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Date of Birth: 31 Oct 2007

Report: 2021-2022 Report 2 Date: 14 Jun 2022
報告: 2021-2022 報告二 日期:
Student Name: LIN, Zi Chuan Student ID: 14619008
姓名: 林子川 學號:
Class: G08 Water 1 Tutor: WYNNE, Francis James
班別: 八年級水社(一) 導師:

Summary of Achievement 學生成績概覽

Report 1 報告1 Report 2 報告2
Overall Commitment to Overall Commitment to
Subject 學科 Achievement Learning Achievement Learning
整體成績 學習態度 整體成績 學習態度

G08 Arts 八年級表演及視覺藝術 7 ME 7 ME

G08 Chinese Language and Literature 八年級中文語言及文學 5 ME 6 ME
G08 Design 八年級設計 7 ME 7 ME
G08 English Language and Literature 八年級英文語言及文學 6 ME 7 ME
G08 Individuals and Societies 八年級個體與社會 6 ME 6 ME
G08 Mathematics 八年級數學 6 RI 5 ME
G08 Physical and Health Education 八年級體育和健康教育 6 ME 6 ME
G08 Sciences 八年級科學 6 ME 6 ME
G08 Chinese Humanities LL* 八年級中國人文語言及文學* 5 ME 5 ME
MYP and Chinese Humanities Total
54 55
Mean Scores for MYP and Chinese Humanities
6.00 6.11
*Non-MYP course 非中學預科項目學科

CTL Scale Assessment Criteria Total 總分 Overall Achievement

學習態度等級 3 Criteria 3標準 4 Criteria 4標準 整體成績
EE Exceeds Expectations 21+ 28+ 7
超出預期 17+ 24+ 6
Mr. Nicholas Forde
ME Meets Expectations 13+ 19+ 5 Secondary Principal
達到預期 10+ 15+ 4 中學校長
RI Requires Improvement 7+ 10+ 3
有待改進 4+ 6+ 2
0+ 0+ 1

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IB Learner Profile Student Self-Assessment 8 Virtues + 1 Student Self-Assessment
學習者培養目標學生自評 八德一智學生自評

Strength 優項 Risk-taker Strength 優項 仁Ren

Development 目標 Balanced Development 目標 愛Ai

Service Reflection 服務反思:

At the beginning of this Academic Year, my goal for Service Action was to represent the Water House in all inter-house
activities and try my very best to contribute as much as I could. Now, upon reflection, I can say that I have partially
achieved this goal because I did participate in 2 events, but unfortunately, I couldn't make it to all of them due to covid
reasons and my time management. There were some events during the weekends, and I didn't have enough time to
attend all of them. So instead, I just participated by volunteering in weekday activities, such as the Metal House week
charity event. The Service Action outcome in which I learned the most was in the Metal House week program, since
when I did a lot of research into metal and plastic recycling with the rest of the house representatives and scored second
place in the final Kahoot testing our knowledge on the topic. Moving forward, one Service Action outcome I would like to
focus on is the charity events, which I will implement by setting up stalls in upcoming events and raising money for charity
instead of just simply donating.

Tutor Comment 導師評語 (WYNNE, Francis James):

Zi Chuan continues to be a valued member of Water 1 and has done well to meet the challenges brought on by the
pandemic. Within the tutor group, Zi Chuan tends to be quite quiet, but it is good to see that he has nevertheless forged
some strong friendships with his peers. In our one to one conversation, I was happy to learn that Zi Chuan has made
much progress towards the targets he set for himself at the beginning of the year. Academically, though Chinese remains
an area to focus on, his first trimester report card suggested he was making good academic progress across the board. In
order to improve, he recognises the benefits of talking more in class to promote active learning, and hopefully doing so
more will help to push his CTL even higher. It was also great to see him volunteer to represent the tutor group in a
workshop about recycling during Metal House week. Though online learning has undoubtedly made life more
challenging, Zi Chuan has shown a commitment to remaining focused on his studies and also an awareness of the
importance of continuing to exercise and maintain an active, balanced lifestyle. Looking ahead to next year, I hope the
transition to Grade 9 will give Zi Chuan even more opportunities to pursue areas of interest and play an active role in the
school community. I would also be very pleased to see him running for a leadership position, such as Tutor Rep, as he
clearly has a lot to offer. Overall, I hope Zi Chuan is proud of his achievements this year and I look forward to following
his progress in the months and years to come.

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Subject: G08 Arts
學科: 八年級表演及視覺藝術
Teacher 老師: FULLERTON, Craig David / HULL, Andrew Geoffrey / SCHEER, Bob Robert Frederick

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Knowing and understanding 8 7 7
B Developing skills 8 7 7
C Thinking creatively 8 7 7
D Responding 8 7 7
Total 總分 32 28 28

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

7 ME

Subject: G08 Chinese Language and Literature

學科: 八年級中文語言及文學
Teacher 老師: ONG, Mei Tyng / TSENG, Christine Yi Ting

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Analysing 分析 8 6 6
B Organizing 組織 8 5 6
C Producing text 創作文本 8 4 6
D Using language 運用語言 8 5 6
Total 總分 32 20 24

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

6 ME

Subject: G08 Design

學科: 八年級設計
Teacher 老師: JONES, Mathew Paul

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Inquiring and analysing 8 7 7
B Developing ideas 8 7 7
C Creating the solution 8 7 7
D Evaluating 8 8 8
Total 總分 32 29 29

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

7 ME

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Subject: G08 English Language and Literature
學科: 八年級英文語言及文學
Teacher 老師: GALLIE, Ian James

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Analysing 8 5 7
B Organizing 8 7 7
C Producing text 8 7 7
D Using language 8 6 7
Total 總分 32 25 28

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

7 ME

Subject: G08 Individuals and Societies

學科: 八年級個體與社會
Teacher 老師: HINCHMAN III, Richard Warlen

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Knowing and understanding 8 6 6
B Investigating 8 6 6
C Communicating 8 6 6
D Thinking critically 8 6 6
Total 總分 32 24 24

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

6 ME

Subject: G08 Mathematics

學科: 八年級數學
Teacher 老師: DICK, Alexander Robert John

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Knowing and understanding 8 6 5
B Investigating patterns 8 5 5
C Communicating 8 7 6
D Applying mathematics in real-life contexts 8 6 6
Total 總分 32 24 22

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

5 ME

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Subject: G08 Physical and Health Education
學科: 八年級體育和健康教育
Teacher 老師: WONG, Hoi Tik Heidi

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Knowing and understanding 8 6 6
B Planning for performance 8 5 6
C Applying and performing 8 7 6
D Reflecting and improving performance 8 7 6
Total 總分 32 25 24

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

6 ME

Subject: G08 Sciences

學科: 八年級科學
Teacher 老師: SHEAD, Helen Jennifer

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Knowing and understanding 8 5 6
B Inquiring and designing 8 6 6
C Processing and evaluating 8 7 7
D Reflecting on the impacts of science 8 6 6
Total 總分 32 24 25

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

6 ME

Subject: G08 Chinese Humanities LL*

學科: 八年級中國人文語言及文學*
Teacher 老師: XU, Xiaodan

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 1 Report 2

評估標準 最大值 報告1 報告2
A Knowing and understanding 認識與理解 8 5 5
B Investigating 調研 8 5 4
C Communicating 交流 8 6 5
D Thinking Critically 批判性思考 8 6 5
Total 總分 32 22 19

Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning

整體成績水平 學習態度

5 ME

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Subject 學科: Inter Disciplinary Unit
Teacher 老師: HINCHMAN III, Richard Warlen

In MYP, interdisciplinary learning is the process by which students come to understand knowledge from two or more
disciplines and integrate this knowledge to create new understanding. In each grade level students participate in at least
one formal interdisciplinary unit. The objectives of interdisciplinary units are to analyse disciplinary knowledge and
evaluate interdisciplinary perspectives (Criterion A); create a product that communicates a purposeful interdisciplinary
understanding (Criterion B); reflect on the development of their own interdisciplinary learning and discuss how it enables
action (Criterion C).
Area(s) of Strength Zi Chuan is able to analyse by explaining factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge.
Zi Chuan is able to justify how their product communicates interdisciplinary knowledge.
Area(s) for Growth To discuss how their new interdisciplinary understanding enables action.

Assessment Criteria & Overall Achievement Levels 評估標準及整體成績

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 2
評估標準 最大值 報告2
A 8 6
B 8 5
C 8 5
Total 總分 24 16
Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning
整體成績水平 學習態度

5 ME

Description of the Unit 單位說明

This interdisciplinary unit involved a combination of Science and Individuals and Societies. In Science students explored
microbes and bacteria. In Individuals and Societies they studied life during the Industrial Revolution in Nineteenth-
Century Britain. Students then synthesised their disciplinary grounding, explaining the causes of a communicable
disease in a location today and the ways in which scientific methods were used to solve this. For their summative task,
students pick a location with a communicable disease today and identify the changes and continuities in causes and
solutions from the past to the present.

Product: a comparison poster that shows the changes and continuities for a location with a communicable disease today

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Subject 學科: Inter Disciplinary Unit
Teacher 老師: WONG, Hoi Tik Heidi

In MYP, interdisciplinary learning is the process by which students come to understand knowledge from two or more
disciplines and integrate this knowledge to create new understanding. In each grade level students participate in at least
one formal interdisciplinary unit. The objectives of interdisciplinary units are to analyse disciplinary knowledge and
evaluate interdisciplinary perspectives (Criterion A); create a product that communicates a purposeful interdisciplinary
understanding (Criterion B); reflect on the development of their own interdisciplinary learning and discuss how it enables
action (Criterion C).
Area(s) of Strength Zi Chuan is able to create a product that synthesizes disciplinary knowledge to communicate
強項 effectively purposeful interdisciplinary understanding.

Zi Chuan is able to discuss the development of their own interdisciplinary learning.

Area(s) for Growth To analyse by explaining factual, conceptual and procedural knowledge.

Assessment Criteria & Overall Achievement Levels 評估標準及整體成績

MYP Assessment Criteria Max. Level Report 2
評估標準 最大值 報告2
A 8 5
B 8 5
C 8 4
Total 總分 24 14
Overall Achievement Commitment to Learning
整體成績水平 學習態度

5 ME

Description of the Unit 單位說明

Grade 8 students will combine their work in PHE and Mathematics. They will have an entire day to research, plan and
design a smoothie for a target group, with chosen ingredients and a corresponding nutritional deck. Ideally, they will
make the smoothie at home and add a personal reaction to their reflection. They should be able to synthesise the tasks
and note how Mathematics and PHE relate to each other.

Product: Smoothie recipe with corresponding nutritional deck.

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