AV3 - de Thi Speaking 215

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 Part 1: Personal information (03 minutes)

Examiner: Candidate A, let’s talk about celebrations.
1. Do you like going to parties?
2. What do you like to do at parties?
Thank you.
Examiner: Candidate B, let’s talk about accommodation.
1. Do you live in a house or an apartment?
2. What’s your favorite room where you live?
Thank you.
 Part 2: Picture description (03 minutes)
Note: The examiner gives each candidate a picture and then collects it after the
candidate finishes the description.
Examiner: Now I’d like each of you to talk on your own about something. I’m going to give
each of you a picture and I’d like you to talk about it.
Candidate A, here is your picture.
Candidate B, you just listen.
Candidate A, please tell us what you can see in the photograph.
(Candidate A: …………)
Thank you.

Examiner: Candidate B, here is your picture.

Candidate A, you just listen.
Candidate B, please tell us what you can see in the photograph.

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(Candidate B: …………)
Thank you.

 Part 3: Discussion (04 minutes)
Note: The examiner gives the two candidates their test paper of part 3 so that they can
prepare the discussion together for 1 minute before they start talking together for 2
minutes. The examiner collects the test paper after the two candidates finish the
Examiner: Now, in this part of the test you’re going to talk about something together for
about two minutes. I’m going to describe a situation to you.
A group of friends have decided that they want to improve their health and
fitness. Here are some things that they could do.
Talk together about the different activities they could do and say which would
be most enjoyable.
All right? Now, talk together.
(Candidates: …………)
Thank you.

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 Part 4: Follow-up questions (02 minutes)
Examiner: Candidate A, what do you do in order to stay fit and healthy?
(Candidate A: …………)
Candidate B, do you like eating fast food? why (not)?
(Candidate B: …………)
Thank you. That is the end of the test.

1/Hobbies and interests

1/ Tell us about your hobbies and interests
- Have you got any hobbies?
-> Yes, I have. Some of my hobbies such as reading books, enjoy playing music, watching
movies, and hiking in my free time
2/ Are there any hobbies you used to have that you don’t do anymore?
 I used to love playing video games, but now I spend a lot of time studying and working so I'm
not interested in it anymore.

3/ Is there a hobby you would like to start?

 I've always been interested in photography, but I haven't had the opportunity to explore it.

4/ What do you like to do at the weekend?

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 at the weekend, I usually spend time with family and friends, relaxing, reading, exercising,
watching movies or TV shows, listening to music, or pursuing hobbies and interests.

5/ What do you like to do to relax?

 I usually read a book, exercise, watch movies or TV shows, listen to music, or pursue hobbies
to relax.

6/ Do you like doing activities alone or with other people?

 I like doing activities with other people because we can do many things together such as can
enjoy delicious food together and explore many places. In addition, it helps me build
relationships, and share experiences with others.

7/ How often do you do exercise?

 I exercise regularly for 30 minutes every day in the morning, this is very good for my health
and helps me mentally to start the day8/ What are the most popular hobbies in your

8/ What are the most popular hobbies in your country?

 maybe singing, because I see most people are interested in music and love to sing.

9/ Do any of your friends have an interesting hobby?

 yes, that's my friend and friend. she has an interesting hobby of volunteering, which means
so much!

10/ What do you do when you get home from studies or work?
11/ Are there any hobbies you wouldn’t like to do?

Mã đề: 215 Trang 4

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