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I. Approaches of teaching grammar:

a. The Deductive Approach - “Rule-driven learning” approach

This traditional approach involves presenting students with rules and explanations about
grammar, followed by practice exercises to apply those rules.

The teacher provides explicit instruction, often using textbooks or grammar reference
materials, and students practice applying the rule, orally and in writing such as drills,
worksheets, and sentence construction activities....


b. The Inductive Approach - “Rule developing” approach

This approach induces the learners to realize grammar rules without prior explanation. the
inductive approach encourages students to discover grammar rules through examples and
guided practice.

The teacher presents authentic language examples or texts where students analyze
patterns and draw conclusions about grammar rules. This method promotes critical
thinking and active engagement in the learning process...


Advantages Disadvantages

- This method helps students to compare - This method cannot develop the
the ideas in the grammar of their mother communicative ability among learners
tongue and their second or first language. - The learners become inactive during
- The learner can try the grammatical classroom teaching because it is not
questions and worksheet very easily. student-centred but teacher-centred.
- The learner can respond effectively and - In classroom teaching, there is hardly
can explain rules, structures, etc.... any use of audio-visual aids....


Advantages Disadvantages

- The inductive method is based on the - This method is not useful in crowded
theory “From example to generalisation”. classes, multi-level classes, exam-
- This method helps students to oriented courses …
understand the difference between - The institute must be ready to focus on
particular notions in the grammar of L1 the language aspect, not the mark
and L2/FL. criteria. In this method, the teacher has
- This method is student-centred. to use a modern method of teaching
- The learners learn the particular language.
grammar point through use. First, they - Teachers need to spend a lot of time
have to deduce the meaning, and later, doing lesson planning.
they generalise the form or structure....

c. Inductive-Deductive Method: This method of teaching grammar proves very

successful and advantageous as it becomes practical, real and scientific.
Step 1: Students are given some ……………………… of similar types.
Step 2: Students try to find out ……………………… by analyzing or observing these examples.
Step 3: Students are asked to draw some ………………………
Step 4: Then the teacher will give the ……………………… and new examples and ask her pupils to
……………………… the rules.
Step 5: Students join in …………………… applying the rules in different …………………….
1. Presentation

In this stage, the teacher presents the new language in a meaningful context.

For example: using stories, realia or flashcards

Then, the teacher lets students discover and verify the rules with more examples.


2. Practice

The activities must be fairly controlled at this stage as students have only just
met the new language. During this stage of the lesson, it is important to correct
phonological and grammatical mistakes. Many students' books and workbooks
have exercises and activities which can be used at this stage.

Numerous activities can be used for this stage, including gap-fill exercises,
substitution drills, sentence transformations, split sentences, picture dictations,
class questionnaires, reordering sentences and matching sentences to pictures.


3. Production

In this stage, we ask students to work more freely with meaningful activities
which allow students to practise the language more freely.

Ex: Information gaps, role plays, interviews, simulations, finding someone who,
spotting the differences between two pictures, picture cues, problem-solving,
personalisation activities and board games.

I. Summarize the principles in designing lessons for very young learners
Rule 1: Mind the meaning of structures
Rule 2: Use TPR for all structures
Rule 3: Teach the answers first
Rule 4: Do the role-play model
II. PRACTICAL PART: Design the steps for teaching those structures
1. How many…? … (Topic: toys)
2. Is she/he…? Yes, he/she is/No, he/she isn’t. (Topic: feelings)
3. What are you wearing? I’m wearing… (Topic: clothes)
4. Who’s this/that? This/that is my… (Topic: family)
I. Summarize the principles in designing grammar lessons for young learners
Rule 1: Know what students have already learnt
Rule 2: Understand the lesson limit
Rule 3: Break it into small pieces
Rule 4: Understand the importance of each part
II. PRACTICAL PART: Break out those grammar points into small pieces & timeline
1. Present simple
2. Past simple
3. Present perfect
4. Type 2 condition (If 2)
Think-pair-share (TPS) is a collaborative learning strategy where students work
together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned task.
(1) think individually about a topic or answer to a question
(2) pair with a partner and discuss the topic or question
(3) share ideas with the rest of the class.
1. Increasing students’ participation
Discussing with a partner maximizes participation, focuses attention and engages
students in comprehending the reading material. Whether students join in a fill-in
lesson with open-ended questions, the discussions generated by the students in the
class are truly interesting.
2. Build up students’ confidence
Some students feel safer and more relaxed when talking in small groups, rather than
speaking in front of the entire class. The Think-Pair-Share activity allows them to
feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts.
3. Build up other skills
It teaches students to share ideas with classmates and builds oral and social
communication skills. This strategy also improves students' speaking and listening
skills. When pairs brainstorm together, each student learns from their partner. This
can help students expand their vocabulary by learning new words from their peers
and building on their prior knowledge.


 Write – Pair – Share
Since the words are writen down, it feels a lot safer and easier for the learners to get
started with English.
 Think – Group Desision– Share
Give your opinion and decide the final answer with your group
Concept Check Questions are questions used to check whether students understood the
meaning of a given lexical or grammar item.
- Yes/No questions
- Open-ended questions
- True or False statements
Example 1: Grammar: Simple Present and Present Continuous
Example 2: Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense
Example 3: After introducing an activity or a game

- Don’t stop at a question
- Call students randomly
- Avoid excessive explanation
- Give them time to answer
- Don’t be afraid of the quietness

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