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1. Which of the following options is used to display information such a title, page number
of the document?

a. Auto Correct
b. Header and Footer B
c. Thesaurus
d. Cover page
e. Insert Table

2. In Microsoft powerpoint, in order to see all the slides on one screen you must use
a. Reading view
b. Notes page view
c. Slide sorter view C
d. Outline view
e. Slide show

3. Which one is the result of the output given by a computer

a) Data
b) Instruction C
c) Information
d) Excursion

4. What are the uses of the internet

a) Communication D
b) Information Retrieval
c) Presentation of Information
d) All of the Above

5. Animation-like effects that happen when you move from one slide to the next during
a presentation
a. Slide Transition
b. Slide Animation A
c. Custom Transition
d. None of the above

6. Which among the following is not an internet browser:

a) Netscape Navigator
b) Chrome C
c) Drupal
d) Opera

7. You can email if you want to remember it is important, and this also puts the
email into a special folder for easy access
a) Star
b) Draft A
c) Label
d) Reply

8. Which of the following function will concatenate two cells with a space?
a. =CONCATENATE(B1, " ", C1)
b. =CONCATENATE(B1, ", ", C1)
c. =CONCATENATE(B1, "-", C1)
d. A and B
e. A, B and C

9. What’s the name of the program or service that lets you view e-mail messages ?
(a) Web browser
(b) E-mail clients B
(c) E-mail id
(d) Internet

10. We access the World Wide Web (WWW) using:

(a) Internet
(b) Search engine
(c) Browser
(d) Instant messaging applications
(e) High bandwidth
11. Microsoft Word is a……….Application.
a. Spreadsheet
b. Database E
c. Productivity Software
d. Word Processing
e. C and D
12. In Microsoft powerpoint in order to see all the slides on one screen use
f. Reading view
g. Notes page view D
h. Outline view
i. Slide sorter view
13. Which of the following function will concatenate two cells with a space?
f. =CONCATENATE(A1, " ", B1)
g. =CONCATENATE(A1, ", ", B1) D
h. =CONCATENATE(A1, "-", B1)
i. A and B
14. Peripheral devices are auxiliary (supporting) equipments used by computer for
a. Input and output
b. Storage D
c. Communication

15. Write T for correct answer or F for incorrect answer

i) An animation is a special effect that applies to a single element on a slide such as text,
a shape, an image, and so on. T
ii) Cover page is an organized listing of your document’s, chapters, sections and often
figures labelled by pages numbers. F
iii) Autofill allows preprogrammed lists, as well as custom lists, to be easily added to a
spreadsheet. T
iv)Before exiting Publisher, we should not close all the publications. F
v) A transition is the special effect that occurs when you exit one slide and move on to
the next during a presentation. T
vi)Ctrl +P is normally used to point the selected item F
vii) OneDrive is the Microsoft cloud service that connects you to all your files. It lets
you store and protect your files, share them with others, and get to them from anywhere
on all your devices. T
viii) Worksheet is a single file that contains one or more workbook organized by rows
and columns F
ix)A Template is a tool used in Publisher to help us easily create basic publication.
x) . pub,.dosx and .xlcx are extensions used to save a publication, wordprocesor and
spreadsheets F
xi)Application Software aids the user and the hardware to function and interact with each
other. F
xii) Windows 10, Android, Mac O/S they are all provide recurring services to other
programs T
or to the user of a computer.
xiii) Secondary storage is temporary and permanent storage is primary. F
xiv) The two major types of software are systematic and applicant software. F
xv) Application Software aids the user and the hardware to function and interact with
each other. F
xvi) Virus software is a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete
viruses from a computer. F
xvii) Cover page is an organized listing of your document’s, chapters, sections and
often figures labelled by pages numbers. F
xviii) Autofill allows preprogrammed lists, as well as custom lists, to be easily added to
a spreadsheet. T
xix) Operating system is a collection of integrated computer programs that provide
recurring services to other programs or to the user of a computer. T
xx) ROM is a fast temporary type of memory in which programs, applications and data are
stored F
xxi) Ctrl + X is normally used to copy the selected item F
xxii) .docx and. xlsx are file extensions used in MsPowerpoint F
xxiii) If a computer loses power, all data stored in Random Access Memory is lost

16. Fill in the gaps

i) Publisher enables us to produce quick publications by using Wizards
ii) To view additional features within each group, click the dialog box launcher (arrow)
at the bottom of each Right corner or group
iii) Quick Access Toolbar displays the Save, Undo, and Repeat buttons and is used for
easy access to frequently used commands
iv)Open-Source Software is available to users with the source code so that user can
freely distribute and modify the software and add additional features to the software
v) Publisher is an application software used to design and produce attractive
advertising and promotional material.
vi) Each tab in Microsoft office programs contains Groups and commands
vii) PowerPoint is a graphical presentation program used to organize and present
viii) Ribbon contains multiple tabs, which you can find near the top of the Word
ix) Surface charts allow you to display data across a 3D landscape. They work best with
large data set, allowing you to see a variety of information at the same time.

x) Passwords shall not be inserted into email messages or other forms of electronic
xi) Thumbnail or Slide Navigation Pane allows you to easily move from one slide to
another or to rearrange (by dragging) the order of your slides
xii) Information and Communication Technologies refers to all communication
technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, computers,
software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking, and other media
applications and services enabling users to access, retrieve, store, transmit, and
manipulate information in a digital form.
xiii) Information comprises processed, organized data presented in a meaningful
xiv) Microcomputers are small, low-cost and single-user digital computer
xv) Password Is a string of characters used to verify the identity of a user during the
authentication process.

17. Explain 17 useful keyboard shortcuts commands.

Windows logo key Open the Start menu

Alt + Tab Switch between open programs or windows
Alt + F4 Close the active item, or exit the active program
Ctrl + S Save the current file or document (works in most programs)
Ctrl + C Copy the selected item
Ctrl + X Cut the selected item
Ctrl + V Paste the selected item
Ctrl + Z Undo an action
Ctrl + A Select all items in a document or window
F1 Display Help for a program or Windows
Windows logo key + F1 Display Windows Help and Support
Esc Cancel the current task
Ctrl + I Italicize your text
Ctrl + B Make your text bold
Ctrl + U Underline your text
Ctrl + P Print a document or page.
Ctrl + Y To reverse your last Undo

18. To process the input data according to the instructions, the computer uses the CPU.
Briefly explain three (3) main parts of Central Processing Unit
i) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): Executes all arithmetic and logical operations.
Arithmetic calculations like as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Logical operation like compare numbers, letters, or special characters.
ii) Control Unit (CU): Controls and co-ordinates computer components
iii) Registers: Stores the data that is to be executed next, "very fast storage area"

19. Differentiate the following

i. Worksheet and workbook
Worksheet is a single spreadsheet that contains cells organized by rows and columns,
whereas Workbook is an Excel file that contains one or more worksheets. Each of
the workbook's worksheets are in separate tabs on the bottom of the Excel window.
By default, a new Excel workbook will contain one or three worksheets.
ii. Download and Upload
Downloading is a process in which the files are copied from a web server to a client
machine/smaller peripheral unit, such as a computer, smartphone or other device,
whereas Uploading is a process in which a client machine / smaller peripheral unit,
such as a computer, smartphone or other device transmits the data to store it on a
web server.
iii. Spacebar and backspace key
Spacebar Key: It is the longest key on the keyboard. It is used to give space
between letters, words, numbers etc, whereas Backspace Key: It is just like an
eraser. It is used to erase anything typed in the left side of the cursor.
iv. Copy and cut command
Cut command removes the selected data from its original position, while the copy
command creates a duplicate; in both cases the selected data is kept in temporary
storage (the clipboard). The data from the clipboard is later inserted wherever a
paste command is issued.
v. MS word and MS publisher

MS word: It is designed for writing documents, add page numbering, table of

contents, indexes, references, footnotes and annotations

MS publisher: It is designed for creating brochures, newsletters and greeting cards

that have graphically rich content and requires precise positioning of text and

vi. Input and output device

Input devices: An input device is a peripheral used to transfer data from the outside
world into a computer system. In other words, it is any machine that feeds data into
a computer. Example keyboard and mouse, scanners, microphones, USB drives, and
webcams or Cameras, Microphone, Barcode reader, Joystick.
Output devices : Is any peripheral that is connected to a computer and used to
transfer data out of the computer in the form of text, images, sounds or other media
to a display screen (monitor), printer, speaker etc. Other examples of output devices
are; Plotters, Projector.
vii. Digital and Analog Computer
A digital computer uses distinct values to represent the data internally. All
information are represented using the digits Os and 1s. The computers that we use at

our homes and offices are digital computers.

Analog computer is another kind of a computer that represents data as variable

across a continuous range of values. The earliest computers were analog

computers. Analog computers are used for measuring of parameters that vary

continuously in real time, such as temperature, pressure and voltage. Analog

computers may be more flexible but generally less precise than digital computers.

Slide rule is an example of an analog computer.

viii. Computer Hardware and software

Computer hardware refers to any part of your computer that has a physical structure
or components such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard
disk drive (HDD), system unit (graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and
chips), etc. all of which are physical objects that can be touched
Software: Is any set of instructions that tells the hardware or computer what to do.
Or instructions that makes the computer or hardware work. It is what guides the
hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task. Software is held either on your
computer’s hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD etc. and is loaded (i.e. copied) from the disk
into the computers RAM (Random Access Memory), as and when required. Software
can be a system software or application software.
ix. Primary and secondary storage
A primary storage device is a medium that holds memory for short periods of time
while a computer is running. Although it has a much lower access time and faster
performance, it is also about two orders of magnitude more costly than secondary

A secondary storage device refers to any non-volatile storage device that is internal
or external to the computer. It can be any storage device beyond the primary storage
that enables permanent data storage.

x. Restart and shuts down options

Restart temporarily shuts down the computer and starts it again while shut down
completely powers off the computer.
xi. Software and Hardware
Software: Is any set of instructions that tells the hardware or computer what to do.
Or instructions that makes the computer or hardware work. It is what guides the
hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task. Software is held either on your
computer’s hard disk, CD-ROM, DVD etc. and is loaded (i.e. copied) from the disk
into the computers RAM (Random Access Memory), as and when required. Software
can be a system software or application software. While Hardware: is the collection
of physical elements that constitutes a computer system. Computer hardware refers to
any part of your computer that has a physical structure or components such as the
monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard disk drive (HDD), system unit
(graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips), etc. all of which are
physical objects that can be touched
xii. Save and Save As
Save allows us to update the last saved version so that it will match with the current
working version and that last saved work will be updated with the new work.

Save As allows us to save our work for the first time and also it will ask for in what
name it will be saved and where it will be saved.

20. List five (5) characteristics of computer

1. Speed: The computer can process data very fast, at the rate of millions of instructions
per second. Some calculations that would have taken hours and days to complete
otherwise, can be completed in a few seconds using the computer. For example,
calculation and generation of salary slips of thousands of employees of an organization,
weather forecasting that requires analysis of a large amount of data related to
temperature, pressure and humidity of various places, etc.

2. Accuracy: Computer provides a high degree of accuracy. For example, the computer
can accurately give the result of division of any two numbers up to 10 decimal places.

3. Diligence: When used for a longer period of time, the computer does not get tired or
fatigued. It can perform long and complex calculations with the same speed and accuracy
from the start till the end.

4. Storage Capability: Large volumes of data and information can be stored in the
computer and also retrieved whenever required. A limited amount of data can be stored,
temporarily, in the primary memory. Secondary storage devices like floppy disk, Hard
disk, flash disk and compact disk can store a large amount of data permanently.

5. Versatility: Computer is versatile in nature. It can perform different types of tasks

simultaneously or at a time. At one moment you can use the computer to prepare a letter
document and in the same moment you may play music or print a document. Computers

21. What do you understand by the term Computer Application.

Computer Application: Is the use of computer/technology to perform various task.
Example the use of application software on a computer which include word processing,
spreadsheets, databases, desktop publishing, the Internet, and the Windows operating

22. Create an excel formula for the following cells

i. C2 that will sum the data in cell B2 to the data in A2


ii. E5 that will substract the contents of E4 from Cell E3


iii. D6 that will multiply the contents of B5 and C5


iv. A2 that will divide the contents of B3 and B5


23. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided.
S/N List A List B
1 Software such as operating system, device driver, A. Hardware
firmware that aids the user and the hardware to function B. Input device
and interact with each other. C. Input function
2 Any hardware such as Track ball, Scanner, Keyboard, D. Output device
Joystick that allows a person to enter data and give E. Computer
instructions to a computer. F. Server
3 A device that accepts data from the user, processes it, G. System software
produces results, displays them to the users, and stores H. Aplication software
the results for future usage. I. Operating system
4 The actual equipment in a computer that you can see
and touch
5 Word processors, spread sheet, presentation, database,
multimedia, graphics and web browser are software’s
that help users in completing their tasks

24. Match the items in List A with the responses in List B by writing the letter of the correct
response beside the item number in the answer sheet provided


i) Two or more computers that are connected in order to A. Output devices

share information and resources B. Random Access Memory
ii) Software that is the “master controller” of the computer
iii) Printer, monitor and speaker that displays data from a C. Operating system
computer to a user D. Spreadsheet
iv) Software application that provides a way of organizing, E. Virus
calculating, and presenting numeric information F. Network
v) Memory used to temporarily store programs and data G. Windows
H. Software
I. Input devices

i) ii) iii) iv) v)

25. Computer is used in business to perform various actions or activities. Briefly explain the
usage of computer in Wildlife Tourism and Conservation. (Select your field and give two
(2) points).

26. Explain three (3) parts or areas available in normal view, when you open MS Powerpoint
i) Thumbnail/slide navigation pane
Allows you to easily move from one slide to another or to rearrange (by dragging) the
order of your slides
ii) Slide pane
Contains the current slide in your presentation. You can use the vertical scroll bar to view
other slides in the presentation.
iii) Notes pane
Is located below the slide pane and is used to type reference notes.
27. List any six (6) tabs found in MsWord .
i) Home
ii) Insert
iii) Design
iv) Layout
v) References
vi) Mailings
vii) Review
viii) View and
ix) EndNote X5.
28. Explain six (6) types of charts that can be used to illustrate your data graphically
i) Colum chart: Use vertical bars to represent data. They can work with many different
types of data, but they're most frequently used for comparing information
ii) Line chart: Are ideal for showing trends. The data points are connected with lines,
making it easy to see whether vales are increasing or decreasing over time.
iii) Pie chart: Make it easy to compare proportions. Each value is shown as a slice of the
pie, so it's easy to see which values make up the percentage of a whole.
iv) Bar chart: Work just like column charts, but they use horizontal rather than vertical
v) Area chart: Are similar to line charts, except the areas under the lines are filled in
vi) Surface chart: allow you to display data across a 3D landscape. They work best with
large data sets, allowing you to see a variety of information at the same time

29. Explain any five (5) functions available in Ms Excel

a) SUM: This function adds all of the values of the cells in the argument.
b) AVERAGE: This function determines the average of the values included in the
argument. It calculates the sum of the cells and then divides that value by the number of
cells in the argument.
c) COUNT: This function counts the number of cells with numerical data in the argument.
This function is useful for quickly counting items in a cell range.
d) MAX: This function determines the highest cell value included in the argument.
e) MIN: This function determines the lowest cell value included in the argument.

30. Explain eleven (11) features available in Microsoft Word Interface.

a) File Menu: The File tab will bring you into the Backstage View. The Backstage
View is where you manage your files and the data about them – creating, opening,
b) saving, inspecting for hidden metadata or personal information, and setting options.
c) Ribbon: An area across the top of the screen that makes almost all the capabilities of
d) Word available in a single area.
e) Tabs: An area on the Ribbon that contains buttons that are organized in groups. The
f) default tabs are Home, Insert, Design, Layout, References, Mailings, Review, View
g) and EndNote X5.
h) Title Bar: A horizontal bar at the top of an active document. This bar displays the
i) name of the document and application. At the right end of the Title Bar is the
j) Minimize, Maximize and Close buttons.
k) Groups: A group of buttons on a tab that are exposed and easily accessible.
l) Dialog Box Launcher: A button in the corner of a group that launches a dialog box
m) containing all the options within that group.
n) Status Bar: A horizontal bar at the bottom of an active window that gives details
o) about the document.
p) View Toolbar: A toolbar that enables, adjusts, and displays different views of a
q) document.
r) Zoom: Magnifies or reduces the contents in the document window.
s) Quick Access Toolbar: A customizable toolbar at the top of an active document. By
default the Quick Access Toolbar displays the Save, Undo, and Repeat buttons and is
used for easy access to frequently used commands. To customize this toolbar, click
on the dropdown arrow and select the commands you want to add.
t) Tell Me: This is a text field where you can enter words and phrases about what you
want to
do next and quickly get to features you want to use or actions you want to perform. You can

also use Tell Me to find help about what you're looking for, or to use Smart Lookup to

research or define the term you entered.

31. Explain four (4) essential functions of Operating System

i) Resource Management: An operating system manages a collection of computer
hardware resources by using a variety of programs. It manages computer system
resources, including its CPU, primary memory, virtual memory, secondary storage
devices, input/output peripherals, and other devices.
ii) Task Management: The function of the operating system that controls the running of
many tasks. It manages one program or many programs within a computer system
simultaneously. That is, this function of operating system manages the completion of
users' tasks. A task management program in an operating system provides each task and
interrupts the CPU operations to manage tasks efficiently. Task management may involve
a multitasking capability.
iii) File management: This is a function that manages data files. An operating system
contains file management programs that provide the ability to create, delete, enter,
change, ask, and access of files of data. They also produce reports on a file.
iv) User Interface: It is a function of an operating system that allows users to interact with
a computer. A user interface program may include a combination of menus, screen design,
keyboard commands. A well-designed user interface is essential for an operating system
to be popular. Because of the function, users can load programs, access files, and
accomplish other tasks.

32. Explain four (4) types of operators in Excel

i) Arithmetic operators: These operators are used to perform basic mathematical
operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Example =A2+B2,
=A2-B2, =A2*B2, =A2/B2.
ii) Comparison (logical) operators: These operators are used to compare two values. The
result of the comparison is always a logical value of TRUE or FALSE. Example =A2=B2,
=A2<>B2, =A2>B2,= A2<B2, =A2>=B2, =A2<=B2
iii) Concatenation operator - These operators are used to join two or more text strings in a
single string. Example =CONCATENATE (text1/value1, [text2/value2], …), =
=CONCATENATE (A1, B1), =CONCATENATE (A1, " ", B1), =A1&B1, =A1&" "&B1
iv) Reference operator - These operators are used to make rages and separate arguments in
Excel functions. Example =AVERAGE(A1:A00), =SUM(A:A), =IF(A1>0, "good",
"bad"), =B3:D3 C2:C4
33. Write the formulas used in cell C2, C3 and C4 to get the telephone numbers
combined with the country codes

=A2&” “&B2
=A3&” “&B3
=A4&” “&B4
34. Explain the use of excel in wildlife conservation

i) Calculating and Budgeting. Excel can help in calculation and prepare budget
ii) Inventory tracking. Excel can help to keep employees, wildlife animals etc
iii) Planning. Can be used to create planning documents to help monitor conservation
iv) Project management. Used to create various charts for wildlife project management.
v) Daily Progress Report. Excel is also helpful in creating a daily progress report. Most
of the companies track their daily progress with the help of excel.
vi) Data Analysis. Data analysis is one of the most emerging fields in the business
perspective. The business needs to perform various operations on the data. Excel
offers the filter function, which is quite handy for the data analyst to understand the
vii) Managing Office Operations. Managing office transactions can be quite a headache
sometimes. This is especially if the transactions are large. MS Excel helps you keep
track of clients transactions, calendars appointments, plans and schedules.
viii) Data Organisation. Microsoft Excel comes in to help wildlife managers
organise data in in a more tidy and systematic manner. This organised data can be
accessed and utilised more easily. Furthermore, it can also be used to analyse things
like the rate of growth of the company.

35. Based on the diagram below, explain four (4) major functions of a computer

Input function : Computer does nothing until a user (or a script or a program) provides
the data that needs to be processed and the instructions that tell it how to process the data.
Any standard device or component that a user uses to instruct a computer is known as the
standard input device. In other words, a computer uses its input devices or components to
get instructions from a user.
Process function : Once the data and instructions are received, the computer starts the
processing function. In this function, a computer processes the received data according to
the instructions. To process the input data according to the instructions, the computer uses
the CPU where by ALU used to executes all arithmetic and logical operations. Arithmetic
calculations like as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Logical operation
like compare numbers, letters, or special characters. Control Unit (CU): Controls and co-
ordinates computer components. Registers : Stores the data that is to be executed next,
"very fast storage area"
Storage function This function allows us to save the processed data for later use. To store
data and information, a computer uses two types of storage components: temporary and
permanent. Temporary storage components are used to store data temporarily. Data stored
in a temporary storage component is erased when the system is shutdown.
Output function: After processing the input data, the CPU, auxiliary processor, or the
process function sends the processed data to the output function or to the default or
configured output device. By default, computers use monitors as the default output device.

36. Briefly explain four (4) classification of Computer

i) Microcomputers: They are often called personal computers (PCs) because they are
designed to be used by one person at a time. Personal computers are typically used at
home, at school, or at a business. Popular uses for microcomputers include word
processing, surfing the web, sending and receiving e-mail, spreadsheet calculations,
database management, editing photographs, creating graphics, and playing music or
games. Personal computers come in two major varieties, desktop computers and
laptop computers:
ii) Minicomputers. A minicomputer is a multi-user computer that is less powerful than
a mainframe, It is capable of supporting from ten (10) to hundreds (100) of users
simultaneously. This class of computers became available in the 1960’s. It is more
expensive and more powerful than microcomputers. It is used for scientific and
engineering computations, business-transaction processing, file handling, and
database management. Minicomputer referred to as small or midsize servers.
iii) Mainframe Computers: A mainframe computer is a large and powerful computer.
It is capable of supporting from 100 to thousands (1000) of users simultaneously.
Mainframe computer became available in 1964. Users connect to the mainframe using
terminals and submit their tasks for processing by the mainframe.
iv) Supercomputers: A supercomputer is a mainframe computer that has been optimized
for speed and processing power. Extremely fast computer that can perform hundreds
of millions of instructions per second. Supercomputers are used for extremely
calculation-intensive tasks such simulating nuclear bomb detonations, airplane and
spacecraft aerodynamics, global /worldwide weather patterns, oil and gas exploration,
aerodynamic flows etc. A supercomputer typically costs several million dollars.
37. Label the following parts of Microsoft Word Interface.

38. Label the following parts of Microsoft powerpoint Interface

39. Identify input and output devices from the images below

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