5s Assignment

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5s At My Desk!
Sort (Seiri) :
Go through your belongings and
decide what you need and what
you don’t. : Here, I am deciding
what I what I’d need for writing
home works at my desk.

Set in Order (Seiton) :

Organize the items you’ve decided to
keep in a way that they are easy to
find and access. : Here, I am
organizing my writing tools for
writing home works at my desk.

Shine (Seiso) :
Regularly clean your space to
maintain a pleasant living
environment. : Here, I am dusting
off my desk using a poly wool

by : Jamela Nickole V. Septimo (9-Andromeda)

5s At My Desk!
Standardize (Seiketsu) :
Making a checklist or a set of routines
for maintaining the order and
cleanliness of your home. : Here, I am
making a checklist for a cleaning
schedule/routine for the whole

Sustain (Shitsuke) :
Implement habits and routines to
keep up with the first four S's over
time. : Here, I am implementing the
cleaning schedule/routine for the
whole month on my desk.

Importance of 5s :
Whether it's a house or office, improving effectiveness,
security, and general productivity requires the application
of the 5S methodology .It eliminates clutter, enhances
organization, and promotes a clean, disciplined
environment, leading to better productivity, safety, and a
culture of continuous improvement.

by : Jamela Nickole V. Septimo (9-Andromeda)

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