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@ pH STD PROBLEMS” _j0URDE MaTHA_coNVENT MARR IWrik the Kp and ke for the Fo the yeadhion , BY Following yeactions - DHS Oo = 2th t+ Sw: 1-28 02@)+ Oreq7—2805 04). | kes Cag Ls3 Soe 2: 2COtq) = COstg) 4 Ces)" TH - speci | 2h CeO ond Kp’ Pos | For the reaction , | fe Fee | BHaSegy— 3tbcay FZ Saray rs eo) 1 erie k,.» Pia.) ge EWES Sy 03% | —__Gsoaf Tost Pot Ros has eo RPS epic eee oe ee 4-Give a. balanced Chemical k= Gadesi) Leos eauation aetna. eoultbrharn (000s ¢55 = (Bay + Cre yeaction foy which a i! = [eaceei= | Constant 13 a nprrersion | a 2 B: Ke = Eun Cog Ke = Cosy + Kp = eo, | recat oS Hoo ANH3+ 50 - Ty Coxcay + Hata SSM cag? HECcam) |4No te ag Gr) Cue) 5 The equilibrium conenbation Reta : Od NHz,Nacmd Ha Gre |-8K10%, f Ecos SBaxi02M Cod 3x10>M |S At Q particular tompordtur rrovpectively. Calculate the = Ke °4 x1p*-for the ‘eaction: tonslomt forthe formation 64. Ha$ cay Hog yt NH3 from No omd H2~ 28 ca) = Mag) LS. 6 ©) SNA = 1-8 107% Caleutat Ke for eock OF the cajenateainns S22 ees | Diy= 3xi0"% 1) 2b Seg) = 2thegy + Soeqy Naga) Sty

CHIC Je : i ps3 ae. Ch ns ! Axton = Eled 5 inchenistty" — |__ Lourdematna Coment Marc Hr. See. School, | | | = 5 (os sae Tw pata dor the equslibyrum ranclion, for fov ent i Which) Phe equililerium Censre) i oalk i given by onpexsion Keo SOU aS Ji eere gion INGE kpeke (RD Ke ale ke) ANO+ bho <= 4Nil + 50° = 2N0q) a] Wath Kp ond Ke fox the following reaction 2WHyDigyt 2, ae, A HCleayt Orca Ker EMCO gp = Fc A Pe Taser Coy Tos Pat slDorve Ke-Nalue-for dissociaher of | Pals CPcisJ Cod. _ Preis Cou oe eee ee a a 4] Find ect the 2ng valixes cod waite |the ke and kp Yelation for the | eqysilibyiann veachions | Kp=k-(an™ | i> Decomposition OF armenia - | 1D Nocayt Once) KpekecePake 3[KpeKe] | Wh) Haig OtgyS 212000) Nt Osesy v ") aNi5y S Nowy t+ BH20) i Formatien No - j i |¥) Pels cy) => Pelacayt Clreay IPNHgcayS Nita + 3ieo) By - Ve. Ang #47222 3e338 Kpake(@n wpeke CRD goit ([Ke>ke] |3 Kp=Ke Cray 3 Kp> Ke « 33); In one role 04 Ply is heabd | WN, +0. —=2N0- 20 3 in one Litre chord Containes . | ang =2-220 sg Tf 6.4 mo & cliorine is foun) kp=ke (RTS + » OA eoyrilibviun , Coleutata the Kp=ke (RT)? Kp=Ke - Valine Bd Coysilibvius Constant) = oth est 10] For the readion ExCosgiPSrOast Og) Sven [els dist, sea |the value. e{ equilibrium constant kp= PT 1002K « CelsJey = 0-6 mot dwi? | ke Sor the veootion. Pols = Petz teh - [Pe lea> 0-6 mole dn3 . CPcledeay= 0-4 rwote dns APelA Lets, O-b%xO°4 c aoe oli ke = 0-9 | GyCoxs) S Sree + 02259 ang =1-0=1 | #:Rp=keter) - 9:0 MIOP= ke Cor!) C1002) - @ \3-The equilibrium Constant for the Fetlpesing reaction 1 o-lsot 248k 1 coed prennt f Na On cay 2NO2@)* | Ane = 51-32% mot": The veadtion Conditions’ ere atteud | as detours: a) The reattion temperabar 1d te 100% Keoping the proxsuae oct | odin » Cakeulats the, C8) 10208) Teta TEE | 540. aed B05 Jk Iecaly | kpc os. KPa tat > cy? COrcay * | noo Peete: SBM | eae °9 > Gaeeein ae Pe gest 2 canton’ | Kk, TT ASyeaSSinls-6Se 188, pon | yp. Brak) mat! wo-a8| | fs a) 3 2 ols = Sa03 naga) Chaat 31M lag? = 913.6- LS 7At208) « | 43? = 913-6—-[oio-7A4J - log Kee = BID KLE. — Ca Bis 2303x314 ¥ 313x298 Clk? ] <4 ere B. Golatots the latticg nOgy ot log, ke 2 o.- cs ie ones ee Petlowing dats : Naesr thd uy 77 NOU 8) Dlg = 4b Kimi. Heat Ud dubUreation Od Nay) = 108°7 Snot? : Leanne Tonisaxtion enwrg\y & Nacqy= 445:0K) msl} | a legion ron . Ch m AHN: a of (ae matting tent ote into”) LA ERYS <3 tole | watin cd 0° omd lodm Procure Ftp Sy, + Sia WAH, +A Ay Entholpy of fusen of ice F4 600g anil Hs" = A'Hp (4° 4.27, HLA | AY fiaion = 6008 J rmat! Bis C4 feat | Boe =273K - 4960+ [22-49 H20es) 273Ky Hate - As = 6 41h — (376-7) (Big = -Tea ks ravi? { SAMUNA se. pi ne. 8. |4-Coleules the crbopy charge dusing| the Change in Naa eV aSE SS yG |" | Tine) wah cd O'c ornd lode prosiag, ay = 4y—W Enthalpy 04 Fusion 4 We. A noe aly bo08 J mat". it | 2400) —latm(w-s)e - SHfusion = 6008 J oot! ais = 400) —Setml » | eee east 4 4593 =400$ —FX 101-38) - Ha 0c¢) 2BK> Hid cA * zqf = AOS 5db.b5)° AS susion = Situsen 53 —106-655 1 <2 PMG Mecan | eo. | SE ore can, om za ete =e | Vopsuvization Basen ts Sat pal 5 Coladtate the mote ts ek methanol ond vocab ace ele Atlap= 39840) rk of mathanolnigtined With E14) og motes 64 Lwako- cole Athap 0-5 rele rd Metraned 14 minal With mere 15 mrs cf coal z ASy = 39640 s p02 113.5 5Khi The mote Fvaction of methane in tha ic eet aa FF on aubomobile orgige bas | Number 04 moles of the metnane| oto. a | “Tot ror y moles of Inethanet Od amd if the 2g tereporakannis | wed, [294K , ee Mondera poi ble Oph = O8he 085: |e} fidionayy ten Fi me jostk* Temaaeis - 2. Mole-fraction od Hap = Ss is ” Runrtey 4 motes 04 wot = Number 74 mols oe np ta rentes OF meticno) & H20 = 189-804 p09 = 11 x100 496.1089 joe s a et S conaia ina ee = Colas ane a [ie with an Pi tena FO ee ming = re page deg onpanels inst & Consten te a ord on . uy a ‘ a ces 310 Ure Uho. Enthalpy OF fusion C4 tre Hs do ne ee Pe ak Ghaoign 400) 28 *Hhown) 008 J rnot 1(-%) pete ty Sumrpurcbrgs Dotomine i oe 1 a : | Atlecwaet) 30.1 kf =30-420Jrmot! 84 = 2M4 Inod = non - | 28ecwact)= 28-4) K Imei! Wamu 42/14 Tre? 2 Poly asic SE oy Se | aq hit aia 3-0-6. Solution of urca ond IBy. ye St Celution cortaining « Sout (A) ax eo isotonic with Gath other: es 30400 Jmol ook nee wosight mi tie Solty CA) 28-4 JK mel! x =O-b% , YI. Mx > Urealbogmel') + y=? LESSON — 6 SB TAI? oe ye Giseous Stare Pe Mz M4 gees = YX Ma _ 18 X60g a” [What Is the density of No gas My 2 : ewe | et. 221°C Grnd 500_ctmn ‘pressure? | My =180 root): Ob yi ot ga of 15% ak | alm, eS ai eh: | (R= 0-082 otek moi! anes | has a + al 25g dmi when the 1% raised tw ase at lain, does tht volume 04 the gas increate ?, 2 Mol ee ee |e oe cwalahe the final volome « = 28q motte Sed | Ta ts*c 427327 > 884293 ne 0-089. Latn Kiet XS00K | Tena ES 7 = Bul gel |v 2258 am va? 32s 1 ere P= Vom tention) ge a 2-An identical tempachecerd | Viz Ve 3e3 | pressure. tie nate of. dituon of | Ty a 35H] hythogen gaa -is ayy times that wisi Meencrys 2S HE aie B oF a econ hawing moterwar an ape BK ee ze t Gm Colna ke ie, 9 [va a] at uF m, |5-Treide 4 Codain culo engine, Ie eaten tro Volume th air tn 0 Cyl i = o- 3 ae Hiloer acre career Cron 10 Ologdne at the dame temperate, | 303 =| Tien what is the Prowwne of ihe Cormpouind) air?) | Sag en both Aids and 2uarremging Tee nabs 2h 27 | oa ee Fed = My +(2n-2901) i 2 esx 0315 2 3.15 alm: aes be wat O25 = @ - aa ae P 6 A Aownple of gar has a Volume ot | aae | 85 dm ab an unkieton tempos When the domple is submexpel in| Pa = 128m x 35a | Tee wake od oe | ao vie 8-Sdm) > Vy: 6.37 det: GeoenoeK P= 1-48 acre — = — i | a Vie = Tz. 8:Sded 73k ee maid bette ae? From the bettorn | pte rear = 3b4.28K | . TOF tuo Fant = Where the tompardtine is 25%. amore, Re ges prosux is latm.caleulah tho fina) | Somple A Contains 15 motes 04 nitrogen) he in & versed vf volume of 3t+-bdm3 Try emt) of the, buble, if its ab 298 bond the denmple Bis ina | Wéial Vitume. 7s: [-5 mi - Vaud of volume Ibsdrd at 298K. | 1 = 64273 219K, B=4 04m, Colenlat the number of mote in 1 = Sm 12 25% +273 =2%kK, Aerie B> Py = lab, V2? Pv. P. = ngs bbret )Vn2 Bt bdr, Ves 6S dn? : Bee o By Te be ae ‘ aes eee Mpa Va = feces auth Ate Set mol. wnphodhloric add sheated wath a mehed by f= ate naw 4+ we get Suppose a uttedorct Be tres ore a a yee cea Volume 04 154-4x107 cm? of a gus aba | Pressure exerted by 182 motes ty | the gaa Ina Ateol versel od-Vorume | Prrwure od 742.60 of Hy at o tonpiactine a 7; | Baga din? at 695°C, cabuming Idea! | of 298K" whab wavs » oF gpa. bsboutan: H did the Stederd collect? 4 eae ore eds Ve sy hXiotdm!, p. 742mm 0d HG, he bGamete, Ve T+ 0%K, m9 . ret Sea Pet wm = POL 2mmHyg «1544 X108L Pve neT ; Pe Nets RT “2mm Hghitmol! * 248 k P 2 te mrtex Boda dal marie | ne Maw 2 D006 « 543 alm? Melon Mans a Mam = nx Molar mass = 0-006 K2016 1-425 atm « = 0.01219 212-1 my ‘tga eee ania A eee g@ 13 Afoed tn a matal ae rated ‘alk bull, Cordaini Pre boatm 1G= wet 273224) K, | Sturt Lae 85%e4078 = Sop R=? f{mmotcl etre ys 9 Viz = 213K V222:21 dt Petane oe gos inthe tome ot Th point - The eae 1 R= 2-98 otom ,T; = lipok, fe Te ys LBs, phat, 2 1 ip ee = 2 ou. p zee aatdg 28d =4stke | a mw HOOK {An athieh in a Kinisiobgy “= werd dag dep i ae | At this Volume Cortard caune. Contain, [Sh gE encanto tae eee ae Bie ia i Volurs has | tuplced by tto-friondlay Conia oe ed Roeorramy ef caiy cleed ane athlets Sonhale dining: Prevsurs Udumalpet 642164 | Promurt Cf 0.2 atm. FF he promacis | Oxhalation? Sone 1-2. him + ad a Consterd 4orepextin! yemoin Constant) 2 will be the volume ve te as | M=gag dm ede =203K - e ‘weeaud or decreaud 7 | T=? V,22.21dm?. 25 Volume Of. fronn (vi) = 1-5 dei Pond T are lonstant 86 Prewurt (A) = o-3atm. Mele AS; a Tis constank$ Py =12 abm 3 V2? Teens sys 7M. 23 7. PM, = BM, 0,312 rr} So Sagi “Bw 0:3 atin x Sant era ie B ae | Na = o1on mst: -: Volume Menus nae number Of mals Oxboled = 6:312-0-104 O31 dm =o eae | uA Sample oP Gas has a volume 6p eA Bi. cea foes | 3-8 dm? atom unknown ‘temperature GH 0 lake Wheetie Be °C omd taboo | whan ae ge lag sl vio wet ed ot O'C te Voluane gets den? what is” i juihal tempantaw | 18 labm. I ein Velen V,=38dm T, sce = o13k - Caste eve 's Te? Vo.> 2.97 det « Tie = Btaveogie - T Conatarct » Fie 6habm — V,=9.1 mu « P= Pav Ps ~o5tolg=298k - | Py eB 105K 0375. gig Re lodm i V2? | oe Rey Be | '5-A Aemple of gas has a Volume ou oe Gadnioron, witain Teen = GR CBRRIRD Oly eaeK 9) whan tha omple 75 in feowot alk etn Jat 0%, rp Volume aR V2 Woo mu: what iA. hy intial ses = = a Lesson ~9 — Sonumions ~ ee} X 365 gmot!= 4209 | ee ee Oe Maw vf woah = mars of Het Awlution— | ond u when 05 mole Od methane! one Bt HOE: | teaaeeal ith Genet ee Mam of Loa 498 = 1624 | 0-5 mele 04 mittomel mized with 1S mots, Mol = OTE = 1ov7om . 1 woba * bape Mob fraction 2 Not MALO wf IfA 025m Solution at 370. cs eee 2K WO apPrommdtely the | ped wool Premure as rod) | mebhonet CG: 025m T= $1028K |

| Minlty= No eerwlviotadaty ST | 250g of tap sates contains’ 20mg ES ister tia Aaa | of diselvedl Astels wWhal {the — | iio 4 #4 glycine = He aye is "FDS Volur in ppro?, molar mao od ' aya TPS Volutin_ Maw of the dies =Bzo1 PP eink ee ; a Mata id Motaily = 0! = 9.2m | : os teg 2 20103 piobenoopoms which Solution hoa the leuan [Se ee Pees Of Mithoned 3-1 Aomple Bru SUwembad CtHso#) In 100 9 oF water ay 20g of Higdinchlevie: axid® tayo density &thano! ceathonytn 200g OF Usater- a Hy a OT = Kem | bagi Galeiitats fee motality - | Pe “ Melality =|2MHcI7 Derstty = 1-2.gL7 Mayon? <2 —.23125m | 12M Het = Io mols of Her. a Molatity = No 0h moles of solete "ousou > a Stan Man of the Solent Cinta) ier in’ hosying PRIMA is one cotta max of wata Csetvent) - ee pines # will rove Mars vd [lihe Hel Souidion = density r lave freaxing Port ° | Volume . =} -) : it fgehaen Oa 2 S.JAMUNA use moni.wtea? ; PG Asst. in Chemistry | Mow Vd CLE root imoty @ Hel xmobe Cia iri Sen Udur a trom vd Hele THew rey dds poaticles in one Vibe td 10“ Potaniunn 1 M Knind4g = Io~molus 4 Kasq, « KS0, -(ontaind inns Cok 18077) - Imole of KsS0q4 Contains 2x6 023x10%ions » tot moles Cd k.$0, contains 3 Abrorsx10% e tot: ele. 069 110T Ener. y Aon, smi] || Mebane in benzene 16 42%165mm | | Hq at a prtticuter content Jomperitan | A this Coleulcte “the Selubilcly | @% methane at i) 50mm Wg i)Seommigt (Ki Yeoman? 4:2A10 rm Hg « Solubility © Mothane *? | P= Soremtig P=840 mm Hg. | Accosd?ng to Hanrys Leo P= Kit Xin sotection « 150 ron Hg = 42X10 7am Hg: Xin Aotution Xi, ee. 4 eo Xie WO Aolubility= 18-6x10>- aby ot P = B40 fomi Solubility = S42“ 20x 10 Ave | 19: The pbiorved dipronion in -fraazing | ] | | Potnt af wata for o: cudan | Solution is 0-093'c che the | | Conartahion of the Solution th | mootality -Guven that motel cepranion aia for wal 186 K keg mil! ATg = 0-093°C =0092K- m2? kp = 1-86°Ckg moi! 2% km: m= Ae. Cogs os. ke 186K Kg mot! 20-05 mot Kg" 9.05m « " © Herny’s lauo constarl for Solubiity of | prewrt |io-The Yipour prosere of pura benzene ote) at a given temperctiae 1s 610 fig 229 eo non- volatile Solute t+ Jaddecl to'40q of bonzone -The vapour |Powue the Solution iy Gao mm [Hig - collate He nota, mow Ot the: solute Fei, = bto em tty W, = 224 Won yolatr Soleite) Wi= 409 Chenzen) | Paolution = bo mm tg jaz=7 FP \ 640-600 ny ee | b40 natn, | APs ey 0.08252 EAM. 60S ae” Mew | 22K 18 i M, > Seri aes be ctgmrt 1) 00625 X40 WTF Bog ed Kou is praumt in A) 600ml and 4)! lHfre ed sokution || Calentat is eaab, jee eng oh maw & kow =569 b> el mets = 5:6 = 6.) mol - be Volume te solution: Svoml= O-5L: Volume 84 the Solution = 1 L . molonity 2 no "dh melas eh Soludn Volume vd Aotudion Line ol oR ? Volume C4 the Apliction =| Lb molarity = 2. pin t = 02M S.WJAMUNA se, Mp MES. PG Asst. in Chemistry Lado Comer: Se S064 ‘Udumaipet 642154 lig.2-56 Soest = ar |18-2-56 g ®. dulphur is i . = | to0g ef Coakondisulphice “ihe Aol dibo| PUT: FS ea | | boils Ct 319# 692k « What tathemool = The RR Bi | mas of Aalphua in “The. ort : Bais | Beiling pei of CSz is 3}9-450K-Guon Jor wotenic Solution 4648 thet Ky for 0% = 242K Kg rnet TT, -T: silt Wee W)=100g “Te SIt 2K - a ops Wet 344) pera | ohio del | | 4th = (314-642 - 319450) K + a ek we E| 2 O242K - | ee Peaks Wee Kp XWs R100, 2.AoXa5bKlOCO, Bie ae2 th pedi O | 37% XW, O242R100 fa}, 0.2 m agyenus Sotutfon td Key | | Mes 25 6met'- Frooes at —O-b8% Caleulat Von t/a | Moteeelaa mars of Sulpluia =a54gmot! factor » Kp for wabs fs 19b K egmel Ab moos tf | rwote. of Sudphuere $2 sales Observed pr Z FNoe@ ators ing _ gob_g TTuoritical proporty (coluulated? | ‘i oe Alp = Ob80K 7M: 0.2~m | Hoe rwoleondaa formula &4 Autpluece “a F012 0:2: | uo | AT} (obier ved) =0-b8Ot + fae 28 A Tk EAT Goteulat)) = tein - \'4 of a nen-clocholyk solute - Th "159 | = 1-86 Kkg mots 0-2 mot wg! | the ae ir bonxeno by 000K) | #.0°972 Kk . ie ard Fa ina | t2_(ep) obfomed —. obo the meter reve oenind setae! ate Coludatel — 0-372 Wa= 29 Ww, = 159 2182 ATE *O2K ~ Kp 25-12 Kegmel!, 72, Caladaty the molality td the Mae? Selution wntaining 459 % wes REAWEAIOO _ pin naxtooo disewed in 2 “ef eas att 02x 15 Number meter % doluk _ 180 _ 0-02 Mas 04 the CoWantGneg) = > > I * = ee 20-25m. 20. what. a the Trans 4 ofiscoe 23) Cabelas the ps ee | CigHis0,) in one. Ishre Aetuttion | ef sediurn hohe Rated heed, | which ia Bolte with gL" | cmd the satuhin, wns made vp teem | Wren Cnty (ONH,) ” (ee | gsmncie prosuns. of wren Studion MORN = TR ant) —— | = Tis RT | or Oss eVeg te = = 02M | ae kT= joe os WY 124. Olewtods The = : z pares dad Mrs POET te, [eg a ae Avtuhi tora wing a A hae up t bom} 6 sf int 2orng Noel MR prt oat op. Now ed om len ai ae Od. Achction Cin) Man 04 thee coates | 2 ccouvead a = 20x03 = bynes eaieodl et ae Into ® 2400 ppm Volume 04 Aolution nL) 01 50; = S38 so5N, lp The doprerien in Proozing pet - oo j ig 0-24% obtained by dissolving Se eee Mae ipso serge cmd the Solution wos Neil wing a Standard’ flask - Aownalidy = No 04 Formula mous 04 Sotech, Volume 8d Sotuction Cin L) = Be nag 58S5KO5L [2b Neomycin, Gri Gis me Gear contains 300 mq a4 Pie tie 2 The active se iad ago va on fe Sa eel Naw td Aolutiencing) - } = 289 x10 = 1% wiv 30g [27 Galo Vole 7-50 wa a Fincoa | | of bomein om umbisepte Solution Combis) ib mL of bengein The volume 7. of | kenzetn + Melaa mons 4 soa Repamaie bole AT xno WéPlod 2 1006 KI-S6 RI | = fa | D-2pX Doo 8 IgM Theoretical Malan mau v4 nig): ES oabearaelates 25, Exporimantal motor mans 538s Be 33-15 [31 At_ 400 K 15 gtd unknown Substoree 16 dunehed in a Zowent and The is mode bSL Ets vsmotic | prokurr 14 found to be o2ba \Colowah the metar maw o4 =1-50- | vite « Veta dhe bonxain in | Ce Aoludien (in mt) 10 yop = 207 VV 38 -Coltulot. wi ]y 7. oi a8 ome BL | towet paralidtice oral Surporivr | Lovetai 3g od atau The mand | povinles Poraictoned 1's WNy. = Mans Unme Soe Jvdudion Lin mb) = ext =5% Wy ° the. inva 4ubstenee « Molen = mo & anttrexon Aobde. aS corer x Volumeek 15x 8-314 X17K oe OSK = 1d eS gram mot" "S.JAMUNA mise. mii. mea? PG Asst. in Chemistry Lourdemaha Gonvat fate Hi Sec. Sciol, Uduralpet 642154 ea An- copii: Avlution 04 a B ethylene glycet Clsyo.) can be pao Aolute Grorts O aed os om ambifreoxe In the yodiabpy| of hee hen at tho betling -Colewtak ths Jomperttun | pink ts Aotword « whet il kag | the velar mow od. tte folate from a mistine With 29 mom | when Bers L013 baa? percent of glycol in coat wedin | AP__ Wextn | tht a 1 Kp for wotr=18bag Fe “Watwn giyeet 15 62-4 mol. Tn 2y. Kolutiun = 24 Selutronf wegit 94 SNK Ol) = 20-7, 220906 a8 9 a Sovane: : Faw gl AP = Px-Protutter 10131004 weight ed seWwont teoata) ~ W, = 100-20 = 804 AT# =Kem - * | = 70-004 . oF) me.» Bxwoxntn z APXWe Mg = 2x 18K [013k 4ex 6-009. = kp xws moo, 8) MgXW $3) = ALB geet elses lee 2s i Lesson 2 ee ae} | Quantum MecHanicaL MDOFL Dips TSK: Ae OF IaTOM « cTompp et which tee Wil i Calewod, the Scien wae agin to opaate = 2IB—TEK enerth of a praticle who = 2b55K: momentum 14 bb 2bA1O eg msl Ge ee hy 33)015 G@f om. Unknown Aubstarce | acab = bbb a 1x1 is diswlvad in 200.4: SeWart «Tt he) Pb. 26x10 ca boil! Petre Ts O15 2. Calewlats the toto! number of | and nurtod. if amgular orc fodial nocles prosert Tos kekg mot tuen Cedeulats 32 | plod oral 4 oxen P wiste, ous ot UNkneLen Substance, ee |. | Radial [a Tob! | Tp = Kom forbial|n |x | ube [ie Aral | a ° = Keaws XlooofMaxw,- | ad | | ae t Dati ennateeoim aw," |e aL | EEK OTEK (000/ 0154 3: Cal cule he onda ria | = = = 200) Uleckons that con be accomoclatd | = 18t5g mol in L shou: on | PL n=2. #orbials | MP 2X, OPKs Op, # 2fe-2G508 | ao calatodieeragi aera. Yodial Wwodes | pros in see lal Orbital) eal Praca) ad la lato 4 es | [of G43 1 eae to Dasa ee Fel P| orbital Tye L=VaCeiD hb. Tor A otitis ded Le Vamos = We on omgalar momenkn dan ein dl orbital = hve ow 7 a a Ps eee aie omgulaa’ st tan ein F orto) = eae: ; 8) Coleetoti “tho. — Don obekon that ras been accelerated fyem west “thro'a potential olifference bq | Kev: atelerceze! polontiat > [Key - yp mvs ev mv*=Dev my*2 Imey =7\M te gmev | mv: yomev i 4+ heyy. bh my >a 31 m= Aino Fkg she bb2b xo « leve Wore" 5 [kev ees | leas. i — ekon® Te: Pav tads ae ner [ren bb2bx0F4)s Vo a1 x10 Py 110d KU Kid 2) eee ag [Batzexie? 7D mae Azo 10308 (ohh wad ] a 3-38 xto7'm [7 Calculate the uncortainity in the | Position of an electoon if the | Wncartalinity in its velocity 15 1A to ms, o Az Ares 1 x10% ms! Ax? Zi] srbp > bh_s = h ek : “ ae Ese sa = §2gxio?® 22) Ea Og. Ax-dp S528 Kio aed cpaemie*igies arise a Re TAM Ax bolt xm - 8: How orbital at tex in Ath anergy level 2 (nea): neg 5 420/123, aq Aub Sheth SP of: Ged mhz 0 => 1 4S orbitod Be | whe -Lo,tiey BAP orbitals Beg me2/W0,41/42 27 5 4d orbHols JES men Zer24 D/A ADAS m7 AF evan 1b orbitals art poutbl - i which ten haw Stable eleckronic fi ‘on 2 mimor fest Be i, geet ze bast Pas ad" Ecof NP 33308 wf let) a i ed seoa Contd fonae— in 3d ond 4f orbitals - STITT ZT ROE] Waal oie | 4 | jemi? (2 tins fal "pe Hae ot Ears a Z [on |i Poker Can be aceolectal in # 7 lee i a particle aceoleralors Calculate “ie ae Cin A) vf “Such. WyEnegy OF an elachon. in hydrogen en roving cd 28smo atom in ground stah is -12-bev: msl (the mas ed protor 15 What juaths anergy od-tie 673x102 Wa) in the Agvond Sucied Atak 7 | ye aes aio? ms! aed ox | mp= betaaic7 "kg Aurord 2ueiteel State Aah 2 bosbritleg mist neg 2 Ba: bev: MV [+ BIS KIO™KgX2854 15 se ms! Bz =-i-dlev- A 21989 MOF Hy A= 1 389M OK, 2 Fue wong unpabad ebors 5° a ee Gan” prem in the ground stobeed |wowalergth Ul em) ode V0 J o% (z226) mr? Cz225,end Cricket ball bravdlling at argon CZ=18)7 . 40 Km hy": 7 Ec of Ae? is 18'2st2ph 36° phys’ ee may %4 tha crite? bal | Fhe unyaied etecbrons - 2 Ihog: ob kg | 2 veloc clot baby = | ease ad* vege SS ee | gt of Mn? is 1g2caphse aptaczds) 40 N03 2 ns = mS" = 98: 88ms boxe Five umpaited elector de broglia equation “A= b— 0 Electronic Config of Ar :[s2s?2pb 3573p be b26 x10 a ‘ age) unpalned electrons es tare Saha a Ob ey X B98 rfl. le ppom tre Ineaning |f the 4ymbel | = bb 2bx 10°24 | 4% a eee eee 1 ee | Turbos for the elecbons: Sees: | } | | no % eleckons 4 | $-ovbital Wawe length inom = LOS ICD | Shesmiepames = 065K 102um eee 1065 Kio 30 « nea, # ovbitol 4-3 mj = 3-200 “S.JAMUNA ees peasy RE 5 LA ae YA Mo. Mh MN Dal, Md Spotty a =) Mp2 inate er Tn Ualimalpet 643154 3 @ Ib» Show that the measwament | 1¢ Glee the Electronic ConFigesation, OF the urncotainity fn the | Of Mn2+ and cr?> locettion 84 the So oiee aan Mn (== 25) to th eine eure | Ro pt: J Se reas yee mnt 1s%25*opbas apt sd” Volority av) 13 eoyaalte Var} or {z024) | OF tu” velocity Cy). ev |s*98' Poph ae apt ads. } Ax = ObA® Ci is } S 4 aut } “LESSON -3 Be 2h. | PERIODIC. CLASSIFICATION OF ips BLEMENTS - =e! bs Coleutat the effective nuclear > Leotn*Kgnne!. — chage of the last eUeben In Dp & - Eb2eROtegmig! orm ctor Looe con figuration | i eees| j4 [st 25% aptactap> * ARB 14 X OOK [OTP a) > bbb xto4xIp!? a8 abba Ripe zrez SGN th ee ae | ap > 0-8142K 10" Kgms!. ad ete agro rey i st 7 gag om B192- x10 Kg ms". ai] + [100 xTot no td 2M in = oO tnney At} Ap> 9.8 x10" kg ms" ES aE — (c0-25%6)+ Co8sxadr It what 4 the de-Broglio. wowe 53 si : e1¥2z)- langth 4 om elichon whthis Zo fo TIT le-Ae bi. eeieal « jaccelerated Avorn tha vO Nise ies i eee)! eS 'C' | potontiil iffosaree ed. loov 7 -Colculat the Effechye nuclear Potatial dMaare *V=(00V eno 3p OY in aluminium sa e ) chlorine + Polenta energy = eV = Loox 16x10" Ain= ier 2539p" | de-Broglie: wae length bd om een Win tps , ne n-i ites Ae aoe amev gt 2z-8 nb2bx toe ei 5 aioe be enle nds £13 -L 03s x now 2Minnth DX 41x 1073! w1o0A Mx _ Shel to? + [0.85 X no % essing) A = [22X10 hell rs + LI We td OM iy in-ashad ae = 13 -[b-"10 46.804 2.00) ; — Ee aeetsoe gin (Zorg) Pi = 3.57 | Lesson — | Elubyonte Configuration of Chdoring Basic ConcEPTs OF CttemisTRY | SF 98” 2ph ag 3p a AND CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS | | be? peo nr io ” hy of | ay Hh rel zat-$ al | ce aaa produce 10 mbes =e aes on rbngheuh Gf Carmmonia ? Co-gs x ho 8 &™in(n- a C1 no. a C7in (N-27 hu Notgyt 3#2g— 2NH3ca) Sida fone 6842) 217-109 | To produce 2 metus oq. onemoniar, | ENG=TrS 8 meus ef hydaagen ore Aequived. | elpslod | 2. Te produue 0 mele v4 arrmrenia) aie | |S aPey* gee He (Zeya > Cat) 3 Hone | atrmotes egnnis TAIL 9 | eT ne See = 16 maples of ty 3-Frogy 04 om election in the Blake Of the hupdaogen cctoro [pcalinlads te, amount 8. Yo o19x 108): Colatatrtie tater produced by +he Combustion Tonisation enthalpy of choi: hyphage 4 22.4 ey methane - in tors 8] KS mot! Enogy ot om olpttion is the igo se — Osea BOLE) | Ato, of the buplingencibor 18X10" — Corobustion of | mmm (169) He Hye Proditces 2 mets (0x18 =3bq) OF recut tose J eal Meese 2: 32.9 CLC Oh Combustion produas Es eee broagnio?? Bbq Pat, = 19130 X 105 J rot! BO) nS Chy 2112. hho Lae taint Jnl ppg veenn PINT wo _ | ew much cH Ko vi Shue Od. coabenda- 2b mies | orice id pant ikn oo3 | a ce °{ calcium. Coakonak 75 he cae (eee S.JAMUNA gt (ALD, —— > COQ COzap' PG Asst. ct 3c) ” Upurdematna Co: Produces | mele Cotes » ASTP ,f mole Of CO. ocenpina | | Volume vg 22-7 Utes - | At STP, 50g 64 Cato On heating produces 2257 Litres CO. 100g Cats = 13s" bites of (Oe ee 4 How much Volume of chlorine is jred to form WoL of Helak | 273K ond fedm prewure? | Hoeq) + Clegy —¥ 2HC ea) ° To produce 9 moles 64. Hel, |rmole of chlorine Gos is acquired - To produce 428 Litres 04 He]. 22.4 tes of Chiorine gas a requivd wT produce M2 litvos Od HC} 22a ble x yd og HC aaa og Cla = Sb tthe 4 Korine art Yequbal Fa 50g Colds « Het eb ite wy ME Aad 224 BA Aad Te = x = Ne x22 448 2 9b Caleutake tye... parentage conpor | 5 | of the | cankonete~ Hoo mony Kilogram of to, cam be Obleined by eating eq 0 Arh Pune. mrognesione | Carborals.: | Mgcos 2>™90 +, | Molar mam ti Mgcos is 84 great Percentage od Ug 84g Cates Conain 24 q Od M. | SS rere corioth) | = A OM x 100g mig tos - | | BAG Males a] 2 285799” zai =528 | Mgeoy hq ers 00 g548 84 ay 34 84 Saie % of Mg 228-577, a | Percertage e4 Carbon 849 8 Hgcda tontain 124% 2. 1004 Mgevs pete ete eat &4 aq ugios 8 OR 24-24 9 O4 Carbon’ 7, © Poruntoce 4 Goabon 14:24 i Bo RBS BAG Matos torrtain 48 9 OY9| | + 100g Mgcos Cenfains "ye; © 4&5 0 84 4% Ba g Mgeng *1°0. INI 0c ‘6 = 5T14 GY Oy” 488 849 © 1007 pure MgO, oh heoting 449 oF co, - 1000 g Pf qo. puarHgco, Giver 2745 _ xqu7. X(o00g . S4gXl007- =a4ge g Ae = O41) Ky 0d 02. g Colurlah ta Orygen in HaDs H20,= 2Ct)t22 =0 axsc-2 =» Be FrGoleulok the oxidation stata of oe” in 20, and Ko, - 0 = 2C1tax=0 oms-2 => ©) bupes omidles ko, +1 42220 11) H259, “peo- et 20220 7 =] the oxidobibn number molar man 04.002=? At 213K at} odmprow. , Lnole Od C02 coupes a Volume of a>41- Hos Od Imote bf co, = 1469 KS Tm 24 [m3 a4grol gv? Molan macs v4 C0, = 44 grt Ti-Mow fF one atern 4 om elomer' ja Bb45X 107g. How mony mole 64 element} car thevin 0320 K9° maw 0d one dtom 2 b:645410% mas bd (wote CL cclom ipso, 2crot BrAC-2)=0 a 80, ON aco ~7[E ETE] | = beareioty Keenan” q. caludak the Oxidation tab of | “O° seed amends in the fella» rusibor motes v4 clement ompound in og20kg =lmole xo.s20%q - 1 Lxt+2¢-2) 20 =7 XH =O 3 $0, 2¢-) = ot: ‘ uot 3209 bh Sie eer 2¢-4)20 aly aia He 4 ° 23>" =a co tj | it OF. we a ee Hew mony mol vd Othane i> me +2C-De0 =7 %-2=O Ein te produce 449 V4 (rey) g54Ho combustion » zene + Wp 0p 720243 HD - pate te +10. Paton bebo» a ‘S.JAMUNA Y)HbO - tia =O pe ae To)THE density vd COs 14 equal to 1-4b5 Kam at 213Komd ledm | Provure - Hh olan mais ot (: Donsity | cor cot 213K & (acm | Premune = 16405 Kg 0 produce 4 molso4 tO. , gimly of Lthane is wotysived - -. Te produce | mat L149) Cd co, Aequired ruber Of motes Va ethane + amet Cthane Awet Co, 2% mole of ethane - eos mote Od ethane. x | mot Co, . Erpeal Yormule = Na Hao Se yy = _Motecadan mews ene: | eA ouiel foundl in fomavinda oF Empiiciat Jorma roe a omelysia Ahows the Fobloroing| 2 peuentage Composition 3327 | Empivicod formula rows = ; : | (23x29 + (92% It@oni) + A¥E) * ; 32 4207224 2322 ° =4b Metredan Formulas Nas $ Hao ° | CU Hydegen Gla-the Compatnd proud ‘ : {2 T on toaky + ed T : = | 2 Malas Formal N&O I0H0 a is) ge Hie HOLT AAS go.07 gmt Ti) acetone [oncocud - Cc! 3x Idol= 3603 Hi & X10 > “ob 0. 9 xX 1b glows ' G80? gmol oe a i) bore. Quid CHsBOsy - Ht 3xtor= 3:03 Bv 1X to = (0:00 0: 3X Ib “48-00 "i “grog greet Gib ~ SJAMUNA i150, 3 PG Asst. in Chemisty ——Loundr ie S00 x Udumalpet 642154 | 3649 HELE = eS 1599 | iia 600.07: Potamium clichoreak Krgrdg+ 28 Oto 5 2"* 104 Oeuris 2112 294 4 vik) Sucorse Copa Ho2011) Cs taet2= 144 | H Bam) *. 2Aey pot NAT 7b 3429 1x) Culecos2 CC, Hire) ° @i bates 72 Hiine 17 12 oserie 7 180 g sues 2 |. Colewlak the equivalent mary * Coledatethe number 04 moles | | % Sulphuric. ovid « BRE Aiton Molar mew 4 ethane - a QHe = ¢2*I2) t€6x0.#30g.mol". | =e at No 64. moles = TO O09 : | Basra 2 ayer motamar “30g mel Melar maw Of H2So, AICS TONLE coe ek A ae oe |25 0-469 4 a metal gives, Green Ooyivalatroas a gg oboe aj Th Chloride Cabustan Hsog * Te the equivalent Mam vd-the metal: 249.997" | Maw Wy te metal = w= 0-456g Maxs Od sArtal Chlovidle ew, > o-ecty Mars Of on aid ren | Motea rmaus Som cud oe | Mais YY cldorine= 4, -w, i v4 the baw 2 0.b0b— 0456 Equivalent > Motea maw | peste - s se ams 04 boue, Acidity 6d the baw O'59 wy le aE ida i. 0-4569 od metal : ae ee “3559 04 chloride wi combine | Weloa maw vd KDW = N89 +A RIOGW) : at aca ‘| | = Bb gmat". with CAE k 35+5 = 101-42. 94 | = Bb ese geq 2% Balamatn 5 By KOH ie ergy 8, "9 |pa-Colelah tye equivalnt mom ed ‘| KemDy 4 er + lad 3 TE + W804 > k,SOa+ om oridicing agant CkmnOa) | 9 ere’, St Cralsadet Ty +Hr0 Kano, is em onidising . vals = (x39)+ Ck 55) taxiy) oan gee aa See role re gee ea oa ee: | 0 = sts iS Grow Coyei veered mam 04 > * 3 a3 u = 155 3y- ri s og 2 keno, = 98 23I6 9 Ff g gee a | + 93§ a9 33 Toe = es =< ot ee ea a F§ley SS 2°" 3.83 ; @ oe ‘at ")\kMndq + NQ2S0; —7MnO2 + N@rSoq + Hot +1 4 +4 +o KMnO, + NGSo, —7 Mno, + No go, +koy % v e 327 ze 2KMNOy 4 3N4250, —> Mnp, 2 “Aainty és 3Na2 Sq —) 2™Mn0, + 3NG S04, +KOH . + 8NasSo+ 10 —> 2Mnd, 4 Sse + 20H ee ee er Un Hoy > ext Cu + HN0, —» CuCNds), tNO, +Hyo o +s~ cu + HNO; —> +NQ@sS0, +Kon - 4a O4CNO2)2 + No, tho ge BE Ut + 2HNO, —¥ CHCNOs)) +NOs + 20 C+ Bina; tad, —> C4ONOS), to vu, | 2Mao Gu + 44N03 —y cadwor), 4F2N03+ 21,6 = TT a iv) kM o MnO, + “he + HoS0,—y Kaba + Wison +'do, tung. : “ Fem lear ZENO +5126 Ont HyS0, KS MSO, +024 Ho . PRMNOR+ 5 HsC.04 +1280, —? K2804 +2. Minsoy 410.6034 Hoo - SKN. + EHC. 4 Sigg PKS t 2Mn600 t10Co. +8 tbo . | 20)Balene the following equations by Ten oleebon Method). | 1) kmno4 + Snel + Hc} — Mntla + Sncl4 + H20+ KCl Nine47 — Mn —O “$n — srt —@ + ® & mMno, + ayt 4 se°———9 M44 AH2d = = Sart SH, 90> @_JAMUNA Mise. Sarees onan COO Oxr =F 2Mn0y + (gHt+ oe") OMn™ + BHO Grs = 58n7*—¥ 5Sntt+ 1007 2Mno,~ + 6SIPH [bYL—y 2Mn™y SSK BH2O 9 CaOy"+ Ong R208 T ost Cb) Gin euch ageoliom) | Gaz" yep, <€ neoprene | O- C0F—_y 200. +f 9.07 —® exo ray —ya0e4 tao —O @x ee bC0a + po cae, : 7 —“ CDP HAWG RO FTO CY0F"4 ace? + igut —y 207744 60, 1H 2° |) N@S.02 + TZ, 5 N@2840, +Nar mee He | S502" —y $406 ——O Tate © : a2 Ope 280. 7 SOE Oo BY 22 no @ aA ees ©+@ > 282 2240, 7 $40.7 42T i en + NOs an Entiéin anid Mund es | Noe > No) O—- xn pa Py ee | ® Nis t Ga FAN ear NO TOTP @xS azn —> azn +46 K2 2NONt 66" t+8ut__y 2NO+4%RO a Udumaloet 642164 ‘Lourdomatna Convent hairs LEsson -1) hychayen = 2% 0-54 ; = *030 JUNDAMENTALS OF ORGANIC if log 0 Aulstemic Conatins CHEMISTRY- =. 2K 0-54 n1o0g . |. 080g of a Aubstonce wives 180-30 | 0-88 g 04 Carbendionde omf "= 20g @ hydvogin | 0-54 9 of. Wolr Coleulabetine Peaerilage rf hycbopn: 20%. poxonllye od carbon emd Wydungn Fp, ammonia Wolveel fom | in it: 0:20 g 64 O79 Organic Compound | Woight ef organic Compourd=0209 ‘aeldah method neubaliced) Weigic of Carbondioaicle = 0 889 I5mA Od ni/20 Aulphure Cute Woight: Of water = 0-549 Solution Caludak Max pononlags Percontuge of Carbon = ; | Weight Forganic Cong = 0:20 44g if Gabondionide contains, 4 94 cud = Nino d Goakon =12-4 Volume 64 Atomdand acid nevelrclay 0-889 @ Caxbondien‘ele cxrrkatns by onemonia = 15 m4: | taten > 12x 0:88 - locoml In) auid= 149 O¢ ih wend e tml of aid ef nomality N 0-309 substance contains, Carbon Contains Nitrogen = Pers a = 12K 0-88 9 026 9 a (cox 20 i Pale * hitrogen = 1415) loo G Bubsterie contains inne _ 12K0288 ) Ibo | 100: a 2 STR 0° = S0q Of Garton. i Compound Centains a ow 9 nibogen= _14x154 (00 Ponontoge of Caabon = 80 1000 X20 K 0:20 Powentace 2d bphegin: Sage 18.g_ 04 tackta contains hydrapens2y °- penoritage Of a 0-bAg P wala contains . hihogen = 2x0-54 3 ig | al 0-309 & Substance tonics SAAMUNA 25 we | | “-yourdemetmar Convent Matric Hr: Sec. School, [3-029 of om, Organic Compound oF nehrogen in the Compoure | | Jone 0-287 G Of Ailveachtoride | wos Sa - | in, the Comuas Methwdl-Gleulat ert ee | the perantage of Chbovine fn the Gace eed: | Cornpnurd | Temporahuoa T= 15+ 273 Weight, OF He Organic Brubstance +049 = 288 Ic Waight Gi Agel is =0.2879 Pressure P = 160 mm - 43-04 ey Agu Contains 365g of Porerttoge aN = 28XV, loo | | chlonne - 22100 W | | 0-287 0 Agel Contains SE, 0.287 = 28%201 , 100-7299 | 435 0.994 22400 359 | Uglies OEE BA pee coiege Gl i TE 425 0284 © 0-236 9 04 an Organic LL =24.56 - | Sama tenlaining C,H 26 I t rd, OP Combustion givesS0.27549| 4) 0-229 Of an, Organic. Cenapoara, a | afb heating with farming nityic acid Seiya onion o and baaium nthol. oystal in a | C)H.omd 8 in. tht Organic Saalrd tube game 0-469 % barium feared, Dessay 13-04 | gulphati - Determine the perortage | weight Ei ovanic OF. Salphua in rhe compoaind: oS Aubstemce cui)” 0 3Hbg-| Man 04 Aolution Substance taken =029 waight 8 walrrca) = 0-27549 Mas FF Casey formed 2 04 bbg Weight Of (0s) = o-bhgag « Melee trays 04 Basd, > 137432464 Poaitge BE tahoe, ey aaa Then mars Of O-4bbg OL Bakog na Pitta, wg Se2I17. 233 Ree 8 in D466 X32-X (00 eo a te Onl Sea 7 TS oa3yp 10 | pee eno. | eee |@In the estimation of nihigen Poreontage:. oF. Onygen | Prmaent in On organic cl by= Leo - (529174 13.042)= l00-L52) | Dumas methed 0-254 yielded = 34,197: ar netyOgth Ca SJAMUNA ise. Mp, MEd. pare aee ise ra PG Asst: in Chemistry ‘Tem pessurxe Culcdat the pononbae “towcata co Se Udumaipet 642184 @o.w. of om Organic arb. ‘ ; ic Compound Was lec we oobi tala oe (Ooze Celie, gowe 1,504 atiol -Formool wor protipitdleel | 0.597 9. cl Ha.Ps07 by theanalyis with Bock The mam oF Baso, was alee ie a ‘ 0-259 Find the pouentage 04 Sulphur’ sy Compound es Weight % Omanic Subaredi)=0bg 222 P-3) es Weighh af Baaium Aulphatitx)=0-259 Waight Of Oganiic Aubs face w)=0-29 Perontoge rf ulphan SE x x 100 Weight 21M 9,P.0,(x) =0-3979 . = = y 035 x00 Porcontage of Photphonous 2SBE OUD = ye 62 , 0-347, Sy X xloo= 52 x0 a 222 wxico 2 ae oes ieks et 322 0-33 0-10 ta = B0-04%/. (0-39 % on Crgaric Comprund ie Bretdahis Pala @orss g of on organic Compound oromonia £ just nouhalie when treated with CBrcHnds cred 3p mL Of ON Hy80y *Colewake the sine nichat. ane 09009 84 Silver Percentage of nitrogen inthe. Corgan. bromiole Calova. the 7. 4 brymint Waighet € Orgpnnic. Compound (w)-0.329 in ie Conpoletneng -Baupeeaey Shorgth babphuaic oud udev: o-W. Weight 4 Organic Substae (w)=0-1869 volume ® Sulphuric ceriol wind cy)=20m), Weight 04 Atlver Todids @)z 03209 . Bomb of ON Sullphuaic Guid = Som og Poxortoge 4 iodine = 80_ xX xj0o Fa MS iy Bs Ww | Poontage hitiogen = 30_ 4232 nrI00 | Resse es 235 O185 14X0.1K30 B ae sa — boss x03 /=A7- 0.109 Of orn Todo Substitute @o.244 ob nie Compound og compound gove ea ee”. cael que Foc of jadine ‘in the Compound) war, by the ul cel (Ag = (08,2 =127)* aaa inthe s wi a organic. dubstancel))=0-409 ‘ ie Compound mS Woghr ed Organi Weight 0 Ailver fodiole O1)=0:2369. waist of ig. Be, ae) Pononbage of iodine’=!27 xX x19 "SJAMUNA itse.0ii% mca. | _ jal, O25 \i00 235 WwW - "BG Asst. in Chemisiry eke gaie 2 Ot inna cient | 2229 84 MgpP,0+ Contains 629 oP 058259 64 Baba, Corains | Obb g Conains (25 x048)g 04 P Ponordage og p 62 x ot nico [02849 a on organic subetang OMe 0-287 Agel in a (aris method for the estimation of halogen « Fiel the Pomentage Pt. cl in the Compound - Weight 64 the nic aa yom 0284 F ° Wight. agehis = 02879 435g & Ag Contains 35:9 64 chlorine - | 0-287 % Agel Contains PER ORT, 435 0284 7. vd dulorine is 2235 0:287 100 435 0284 = 24-987 - Typ dn | een) Ostimedion oq Sulph by Corius method, 0.21759 oF the dubstarw gove 05825 4 | | Bado,* Coleulati the soe pteee 233 2s Pewartoge of § = 325 ©-B8x100 | of 233 0-275 026g ad ono orgpnic Composed awe 0-039 9) fe water ond jo! joxide en OAs Deon tajaslale the Parentage oC %H weight organic compo: 0249, woight wal = 0-0399 . woigid ed (Or + 02459 te fd buyclragen: - 13g of coaley contain 29 Porneentode 04, . corben'- AAY od co, ebntain 29 AC. 02459 04 CO, Cevdestins 12-4224 A+ ob compostti Sin | fon 7 & Corben Sia pose: A 026 | the ‘ | wight ed Organic Compeure) OnIbg - weight OF Beso o-5825 4 293.4 Dd Bosoy Contains 82g ads i = 25647 2 SJAMUNA ee MSc. M phil <—-PGAsst. in Chemisty Lourdematna onvent Matric Hr. So Sere wehamalpet 642 83 @ la. Calowob the enbopy ¢ Pests at Alp (eo)= —242 KJ ort! the ae total Soni chem Io | Wa eay+tagy—> COcat H2Dcw * ae Gerad Pro) Aye. Corby )py — secelont | in which 245 J of aad Fina» ; in | ot cea ck The, te the Hn > [Atl 0) + 2 crated — ot 25c: CAth C00) tarp cd] nade 2 THES 350k a | gare ae a 2 834913 > ae A Sso6-= aps seo amg Ort se Tig 35° | AS Ste = VE. oli | Tays Sob |. BSuniv3 ASS ese —or1 sK14 ogi. The Standard enthalpies formatron of $02 ond SOs -2471 Kjmet! and vely for the ¥ +140, —>SO2 - 396 Kinet! on? 8a + AW (502) = — 207 yreat™: SH (803)= - 29% KI mat! 802+ Lo, > S03 :Ath=? | | | \ | | | Atty = 396 Kirent = (-29-7kdenat HO). AW, = -39b Kimotog7- | AM’, 94 KS not!, [ii= aleulads Ave for che reaction | COacgy, + Haeqy —Y COcay HOw) given “thesk ANG for COs, 0%) nnd HyD@) arr —3935, -IN-31 ad 7 242 KI mat! qospochialy » AvF dy) = -3935 Ki nu?, AME Coo) = Ul3y Mey raat! AWY At coos toast Bava) M3) + (2429) -f-3935+q] = £3933 + 3235) 4H; = 40:19 ' wy Pt = 44018 KS mot Th = 12a 2127 +273 = 400K Te cate H4tt513 =320kK.. % efficiency b=? 2 Teche: ‘e a X100 = Ty a3 400-320 35 Ds eee EEE RO gS 400 = < ~ Brivo is = oO » |9= 207] |!3- 20-4 KI 15 neguived to meh one mote Bd ere The enhopy Galak Eset a | Addiare chloride .

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