboratory investigations. The changing patterns laboratory investigations in relation to patient
of disease and the development of specialities load the Chemical Pathology Section can be
in hospitals have also increased the demand considered as one of the busiest in Malaysia
for laboratory investigations in clinical bio- (Fig. 2). This is in keeping with the philosophy
chemistry. of the Faculty of Medicine to provide high level
laboratory support for teaching, patient care
DEVELOPMENT AND CURRENT STATUS and research activities in the Medical Center.
The Institute for Medical Research (IMR) In close proximity to the IMR and GHKL
founded in 1900 had facilities for the scientific and juxtaposed between the two, the Medical
study of clinical medicine, and amongst the Faculty of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
many divisions there was a Chemistry Division, (UKM) started developing its own clinical
for both organic and inorganic research. In diagnostic laboratories in 1973 and has well
1906 the IMR began undertaking routine work equipped chemical pathology laboratories.
for the medical services including the provision The facilities for laboratory investigations
of chemical analysis and had on its staff a and the range of services available vary
chemist and an assistant chemist. Up to the end considerably in different parts of the country.
of the 1920's the chemistry Division was In the Government services the laboratories
involved in diagnosis, toxicological and routine are grouped into five levels according to their
chemical analysis and it also carried out work location and function. It is the function of
for the medical, police and other government the level IV and V laboratories to cater to the
departments, far from the original intention special requirements of hospitals.4
that the division should serve the research needs With the decentralisation policy of the
of the Institute Z. The Department of Chemistry Ministry of Health with regard to laboratory
established in 1946, took over all the non- facilities, minimal laboratory facilities have
medical routine work, and the re-organised been developed and are available in many of
division became the Division of Biochemistry the peripheral hospitals and health centers
in the IMR. where routine and essential biochemical tests
Branch laboratories of the IMR established can be done. As a consequence, the Division
at Ipoh in 1929 and at Penang in 1954 served of Biochemistry at the IMR which used to
the laboratory needs of the general hospitals serve many of the hospitals is undertaking
in these places. The pathology laboratories less and less of the simpler routine diagnostic
attached to the bigger general hospitals offered tests today (Fig. 3). However it continues
some biochemical tests. However the facilities to provide diagnostic services, especially some
were meagre prior to 1957. The General of the specialised tests to hospitals and private

'Associate Professor, Department of Pathology. Faculty of Medicine. Unlverslty of Malaya. Kuala Lumpur 22-11.
Malaysian J Path01 August 1983

practitioners in addition to its role as a the bigger laboratories attached to General

reference center. It is also involved in (a) the Hospitals, i.e. the pathologist, the biochemists
training of biochemists and medical laboratory and the laboratory technologists/assistants.
technologists recruited for service in the The different background and training of the
Government and (b) various research and various categories of personnel in a laboratory,
development programmes.5 gives them a different role in the day t o day
work of the laboratory and its administration.
Private Laboratories
The recognition of the usefulness of bio- (a) Pathologists
chemical tests by private practitioners led to Most of the hospitals have only general
the starting of clinical laboratories in doctors' pathologists. However, with the advances
clinics especially in the group practices. This in medicine and laboratory specialities, it
process was facilitated by the easy availability is no longer possible for the general patho-
of 'kits' and simple instruments for measuring logist to be an expert in all branches of
some common constituents in serum and laboratory medicine. This situation has
urine. Many private laboratories also came into led to the emergence of specialists in
being, offering routine biochemical tests as laboratory medicine in the developed
well as other tests in clinical pathology to countries and to a limited extent in
private doctors and the public. Whereas some of Malaysia. It is only the Faculties of
the laboratories have pathologist cover and are Medicine and the IMR that have posts
reasonably well equipped, others have mush- of Chemical Pathologists. There are no
roomed without any pathologist cover or established posts for Chemical Pathologists
proper facilities. Currently they are not subject in any of the general hospitals in Malaysia.
to any accreditation and since some of them It is indeed unfortunate that even the
do not participate in any quality assurance biggest hospital in Malaysia has no provi-
programmes, their performance can be suspect sion for a Chemical Pathologist.
and so detrimental to patient care services.
It is important that regulations be brought (b) Biochemists
in for such laboratories to be open for The Biochemists play an useful role in the
inspection by accreditation authorities. By clinical biochemistry laboratory and some
registering the laboratories the information of the peripheral laboratories are at times
regarding professional staff, tests performed, under the supervision of biochemists. They
facilities available in the form of equipment have responsibility for the analytical
will have to be provided in order t o assess the procedures and quality control pro-
work of the laboratory and its suitability to grammes. At present there are over 35
provide diagnostic services to the public. It biochemists in the government service.'
is important that public interests be adequately All those recruited as biochemists in the
safeguarded. government are given a short period of
training in the IMR where they are
EQUIPMENT familiarised with relevant medical know-
The Clinical Biochemistry laboratories at ledge, laboratory procedures in clinical
the UHKL, GHKL, IMR and the Medical biochemistry and some basic aspects of
Faculty of UKM have a wide range of sophisti- laboratory management before being
cated analytical equipment including multi- posted to the peripheral laboratories.
channel continuous flow analysers as well as
automated discrete analysers. The range of (c) Medical Laboratory Technologists
equipment in the other hospitals in the country Much of the day to day work of the
varies considerably. The bigger hospitals do laboratory depends on this category of
have automated equipment needed for routine staff. The training of good medical la-
analyses of glucose, electrolytes, bilirubin etc. boratory technologists takes between 3-5
The training of laboratory staff in the preventive years. Currently the medical faculties of
and routine maintenance of equipment is being the University of Malaya (UM) as well
encouraged as this would minimise breakdowns as UKM have facilities for in service training
as well as facilitate the rapid rectification of of medical laboratory technologists, where-
minor fault^.^ as the IMR has a 3 year structured training
programme for laboratory technologists
PERSONNEL for the health laboratory services in the
Three main categories of staff are found in country.

Training Programmes in Chemical Pathology determinations of blood urea, glucose,

electrolytes, bilirubin and qualitative tests
(a). Master of Pathology (UPath) - University o n urine. In the bigger laboratories these
of Malaya may also include liver function and renal
All students in the MPath course d o a 16 function tests. In recent years facilities
weeks intensive practical training program for carrying out these tests are gradually
in Chemical Pathology. In addition there becoming available at most hospitals.
is a series of lectures/tutorials/seminars in
the two year MPath course. There is also (b) Special Tests
provision for specialising in Chemical These tests need special equipment, trained
Pathology in the second year of the personnel and appropriate sample prepara-
course." tion. They are ideally performed after
consultation between laboratory staff and
(b) MBBS Course - University o f Malaya clinicians. Examples of special tests include
During the second year of the Medical the feto-placental function tests, hormone
Course, students are given a series of assays and measurements of trace elements,
lectures in Chemical Pathology. In the vitamins, lipoproteins and iso-enzymes. As
fourth year they have a 4 week posting these tests are expensive and time cosum-
in Clinical Pathology where the emphasis ing they are usually batched. Facilities for
is o n the practical training and interpre- such special tests are usually available in
tations of test results and the role of the bigger hospital laboratories. The range
laboratory investigations in medical o f special tests offered varies from labora-
practice. tory t o laboratory. In addition t o the
clinical biochemistry laboratories some
(c) BSc. Degree - Biochemistry related biochemical investigations are also
Four of the local Universities offer a done by the nutrition and radiochemistry
degree course in Biochemistry. At the divisions in the IMR as well as in other
UM, students in the final year of the departmental laboratories in medical insti-
Honours course have a short posting in tutions. Some special investigations
Clinical biochemistry t o acquaint them- especially toxicological in nature are also
selves with the working of the clinical done b y the Government Department of
biochemistry I a b o r a t ~ r ~In. ~addition t o Chemistry.
those graduating locally, a significant
(c) Emergency Tests
number of students return after completing
their studies overseas. Currently it is These are tests considered essential for the
possible for those biochemists interested immediate management of the patient and
in furthering their education t o pursue are offered 24 hours a day. The range of
a course of research leading t o the MSc. tests offered may vary from hospital to
degree in the UM. hospital with the bigger hospitals having
facilities t o d o a wider range of tests and
(d) Courses for Medical Laboratory Technolo- restrictions being placed in the smaller
gists laboratories. Some examples of emergency
There are opportunities for medical tests include blood glucose, electrolytes,
laboratory technologists t o have specialised blood gases, serum bilirubin, amylase and
training in clinical biochemistry at the salicylates. The UHKL has a special
Faculty of Medicine, UM, leading t o the laboratory (STAT Lab) for attending t o
Advanced Certificate in Medical Laboratory emergency requests and special staff are
Technology. Similar facilities are also assigned forsuch services.' In the small
available in the MR. hospitals some of the laboratory staff
are o n standby and are called on t o d o
Types of Services Provided particular tests o n request.
The investigations provided by Chemical
Pathology laboratories may be grouped into UTILISATION AND COST O F LABORATORY
three main categories:- SERVICES
In recent years concern has been expressed
(a) Routine Tests over inappropriate utilisation of laboratory
These tests contribute t o the bulk of the services a t many meetings and this is particularly
workload in many laboratories and include true in clinical biochemistry. Numerous factors
Malaysian J Path01 August 1983

are know to act as constraints on the QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMMES

performance of laboratories as well as Doctors cannot make logical decisions
contribute to the rising utilisation of laboratory either diagnostic or therapeutic unless the
services.''' The cost of laboratory services data that is generated by the laboratory is
has increased tremendously owing to the rise reliable.' It is the aim of all laboratories
in cost of equipment, spares, consumables and the expectations of the users that the
and maintenance services. service provided should be reliable, efficent,
quick and fairly economical.
For more effective utilisation of the Quality Control programmes both internal
laboratory various educational measures are and external are practised in laboratories in
taken,' amongst which are: the developed countries. They help to maintain
(1) Close communication and consultation confidence in the laboratory services and also
between laboratory personnel and clinician ensure the quality of results generated. Many
on the (i) selection of laboratory tests and of the bigger laboratories subscribe to inter-
its subsequent interpretation; (ii) correla- national quality control programmes besides
tion of laboratory data with clinical various internal Quality Control programmes.'
findings for monitoring the usefulness of
laboratory tests and in improving LABORATORY DATA PROCESSING
laboratory performance. None of the laboratories have centralised
(2) Periodical audit programmes to assess electronic data processing facilities at present.
utilisation of laboratory services. However, there are plans to introduce such
(3) Instilling a greater awareness of the cost of facilities at the Medical faculties in the near
diagnostic services on the consumers of future. The present system of reporting results
the services. entails manual transcription with its attendant
(4) Instructions on proper utilisation of the possibilities for errors in addition to the delays
laboratory services to medical students and in transmitting the results.
junior doctors. The availability of computer facilities would
hopefully reduce the time interval between
LABORATORY PERFORMANCES requests, analysis, results, and reports. Further
There is concern about the state of such facilities would aid in highlighting useful
laboratory services in the country today both information and so make interpretations easier
among the consumers of the service as well for the laboratory and the clinicians. The
as the providers. The aim of most laboratories provision of cumulative results with the storage
is to cater for an annual increase of 15 - 20% and retrieval of laboratory data would be very
in workload as well as develop functionally much facilitated and this would augur well for
by another 5%.14 The workload in chemical medical audit and research. Other benefits that
pathology laboratories have increased con- would accrue include the monitoring of
siderably over the years and this is illustrated laboratory performance and utilisation.
in Fig. 4 with special reference to two major
Amongst the various laboratory measures Malaysia with its multiracial population
taken to cope with the rising utilisation and offers tremendous opportunities for the study
workload of laboratory services are: of socio-cultural, dietary and other influences
on disease patterns and biochemical para-
(i) Batching of tests: Tests are done only after
meters.' The facilities that are available can
sufficient number of samples are accumu- be considered as satisfactory, even though it
lated or at certain intervals. may not be comparable in all laboratories
and institutions.
(ii) Profiling: A complete set of related tests
are done on a single sample. The cost per The IMR was the only institution engaged
test is reduced in terms of reagents and in medical research in the early years. Today
personnel time. there are five universities and three medical
faculties with modern facilities, trained
(iii) Automation and work simplification personnel and adequate funding involved in
procedures in many areas of laboratory various research programmes. It is possible that
service and a process of updating of equip- the interest of the laboratory staff cannot be
ment is continually done for efficiency sustained merely by routine work and problems
and improved performance. related to methodology and evaluation. Colla-

boration with clinicians provides an opportu- 4. Chandrasekharan N. Health Laboratory

tunity for the laboratory staff to be involved Services in Malaysia. Med. J. Malaysia
in clinically oriented research activities. 1982; 37: 197-204.
5. Zaini A Rahman M. Current Status of
ADMINISTRATION OF LABORATORIES Chemical Pathology Services in Malaysia.
Currently there is no central organisational Proc 2nd Asian Pacific Congress of Clinical
set up solely entrusted with the administration Biochemistry 1983, 71-8.
or management of the laboratory services in 6. Chandrasekharan N. The problems involved
the country, and this affects their growth and in providing improved laboratory services
development especially in the government in a developing country. Trends in Analy-
sector. A separate division of laboratory tical Chemistry 1984,3:1 1 -VI.
services with its own budget and programmes 7. Saminathan M. Chandrasekharan N. The
would facilitate the proper development and education and training of medical
modernisation of laboratory services in Malaysia. laboratory technologists in Malaysia. Med
Tec Int 1979; 29:29-36.
CONCLUSION 8. Prathap K. Postgraduate training in patho-
logy. UMMA Newsletter 1981 ; 1 :8-13.
In developing countries with limited
9. Chandrasekharan N. Clinical Chemistry in
resources too much dependence on the
Malaysia. Scan J Clin Lab Invest 1972;
laboratory is to be discouraged. The pooling 29: 126-7.
of resources by the major institutions both 10. Chandrasekharan N, Singh N. The Patterns
in terms of personnel and services would of Emergency Tests in Clinical Chemistry
result in the availability of a wider range and their usefulness. Proc Mal Biochem
of tests and also economise laboratory Soc Conf 1978; 5:29-30.
expenditure and benefit patient care and 11. Conelly D. Laboratory utilisation. Arch
related activities greatly. It has also to be Path Lab Med 1980; 104: 59-62.
recognised that an efficient laboratory service 12. WASP, Analytical goals in Clinical
is an essential pre-requisite for any modern Chemistry and their relationship to Medical
patient care service especially hospital based Care. Am J Clin Path01 1979; 71 : 61 5-30.
medical practice. 13. Chandrasekharan N. Professional roles of
pathologists in laboratory medicine. XI1
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT World Congress of Anatomic and Clinical
I wish to thank my colleagues in the Pathology, Tokyo: WASP 1983 (In Press).
Ministry of Health, Institute for Medical 14. Bhagwan Singh R. Progress of Medical
Research and the Universities for useful Laboratory Services in Malaysia since
discussions. My special thanks to Dr. S.L. Ch'ng Independence. MSMLT Newsletter 1980;
for helpful siggestions in the preparation of this 24:21-7.
paper, and to Ms. Zahrin Ghazali, Helen Kok 15. Ch'ng S.L. Interferences in laboratory
and Tharn Siew Ling for secretarial services. tests. MSMLT Newsletter 1980; 24: 16-20.
16. Chandrasekharan N. Quality Assurance
REFERENCES Programmes in Clinical Laboratories in
1. Gray CH. Some general aspects of chemical Malaysia. Fifth Int Symposium on Quality
pathology. In Clinical Chemical Pathology, Control 1983; 5:71-2.
London: Edward Arnold, 1977: 1-2. 17. Chandrasekharan, N. Promotion and
2. Field JW. In Fifty years of medical research development of Medical Research in
in Malaya, Kuala Lumpur: Institute for Malaysia. Berita MMA 1979; 11 :1-3.
Medical Research, 1950: 37-87.
3. Medical Staff Manual, Hospital Universiti,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 197 1: 38-57.
Mahysian J Path01 August 1983



Fig. l Fig. 3
(* Includes serology, histopathology, DURING 1982
cytology and autopsies )

~ iz . Q - M N aim BDOID~ISWI 950 Fip.4

P E R R T o ( r ( l D T n N U a W l R - ) A T M u * ~

P 900 - Total number of investigations

in clinical biochemistry over a

Sources of Information for:

Fig. 1 Planning and Development Div.. Ministry of

Health. Malaysia. Clinical Pathology refers t o
simple tests done b y polyclinics and outpatient

Flg. 2, 1. Annual Reports of the University Hospital.

and 4
2. Planning and Development Dlv..
Minlstry of Health, Malaysia.

Fig. 3 Annual Report o f the University Hospital 1982.

Annual Report of the IMR. 1982. Planning and
Development Div..
Ministry of Health. Malaysia.

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