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Prepared by: Marlon Alexis Pantaleon Date:

I. Objectives
After this lesson, with 90% accuracy, the pupils are able to:
a. describe body actions (walking, standing, sitting);
b. demonstrate body actions (walking, standing, sitting); and
c. observe proper body actions (walking, standing, sitting).
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Body Actions (Walking, standing, sitting)
B. Reference:
 K to 12 Curriculum Guide PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Department of
C. Materials:
 Laptop, projector, printed papers
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
B. Motivation
 The pupils will play a game called “Pop Corn” that the teacher will
host. The teacher will ask questions after playing the game.
C. Lesson Proper
 The teacher will discuss the different body actions (walking, standing,
sitting) and demonstrate how properly perform each actions.
D. Application
 The teacher will command the pupils to do each body actions (walking,
standing, sitting) and check if each of them are performing it properly.
E. Generalizaton
 The pupils will share in fornt of their classmates what they learn during
the lesson.
F. Evaluation
 The pupils will be provided with printed papers:
Test 1. Observe the pictures shown below and determine what
body action (walking, standing, or sitting) is being performed.
Encircle the correct answer from the choices given beside the
Test 2. Observe the pictures shown below and determine if the
body actions (walking, standing, and sitting) are being
performed properly or improperly. Write P if the body action is
done Properly and write I if the body action is done Improperly.

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