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There are several ways to establish connections with the world that are beyond the scope of my

imagination. The garments we wear and the tunes we listen to serve as conduits that link us to
individuals and locations throughout the globe. As I started reflecting, I questioned whether it is
necessary to communicate or have relationships with other people just to be connected with them or
with the world.

Upon reflection, I have not conversed with my relatives residing overseas for a considerable
time. However, I still have a sense of connection with them. Perhaps this is because there are times
when it is unnecessary for us always to be close to maintain a sense of connectedness.

Furthermore, there are those that you often encounter but have no affiliation or relationship
with. However, this allows you to establish a feeling of connection with the locations where they live. By
scrolling through their accounts, blog postings, and other content, I am able to visually see and establish
a connection with locations I have yet to be in person.

In the contemporary day, individuals don't need to have personal acquaintance or physical
contact to have a feeling of connection. Sometimes, there are shared attributes among individuals. Our
culture, the contemporary advancements in technology, and other related factors. Basically, people are
interconnected in all facets of our existence, however, we often fail to acknowledge this due to its
infrequent occurrence in our thoughts.

Based on this, I am certain that I have a strong network of connections with the entire world.
Not only do I connect with my relatives living overseas and the friends I engage with, but also with
individuals whom I have not yet met or may never meet, but who have commonalities in numerous
aspects of our life.

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