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Họ và tên: Nguyễn Bảo Anh - Lê Bùi Hồng Liên

Write 2 paragraphs for the advantages and disadvantages of “Going Vegan: Should Most People
Do It?”
 Pros:
 Health benefits
 Environmentally impact
 Diverse Food Options
 Cons:
 Nutritional concentrations
 Access and affordability

In today’s world, there is an increasing number of people that go on vegan diet. Going
vegan involves a variety of potential pros and cons, which can vary depending on
individual circumstances and how the diet is implemented. The first advantage of leading
vegan lifestyle is giving you health benefits. Some people choose veganism for potential
health benefits, such as lower risks of heart disease, certain cancers, and diabetes. A well-
planned vegan diet can also be rich in nutrients, including fiber, vitamins. Moreover,
going vegan can lower the negative impact on environment. Veganism is often seen as a
more environmentally sustainable option compared to conventional animal agriculture. It
requires fewer natural resources such as water and land, and it produces fewer
greenhouse gas emissions.
On the other hand, though a vegan diet may be healthier for you and the planet, this
program doesn't work for everyone due to some drawbacks. Firstly, you have to be
careful with the nutritional concentrations. It may require careful attention to ensure
adequate intake of certain nutrients that are more abundant in animal products, such as
vitamin B12 and protein. Vegans may need to consume a wide variety of foods to meet
their nutritional needs. Besides, your limited accessibility to vegan food might be a
problem. In some regions, access to a wide variety of fresh product may be limited,
making it challenging for individuals to maintain a well-rounded vegan diet. Overall,
whether the pros of going vegan outweigh the cons depends on individual values, health
considerations, lifestyle factors, and access to resources. It's essential for anyone to find a
balance that works for you both physically and emotionally.

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