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EE462: AI Enabled

Digital Communications
Week # 5


• Signal Space and Vector Representation of Signals

• Receiver Design
• Match Filter

The contents of this material are based on

• Chapter 3, Sklar, B., 2001. Digital communications (Vol. 2, p. 1011). Upper Saddle
River, NJ, USA:: Prentice hall.

Signal Space
• What is a signal space?
• Vector representations of signals in an -dimensional orthogonal space
• Why do we need a signal space?
• It is a means to convert signals to vectors and vice versa.
• It is a means to calculate signal energy and Euclidean distances between signals.
• Why are we interested in Euclidean distances between signals?
• For detection purposes: The received signal is transformed to a received vectors. The
signal which has the minimum distance to the received signal is estimated as the
transmitted signal.

Signal Space
Transmitted signal
 2 (t ) alternatives
s1  (a11 , a12 )

 1 (t )
z  ( z1 , z 2 )
Received signal at
matched filter output
s 3  (a31 , a32 )

s 2  (a21 , a22 )

Signal Space
• To form a signal space, first we need to know the inner product between two
signals (functions):
• Inner (scalar) product:

 x(t ), y (t )  
x (t ) y (t )dt
= cross-correlation between 𝑥(𝑡) and 𝑦(𝑡)

• Properties of inner product:

 ax(t ), y (t )  a  x(t ), y (t ) 
 x(t ), ay (t )  a *  x(t ), y (t ) 
 x(t )  y (t ), z (t )  x(t ), z (t )    y (t ), z (t )  5
Signal Space
Euclidean Distances
• The distance in signal space is measure by calculating the norm.
• What is norm?
• Norm of a signal:

x(t )   x(t ), x(t )   x(t ) dt  E x
= “length” of x(t)
ax(t )  a x(t )

• Norm between two signals:

d x , y  x(t )  y (t )

• We refer to the norm between two signals as the Euclidean distance between two signals.
Signal Space
Example of distances in signal space

Signal Space
Basis Functions

Signal Space
Example of an orthonormal basis

Signal Space
Linear Combinations (as in Fourier Series)

Signal Space

Signal Space
Example of projecting signals to an
orthonormal signal space

Signal Space
Gram-Schmidt procedure
• To find an orthonormal basis functions for a given set of signals,
the Gram-Schmidt procedure can be used.
• Gram-Schmidt procedure:
• Given a signal set si (t )iM1 , compute an orthonormal basis  (t ) j
j 1

1. Define  1 (t )  s1 (t ) / E1  s1 (t ) / s1 (t )
i 1
2. For i  2,..., M compute di (t )  si (t )    si (t ), j (t )   j (t )
If d i (t )  0 let  i (t )  di (t ) / di (t ) j 1

If d i (t )  0 , do not assign any basis function.

3. Renumber the basis functions such that basis is  1 (t ), 2 (t ),..., N (t )
This is only necessary if d i (t )  0 for any in step 2.
Note that NM 13
Signal Space
Example of Gram-Schmidt procedure

Find the basis functions and plot the signal

space for the following transmitted signals:

Demodulation and Detection
Baseband Signal
mi Pulse g i (t ) Bandpass si (t )
Format M-ary modulation
modulate modulate
i  1,, M
transmitted symbol hc (t )
estimated symbol n(t )
Format Detect
m̂i z (T ) & sample r (t )

• For demodulation we often consider baseband signal transmission,

• Detection is unaffected by heterodyning
• Passband signals are heterodyned to baseband signals at the detection of symbols.
• Equivalence theorem:
• Performing bandpass linear signal processing followed by heterodyning the signal to the baseband,
yields the same results as heterodyning the bandpass signal to the baseband , followed by a baseband
linear signal processing. 15
Demodulation and Detection
Baseband Signal
mi Pulse g i (t ) Bandpass si (t )
Format M-ary modulation
modulate modulate i  1, , M
transmitted symbol hc (t )
estimated symbol n(t )
Format Detect
m̂i z (T ) & sample r (t )

Major sources of errors:

• Thermal noise (AWGN)
• disturbs the signal in an additive fashion (Additive)
• has flat spectral density for all frequencies of interest (White)
• is modeled by Gaussian random process (Gaussian Noise)
• Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI)
• Due to the filtering effect of transmitter, channel and receiver, symbols are “smeared”. 16
Demodulation and Detection
Baseband Signal

hc (t )   (t )  0.5 (t  0.75T )

Demodulation and Detection
Receiver tasks
• Demodulation and sampling:
• Waveform recovery and preparing the received signal for detection:
• Improving the signal power to the noise power (SNR) using matched filter
• Reducing ISI using equalizer
• Sampling the recovered waveform
• Detection:
• Estimate the transmitted symbol based on the received sample

Demodulation and Detection
Receiver tasks
Step 1 – waveform to sample transformation Step 2 – decision making

Demodulate & Sample Detect

z (T ) Threshold m̂i
r (t ) Frequency Receiving Equalizing
down-conversion filter filter

For bandpass signals Compensation for

channel induced ISI

Received waveform Baseband pulse

Baseband pulse Sample
(possibly distored)
(test statistic)

Demodulation and Detection
Steps in designing the receiver
• Find optimum solution for receiver design with the
following goals:
1. Maximize SNR
2. Minimize ISI
• Steps in design:
• Model the received signal
• Find separate solutions for each of the goals.
• First, we focus on designing a receiver which maximizes the

Demodulation and Detection
Design the receiver filter to maximize the SNR

• Design the receiver filter to maximize the • Simplify the model: Received signal in

Demodulation and Detection
Matched filter receiver
• Matched Filter is a linear filter designed to provide maximum SNR.
• Assumption is that s(n) is known

Demodulation and Detection
Example of matched filter

Demodulation and Detection
Matched filter receiver

Now, suppose s1 is transmitted, then

where Rs1(t-T) and Rns1(t-T) are the

autocorrelation and the cross-correlation,
respectively. 24
Demodulation and Detection
Matched filter receiver


• If s1 and s2 are orthogonal (This is the case for orthogonal detection of FSK, PSK, as we will
see later), Then Rs1s2(0)=0, and Rns1(0)=0 if the signal and the noise is uncorrelated with
zero mean.
• Same thing for Rns2(0)=0.
• If they are not, then
• Similarly, if s2(t) is transmitted, then
Demodulation and Detection
Matched filter receiver

If s1 and s2 are not orthogonal, or we

could not design a “perfect” matched
filter, then we let

The decision rule is where is defined

as follows, by the designer.
Demodulation and Detection
Correlator receiver

Bank of M correlators s 1 (t )
T z1 (T )
 z1 
r (t )    z z Correlators output:
s  M (t )   Observation vector

T zM 
0 z M (T )

z  ( z1 (T ), z 2 (T ),..., z M (T ))  ( z1 , z 2 ,..., z M )
zi   r (t )si (t )dt i  1,..., M
0 27
Demodulation and Detection
Error Performance and
Calculating the Bit Error Rate (BER)
BER is determined by the average number of errors in transmitting a long bit stream,

Demodulation and Detection
Error Performance and
Calculating the Bit Error Rate (BER)

Demodulation and Detection
Error Performance and
Calculating the Bit Error Rate (BER)

Demodulation and Detection
Computing Noise Variance of AWGN

The spectral density at the output of the

matched filter is

where E is the energy per

bit. It is denoted Eb.

Error probability Performance of Binary signaling
1. Unipolar signaling

s1(t) – s2(t) = A and r(t) = s1(t) + n(t).


Notice that a2(T) = 0. The threshold is

Notice that the average bit energy is Eb = A2T/2 and the energy
difference signal Ed = A2T. The probability of error is given by
2.Bipolar Signaling

The energy difference Ed is given by:

Where the average energy per bit is Eb = A2T.


Bit Error probability, PB



-5 3 dB


0 5 10 15
Eb/N0 in dB
The Basic SNR Parameter for
Digital Communication Systems
In analog communication, we are familiar with average signal power to average noise
power ratio (S/N or SNR).
In digital communication, we often use Eb/N0, a normalized version of SNR. Eb is bit
energy. N0 is the noise power spectral density. Let Tb and Rb be the bit time interval
and bit rate, respectively. Then


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