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A Lesson Plan

I. Objectives
Within the 30-minute learning experience, the students can:
A. Differentiate the youth during the persona's time and the current youth.
B. Identify the tone and theme of the poem; and
C. Formulate reflections about the poem.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The poem titled " Once Upon a Time" by Gabriel Okara.
B. Reference:
C. Materials: Marker, manila paper/cartolina, plastic tape and pieces of paper.

III. Lesson Proper

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
(Greetings) (Expected Response)
Assalamu'alaikum and good morning students! "Wa'alaikumussalam and good morning
How are you today? ma'am! We are fine"
Okay class, before we will start our new lesson Done! ma'am/sir.
for today, please pick up first the pieces of
paper under your chairs and sit properly.
(Checking of the Attendance)
I'll be checking your attendance. Say "present" if Yes! Ma'am/sir.
you're here, no response means absent.
B. Motivations
"Okay class, I will be distributing each one of
you a copy of the poem titled "Once Upon A
Time" written by Gabriel Okara". Yes! Ma'am/sir.
(The copies were distributed)
Are all have the copy?
I'm giving you 8 minutes to read and analyze
the message of the poem. Okay! You may start.
(The students started reading)
(8 minutes later)
Okay class, can someone read the whole (A student raised his/her hand and started
poem? reading the poem)
Thank you for reading.
Okay students, as you've read the poem I've (A student raised his/her hand and answered)
given to you, now tell me why does the poem
entitled "Once Upon A Time? what's the story It was entitled "Once Upon A time" because the
behind it? author was reminiscing his own life experiences
during his time

(Another student raised his/her hand and

Very good! Such a nice idea. Anyone else?
"Because the poem is pertaining to the past
You have a point! thank you. So class listen!
You've already mentioned some of the reasons
why the poem entitled "Once Upon A Time". In
addition for that, one of the main reason why it
is entitled "Once Upon A time", it's because the
persona wanted to retell the kind of youth he
has during his time. He described that the Yes! Ma'am/sir
youth before were so kind and real to each
other. Unlike to the present youth, you don't
know their real intentions and they usually
pretending to be real in front of you.
Did you get it class?
C. Activity
"Okay class, now! As you observed that the
poem is comprises 6 stanzas. I'll group you into
six through counting and be with your group. (The students started counting from 1 to 6)
Counting begins from the left side up to the
end. Okay! You may begin.
(All groups picked randomly)
(The students were grouped)
I have here random pieces of paper that
comprise numbers from 1-6. Each of the group
will pick 1 piece of paper and explain the
number of stanza they picked.

I'm giving you 8 minutes to prepare. Write your Okay ma'am/sir

important answers in a bulleted type of writing
and select two members from the group to
explain what you've written" (The students started to answer)
(After 8 minutes)
Wrap-up your answers in 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1, hands (Each of the group posted their work and
up! Okay please post your work on the board started explaining)
and prepare for your explanation. We will start
orderly from stanza 1 to 5. Okay you may start.
(Few minutes later, all groups explained their
work. Followed by additional explanation for
each paragraph) (The students started clapping)
Very good class! Keep up the good work. Let's
have 5 claps for all of you.
D. Analysis
Okay class, we are done with our activity. So, Okay! Ma'am/sir
now I'm going to ask you some sort of
questions regarding to what we have discussed
lately about the poem.
What was the tone of the persona in the (A student raised his/her hand and answered)
He nostalgically shared to his son about
the youth during his previous time.

Okay very good, another question. ( A student raised his/her hand and answered)
If you were his son, what will you do after you Upon hearing that ma'am/sir, I will eliminate
heard your father telling about the negative that kind of changes. And I'm going to be real
changes of the youth? to myself and especially to other people.

Such a wonderful answer. (The student stood up and answered)

Okay you (pointed a student to answer) what He pertains to what particular attitude of youth
was the persona trying to imply from before. They used to laugh and smile genuinely
towards each other. Having no hidden envy
this line "they used to laugh with their heart and judgement in their hearts. Pure kindness
and laugh with their eyes" and compassion.
Beautiful answer (The student stood up and answered)
Okay now last question, you! (Pointed a student As I observed in the last stanza, the persona
to answer) how does the persona ended up his wants to go back to the past and relearn the
poem? way he used to be before. Because he himself
was influenced by the changes happened to
Very good! Keep it up. the current youth"
E. Abstraction
Okay class! A short review, again what was the (Students answered in chorus)
title and who is the author of the poem?
"Once Upon A time by Gabriel Okara"
Next! What was the whole poem trying to (A student answered)
It's all about the state of the youth before and
Okay, very good answers students! after. Their changed behavior as the time goes
F. Application
Now class! In a 1 half sheet of paper, I want you
to write a short paragraph of reflection (The students started writing)
minimum of 5 lines about the poem we have
discussed. These are the questions that will
guide you in formulating your reflection paper.
-what should be your role living in this (After 8 minutes the students were done
present youth? writing and passed their works)
-how will you act towards other people?
- how will you deal with people have many
I'm giving you 8 minutes to finish your craft.

IV. Evaluation
Modified TRUE or FALSE
Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Right TRUE if the statement is factual or
FALSE if the statement is not factual.
_______________1. Corruption is one of the societal issues found in the poem..
_______________2. The persona compared the youth before and after.
_______________3. The problems in the poem are happening to the youth rightnow.
_______________4. Selfishness and self-interest are some of the factors that changed the youth.
_______________5. We learned from the poem the importance of being true and genuine to ourselves
and especially to other people.

V. Assignment
Make a slogan that promotes unity and genuineness to one another.

Answer key:
1. False 2. True 3. True 4. True 5. True

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