Universal Declaration Against Toxic Pollution

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**Universal Declaration Against Toxic Pollution**

Recognizing the intrinsic value of a healthy environment and the universal right to
clean air, water, and soil, we affirm the need to protect our world from the dangers of
toxic pollution.

**Article 1: Right to a Healthy Environment**

Every individual is entitled to live in a healthy environment free from toxic pollutants
that endanger health, well-being, and ecological balance.

**Article 2: Prevention and Reduction**

Governments and industries must adopt preventative measures and cleaner
technologies to minimize the generation and release of toxic pollutants.

**Article 3: Responsible Management**

Ensure safe and sustainable management of toxic substances and waste, prioritizing
reduction, reuse, and recycling to minimize environmental impact.

**Article 4: Public Participation and Access to Information**

Citizens have the right to be informed about toxic pollution, participate in
decision-making processes, and access justice in environmental matters.

**Article 5: Restoration and Remediation**

Commit to restoring and rehabilitating environments affected by toxic pollution,
ensuring ecosystems are returned to their natural state, wherever possible.

This declaration calls upon global cooperation to combat toxic pollution, emphasizing
the need for action at all levels of society to safeguard the planet for future

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