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“I have seen the Lord.”
The Official Publication of the
Dominican Novitiate of the Annunciation John 20 : 18

First Issue:
March 2014 - October 2014

editor-in-chief: BR. SIDDHARTAB. CHIONG _ associate editor: BR. JOSE

layout artists: BR. JESIE N. ESTOY, BR. IAN JOEFFREY G.
MELENDRES _ vocation promoter: WILHELM B. BOÑON
production managers: BR. SAMUEL SONNY GUNAWAN,
Editorial iii 36 A Dialogue
Message from the with Myself
Master of Novices v “The novitiate is just the beginning of
my journey to my true end: Jesus Christ.”
HELLO STRANGER 40 An Encounter with My DNA Cell
“I need to befriend my unloved side, moreover to
Me and my God 04 embrace myself whole and entire…”
“Changing my perspective in life with God’s
guidance is the only way to face the challenges of
this way of life.” STUMBLE UPON
Strength in accepting Weakness 08
“I am truly loved beyond measure by Him 45 The Time When We Do Not Mind Being Vulnerable
who is my true strength.”
47 Donec Christus formetur in Nobis
Inner Peace 12
“I found new things in my life, bad and good; but I 49 A Happy Heart
did not stop only to see and face them, I also tried to
accept and embrace myself.” 50 Joyful Friars on a Joy Ride

A Glimpse of Myself 16
“I had to lose my fabricated self to find CROSSROADS
the worth of my real self.”
61 [Chronicled Encounters]
Mistakes Counted 20
“Life is not all about committing mistakes.” 95 1st CS SnapSHOTS
I encountered My Community 24
107 MY reTREAT capturedMOMENTS
“…and this knowledge of myself brings me closer
to God.” 115 Acknowledgements
Solitude: Finitude to Plenitude 28 117 Vocation Promotion
“Time could be either a friend or a fiend,
depending on one’s willing it.”

Wilhelm’s Haven 32
“I am not afraid… I am tied to Jesus and Mary.”

i ii

We were all excited and anxious about our new recognized the beautiful; and we marveled how both
adventure in the novitiate when we were approaching our could be in one. We discovered a new world!
vestition. Many of us hoped to know ourselves more, but we
ended up with an encounter. Some of us stumbled upon strangers We also encountered persons around
who have always been there. Some might have dialogued with a us, brothers not credentials, persons not
child inside. Some, in the seeming isolation, finally came face to masks. They say that in the novitiate we must
face with the beast they could no longer get away from. encounter a Person in an intimate and real
way; but this can only happen when we are
In the initial monotony of the novitiate, we had no choice ourselves, for He cannot dialogue with a
but to peer inside. Though at times life here seems boring, it façade, but only with the real us, ugly yet
is never boring as long as we keep our curiosities alive. As we beautiful. Fr. Enrico always reminds us that we
dug deeper, we encountered the ugly and scary, but we also do not live or die for an idea but for a Person,
and He is none other than Christ.

Our title, “I Encountered,” says just what

you will find in this issue of the DNA. On these
pages are our discoveries, our struggles and our
insights that are really from the “I” point of view.
I invite you to find out for yourselves just what we
have encountered.
Br. Siddharta B. Chiong

iii iv
v vi
01 02
Me and My God
Like a river that flows down until it meets the ocean,
like the sea waves that rise up in the ocean that come toward
the land to meet the sea shore and like the rain that falls from
the sky to meet the earth, one day our souls will return to their
origin, to meet the creator of all things, the Almighty God. The
life that we spend on earth is a part of the pilgrimage toward that
end. God planted his voice deep inside every human heart so that
people may have a constant relationship with him, till they reach
their ultimate end. But to listen to his voice and meet him, one
has to look for him in silence with a great desire.

Undoubtedly, the novitiate atmosphere encourages

and helps a novice to experience a great sense of serenity and
silence, both outward and inward, to look deeply into one’s life, to
go in search of God’s voice. It is there that I encountered myself
and my God.

The moments of silence, the times of personal prayers

and meditations where I spent time alone with myself showed
me the way to look into my life more deeply, instead of
looking at things in the surface level outside of my life. I began to
reflect upon my life experiences: good and bad, happy and sad,
Br. Nimanka Vihan Silva filled with lots of ups and downs. It is painful to recall some of
the incidents where I fell down in my life. But I began to realize

03 Me and my God 04
CHANGING I screamed;
No one heard.
my PERSPECTIVES I screamed louder;
LIFE with GOD’S No one cared.
GUIDANCE is the only

way to FACE the challenge of In dark I was caged
this WAY of LIFE And barely could I breathe.
Alone. Yes, I was all alone
With no one to blame.
that in my times of trouble, in my trials and tribulations, God had
mysteriously guided me, lifting me up from where I have fallen
Every sunset I trembled

- Came darkness amid darkness -
to better and greener pastures. I realized that God’s unending
And water would flood
love, mercy and compassion had covered me and protected me
Wetting me all over.
during those periods and led me on His way. I found the happy

moments and opportunities too which He had given me as
They passed by
blessings. They increased my desire to search for God’s presence
Yet with eyes on their left.
within me more and more, and to listen to his voice deep within
Hopeless was I,
my heart.
I questioned: “Do they really care?”
Changing my perspectives in life with God’s guidance is FEAR…
the only way to face the challenges of this way of life. For sure it I told I feared you.
is a process and I must continue it until I reach my ultimate goal. You drained all faith I’d got!
This encounter with myself and my God is just the beginning and Leaving me behind frightened.

I know it has a long way to go. So together with St. Augustine let
me say, “Lord, my heart is restless until I rest in you.” And this’s my cry:
“Come back not!”
Br. Nimanka Vihan Silva For I dread, yes, I dread
Seeing you concealing me.

05 Me and my God 06
Strength in
Accepting Weakness
Before I entered DNA, I thought I was already fully
grounded and strong enough to simply enjoy the adventure that
novitiate will provide. Having been into terrible hardships and
craziness of life before I entered the Dominican Order, I initially
perceived novitiate as an exciting but unchallenging stage of
religious formation that seems more of a vacation than a serious
period of deepening and strengthening one’s faith and vocation.
I’ve studied far away from home during my college years, lived
among crazy group of men, and never really had any fondness
to modern gadgets; hence the novitiate set-up is not so much a
shock for me. Nevertheless, I was very excited to experience the
newness and peculiarity of the so called novitiate.

As I gradually feel and immerse myself into the

challenges of the present moment, I started to realize how
wrong my initial impression of the novitiate was. It turned out
for me to be a radically different adventure from what I expected
beforehand. The excitement to experience silence and solitude
became a frightening battle to accept and overcome the ugly
and dark side of me. The enthusiasm to know myself more

Br. Jose Norman Bernardo F. Bajar became a painful confrontation with the real “me” which I always
deny and am embarrassed of. The zeal to keep on looking

07 Strength in Accepting Weakness 08

forward became an agonizing
struggle to reconcile with my wounded
past. The expectation to become stronger and
better as days went by seems to become a heart- I AM truly
breaking collapse and stripping of my sense of pride,
security, and certitude. “What in the world is happening to
LOVED beyond
me?” I asked myself. “Is not novitiate suppose to be a honey- measure by HIM who
moon or a stage of making me stronger, making me whole in is my TRUE STRENGTH
preparation for the next stage?”

Gradually, I started to feel helpless before my weaknesses. when in fact I should have prayed for the grace of self-
My vulnerabilities seem to be intensifying, and I feel breaking acceptance and freedom from inauthentic self.
even more in the areas that I am already broken. I tried to run away
from my weaknesses with all my energies, but still I ultimately I was crying out to God for an antidote but He led me
fail. I felt powerless and fragile inside. I became tired- tired of to what I needed by stripping me of even the little strength
struggling against my ugliness, tired of thinking what I should and security I have. He made me feel my vulnerability to make
be, tired of holding on to my perceived strength and stability. I room for His might in my life. He allowed me to be broken even
prayed to God to remove my weaknesses, but He seems to be more so that He can heal me, to be totally helpless before my
deaf; I prayed for strength but He seems to be busy about some weaknesses so that He can carry me in His arms, to be lost so
matters. that He can find me.

I came to a dead end. I stopped struggling; there are Yes, I am a terrible mess and a damaged good, but now I am
even times I give in. I became increasingly convinced that I am fully convinced, more than in any point of my life, that I am truly
not really strong and stable as I thought and pretended I was. loved beyond measure by Him who is my true strength. He loves
I came to fully realize that I am indeed weak and vulnerable, me so much to allow me to be broken and wounded so that His
broken and wounded. I stopped running and concentrating on infinite love and mercy may be made manifest in overwhelming
who I should be, and what I should become; and I started to feel and unbelievable ways. With St. Paul I can say, “Therefore I
at peace. I let go of false images, expectations, and deceptions I rejoice in my weakness that the power of Christ may rest upon
made for myself; and I started to feel free. Then I realized that me… for when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Cor. 12:9-10).”
I was asking God for the wrong things - strength and stability - Br. Jose Norman Bernardo Bajar

09 Strength in Accepting Weakness 10

Inner Peace
In the movie Kung Fu panda, the main character, Po,
really wanted to become a Kung Fu master; but he did not have
any knowledge or background in Kung Fu. Nevertheless be-
cause of his firm motivation, he became a good Kung Fu master.
Becoming a good Kung Fu master required from Po not only a
firm motivation but also a lot of practice and exercise.

Even though he did not have any background

in Kung Fu, he reached his greatest dream because he really
gave his best. In his last exercise, his teacher handed him the
secret weapon of a Kung Fu master: a mirror in which Po saw his
own reflection. At first he did not know what it means, but in the
end he realized that the true secret weapon is himself.

The journey in the novitiate for me seems like the journey

of Po. Novitiate for me is the preparation to become a
Dominican. In this novitiate I encountered many things, the new
and the old; but the most important one I encountered is myself.
Like Po’s confusion in seeing the meaningless mirror, I also
experienced feeling that way in this novitiate. When I saw myself
more clearly and more intensively, I found new things in my life,
bad and good things; but I did not stop only to see and face
Br. Samuel Sonny Gunawan them, I also tried to accept and embrace myself.

11 Inner Peace 12
One of the new things I
discovered in these several months encountering
in the novitiate is inner peace. The peace ENCOUNTER
which comes from my heart and makes me Kuya P.TM
really accept everything in my life.
W hat I have encountered
Moreover, inner peace is the condition I try to counter.
where I really accept the truth and W hat I cannot master
embrace myself, both good and bad. I tried to alter.
Inner peace itself cannot be found
outside of me. I did not make this Questions I cannot ponder
peace, but it came after sincerely and I tend to put asunder.
truly discovering myself. Should I go on further? Should I try harder?
Such queries put my mind into a state of yonder.
I found new
things in my life, Encountering means meeting face to face.
BAD and GOOD It does not necessarily mean the phase is like a race,
things; but I did NOT Nor its intricacies that of a maze.
Sometimes it’s just simply an ordinary gaze.
stop only to see and face
I also tried to Yes, it’s a verb, yet more than a part of speech.
ACCEPT and EMBRACE It varies, it differs, according to all and to each.
MYSELF At times it’s annoying like a screech,
But I know it has always something to teach.
Inner Peace really helped me to further
discover the truth about myself and Having seen, having heard,
accept everything inside of me. Every encounter tells that I did not get scared.
It does not really matter how I fared,
Br. Samuel Sonny Gunawan W hat is important is: I dared.

13 Inner Peace 14
A Glimpse
of Myself
In getting a hint of my deeper self, an anxious chill of
uncertainty fell on me. That day’s gospel words, “I have much
more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now,” was not at all
consoling. Jeremiah’s threats in the Office of Readings added
a prophetic dread. The upheaval of learning that the truths I
always held of myself were self carved idols was unnerving.
There were many more realizations that the novitiate slapped
on my face. Slowly I discovered a fluctuating identity of
relativism that “roller-coastered” through the years: no cosistent
sense of direction, no prevalent wisdom, no underlying
confidence in an intrinsic self worth but a mere aggregated mass
of inconsistencies finished up with an icing of arrogance.

As I plodded into the depth of my self, I felt a lonely

darkness that weighed me down; an acute regret for all the
years wasted; the deafening whispers of guilt; the sneering
shame of inadequacy and the oblivion of all I thought was good
in me. There are also the ill feelings for others that are simply a
redirection of a festering self-hate. My failures in self-correction
only brought a gnawing belief that all efforts were useless.
Br. Siddharta B. Chiong

15 A Glimpse of Myself 16
And so, the laziness
of grief and despair set in; but I
no longer heard the bolting of the door
of an unresponsive God, but the consoling
creaky sound of a door being opened and a warm on the Pond
breeze of faith that comforted my doubting self. LAUrence
As this hope shined through, I stepped back from this Fish and water, water and fish. this Lord
narrow self-absorbed dive and tried to see things from a As I look at the pond ThomSON
distance. I recalled my life and the serendipitous events that there is water and fish.
The water is till
brought me here, while clinging to the love my parents gave me. When worries come to my heart
and the fish is restless.
I started to be grateful for the answered prayers. I sought to find It seems like the fish
I call upon His name.
God in my life. I tried to see human realities in a more divine I know He loves me,
is to the water
light. Those experiences gave meaning to the “shocking” truth But how can I respond to His love?
And the water is to the fish.
of our faith: that God loves me, not for any good I have earned, ***
but simply because He is the author of love. This time in a more It is through
I have nothing to offer to you
meaningful way, not a mynah-like mimicry. I had to lose my St. Catherine that I learned:
No gold or silver to give
“As the fish is to the sea,
fabricated self to find the worth of my real self. But I just have myself for you…
And so the soul is to God.”
A thought that I ponder ***
It is not a very pleasant fact, for is it not the all-time as I look at the pond.
illusion to which nature clings as her last treasure, the pretense Just this I can offer to you, my life.
I am in God and God is in me.
Use my life as your instrument.
that she is intrinsically lovable for she has earned it, somehow?
Use my life forever and ever.
Yet as much as I proudly resisted, everything points to this The fish reminds me
humiliating, but most consoling love. of my union with God. ***
I cannot do anything
He’s the One who knows me well.
apart from the Lord.
What have I encountered? A glimpse of myself? Perhaps As the sea is to the fish,
He knows my weaknesses.
even glimpse is an exaggeration of my imagination. We are all in But still He called me.
and the fish is to the sea,
the same search for our true self with the optimism that once And invited me to walk with Him.
And so my soul is to God
found, we would encounter the very source of our being and and God is in me.
worth, God. Br. Siddharta B. Chiong

17 A Glimpse of Myself 18
Mistakes Counted
I was a postulant when tasked to do the lay-outing
for our year-end publications. I have a background on that,
yet I knew it was not enough that if only I was not that
presumptuous, I would have had shown reluctance
in accepting the said task. But, as I have just implied, it was
my arrogance that influenced me not to drop the offer. I did
the task the way I knew it without consulting those whom
I knew were better than me on that matter. And all I thought
I did a well-done job. Well, in a way, I can say I did. However,
something happened that I did not expect, allowing me to
swallow my own pride. After the printing, I learned I did a
shameful mistake, in fact a big mistake! Nonetheless, that
very experience deserves my gratitude; for such was a
mistake I will never forget as it now constantly reminds
me to get rid of those attitudes that conspired against me during
that incident.

Mistake... an unwise act, a by-product mainly of one’s

inveterate human tendency: pride! I am truly aware of the truth
that I have committed a lot of mistakes and what I have just
confessed is only one of the many. As a matter of fact, in just
considering my five (5) months of stay here in the novitiate, ah,
Br. Jesie N. Estoy I boldly admit, the mistakes I have encountered would be too

19 Mistakes Counted 20

many to enumerate...
from mispronouncing list of
words, when one time I was assigned
as second reader for the Office of Readings
(because I did not practice) to provoking enmity LIFE is NOT
among us novices (primarily because of my insensitive-
ness and callousness).
all about
committing MISTAKES
However, I realized that even committing a mistake is an
essential call of this novitiate. It is said that this novitiate stage
allows a novice to discover more deeply himself. Yet how could One who granted me will and freedom: chief causes greatly
one successfully discover himself if one becomes too constrained influencing me to constantly make mistakes.
by avoiding even the slightest mistake of all? Samuel Smiles, a
Scottish writer, wisely noted, “We often discover what we’ll do, I ENCOUNTERED MISTAKES! Yes I did. In fact it seems
by finding out what we’ll not do; and probably he who never as if mistakes have fallen in love with me, yet should I allow
made a mistake never made a discovery.” Mistakes, viewed from myself to be seduced… to respond to that love too? Definitely
a positive perspective and taken with constructive objective, are NO! Mistakes are indeed essential, however, a modicum of
in fact good sources of new lessons... of new discoveries leading common sense had convinced me to believe that life is not
one toward a new path to life. all about committing mistakes. More to the point, making a
mistake is only one of the many possible (and actually better)
Moreover, the sheer fact that I am not perfect provides ways in order to realize and learn the many practical calls of life.
me no assurance not to commit even a subtle mistake. I don’t It just so happens I feel, in a way, blessed that I am made frail
even have the control to prevent it from happening. Conceiving and fragile. And for now, I cannot talk about any other but what-
that thought convinced me to believe that mistakes are meant ever revolves around my frailty and fragility. And I would like to
to remind me of the fact that I am not perfect and there is no believe that, having realized all these, life itself is now
way for me to choose or to be whatever I want. Someone is encouraging and inviting me to explore the better way to
in control of whatever I am doing and wherever I am going. experience it. I am hopeful too that it will directly lead me to the
Furthermore (And I would say… to challenge myself…), the place where I could encounter the real me, as I also ultimately
best opportunity to learn the virtue of humility is freely long to encounter God.
provided in having realized all these. And hence, I have to accept Br. Jesie N. Estoy
that everything has something to do with the noble plan of the

21 Mistakes Counted 22
I Encountered
My Community
My mother, pertaining to married life, told me that I
will never know a person unless I live with her under the same
roof; for only when we start to live together to build a family will
our true characters begin also to unfold. If the two are not bound
by love, they will not become one. Love makes two persons
unite, and without love, there will be no unity but division.

If a married couple sometimes struggles to love, how

much more in a religious community? I have ten brothers to
love, including my Master in the novitiate. We all live under
one roof, we eat the same food, we have the same schedule.
Living with the community is painful, painful for those who have
crooked hearts. Only love can straighten a crooked heart. It may
be too painful, but that’s the only way. As Fr. Enrico said, “O Ma-
sakit? But that’s the only way.”

We are all living in common, but this common life

we have is not the prime reason that unites us together; it is
just a means for the community to perfect love for one an-
other. As what Fr. Gerard Timoner III, said, “We are in the
Br. Laurence Ryan V. Mata school of the perfection of charity.” I cannot change my
community. It is the community that will change me to perfect

23 My Community 24
...and this
MYSELF brings me boñonWIL
CLOSER to GOD Kung ang weather ay gloomy,
love, so that we can have one mind and heart in praising God. ‘di mo maiwasang maging moody.
Sa umaga feeling mo’y super happy,
Love can be learned. Fr. Enrico said that we can teach
our hearts to love. Love is not merely a feeling. That is why St. Sa hapon nama’y di ka mawari.
Paul gives us the definition of love so that we could not take it
wrongly. St. Paul gives us the very first definition of Love, and Sa cell ika’y ‘di mapakali sa kakaisip,
it has something to do with patience. He did not say that love Hanggang sa ikaw na ay makaidlip.
is sweet, love is fantastic, that it is fabulous and ecstatic; rather
he said, “Love is patient, kind, it is not jealous or conceited or Ginamit ang libro upang sa mata’y maitakip,
proud, love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable, love does Iniingatang ika’y di mahuli na ika’y asleep.
not keep a record of wrong; love is not happy with evil, but is
happy with truth (1Cor. 13: 4-6).” Our love for one another does Pero wag kang papalamon sa iyong lumbay,
not glorify us. Our love for one another glorifies the Lord. If we
truly love one another, we truly love the Lord. Dahil saglit lang yan sa ating paglalakbay.
Huwag kalimutang sa dasal ay isabay,
My encounter with my community leads me also to the
encounter with myself and God. I encounter myself realizing Upang pinagdadaana’y madaling mag-goodbye.
how imperfect my love is for God because I have an imperfect
love for my brothers. As what the scripture says, “whoever says Pero kahit na ika’y sometimes moody,
that I love God but hates his brother is a liar (1Jn. 4: 20).” My Hindi susuko ang iyong community,
encounter with the community leads me to the knowledge of
myself, and this knowledge of myself brings me closer to God. Gagawin naming lahat upang ika’y maging happy,
Upang ang damdamin mo’y maging mabuti.
Br. Laurence Ryan V. Mata

25 My Community 26
Finitude to Plenitude
Based on experience, whenever a day is set for solitude it
could mean plenitude—plenitude of time. Time for what? On
top of the list, it is a plenitude of time to sleep. Though, out
of dire need, it is sometimes considered a time to chase piled-
up assignments, an opportune time to cram; or it may simply
appear as a time to be diverted to other matters aside from silence
and reflection. Simply put, time for solitude could be a time lost
or a time used to compensate for what was lost.

I thought such perception of solitude could easily

persist without any confusion; or if they occur, I could effortlessly
ignore or evade them. I thought I could simply remain idle and
play an easy-go-lucky role with the abundance of time. After
all, novitiate is just a matter of time. It starts in a day and ends
in another, so why bother? For quite a time, I was confidently
convinced with this lie— putting aside what solitude really is
and simply following my own personal interpretation.

As if things are fast forwarded, I found myself still the

same— cramming and using the time allotted for solitude for
my selfish preferences in lieu of what solitude truly means. I still
Br. Ian Joeffrey G. Melendres disregard and neglect the thought of setting a time to encounter
myself and God.

27 Solitude: Finitude to Plenitude 28

Considering some moments
for reflection and prayer were still
unappealing because they look the same
with relaxation and sleep. So once again I thought,
“Why bother?” My perception of plenitude went on. I was
able to manage without so much interruption. Well, a grain
of regret surfaces from time to time but they were easily justified YET STILL UNSPOKEN
or excused. Pretensions came in handy and a smiling face and IESUS jc
cheerful disposition were feigned with no difficulty. Until at
some point of all these sham everything became meaningless. And what was that again?
I eventually got tired of playing hide and seek with myself. My Ah yes, ‘the I was’ isn’t it?
Oh how good it is to be here;
alternative mechanisms—sleep and idleness—were not that Talking about my ‘was’ weighs.
appealing anymore.
Would you mind if ask,
I realized the irony that too much rest made me tired Selfishness… pride… conceit…
instead of refreshed. Idleness turned out to be exhausting and All these I’ve become and still ‘am
And yet you’re so kind to me, WHY?
suffocating. More than that, the time I used to consider before
as plenitude became mere seconds of finitude. Hence, unlike ***
before, I start longing for solitude and am trying gradually to LOVE? You said ‘you LOVE me?’
Please tell me I heard wrong,
take hold of it with its true definition and significance in my For that which I don’t deserve
novitiate life, and hopefully, in the following years to come. And shame I can’t bear if you say ‘am right.
Indeed, time could either be a friend or a fiend, depending Seriously?
on one’s willing it. In my experience with how I use the time set And you assured I deserve it?
Oh these drips I can’t prevent from falling.
for solitude, I learned a lot. But learning it is not sufficient enough Know, then, that I… I…
for I have to further learn by putting them into action. It is in this
way that solitude could be a great opportunity for an encounter ***
Oh!!! And this what I hate
with myself and with God, which is to extend toward others. Reality’s now calling me,
It is in this way that finitude could be truly cherished so as to See you…
See you tom’ night.
bring forth plenitude.
Br. Ian Joeffrey G. Melendres

29 Solitude: Finitude to Plenitude 30

Wilhelm’s Haven
When I was asked to dig deeper or sail to the unknown
here in the novitiate, I certainly encountered a lot of storms,
trials, pains and failures in the midst of joy, success, happiness
and bliss.

Due to my discoveries about myself, I am thankful that

I found a place for myself to get my strength and my courage
to face these things, and this is my haven. Every person has his
own center. It is there that he seeks refuge, it is there that he
draws strength whenever he feels weak, it is there that he keeps
his very self.

I discovered this haven of mine by knowing myself

and accepting myself, which includes my strengths and weak-
nesses, my past and my present and my own personality. I am
able to accept all these with the help of Jesus and Mary. With
Mary, I found a comforting and loving Mother. Like my Mom,
she is merciful and is always there to help me. Whenever I have
trials or storms in life, I just go, pray and see her face that is so
calm, and I will be reminded that with her, no prayers will be
left unanswered. Mary, in her image in the Shrine, seems to tell
us: “This is my son Jesus, who is the answer to all your prayers.”
Br. Wilhelm B. Bo ñon Mother Mary gave me Jesus, and indeed, with Jesus I saw how
God loves me, how He accepted me with mercy and he gladly

31 W ilhelm’s Haven 32
welcomed me despite of
what I was in the past. Because
of these, I gradually accepted myself. I
learned how to forgive myself as Jesus had HENING
forgiven me. I learned to love myself as Mary had gunawanELSON
loved me despite of my weaknesses. Because of them
I understand myself better. Both of them are my epicenters Kudengar rintik hujan.
in my haven. In them I seek refuge, in them I
feel secured and in them I am strong even
Kudengar dayu lembut daun berkibar.
with those waves. I tied my vocation to their Kudengar suara hewan malam
protection. They are my haven. bersahut-sahutan.
Kudengar nyanyian katak dengan merdu.
I am NOT afraid,
I am tied to Kudengar suara detak jantungku
dengan seperti detak jarum jam.
JESUS and MARY Kudengar hembusan nafasku.
In this haven, I am anchored, I am safe.
That encounter with my haven helped me
Kudengar suara lembut dan
melayu memanggilku.
very much in facing my struggles here in
the novitiate, especially during my first Kudengar suara itu dengan jelas lagi.
months where I discovered a lot about Kudengar lagi suara itu makin dekat
myself. I know I will still encounter a lot dan makin jelas memanggilku.
here, but I am not afraid, I am tied to
Jesus and Mary. Together we’ll face those
Kudengar sebuah pertanyaan yang
dilontarkan kepadaku,
strong waves and they cannot crash me.
God’s love and the blessed Mother’s Siapkah engkau berjalan bersamaku?
protection would always be greater and Akhirnya dalam keheningan dan
stronger than any strong storm in my life. gelapnya malam aku berjalan bersama
Dia yang memanggilku.
Br. Wilhelm B. Boñon

33 W ilhelm’s Haven 34
A Dialogue
with Myself
What is novitiate for you?

It is a period of unforgettable and enriching encounters

with God and my real self.

What are those encounters?

I encountered God during the lowest points of my life

because during these moments I found Him to be the only
One whom I can cling to. One of those was an event when I
was slapped in the face with my shortcomings and disgusting
traits. That incident really broke my heart. I was so disturbed.
I prayed for peace because I cannot contain the tempest inside
me knowing that there is some truth in it. God is so good that He
granted my prayer.

I also had many encounters with my real self since I could

not have much scapegoats anymore. However, these encounters
were not easy. They are like digging a hole; the deeper I get the
darker and scarier it becomes. I even came to the point that
my mind was occupied with death for I cannot endure the pain
Br. Marc Adrian H. de la Pe ña and shame of knowing myself. So I asked the Lord to remove my

A Dialogue with Myself

35 36
burden. On the contrary,
He made me realize how selfish I am
for asking it. I suffer now because of my
own actions. The Blessed Mother and Jesus
suffered even more, though not caused by their fault. Who
am I, then, to complain and be spared from suffering? After
all, gold is tried by fire to bring out its true beauty; and running inLOVE
away from one’s true self is running away from one’s shadow. WILpreach
Thus, it is now a matter of choice for me whether to understand
and accept my real self and be free, although it is difficult, or just If you are in love,
run away from it all my life and end up being a loser. Between You feel like every day is a happy day.
the two I have already made my choice. May God’s will be done! You wake up smiling in the morning,
And you lie in the evening
THE with a happy heart.
NOVITIATE is just the BEGINNING If you are in love,
of my journey to my A minute would feel like a day,
TRUE END: JESUS CHRIST And a day would feel like a minute.
Every moment is so amazing,
Do you still want to say something? you can’t find words to say.
There is so much to do in the novitiate especially when I If you are in love,
started knowing, understanding and accepting myself. In fact, I Every person you see is a blessing.
feel sad and cheated when days seem fast and I did not use them And with them you would easily
well. Honestly speaking I would welcome the idea to extend smile and laugh,
my novitiate even for a month. Nonetheless, the novitiate is not My heart wants to praise
Him with singing.
the end. It is just the beginning of my journey to my TRUE END,
JESUS CHRIST. In this journey I will continue trusting Him so that All of them are asking,
when He finally calls me, I can say, “I have fought the good fight why is he so blissful and lovely,
to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith And he will answer them smiling:
(2Tim 4:7).” “It is because our God
never ceases to love me.”
Br. Marc Adrian H. de la Peña

37 A Dialogue with Myself 38

An Encounter
with My DNA Cell
“I huff and I puff and I will blow your house down...”
Sounds familiar? It’s the line of the big bad wolf in the famous
children story, “Three Little Pigs.” We know that in the fable the
wolf succeeded two times, with the straw and stick houses. His
breath failed him with the house made of bricks. Deconstructing
the story, what if the wolf is already inside the house of bricks,
will it defeat the very purpose of the brick, that is, protection
from outside forces?

We live in a formation house made of bricks, from the

oratory and refectory, to the library and comfort rooms, all are
constructed with this baked clay. I would just like to focus on
our rooms here in DNA, or as we call it, our Cell. It is where we
spend most of our day, thus it is a conducive place to nurture the
contemplative spirit in us. Its floor is made of smoothen wood,
it has Capiz shell windows, it has a small lavatory and a wooden
cabinet inside. We also have a scriptorium (a medieval term
for study table, with matching “feudal cracks!” Just imagine,
it has catered 25 batches of novices already) and a wooden
treasure chest, wherein we put our banig, pillow and other
important paraphernalia. One cannot but feel the medieval
Br. Paul Adrian C. Espino atmosphere, or at least the Spanish Era.

39 My DNA Cell 40
If not for the nearby
parking lot with the hustle and bustle
of vehicles, we would have thought that I need
we are in feudal Europe or even Old Castile, but
alas! we are in Manaoag, Pangasinan. Going further
with my medieval musings, are not castle made of bricks my UNLOVED
and stones suppose to stand arrows and spears? Its imposing side, moreover
moat cannot but move an army to flee. Isn’t that what happened to EMBRACE myself
to the big bad wolf? Thinking of it, it’s not even a brick castle yet, WHOLE and ENTIRE...
only a brick house, but he cannot handle it. Going back to the
question I posed, “What if the wolf was already inside?” for this is the only way that i can love
others. i must start with
my very self.
I guess it can be answered by yet another story, the
story of “the Wolf at Gubbio.” There was a town named Gubbio.
It is peaceful and the inhabitants were very happy, but it so The wolf inside my brick-cell is no other than the
happened that a wolf came in and kills two villagers. Two brave personification of the rejection of some part in me that I do
men offered to vanquish the wolf, but in the morning their bodies not like, that I would like to eradicate from my premises. No
were seen on the ground, mauled by the beast. So they sought a matter how strong I huff and puff, I cannot blow the “wolf” away.
man no other than St. Francis of Assisi. Francis went to the place No matter how much townspeople I send, they go back
where the wolf allegedly stays. The people became impatient defeated, simply because there is no other way, but to “feed
because the saint from Assisi was taking so long, but after that, the wolf.” In other words I need to befriend my unloved side,
Francis arrived with the wolf saying, “Feed your wolf, people of moreover to embrace myself whole and entire, for this is the
Gubbio.” They thought at first that this was just nonsense, but only way that I can love others. I must start with my very self.
still they tried it. Every night they left a piece of lamb outside
their door. I hope that my stay here in my cell at the DNA can
inculcate in my DNA that is found in my cell, the word
From that day on, the wolf did not hurt anyone, but ACCEPTANCE, of myself and others.
even more, became the guard of the town. In my brick cell, I can
really encounter the bad wolf in me. I tried to fight it, but I tend
to be defeated. I was like shadow-boxing, straining my energy. Br. Paul Adrian C. Espino

41 My DNA Cell 42
43 44
The Time When We misjudged (or simply judged). And worst
is the damage toward the relational
Do not Mind Being Vulnerable aspect of the community when intruding prejudices and
contempt are more earmarked among else. In spite of these
Br. Ian Joeffrey G. Melendres though, the activity goes on with its being usual and exceptional.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is Everybody shares, no exemption. Reactions break in
when brothers dwell in unity!” from time to time, ranging from a simple nod or reticent smile
(Psalm 133:1) to a booming retort or a boisterous laughter; from a most
concealed affection to a gesture of concern and consolation.
Some prefer telling concise generalities or hanging tales to elicit
A group of young male adults which may be likened to suspense, curiosity and to heighten one’s imagination, if not
fourth year college students by age bracket, notwithstanding really a diversionary sham. While others still convey redundant,
some professionals, gather around and share personal if not annoying, stories, yet they too express a lot. They too
experiences. Topics vary from time to time but there is in each
theme the allusion to one’s self. Perhaps, if not stipulated in the
schedule no such thing would occur. However, after some time
it can be observed that it is not that difficult for them to come
together as one. Why” Because it may not anymore seem as
mere obligation but a moment, a chance to share and to be
shared to, a privilege to listen and be listened to.

Of course, odds and dangers are likely to happen, and

they do happen. It may be made evident in one’s unfocused
attention and slouch disposition with drowsy eyes, if not
totally and deliberately closed. Then on the part of the sharer
comes the fear of not being heeded, misunderstood and even

45 A T ime Being Vulnerable 46

appear new and interesting. One
may surmise then how these “old” boys
have “lost their sanity,” acting like patients in a
therapeutic session. But mind you, they are just having
their fraternal gathering. In lowering their defense
mechanisms and being vulnerable to the extent of exposing their TREASURED
weaknesses, it appears they are catering familiarity to breed PRESENCE
contempt that could make its way through reserved prejudices or
straightforward criticisms—be it constructive or otherwise. Yes, Barely could I catch my breath;
they inevitably happen— not only sometimes but oftentimes! For endless rain poured beneath.
Agony lay behind my sheath,
And I was left alone in the heath.

I was being chased by grief.

I cried but of no relief.
And when I no longer contain the pain;
There I found You enjoying the rain.

Mere seeing You eased my sufferings…

Oh, I choose to stay in Your presence!
For a minute with You allowed me to feel no enmity
The gloomy ambience You changed into amity.
However, they more significantly prefer the other side of
the coin. That means to say that fraternal gathering is of great er
help than not, despite its being a struggle, to build a community
Oh Jesus, I desire to be with You…
not perfect, but at least authentic; a diversity of identities where Your presence is a treasure so precious!
one gradually understands and experiences how sweet to the Oh Jesus, turn not Your eyes away from me
ears and uplifting to both heart and spirit it is when sincerely For I dread seeing again
addressed with the word brother. that shadow trying to conceal me.

47 A T ime Being Vulnerable 48

However, this does not happen
Donec Christus formetur in Nobis instantly as much as there is no shortcut
(An Encounter with Fr. Eugene L. Cabillon, O.P.) to holiness, Fr. Eugene, O.P. said. He admitted that he
Br. Marc Adrian H. de la Peña himself is still struggling and is far from it. Yet he encourages
us not to give up especially when human weaknesses, evil
It is no longer I, but Christ thoughts, temptations and doubts come along the way. All we
who lives in me (Gal 2:20).” have to do is to be patient, because when we expect instant
For Fr. Eugene Cabillon, O.P., results we would just reap frustrations.
this is the perfect and true
ENCOUNTER with the Lord, Citing from his own experience, Fr. Cabillon, O.P. told us
that even after his novitiate he was just starting to know Christ,
and this only happens when
because novitiate, as the name denotes, is not the end; it is just
we allow Christ to be formed
the beginning. It is the place to realize that we still lack many
in us. It is not only having a
things, that we are not yet perfect.
friendship, an intimacy or
closeness with Christ, but a true union with Him. This is the aim
of formation, that we continue striving, struggling, and giving
our best until Christ is formed in us (Donec Christus formetur in

He continued that Christ lives in us when we know who

Christ is. We start knowing Him by learning about His life: what
He said, what He did, how He lived and how He loved. We have
to know that though Christ is fully God he is also fully man. Like
us He also felt pain, suffered and cried. From His humanity we
could identify ourselves and imitate Him despite our frailty as
long as we strive. From His humanity, we would share with His

49 Christ formed in Me 50
Mary, My Guide
Whenever we think that we are
already perfect the devil could easily Though my eyes are wide open,
make us proud. So the important challenge is To see absurdly I experienced so often.
to be constantly aware of what is happening inside us. As I try to explore the world so open,
Scarcely could I read its many omens…
In addition, he explained that the novitiate provides the The omens put to make known LOVE,
suitable atmosphere for silence, solitude, self-reflection, prayer Such is the force driving the doves up above.
and self-discovery that would help bring out our true self and True, then, the mist I can’t remove
offer it to God. Hence, he advised us not to take all these important For being alone I can’t move.

elements for granted. However, bringing out the real self is not Hence, a mother’s guide I need
easy because of our tendency to resist. Our true selves want To her I should pay heed.
to surface but we still do the opposite by hiding or denying the She who illumines so no one be led away
truth. Like removing masks and getting rid of our defenses, it Indeed, she’s the guide toward “The Way.”
is painful because they have already stuck deeply in us. In the
same way, it is difficult to accept what is true and so we resort to
pretensions. But resistance to the truth would cause greater pain How Beautiful You Are
and disorder in us. It is like stopping the heat from under the
volcano from coming out; this eventually would cause an Shimmering beauty that none on earth outshines;
inevitable and destructive eruption. You struck me in astonishment as I look at you!
Oh, at your glance you saw my weeping heart
Thus, he said that our primary task in the novitiate is to Which made you smile stunningly, soothing me suddenly.
discover and accept the real person in us, because it is the one
who would encounter Christ. The real person is the person whom My sins make me naked and vulnerable…
God wants us to be. The saints encountered Christ because they Oh please cover me with the mantle of grace you wear
allowed their true selves to come out. Bringing out the real self is And draw me closer to your Son Jesus our Lord
scary and difficult, but it is the only way to have a true encounter He who forgives and wholly loves a great sinner like me.
with Christ. So, let us continue striving “until Christ is formed in us
(Gal 4:19).” O Mother Mary, how beautiful you are!
Your beauty directs me to a reality up above.
Let the ENCOUNTER begin! And in your gaze I see the merciful eyes of God.
O Mother Mary, how beautiful you are!

51 Christ formed in Me 52
A Happy Heart and therefore, I pray to praise and thank
God for His goodness to me. I realized
Br. Jose Norman Bernardo F. Bajar also that I pray because I am a finite
creature. No matter how hard I try, with the best of my
“A prayerful heart is a joyful heart.” capacities, I cannot do all things. I am radically insufficient,
and I need God. No matter how much I fill my life with pleasures
This was the striking line that Fr. Anton uttered during and created goods, I am still lacking. I am radically incomplete
his opening speech for the common study on prayer; a line that and I need God. And so, I pray to acknowledge my limitedness
became viral and often repeated by brothers and sisters as the and dependence to God, who alone is the fullness of being.
common study progressed; and the same fitting line by which Moreover, I pray because I feel within me a desire to pray, a
our first common study concluded. I could not think, therefore, longing that points me to God as its fulfillment. I pray to express
of any better encapsulation than that line of my entire learning that desire, to open my heart for an encounter in love with the
experiences during our first common study. object of my desire, and to enter into a personal relationship
with Him who invites me to communion through the desire that
draws me to pray.

And what does praying do to me? Well, every time I pray

I become increasingly aware of how much I am loved by God, by
forgiving me for all my sins, and by giving me so much in life that
I could never completely thank through words. When I pray, I
become aware that am richly blessed, in spite of difficulties
Days after the common study, that striking line still and sufferings, first and foremost, because I live. God, infinitely
lingered in my mind. I started to reflect deeply and asked myself, blessed and perfect in Himself, has no need of me but He “freely
“What is it in praying that gives joy to me as a Christian? Why, by chose” to create me, to love me and to share in His own blessed
the way, do I pray at all?” life. Therefore, I live because I am loved. I was conceived in eternity
by Love and I was born in time through Love. And through prayer,
I examined myself, and I realized that I pray because I I open myself for a greater union with this Lover who loves me
believe in God. My life is not a coincidence, but has its origin, eternally, and this brings me serene joy in spite of the changing
purpose, and end in God. Everything I have is a gift from Him, circumstances and the vicissitudes of life.

53 A Happy Heart 54
Sydney Smith once said, “To love and
be loved is the greatest happiness of
existence.” And for me, that is also what
prayer is all about. Praying is relating; praying is loving - THE DOMINICAN FAMILY
a gift I receive and an act-response I give. I pray because I MATAryan
love, and I love because I am first loved unconditionally by God.

Common STUDY
We are gathered together in the love of the Lord
To pray together as one family
With you brothers and sister in Christ our Lord
With the prayers of Mary and St. Dominic.

On Prayer
We lift up our spirit and heart to our God
That we together unite all as one
To praise, to bless, to preach to the world,
In example and teaching of St. Dominic.

#SEEmorePICTURESonpage95 In sadness and joy, in giref or in woe,

In lifting our hearts we offer them all.
The more I pray the more I fall in love, the more I am We remember each other in praying to God.
transformed by Love, and the more I become one with the Our prayers unite us to God all as one.
Loveable Beloved. And just as love brings joy to the heart, and
radiates in one’s countenance, so is praying. How then could a Seek together our Lord, talk to Him in prayer.
prayerful person be grim-faced and gloomy?
Serving our brothers and sister is the act of prayer.
Like our holy father St. Dominic, the holy man
Indeed, he who truly prays, truly loves. And
In his search for Truth, served his fellow men.
he who loves is truly happy!

55 A Happy Heart 56
Joyful Friars on a Joy Ride
Br. Paul Adrian C. Espino

To celebrate our mid-year stay in the novitiate, our

Father Master gave us the opportunity to explore the Ilocandia.
Our trip is a modified visita iglesia. To mark every landmark, we
prayed to its church or churches. Heritage or not, cathedral or not,
we just wanted to feel God in a special way, in a special place, with
special companions. We traversed Ilocos Sur to Ilocos Norte,
from La Union to Laoag, From Pagudpud to Paoay, from Batac to
Bangui. The trip was filled with beautiful sound, either from the
a capella music rendered by the brothers or from the occasional
snoring sound of the tired travelers, or should I say, “exhausted

Our five senses were nourished by the journey. From

the beautiful sceneries, to the nostalgic smell of the province,
from the sound of the videoke to the tight grip in the Zipline.
Of course, the Ilocandia escapade will not be complete without
“u-turning” to its gastronomic avenues.

The joyride will not be, well, joyful, if not for the company.
We did not ride a barca going there, but ours I do believe
is more than a barcadahan, ours is a kapatiran. We are a
community of brothers striving to follow Christ, wherever He
asks us to go or should I say “follow Him wherever He may go?”
After all, “there isn’t a zip-line, too high,” right? #SEEmorePICTURESonpage107

57 Joyful Friars on a Joy Ride 58

59 60
March 29, 2014

Excited yet Nervous!

We are vested with the
Dominican Habit in Calamba
and welcomed by our
new community in Manaoag.
April 5, 2014
Fr. Vivian Boland, O.P., Socius of the Master
of the order visited DNA.
[and] Fr. Anton’s 17th Priestly Anniversary

Meet and Greet!

During the day, we had
a short talk with Fr. Boland, O.P.
and in the evening we had
our celebration of
Fr. Anton’s Priestly Anniversary
with some friends.

61 62
April 14, 2014

In the morning, we had the chance of joining the Friars of
the convent in the Lenten Recollection with
Archbishop Socrates Villegas.

April 13-19, 2014


Were you there?

We all actively participate in the liturgical celebrations of
the shrine from being the choir to sprinkling holy water, April 20, 2014
from way of the cross to joining the procession. EASTER SUNDAY

Christ is Risen!
We novices attended the
tradition of Salubong in the
dawn of Easter accompanying
the Mater Dolorosa in
meeting her Son, the Risen Lord.

63 64
April 15, 2014

New “Servants!”
In the morning, we had our April 26 - 27, 2014
first election, with Br. Nim OPlaro with SENIORS
as the elected decano and
Br. Ian as sub-decano. Selfie... Look-up...
For two days, we had our OPlaro
Junior and Senior Edition.

65 66
April 27, 2014
with Bishop Socrates

Welcome and Goodbye!

Our dear Bishop Soc
gave us a splendid
dinner to welcome April 29, 2014
us Juniors & to say 1st MENSIVERSARY & INDUCTION
farewell to our Seniors.
April 28, 2014 So Help us God for more months!
DESPEDIDA PARTY We marked our first month
here in the novitiate through
Gratias Fratres! painting and cleaning
We, Junior Novices, prepared an the ponds.
unforgettable despedida
program for our beloved
Senior Novices.

67 68
May 5, 2014

Viva Apo Baket!

We celebrated the town
fiesta joining the Parish
in their Food Fair in the
Pilgrims center. In the
afternoon some of the
brothers served in the mass as Lectors and Psalmist. After the
Mass was a procession together with the myriads of pilgrims
and devotees of Apo
Baket. Happy Fiesta!!!

May 1, 2014

Congratulations and God bless!

We are now officially the only Novices since our Senior
Novices had their First profession and now they are
called: Brother Coristas! Ingat and See you there!

69 70
May 24, 2014

Pinoy Box Office Hit

May 20, 2014 We celebrated our bunso’s birthday with a theme about
40th PROFESSION ANNIVERSARY Filipino Movies. The brothers had the parade of Actors in the
DNA Pinoy Film Fest.
More Years!
This marks the 40th
Profession Anniversay
of Fr. Jerry Manlangit, O.P., Prior
of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.
May 22, 2014

An evening with him!

Br. Mike Sales, O.P.,
visited us here in the
novitiate, and as part
of his visit, he gave
an inspiring talk.

71 72
June 9, 2014

Second Childhood?
We celebrated the
23rd birthday of our
Kuya Norman by
reminiscing his and our
favorite anime characters.

May 29, 2014

2nd and 44th

A day of double celebration!

Fr. Anton celebrated his 44th birthday today,
while we, his novices, celebrated our 2nd month in the DNA.
Dinner with family and friends topped the day.

73 74
June 15, 2014

To Dance with our Fathers Again...

June 12, 2014
We shared our memories of our beloved
fathers in the DNA Oratory. Our father
master listened as we recalled our memo-
Mabuhay ang Bansang Pilipinas!
ries with one of the most important
The day started with a flag
person in our lives.
Ceremony. Mga larong pinoy,
were played in the afternoon.
In the everning, after our dinner,
Fr. Anton shared to us his
experience as a Filipino abroad
by letting us see the video he
made during his studies in
the Netherlands.

75 76
July 1-7, 2014

June 29, 2014 Halina, Espiritu Santo!

3rd MENSIVERSAY Fr. Gonzales, O.P. held his class on the Gifts of the Holy
Spirit, while Fr. Jepoy, O.P. had a short seminar on
The His3 continues... Liturgy and Liturgical Music.
We personalized Vigil
Candles and lighted it
at the candle gallery.

July 18, 2014


Dance for a Cause...

The parishioners,in
July 03, 2014 view of greeting their
SIDD @ 21 parish priest,
organized a Dinner
DNA gods and godesses. Ball held at the
We celebrated the 21st Pilgrim’s Center. We, novices,
Greek-inspired birthday joined the dinner, while
of our Br. Siddharta. listening to the live band and
The Hellenism of the mañanita of the BEC’s of
Alexander is still at work, the Parish.
west meets east!

77 78
July 23, 2014

Happy Birthday, Fr. Eugene!

July 19, 2014
Our teacher in Christian Spirituality and a novice master for
many years celebrated his birthday today. It was attended by
some of his relatives, together with the Our Lady of the Holy
Back to the 80’s...
Rosary community.
In line with Kuya Nim’s bday
celebration, we had our
dinner here in the novitiate,
afterwhich followed the
parlor games.

July 20, 2014


We, garbed with our surplices,
served in the mass presided by
Archbishop Socrates Villegas, July 24, 2014
wherein 8 2nd TERM ELECTION
seminarians Sa Isa Kong Boto!
were admitted We voted for our
as theology new set of officers
students. to lead us in the 2nd
term of our novitiate.
Br. Lau was elected
decano, and Br.
Elson as sub-decano.

79 80
August 2, 2014

In advance...
We joined the feast
celebration of the
Dominican Laity
Region 1 at Sapang,
Manaoag. The
celebration started with
the Holy Mass, presided August 3, 2014
by Fr. Eugene, OP.
Second time around...
So help us God! After serving in the admission
To mark our fourth mensiversary celebration, Fr. Jerry gave of the MHC theology students,
us a talk about discernment here in the Novitiate. After our today, we helped again in the
evening prayer, we had our Induciton for the newly elected liturgical celebration of their
and appointed 2nd term officers. installation for the lectorate.

81 82
August 7, 2014 August 8, 2014

‘Twas fun!!! Happy Feast Day!!!

We joined in the celebration of the feast Our Holy Father We had a high mass to start our celebration today. Fr. Prior
Dominic at Letran Manaoag. All of us acted as judges during presided the mass with Bishop Soc as special guest.
the competitions. After which, we had our lunch and games Games were played in the morning, and holy hour @ 11 - 12
together with the Missionera Sisters and a.m. to commemorate the feast of our holy father. We also
the school’s staff. venerated his relic during evening prayer.

83 84
August 24, 2014

August 16, 2014 Hail Mary!

INDONESIAN INDEPENDENCE DAY The saintly mynah who always
chants Hail Mary and Our Father
Merdeka! passed away. We buried it in the
We celebrated the 69th indoor garden to remind us
Independence Day, spearheaded “to talk with God and About
by our Br. Elson. Our appetites were God.”
tickled as we partook August 29, 2014
of the Indonesian 5 MENSIVERSARY


banquet he prepared,
while our minds were
filled as he shared Something new and exciting!
the history of his We celebrated the Araw ng Wika
beloved country. in a pretty unusal way. We said
our well-wishes and greetings
in our own respective dialects in
commemoration of our 5th menSi
August 17, 2014 .

Mendicant Preaching!
We woke up early,
nevertheless full of energy.
Actually, we literally danced
our way while encountering
new and old faces. Indeed,
the Dominican Family is
“ever ancient and ever new.”

85 86
September 28, 2014

September 4, 2014 Thank you for the music...

SELAMAT ULANG TAHUN ‘SON! We appreciated the gift of music as we joined our
Br. Laurence in celebration of his 20th birthday. We serenad-
“All about China” ed not on the strike of 12 m.n. but at the dawn of his birthday
We celebrated the 22nd birthday of our beloved Br. Elson (first time!).
today. And to reminisce his Chinese ancestry. We ate
Chinese cuisine and delicacies.

September 6-7, 2014


“We Gathered” at the DNA community area for the final words of
the Father Provincial, Gerard Francisco Timoner III, after our
individual talk with him.

87 88
October 5, 2014

Maria sa Puso ninuman...

September 29, 2014
We are privileged once more to
witness the patronal feast of our
Lady of the Rosary. We joined the
Faithful to the END!
mass presided by Fr. Gerard
To mark this day’s celebra-
Francisco Timoner III, O.P.,
tion, we invited Fray Mergal to
our prior provincial.
give us a talk about our mensi
theme. Watching movie outside
made our 6th mensi more re-
markable. We had also our din-
ner outside. When we returned
to the novitiate, we sealed in a
“time capsule” all our wishes
and hopes for the other half of
our novitiate.

89 90
October 6, 2014

“We ever say goodbye…but can we ever learn how?”

The DNA was filled with an atmosphere
different from anything we had before. With
hearts filled with uneasiness, we thank the
two brothers, specifically for the gift of
their presence. Hugs and messages were
exchanged, trying to hold every moment, to
capture emotions and to try pondering it in
our hearts.

October 9, 2014

Happy Feast Day “Holy” Novices

We started the day’s celebration by celebrating a mass in the
DNA Oratory. In that mass the envelopes that contained our
peer evaluation was blessed. We had Louis Bertrand’s
reliquary exposed in a special pedestal adorned with
flowers. We had a boodle fight inspired lunch. During
recreation, games were played, memories shared, laughters
exchanged. All these in thanksgiving to Jesus who called us
to be Novices and to honor Louis Bertrand our patron.

91 92
October 10, 2014

DNA All-Stars
Today, we joyfully celebrated the 20th birthday of our dear
brother Ian. Of course, the celebration will not be complete
without VIDEOKE... considering the fact that Br. Ian is
undeniably a good singer!

October 10, 2014


Dominican Laities
from Indonesia,
after visiting Our
Lady of Manaoag,
detoured and found
their way going here
in the Novitiate.

93 94
On Prayer


[ SEPTEMBER 08 - 12, 2014 ]

“We are gathered together in the love of the Lord...”
those line from the song “The Dominican Family” was
prevalent in the air throughout the 5 days that we,
Dominican novices, were gathered. Not really as
classmates but as brothers and sisters
striving to do God’s work.

With the guide of our formators,

we tackled a very important element in the life of a
Dominican, the very well-spring of a Preacher’s Message, no
other than PRAYER. St. Catherine of Sienna helped us with
her “Images” while St. Dominic is much
present with his 9 ways of Prayer.

95 96
FiRst Day
FiRst Day

97 98
secoNd Day
secoNd Day

99 100

thiRd Day
thiRd Day

FouRth Day

103 104
Fifth Day
Fifth Day


[ OCTOBER 20 - 22, 2014 ]
‘‘ To celebrate our mid-year stay in the Novitiate,
Fr. Master gave us the opportunity to explore the Ilocandia.
Our trip is a modified visita iglesia. To mark every landmark,
we prayed to its church or churches. Heritage or not, cathedral
or not, we just wanted to feel God in a special way, in a special
place, with special companions. We traversed
Ilocos Sur to Ilocos Norte, from La Union to Laoag,
from Pagudpud to Paoay, from Batac to Bangui. The trip was
filled with beautiful sound, either from the a capella music
rendered by the brothers or from the occasional snoring sound
of the tired travelers, or should I say exhausted itinerants?”

107 108
109 110
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Minor Basilica and Shrine
of the Our Lady of Manaoag
We would like to thank God, the Blessed Virgin
and the following:

Fr. Bruno Cadoré, O.P.

Fr. Gerard Francisco P. Timoner III, O.P.

Dominican Province of the Philippines

Bahay Dominiko

Priory of Our Lady of the Rosary

Fr. Jerry R. Manlangit, O.P.
Fr. Greg F. Gregory, O.P.
Fr. Eduardo M. Alapide, O.P.
Fr. Eduardo N. Negrete, O.P.
Br. Bonifacio F. Mergal, O.P.
Br. Raymundo H. Bayaras, O.P.
Fr. Teodoro A. Goc, O.P.
Fr. Bienvenido S. Trinilla, O.P.
Fr. Eugene L. Cabillon, O.P.
Fr. Roland D. Mactal, O.P.
Fr. Anthony A. Eudela, O.P.
Fr. Charles Moises L. Barrientos, O.P.
Fr. Bejay P. Namuag, O.P.

Convent of Sto. Domingo

Convent of St. John Lateran
Convent of St. Raymond of Peñafort
Convent of St. Albert the Great
Priory of St. Thomas Aquinas

Fr. Honorato C. Castigador, O.P.

(Spiritual Director)

Most Reverend Socrates B. Villegas, D.D.

(Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan)

Families, Friends and Benefactors


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