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Hello Pretty Lady

Nice to meet you

Thank you for your kindly reply

I am very glad to meet a beautiful woman like you.

My name is Seok Jae-joon

What about you?

wow your name is very beautiful

i love your name.

Okay that's nice.

Where are you from?

Wow, you live in a very beautiful place.

You= I am from Busan, korea.

I live with my grandmother here in Busan
I am currently in Gwangju

My father owned a company there in Japan and he lived in Japan with my mother
before i was born, I lost my parents when i was 14 years old and i was raised by my
father's best friend ...
I relocated to America at the age of 21 for my studies, i just returned to Korea
some months ago.

how old are you

Wow, you look younger than your age

I am --- years old.

Are you married or single?

I am single, I break up with my

ex-girlfriend because she cheated
with a friend,I caught them in my bed.

Do you have children

thank you for having a conversation with me

Well, I know that we just met,

I would like us to be a good friend with

sincerity, Honest, trust and understanding.

because sincerity, honest, trust and

understanding are the keys
to a successful life.

What's your opinion about this?

Thank you for your kindly reply.
I promise I will never break your rules or
let you down in anyway.

actually i was trying to find new friend

when i came across your profile and i was
attracted by your beautiful face on your profile

What's your job?

Wow, your work is great.

I work as a fashion stylist.

I made suit for celebrities when i was Abroad

well actually i don't always have time to

come here due to the nature of my work

can we talk on Kakao talk or Hangouts?

I don't usually use Instagram due to

the nature of my job.

I would like to invite you to my intimate


Do you have hangout chat or Kakaotalk application on

your phone?

Thanks for connecting with me on the Kakaotalk

Kakaotalk format from Winning Nation

Honestly ,I feel good happy and love chatting with a pretty good like you

Please pretty, a question have you even had an online relationship before.

ANSWER:..... This is my first trying online dating.

reason why am online dating, is from a new relationship But the kind of woman am
for must be very well responsible, honest, caring, lovely, open minded.
As for the type of companion I desire, My Intentions on the online dating to meet a
very good lady regardless where he is from and it is rather
simple. Race, ethnicity, distance and physical appearance in general is
not my problem,


Tell me about yourself

I have good leadership qualities and am confident of myself. I�m able to keep a
calm and level head whenever I am in situations of stress. I would like to consider
myself someone who can relate to anyone and any culture and background. It allows
me to make very personal connections with everyone I meet. I am a kind-hearted
caring individual that looks out for others. I try to help in any way possible and
I am always looking out for my family. I have a good view on life and I am the
happiest I have ever been. I am fairly easy going. I am willing to help anyone at
any time. I do not like to be taken advantage of. I am an extremely determined
person. No matter what, I will push through limitations and adversity to try and
get what I want, and what is best for myself and those around me. Beyond that, I am
extremely compassionate and kind, and will do everything and anything for my
friends. I am a caring and intelligent person

1.what is your favorite color?

2.What is your favorite kind of flowers?
3.What is your favorite time of the years
4.What is the one thing you want most out of life?
5.What are the things you will not allow someone you would be with to do to you


1. I have one favorite color- Red and White

2.I love Rose flowers and Sun flower too

3.My favorite time of the year is Christmas

4.A special woman to treat me the same way I would treat her with respect and
honor. Is the one thing I would want out of life including a beautiful family

5.I don�t like my woman to be a liar and not been honest to me. Someone making fun
of someone else�s handicap or misfortune, people who say one thing and do something
entirely different,


Oh wow you have an attractive face and a charming eyes


Hi again

How are you and how is your day been my love

I must now confessed that you've brought back love

and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life. My heart had known only
emptiness until the moment i began to text exchange with you, and filled
my heart to overflowing with each heart warming contents of your letters,
jovial talks. your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile.
there are miles between us already, but I never stop thinking of you.

..I don't know how to approach this with you on line,I have been fighting a battle
within myself, my heart says I should tell you how I feel, but my head tells me not
to be stupid that it would just cause damage to our friendship and that you
wouldn't be interested.
Let me start by saying that I thank God since I met you. As you may have known, the
fountain of any relationship or Friendship must spring up in the mind.

It is very important for me to express to you how much i feel chatting with you
here. I wish I could do this in person while gazing into your eyes,but since we are
physically separated by miles of emptiness.

To me, you are first of all my friend and then...... something more greater in the
near future..... God willing. To be honest with you, I am really short of words
here, but one thing I do know is that I have the arms to give you a hug, ears to
listen to whatever you want to talk about through chat, and I have a heart, a heart
that is aching to see your smile. I would like to use this opportunity to say...I
am delighted to have met you.

Let her say

You have brought a change into my life and I want my life to be more
meaningful again and again. or keep thoughts of you out of my mind.
over and over again. cos a good thoughts of you always warm my heart.

To tell you more about me, I am an honest, kindhearted, hardworking person who does
need the support of a loving somebody. Ideally, l am someone who is confident in
what he want and who he is. We all face tough situations in our lives and we
sometimes tend to be mislead by it. A lot of times we often tend to give up. In
this life, I have chosen to give up numerous times but I am proud to say that I
have also chosen to stay strong and be patient all these years..... which has now
led to my finding you.

Let her say

Can you take my kids as yours if we are meant to be together?.... I love kids & I
treat all kids as if they are my own... I favor none but give my love & support to
them & try to be the godly man I am supposed to be.

Can you tell me more about yourself when you were a little girl?.... As far back
as I can remember I've always cared for people & had a big heart. I cared for
people even after they hurt me.

Let her say

What does it feel like when you realize that you are falling in love?.... I don't
know... never been in love like that.

Let her say

What would you consider a real fun thing for a couple to do together?.... Anything
that brings laughter to both people. What does it feel like to be pampered by
someone you love?... Again... I've never experienced this so I wouldn't know.

Let her say

Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your feelings?.... I'm a
person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep them
locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them & are there
to support & encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with the woman I love... it
makes my heart happy!
Let her say

Like i told you,...I need a woman for myself, I mean woman I can settle down with
once i return back from my contract .. A woman that will be there for me and I will
be there for her too. There is a smile of love, and there is a smile of Deceit, and
there is a smile of smiles, in which these two smile meet.

a smile is ever the most bright and beautiful with a tear upon it. What is the dawn
without the dew? the tear is rendered by the smile precious above the smile itself.

I want to meet a woman that is tolerance level and how far she can go in life , If
she is willing to stick around when the going gets tough and she will be there for
me and I will be there for her too when the going gets tough on us. If she will
still love me when I am falling apart.
As I mentioned earlier, I like to do things with the other significant person in my
life, but I also encourage her to go out and spend time with friends and pursue her
own interests and hobbies as well.

Let her say

I believe that time spent apart helps keep things fresh in a relationship and makes
the time we do spend together even better. I'm not one who cheats in a
But I also want to be in a relationship where I can totally trust the other person
and not dwell on how the relationship is NOT working.

Let her say

I DO NOT expect a woman to be a servant to me, spending all her time working and
and cleaning; I believe there is give and take in a relationship, and I realize
that at times it's more convenient for me to do laundry, cook, clean, and I have no
problem doing that because I believe and I have being thought by my Father that
it's also man's responsibility to do the house works and house chores as well.

Let her say

Well I hope that this lets you know a little about me, and I hope I don't come
across as being too cynical, harsh, or mean sounding.

I'm just asking you to keep it real and be honest from the beginning; that way,
nobody is wasting their time or getting their feelings hurt.
I also realize that at times two people are just too different to be in a
relationship together; it doesn't mean that it's anybody's fault, it's just that
they're too different to be compatible.
i want to know if you will disappoint me tomorrow, i am not here for game but here
for serious thing which will lead to marriage.

Let her say

We need time to talk to each other and get to know much more about each other,
There are lot of things we need to know about each other and I'm not a kind of man
that rush into relationship or marriage.
It takes time, time will tell and we have to wait for the lord timing.
I have to go now my love I will see you again ??????


happier than ever before... Looking back on when I first came on

internet... I don't know what happened to me whether I was crazy or just
lonely, all I know is I was sick of being deceived, mistreated, boredom

I didn�t know I could ever fall in love with you. All I know is that I felt a

connection on our first contacts, something I had never felt before which

at first made me feel uneasy, stupid and even a bit childish, which made

me go through all kinds of emotions as we eventually began text exchange

and finding out we had a lot in common. I felt like we had known each

other from an unknown past. Although, at first I was scared and a part

of me wanted to ignore and just believe that you were just someone who

was playing a mind game being that we were both behind the screen. I was

thinking I was crazy to have the feelings I was beginning to have for

you. I was really upset with myself and became very angry with the way I

was feeling. I didn't want to admit to you or anyone else that I was

falling for someone I had never actually met. I thought I was becoming

insane myself - damn it - I tried to fight these feelings off but they

were just too powerful for me to ignore! I tried to convince myself that

this can't be for real; that you couldn't REALLY be feeling the same as I

was... I was going insane!!! No matter how hard I tried - I just could

not fight the feelings I was having for you.

tried not to believe, because I was scared of being disappointed, but the

magnetism that I was feeling was so strong that I could no longer fight it

Our text excahnge became an everyday thing and the feelings just

would not go away no matter how hard i tried cos i will never forget what

you did in my life which it was quite unforgettable

I love you from now until death do us part.


Hi again
How are you doing my love?
How you day been, this day give much happiness since the day you came into my life

living so far away from each other and that's killing me, but I know in

my heart that you will do the right thing. and, you will try to get

things straight so we can live forever and spend a lifetime together. I

don't want to lose you for anyone else or anything that anyone has to say

against you. I want you to know that I love you from the deepest part of

my heart. My love for you is unconditional. My love for you is so strong

and the most powerful feeling that I have had in a long time, and I am

just at a lost for words when it comes to you. I just wish that there was

another way that we could be together without living so far apart right

at the time being. I want you to know that I love you and always will,

and there is nothing that will ever change how I feel about you. I love

you. I believe this would makes you believe my words... <smile> this

feeling of love that I hold within my heart for you runs deeper than any

ocean or sea; I just wish you could see how much you mean to me. If only

you could hold me, then maybe you would feel my love for you that burns

with a flame high enough to last. If only you could hear my heart beat,

then maybe you would understand the language of love with which it

speaks. If only i could kiss you then maybe you would taste my love for

you that's so sweet, and if only i could look into your eyes, the window

to my soul, then you would know that this is no lie!. So, if what you

feel for me is real and what you say is true, then with all my heart do I

trust thee. If you want me as your love as much as I want you as my love

then so be it.

My love and trust

is all I have to give to you, sealed with honesty throughout and as time

goes by, may it grow stronger to fulfill your heart's desire. if it

pleases you, call me your lover from this day forth and you're mine. for

your love am I and your best friend too. as our body, mind and soul

combine, so do our hearts become one

I take this as my declaration of love, from me to you. I love you, my

Knight, with all my heart and I will never stop loving you. You are my

life, you are my everything. Though distance may keep us apart at the

moment but i believe it's thing that could be crossed, Cos you will

always be embedded deep within my heart

Love I have to leave you now I hope you have a wonderful life

Format... You deserved this beautiful rose!

Hi again

How are you?

How�s your day been

My Love, am sending you this message to show my true feelings for you

and to let you know that you will always dwell in my heart forever and

ever... I just also believe in fate, cos God has done it already, it made

it known to me that fate is working on now. Once again, I am very

grateful for the way you love me back... I can't ever quit to thank you

for that... I know distance is the only problem we having now...

I don�t have more time I will return to my work now take care my love and I will
see you later


Hi Hun, Good morning. how was your night? guess fine!

keeping everything into myself, I do also have same feeling for you

heart towards you, I see that I can only love you more and more every


you seem to be my meaning for life and love. I love the way that you love

me, I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have you. my wish for you is

that you could feel all the passion and love that I carry around in my

heart and my soul for you. bet you, you have won my love and soul. you
have gotten it all, even my heart. you make me feel like I am in heaven

in the arms of an Angel at the mo. although, am really afraid as at

yesterday just of what if you disappointed me, but, you see, you've made

me be imagining what a life would be when we get together cos I would

like to do alots of things with you, like getting caught with you in the

rain. dance with you in the rain, Star-gaze on a clear night. watch the

sunset together. spend all day with you doing nothing. moonlit walks on

the beach. be more proud of you than I ever... go on a carriage ride

through the park. do a crossword together. go to brunch. have a

disagreement (it could/will only make the relationship stronger). go for

a twilight horseback ride. watch a bad movie together. have our picture

taken together. eat ice cream with you. make love to you passionately. go

to a museum together. talk to each other using only body language. give

you space when you need it. accept you totally and completely, discuss

current events in a heated debate. have you see the error of your ways

from afore mentioned heated debate and make mad? torrid love to you, in

the midst of all that passion. Carve our names into a wooden frame.. go

for a walk at dusk together. be one with you. spend all night thinking of

101 sweet things to do for you. hold you and gaze into your eyes and

realize how much I love you...with saying it softly, gently run my hand

across your cheek and look into your eyes. blindfold you and take you

somewhere romantic. spend my life making you happy. spend my life making

our family happy. feel your heartbeat. go roller/ice skating together.

give you a backrub just because. always being honest with each other. go

hiking/camping together. have our first fight, make up and feel a

stronger bond because we very successfully weathered the storm -

together. share a plate of spaghetti. give you a stuffed animal meat just

because we deserve it. go on a fun family vacation and bring back the

kind of memories movies are made of. treat you like my King. go on a road

trip across cities and villages and you taking me out to visit one of
your friends and somewhere else which yet I never been . count thunder

together during a thunderstorm

days' stresses and issues, with just one hug/kiss. grow old with you. and

spend the rest of my life with you till death do us apart. but I guess

you would said YES when we are both standing before the Rev. on our

wedding day when I will be asked Mr will you marry Miss as your

darling wife for better for worst, for joy and sorrows, in the time of

trivals, difficulties and happy moment" Cos, as for me, I'd loudly say

YES... believe me! I really found it hard putting these words together

to express myself this way but, it's never been boring when am imagining

things to do with you. I will rather die if I can't love you and be yours

forever... thanks for the way you love me... I pray God bless us

abundantly and lead us through the happy moments, difficulties

will never hurt you or let you down and I want you to do same to me... I

know you never know how much glad you've brought into my life and am

really glad that I fallen in love with you, someone who will cares about

my privacy and respect it. I do never know what I can say to show my

profound gratitude, but I pray God let you understand and feel it the way

I want(Amen). Stay blessed and God will grant all your request and make

us successful lovers through our life time(Amen). Hun, Have a nice

wonderful day at work and be thinking of me as I will also do same

here.Can't really wait till will meet you someday soon hopefully at the


for me, i don't care about where or

the place to live

i can live in any place around the world

but i would like to live in korea

If you could be a character in any movie,

what role would you like to play?


The first one is at my school in America

We started studying together to the last level of the school,
we both wrote the final exam together


Actually i didn't tell you i had a contract with a company 2 years ago in Italy ,
After i worked for the company they couldn't pay me ...
My paycheck was three million dollars ($3,000,000),It is about 3,501,780,000.00 in
Korean won

They couldn't pay me due to the issue of the Corona virus, I got an email from them
last month telling me that they will contact me soon to come take my paycheck and
they also congratulated me on my new fashion company under construction.

I was so happy to hear from them ,i can't wait for them to call me very soon for my
paycheck . I am planning on buying a new house in Busan and also many new
peoperties like Cars and other luxury things too


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