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WRIT151: Report on a questionnaire survey

Your report assignment contains the following sections. In what follows, examples of each
section are provided. These come from two different reports: one on subliminal messages
(Introduction and Method section) and one on nursing assistants (Results and Discussion).1

Communicative purpose of each section

Introduction Introduce the topic/provide background to the topic
(± 300 Define important terms/ideas in the topic.
words) Review previous literature (i.e. the readings), ensuring that you use in-text
referencing as outlined in the WRIT151 referencing guidelines.
Outline the purpose/aims/research question of the report
Method Describe the participants
(± 150-200 Describe the questionnaire.
words) Describe the procedure of collecting the data.
Results Describe the results of your questionnaire survey, by stating your findings in words;
(± 250 also include the percentage of respondents in any category.
words) It is not necessary to report on all questions in the questionnaire. Select questions
with interesting findings (± 3 of them). It may help to identify a few themes
and to report on each theme in turn.
Include tables or graphs to display the questions you choose to discuss.
Discussion Analyse (explain) your findings (main patterns that you see in the results and possible
(± 300 reasons for these patterns).
words) Discuss the implications (significance of what you found).
Link your findings to the readings – do your findings agree with the ideas in the
Link your findings to your purpose/research question as stated in the Introduction.
Discuss the limitations of your study. (Was there anything that might have made your
findings unreliable? How you would improve the survey or survey methods if
you did it again?).
References Use the WRIT151 referencing guidelines to reference you sources. Put the references
at the end of the report

The reports come from: The Michigan Corpus of Upper-level Student Papers. (2009). Ann
Arbor, MI: The Regents of the University of Michigan.

Example of Introduction
On the other side of the page is an example of the Introduction section of a report. The writer
reports on a study about subliminal messages are messages that we are not consciously aware
of, that might, for example, be added to advertisements to make us want to buy the product].
The ideas that the author has included in this Introduction are outlined on the right of the
Subliminal message effects on self-esteem

Introduction The writer introduces the

We've all heard of subliminal messages and their power to topic
make you crave certain foods and have certain preferences. Sentence 2 introduces
the idea that we are not
However, whether or not subliminal messaging is actually effective is
sure if subliminal
still controversial. The research is mixed on if and when subliminal messaging works.
messaging works. It is important to understand if this phenomenon is Sentence 3 states that
really effective and if so at when and in what specific situations it the topic is important.
works. …
One study looked at subliminal messaging in television The writer reviews
commercials and its impact on preferences for certain products. research by Smith
Participants were shown commercials with subliminal messages and (1994). The writer
mentions Smith’s
with no messages. This study showed a small but significant increase
findings. The writer tells
in subjects' intention to use the product with subliminal messaging us what Smith’s
compared to no messaging (Smith, 1994). This shows that even findings show (their
though small, there is an effect of subliminal messaging on implications).
The writer reviews a
Another study examined the effects of subliminal messaging
study by Orbach (1994)
on reducing anxiety. It tested participants of different levels of self- The writer mentions
identity and the ability of subliminal messages to reduce anxiety in Orbach’s findings. The
these different groups. It found that all groups had reduced anxiety writer tells us what
with the presentation of a certain symbiotic subliminal messages that Orbach’s findings show
said “Mommy and I are one.” (Orbach, 1994) This study shows that it (their implications).
is possible to change not only one's preferences but one's mental Sentence 1 outlines the
state as well with the use of subliminal messaging.… aims of the writer’s
In this study the effects of subliminal messaging on self- report.
esteem …were measured. We predict that presenting subliminal Sentence 2 states the
messages to enhance … self-esteem will increase … subjective ratings writer’s expectations
of self-esteem about what the findings
of the study will be.

References We see that the writer

Orbach, I., Shopen-Kofman, R., & Mikulincer, M. (1994). The impact of provides the full reference
subliminal symbiotic vs identification messages in reducing at the end of the report
anxiety. Journal of Research in Personality, 28, 492-504. for each of the studies
Smith, K. H., & Rodgers, M. (1994). Effectiveness of subliminal that are discussed in the
messages in television commercials: two experiments. Journal of introduction
Applied Psychology, 79(6), 866-874.

The language features that the writer has used in the report Introduction are outlined to the
right of the Introduction below. This shows when the writer has used present tense or past
tense, and when the writer has chosen to use active voice (he ate his lunch) or passive voice (his
lunch was eaten (by him)).
Subliminal message effects on self-esteem

Introduction The writer uses present

We've all heard of subliminal messages and their power to tense to talk about
make you crave certain foods and have certain preferences. general truths.
However, whether or not subliminal messaging is actually effective [The writer uses present
is still controversial. The research is mixed on if and when perfect (we have heard) to
subliminal messaging works. It is important to understand if this talk about something
phenomenon is really effective and if so at when and in what that started in the past
specific situations it works. … and is still continuing]
One study looked at subliminal messaging in television
commercials and its impact on preferences for certain products. You can use past tense
Participants were shown commercials with subliminal messages (looked, examined) to
and with no messages. This study showed a small but significant review literature
increase in subjects' intention to use the product with subliminal especially when talking
messaging compared to no messaging (Smith, 1994). This shows about the method and
that even though small, there is an effect of subliminal messaging findings of the literature
on preferences. (showed, were shown,
Another study examined the effects of subliminal tested, found). You can
messaging on reducing anxiety. It tested participants of different use present tense (Shows,
levels of self-identity and the ability of subliminal messages to is) to talk about the
reduce anxiety in these different groups. It found that all groups application of the study,
had reduced anxiety with the presentation of a certain symbiotic which the writer regards
subliminal messages that said “Mommy and I are one.” (Orbach, as scientific truth.
1994) This study shows that it is possible to change not only one's
preferences but one's mental state as well with the use of Use present tense

subliminal messaging.… (predict) and future tense

In this study the effects of subliminal messaging on self- (will increase) to discuss
esteem …were measured. We predict that presenting subliminal aims/purpose of your
messages to enhance self-esteem will increase subjective ratings study
of self-esteem The writer uses passive
voice (were measured) to
avoid personal language

The ideas to include in the Method section of a report.

Subliminal message effects on self-esteem


Participants The writer describes

the people who
Fourteen subjects participated in this experiment. The participants were all
participated in the
undergraduate students…
The writer describes
A pre-survey was given to participants which contained questions from the the survey and the
Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale as well as irrelevant diversion questions about video used to collect
humour. A post-survey was also given which contained comparable the data.
questions. The video used was a five minute and twenty second clip from a
Seinfeld episode.

Apparatus The writer describes

the equipment used
The computer used was a Dell Opiplex GX620. A Sharp Notevision was used
to project the video onto a projection screen. The video was edited to add
to test the
subliminal messages by a student majoring in film. effectiveness of
Procedure messages.

The experiment was between subjects. Half the participants were in the
subliminal condition and half were in the non-subliminal or control
condition. The two conditions were exactly the same except for the The writer describes
presentation of the subliminal messages within the video for the subliminal the procedure in the
group. Participants were first asked to take a piece of paper from a bag. order in which it
The paper contained the number one or two which assigned them to one of
happened. Enough
the two groups. All surveys were placed at a seat in the room. Then

participants entered the room and were asked to take a seat at one of the detail is provided for
seats with a survey… Participants were asked to take one to fill out the the reader to be able
survey. Participants were told to turn over the survey when finished. Upon to repeat the
completion, surveys and pencils were collected by an experimenter. A short procedure if they
video clip was then shown. For the subliminal group a subliminal message
wanted to.
was inserted into the video which flashed the phrase “I am wonderful” five
times at intervals throughout the video… At the conclusion of the video clip
a second post-survey was passed out to participants…

The language features of the Method section

This example of a Method section shows when the writer has used past tense, and when the
writer has chosen to use active voice (he ate his lunch) or passive voice (his lunch was eaten (by



Fourteen subjects participated in this experiment. The participants

were all undergraduate students…


A pre-survey was given to participants which contained questions The writer writes
from the Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale as well as irrelevant diversion impersonally by using
questions about humour. A post-survey was also given which passive voice (was given,
contained comparable questions. The video used was a five minute was used, was edited, were
and twenty second clip from a Seinfeld episode. told, were collected). The
writer wants to avoid
Apparatus saying ‘I gave the pre-
survey to participants…’; ‘I
The computer used was a Dell Opiplex GX620. A Sharp Notevision edited the video…’.
was used to project the video onto a projection screen. The video But the writer uses the active
was edited to add subliminal messages by a student majoring in film. voice when the person or
thing that is doing the
Procedure action is not the writer. (e.g.
Fourteen subjects
The experiment was between subjects. Half the participants were in
participated, The
the subliminal condition and half were in the non-subliminal or
participants were; The video
control condition. The two conditions were exactly the same except
was; The paper contained
for the presentation of the subliminal messages within the video for
the subliminal group. Participants were first asked to take a piece of etc.)
paper from a bag. The paper contained the number one or two which Past tense is used

assigned them to one of the two groups. All surveys were placed at a throughout the Method
seat in the room. Then participants entered the room and were section, as the writer is
asked to take a seat at one of the seats with a survey… Participants talking about something
were asked to take one to fill out the survey. Participants were told that happened in the past.
to turn over the survey when finished. Upon completion, surveys and
pencils were collected by an experimenter. A short video clip was
then shown. For the subliminal group a subliminal message was
inserted into the video which flashed the phrase “I am wonderful”
five times at intervals throughout the video… At the conclusion of the
video clip a second post-survey was passed out to participants…

The ideas we should include in the Results sections of a report.

Because the Results section for the ‘Subliminal message effects’ report is very short, the Results
section from another report is shown below instead. This report is written by a Nursing student
and is about nurses’ satisfaction with the assistance provided to them by ‘nurse techs’. Nurse
techs are unlicensed nursing assistants (who are not fully qualified as nurses). They are
employed to help the nurses because of the shortage of qualified nurses. The author of the
report used a questionnaire to investigate the nurses’ satisfaction.

Registered Nurse Satisfaction with Nurse Technician Delegation

The findings about the techs work were mostly positive. The The topic sentence of
graphs presented to the nurse leadership team are noted in the this paragraph states
attached Graphs 1-11. Nearly two thirds of the respondents felt the overall trend of the
the techs fulfil their responsibilities almost all or all of the time results: they were
(see Graph 2). Two thirds also responded that the techs never or
mostly positive. The
almost never require constant supervision (see Graph 3). 70% of
2nd sentence refers the
the respondents stated that the techs work goes unfinished
never or almost never (see Graph 4). Just over half of the nurses reader to the graphs of
surveyed said they were almost always or always satisfied with results. Each of the
how the techs prioritized tasks delegated to them (see graph 5). other sentences in the
Over 75% stated they were also almost always or always satisfied paragraph reports on a
with the clinical bedside care the techs perform (see Graph 6). finding from the
The most surprising data was regarding how often the nurse questionnaire. Each
delegates a task to a tech (see Graph 1). Nearly 60% responded one is displayed in a
that they almost never or only sometimes delegate work to the
graph. In the last two
tech to complete.
sentences the writer
comments on an

unexpected finding.

The second paragraph

The responses for how comfortable a registered nurse is reports on some less
delegating tasks to techs (see Graph 7) was less reassuring. positive trends in the
Nearly a quarter of the responses were rated close to the
“strongly disagree” statement; stating they disagree that they
are comfortable delegating work. Only 65% of the nurses
In the last sentence,
answered that they strongly felt knowledgeable about which
the writer concludes
tasks can and cannot be delegated to someone else, as well as
having a clear understanding of the role of the tech on the unit. with the overall trend
It was very apparent that the staff nurses also felt there was not that the nurses who
enough tech support on every shift; almost 90% answered this completed the
way. Overall, the majority of respondents did rate the questionnaire were
performance of the tech to be very good. happy with the techs’
performance overall.

[note the above

organisation into
trends is just one way
to do this – you may
decide another
organisation is better
for your data.]

The language features of the Results section

This example shows when the writer has used past or present tense, and when the writer has
chosen to use active voice (he ate his lunch) or passive voice (his lunch was eaten (by him)).

Registered Nurse Satisfaction with Nurse

Technician Delegation
The findings about the techs’ work were mostly The writer uses the past tense for
positive. The graphs presented to the nurse verbs describing the nurses’
leadership team are noted in the attached Graphs 1- responses (felt, responded, stated,
11. Nearly two thirds of the respondents felt the said, answered). The writer also
techs fulfil their responsibilities almost all or all of
uses the past tense for actions that
the time (see Graph 2). Two thirds also responded
happened in the past (e.g. there
that the techs never or almost never require
constant supervision (see Graph 3). 70% of the was not enough tech support).
respondents stated that the techs’ work goes
unfinished never or almost never (see Graph 4). Just The writer uses the present tense
over half of the nurses surveyed said they were for generalisation about the techs’
almost always or always satisfied with how the work or the nurses’ work (e.g. the
techs prioritized tasks delegated to them (see graph techs fulfil their responsibilities;
5). Over 75% stated they were also almost always or the nurse delegates a task; techs’
always satisfied with the clinical bedside care the work never goes unfinished)
techs perform (see Graph 6). The most surprising
data was regarding how often the nurse delegates a The writer uses the passive voice
task to a tech (see Graph 1). Nearly 60% responded when she/he wants to avoid
that they almost never or only sometimes delegate mentioning him/herself (e.g. ‘The
work to the tech to complete.
graphs are noted in the attached’,
The responses for how comfortable a registered rather than ‘I note the graphs in
nurse is delegating tasks to techs (see Graph 7) the attached’). The writer also used
were not quite as reassuring. Nearly a quarter of the the passive in ‘the nurses felt
responses were close to the “strongly disagree” knowledgeable about which tasks
statement; stating they disagree that they are can be delegated to someone else’.
comfortable delegating work. Only 65% of the Here it is obvious that the people
nurses answered that they strongly felt
doing the delegating are the
knowledgeable about which tasks can and cannot
be delegated to someone else, as well as having a nurses, because they have been
clear understanding of the role of the tech on the mentioned earlier in the sentence.
unit. It was very apparent that the staff nurses also The writer avoided the repetition
felt there was not enough tech support on every we see in ‘the nurses felt
shift; almost 90% answered this way. Overall, the knowledgeable about which tasks
majority of respondents did rate the performance the nurses can delegate to
of the tech to be very good. someone else’

The ideas we should include in the Discussion section of a report.

Several recommendations can be made on how to use this The topic sentence indicates
data to improve the unit. It was obvious the nurses felt that that the writer will make
there were not enough techs working each shift. Due to the recommendations based on
unit expansion, it is actually realistic to hire more techs for
the implications of his/her
the unit, which the unit is already in the process of doing.
The unit is also redesigning the orientation process for the findings. In sentences 2 and
newly hired techs. Currently, there is no tech working on the 3 the writer makes a
day shift. It is suggested that one of the well-respected techs recommendation about
of the unit that normally works nights could switch shifts to hiring more techs. In
orient a new hire on the day shift. This way, a new hire can sentences 4-9 a
learn how to schedule and time manage their day. The
recommendation is made
experienced tech could share their experience of how they
earned the respect and trust of the staff nurses. Earning the based on the finding that the
respect and trust of the nurses is key for the nurses to feel nurses don’t like to delegate
comfortable delegating tasks. tasks to the techs.

There are a couple of reasons why the nurses do not feel

comfortable delegating tasks. Currently, there are no
In this paragraph the writer
descriptions of the nursing work techs can accomplish in
hospitals (Minnick, Mion, Johnson, & Catrambone, 2007). It discusses in greater depth the
may be because nurses do not know what tasks the techs finding that nurses don’t
can do. It was suggested that a display be made of what the like to delegate tasks. The
nurses absolutely cannot delegate to the techs. Seeing the writer suggests that the
information presented this way will show them the work
reason might be that the
that the tech is capable of performing. By knowing the limits
of what can be delegated, a job will not be delegated nurses don’t know what the
outside the techs arena of job specifications. techs can do. The writer
makes a recommendation to
A limitation of this survey is that currently there are only improve this
three techs and they work on the night shift. The survey
would be better suited to be completed by the night shift
The topic sentence indicates
nurses. Because it was easier we asked the day shift nurses
to complete the survey. On several days we did ask the night that the writer will discuss
nurses to complete the survey, but it could have been done limitations of their survey in
more often. this paragraph.

The language features of the Discussion section

This example shows when the writer has used past or present tense, and when the writer has
chosen to use active voice (he ate his lunch) or passive voice (his lunch was eaten (by him)). It
also shows when the writer has used modal verbs (e.g. recommendations can be made)

Several recommendations can be made on how to use The writer uses the past tense to
this data to improve the unit. It was obvious the nurses talk about the actions they took
felt that there were not enough techs working each
(we asked) of the observations
shift. Due to the unit expansion, it is actually realistic to
hire more techs for the unit, which the unit is already in they made (it was obvious) in
the process of doing. The unit is also redesigning the their research (which happened
orientation process for the newly hired techs. in the past).
Currently, there is no tech working on the day shift. It is
suggested that one of the well-respected techs of the The writer uses the present
unit that normally works nights could switch shifts to tense when they are making
orient a new hire on the day shift. This way, a new hire generalisations about the
can learn how to schedule and time manage their day.
present situation (it is realistic;
The experienced tech could share their experience of
how they earned the respect and trust of the staff they do not know; they work
nurses. Earning the respect and trust of the nurses is on the night shift).
key for the nurses to feel comfortable delegating tasks. Modal verbs are used in
There are a couple of reasons why the nurses do not making recommendations
feel comfortable delegating tasks. Currently, there are (techs could switch shifts) or
no descriptions of the nursing work techs can talking about ability (techs
accomplish in hospitals (Minnick, Mion, Johnson, &
can accomplish; nurses cannot
Catrambone, 2007). It may be because they do not
know what tasks the techs can do. It was suggested delegate).
that a display be made of what the nurses absolutely The passive voice is used so that
cannot delegate to the techs. Seeing the information the writer can omit themselves
presented this way will show them the work that the
tech is capable of performing. By knowing the limits of from their writing
what can be delegated, a job will not be delegated (recommendations can be
outside the techs’ arena of job specifications. made; It is suggested), or in
order to omit an unknown doer
A limitation of this survey is that currently there are
only three techs and they work on the night shift. The of an action (a display be
survey would be better suited to be completed by the made). By using the passive
night shift nurses. Because it was easier we asked the voice the writer doesn’t have to
day shift nurses to complete the survey. On several
days we did ask the night nurses to complete the
mention who is going to make
survey, but it could have been done more often. the display.

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