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Failure is a scary thing, but what’s even more mortifying is the fact that most people have never

themselves to be vulnerable enough to experience it. They don’t know what it’s like to love something
with all your heart, to be so infatuated that you are ready to take every single risk as long as you can
amass what you desire. Failure is beautiful, it symbolizes human spirit because it is only humans that
have the ability to dream of something, and then work for it; it is only humans who put their hearts and
their souls and everything there is to give just so they could have a simple taste of what they want and
that’s hauntingly beautiful, because you can find this trait of yearning, that we share everywhere.
Everybody you’ve ever met probably has this big dream they’ve been working towards or dreaming of
ever since they were old enough to think and we do that because, since the dawn of time, when humans
first appeared they survived, but most of all they were ambitious. We have been created to strive for
more and to make something of ourselves through our abilities and our intense passion we are driven
beings and that is one of the sole reasons why we are where we are. From people who lived in caves to
people who live in buildings 330 feet tall and we couldn’t have gotten here, typing on our phones,
driving our cars, traveling, without progression, ambition and failure because wherever there is success
it’s always because of failure.

-zainab aon

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