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I understand that you’re asking for examples of aspects of a family, school, and

organization that one might want to know more about. Here’s an example for each
in a tabular form:

Group Aspect Reason for Inquiry

Communication To understand how family members interact

patterns and express their thoughts and feelings.

To understand how the curriculum supports

School Curriculum design
student learning and development.

To understand how leadership impacts team

Organization Leadership style
dynamics and performance.

Sure, I can provide examples of aspects you might want to know more about
through inquiry or research for a family, a school, and an organization. Here’s a
table with some examples:

Group Aspect for Inquiry Aspect for Research

Understanding the family’s Studying the family’s genealogy

daily routines and habits. and ancestry.

Asking about the school’s Researching the school’s history

extracurricular activities. and its impact on the community.

Inquiring about the Researching the organization’s

Organization organization’s culture and market position and competitive
values. landscape.

Inquiry typically involves asking direct questions to gain information, while

research is a more formal, systematic process of discovering new information or
compiling existing knowledge. Both are valuable methods for learning more about
a group or organization. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other
Of course, I’d be happy to help with that. Here’s the corrected version of your text:

 In my family, the setup could involve the roles and responsibilities in

household chores. My sibling and I have different chores to finish early. We
also value quality time, where we share how our day went and support each
other in times of happiness and sadness.
 In a school, the setup could involve the teaching methods. In our school,
most of the teachers and students use Technology-Integrated Classrooms.
Tools like Smartboards and tablets are used to enhance the learning
experience. Interactive lessons, multimedia presentations, and online
resources are integrated into the curriculum.
 In an organization, like the eco-friendly organization I am a member of at
our school, we serve as role models for other students to maintain the
cleanliness of the school.

As for the aspects of each group that I want to know more about through inquiry or
research, I am interested in understanding better the aspects of the school setup. I
plan to do this through asking questions (inquiry) and through more formal
investigation (research). I will present my answers to these questions in a tabular

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Sure, I understand that you’re interested in learning more about the setup of your
school through both inquiry and research. Here’s an example of how you might
structure your inquiry and research questions in a table:

Group Aspect for Inquiry Aspect for Research

How are technology and

What is the history and evolution of
multimedia integrated into the
School technology use in the school’s
curriculum and teaching
curriculum and teaching methods?
Inquiry questions are often more immediate and practical, asking about the current
state of things. Research questions, on the other hand, often require more in-depth
investigation and might look at historical trends or broader impacts. I hope this
helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Group Setup Inquiry Research

Family The setup involves the roles How are What is the
Group Setup Inquiry Research

and responsibilities in
household chores. My
sibling and I have different
impact of
chores to finish early. We
chores divided quality time on
also value quality time,
in the family? family
where we share how our day
went and support each other
in times of happiness and

The setup involves the

teaching methods. Most of
the teachers in our schools
and us, the students, use
How effective What are the
classrooms. Tools like smart
are experiences of
boards and tablets are used
School technology- students and
to enhance our learning
integrated teachers with
experience and make it
classrooms? this setup?
easier. The curriculum also
incorporates online
resources, multimedia
presentations, and interactive

What is the
What are the
We serve as role models for impact of the
Eco-friendly best practices
other students to maintain organization
Organization for promoting
the cleanliness of the school. on student

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